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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


I'm burning through DS9 episodes left and right. Almost done with the second season now.

Still don't like most of it.
Just saw Conspiracy again for the first time since like, forever.

Damn that episode's dark. Great music though, reminds me of Mass Effect.
I really can't remember it being so graphic. Maybe us in NZ got the cut UK version, not sure.

As if the exploding head wasn't enough, the screaming creature was pretty horrific.


I really can't remember it being so graphic. Maybe us in NZ got the cut UK version, not sure.

As if the exploding head wasn't enough, the screaming creature was pretty horrific.

Riker and Picard's total look of loathing and "screw opening a dialog, kill the thing" is pretty great too.


I never really noticed until that gif since it's so brief in the actual show, but that head looks WAAAAY too small for the body to me. Throwing me off bigtime.
One other thing about that episode is when Riker is kickboxing Admiral Quinn, Riker's stunt double is so hilariously not Riker. It's almost like one of those parody movies where the stunt double is nothing like the actor. The blu-ray probably made it worse.


I'm burning through DS9 episodes left and right. Almost done with the second season now.

Still don't like most of it.

I finished DS9 on Friday

I was let down in season 7, season 6 was amazing. I especially didn't like how sisko just kind of tackled dukat and that's how he "saved" bajor. I wanted them to duel with energy blasts like Kira and Jake did when they got possed. However sisko and dukat should have been doing much bigger battle. Also the last battle wasn't really shown on screen, so that was rather fucking lame. Season 6 was amazing.

But the character who pissed me off the most was juettzea Dax, so stupid for being so old.

They didn't use Basiher enough, and O'Brien should have gotten at least one promotion.

Worf was well used and a bad ass.

Odo kinda disappointed me as well. Always being xenophobic times ruined how his character was supposed to be looking for justice(until it came to his own people then he gladly threw away that principle).

Wish they explored section 31 more.

I was happy that every red group member got destroyed. Arrogant assholes who weren't as good as they were told. I actually smiled when their leader got his whole crew killed. Also wtf at promoting people-at-will, like wtf.

I didn't like how the jem-hadar stopped being intelligent, but I knew that was because of being a different breed altogether.

Kira was getting annoying mid way in season 5 with her self-righteousness. However season 6-7 really made her character grow.

Needed more Garrack as well.

They should have also used more races in the war with the dominion, even introducing another race somewhere in the alpha quadrant(not that I know what races there are)

And damn vulcans are fucking racist pieces of shit in ds9. Maybe I'm too used to Spock/his brother/heck even tuvok.

I also didn't really like Cassidy Yates, she was eh at best.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I finished DS9 on Friday

I'm only on season 6 and I'm loving but I agree with most of your points so far. The series is pretty damn good but they could've taken it much farther.
It finally arrived. :D


I was a bit worried about some of the markings. In one video review it had "USS Excelsior" on the secondary hull. But not here, Enterprise all the way.


It even comes with a spare set of batteries. But they won't be installed until Tuesday.

The B really feels like the Enterprise that time forgot. It's not reviled as much as the later ones and not as loved as the earlier ones*

*By late/early I mean the ones that came out after Generations not canonically like C,D etc.


The B really feels like the Enterprise that time forgot. It's not reviled as much as the later ones and not as loved as the earlier ones*

*By late/early I mean the ones that came out after Generations not canonically like C,D etc.

Only Enterprise I "revile" in that sense is the JJ Enterprise. Ruins Probert's deco design and doesn't bring any new features to the table like the D and E did.* Only really nice part of it is they resurrected the iridescent finish we barely saw on screen and that was lost after the original model was repainted.

*I can't really count the B and C because they were specifically designed to link the -A and -D; even before we saw the B there was speculation that it was an Excelsior-style ship, and so that went into bridging the Excelsior-Galaxy divide with the Ambassador. They're really not realized designs on their own.


Kills Photobucket
It's because the B wasn't a big reveal. The Original Enterprise and the movie Refit, the Enterprise was the first time we saw that ship. Same thing for the C, D and E. The B was a refit Excelsior Class Starship, something we had seen plenty of in both the original films and throughout TNG.


Canadians burned my passport
IIRC, there were plans for a Star Trek Excelsior TV show staring Takei. Can't remember if that was suppose to take place on the Enterprise B or whatever, but it would have been nice to see more of the Excelsior class. It's a really nice design and a pretty good bridge between the two eras.
There are slight differences:


But I doubt Diamond Select would go to that much length. I just think it'd be cool to have one that has NX-2000 rather than NCC-2000, from a purely collecting point of view.
Started Season 3 of Enterprise, and straight away the Xindi are finally amazing. I want to see more of the bug like creatures, such a break from the Star Trek Norm.


even before we saw the B there was speculation that it was an Excelsior-style ship

The fact that the B was Excelsior class and that the C was Ambassador, as well as their basic outlines, was in the TNG Technical Manual long before either was shown on screen.

Wasn't really speculation.


The fact that the B was Excelsior class and that the C was Ambassador, as well as their basic outlines, was in the TNG Technical Manual long before either was shown on screen.

Wasn't really speculation.

TNG Tech manual ≠ canon, though. Most people were going back the ships in Picard's office.
The fact that the B was Excelsior class and that the C was Ambassador, as well as their basic outlines, was in the TNG Technical Manual long before either was shown on screen.

Wasn't really speculation.

While it was assumed that the B would be Excelsior, the Technical manual was actually printed in 1991 during TNG's fifth season/ while VI was filming as it references both so the C being Ambassador was already known since "Yesterday's Enterprise had long since aired. I know cause I have it staring straight at me. It also surmises that the E was to be a Nova class vessel.
Why didn't the Federation borrow a cloaking device from the Klingons or use the phase cloak instead of getting into bed with the Romulans? I guess the writers wanted to involve a new source of conflict with the Romulans but wouldnt it make sense just to do it that way?
Why didn't the Federation borrow a cloaking device from the Klingons or use the phase cloak instead of getting into bed with the Romulans? I guess the writers wanted to involve a new source of conflict with the Romulans but wouldnt it make sense just to do it that way?

The Federation's treaty to not use cloaking devices is with the Romulans, not the Klingons. Making a deal with the Klingons in that manner would have antagonized the Romulans. Best go with them.


While it was assumed that the B would be Excelsior, the Technical manual was actually printed in 1991 during TNG's fifth season/ while VI was filming as it references both so the C being Ambassador was already known since "Yesterday's Enterprise had long since aired. I know cause I have it staring straight at me. It also surmises that the E was to be a Nova class vessel.

Huh. It was printed later than I thought.


okay this has to be one of my favourite synopsis' of any trek ep..

S05E05 "Disaster" said:
When the Enterprise's systems are disrupted after hitting a quantum filament, Troi is left in command while Capt. Picard is stuck in the turbolift.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Still got my copy too. Although I really wish I still had this:

Think it got lost somewhere between me moving countries.

I wonder about that cutaway, at least in regards to the main shuttlebay. Some other sources seem to indicate that nearly the entire raised oval superstructure beneath the bridge comprises part of the main shuttlebay, not just the rectangular section behind it. The thing is supposed to be enormous, with room for probably dozens of shuttles each in their own little alcove.
Yeah it's probably not very accurate. The saucer slope from the neck looks way too steep, and there isn't even a recess for the battle bridge.
Finally got myself S2 and S3.

Gonna take me a while to get through these. I still think blu-ray slightly ruins things like this. There are... details I'd rather not see lol.



okay this has to be one of my favourite synopsis' of any trek ep..

Have you seen TNG S8?


My personal favorites:
A nymphomaniac worm controls Riker’s mind and body to seduce the Enterprise's female crew. Nobody notices, it eventually dies of old age.

Picard discovers a map inside his favorite dulcimer. Worf experimented with being dishonorable in college, but swears he never enjoyed it.


I still don't even have S1/S2 on DVD. Before anyone asks, yes I like seasons 1 & 2 warts and all.

Me too. One thing I can say about TOS and TNG Trek is even at its worst, most of it is still watchable, even enjoyable. Maybe in 20 years I'll have the same feeling about the really bad DS9, VOY and ENT shows, though I doubt those will have the same advantage.
I'm actually enjoying it. I've never had TNG on VHS/DVD/Blu-ray before, so it's nice to go back to some episodes I haven't seen in decades almost. Even the bad ones.


Watching Wrath of Khan with my wife, who's seeing it for the first time. Taking a quick break at the midway point -- after Enterprise meets the Reliant -- and she loves it so far. (She was already a TNG fan.)

Edit: Just finished it. What a great movie. It still holds up, though the David character really feels tacked-on. It's cool to show what he represents to Kirk, but he's just not that well-developed. He also looks like every curly-haired blond dude actor from the early 80s. I was almost expecting him to put on the Greatest American Hero outfit.

My wife said, "Wait... It ends like that? They can't do that!" She knew about
Spock dying somehow, but she thought he'd also be back before the credits rolled.
(I know I probably don't need to spoiler a 31-year-old movie, especially in a thread for Star Trek fans. But maybe someone, somewhere still hasn't seen it and doesn't know its plot...)
Watching Wrath of Khan with my wife, who's seeing it for the first time. Taking a quick break at the midway point -- after Enterprise meets the Reliant -- and she loves it so far. (She was already a TNG fan.)

Edit: Just finished it. What a great movie. It still holds up, though the David character really feels tacked-on. It's cool to show what he represents to Kirk, but he's just not that well-developed. He also looks like every curly-haired blond dude actor from the early 80s. I was almost expecting him to put on the Greatest American Hero outfit.

My wife said, "Wait... It ends like that? They can't do that!" She knew about
Spock dying somehow, but she thought he'd also be back before the credits rolled.
(I know I probably don't need to spoiler a 31-year-old movie, especially in a thread for Star Trek fans. But maybe someone, somewhere still hasn't seen it and doesn't know its plot...)

If it was made to day he would be thereby ruining the drama and conflict of the movie.
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