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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Just discovered this site which has a bunch of ship blueprints. Including some fanmade monstrosities such as this one:



Kills Photobucket
Got the blu-ray sets and popped in the TNG movie special features to see their video about "The Star Trek Experience" in Vegas closing last year. I was there the last day and I was able to spot myself twice.

I'm on a Star Trek Blu-Ray! :D
DrForester said:
Few things about The Borg

They were originally going to be an insect race, to continue the story arc from TNG season 1 with the parasites that tried to take over Starfleet. But it was deemed too expensive.

Enterprises take on the Borg was creative (even if it was just spun off from a WIlliam Shatner book). They essentially wrote that they were remains/survivors of the Borg Sphere from First Contact and were frozen in the ice. This also worked because the writers admitted that in TNG The Borg knew about the Federation (And The Federation high ups already knew about The Borg). This idea also found it's way to the DS9 writers who said that they never found a good place to write in that the Dominion knew about the Federation but was not expecting a conflict with them for hundreds of years and the Wormhole changed that.

Shartner's "Kirk Returns" books did the same thing before Enterprise did, but took it in an even more creative direction. The Borg attack on Earth in the past in First Contact resulted in Mankind becoming paranoid and militaristic, and that was the creation point for the Mirror Universe's Terran Empire.

My problem with the Enterprise episode is that even w/ all you've said ... it makes no sense. Watch Star Trek: Voyager (S06E07) Dragons Teeth and listen to what the alien says about the Borg. That when his species was awake (900 years ago, which is BEFORE First Contact) the Borg were just a nuisance. So unless the Borg episode on Enterprise happened in the 15th century, well yeeaah.


Kills Photobucket
ManDudeChild said:
My problem with the Enterprise episode is that even w/ all you've said ... it makes no sense. Watch Star Trek: Voyager (S06E07) Dragons Teeth and listen to what the alien says about the Borg. That when his species was awake (900 years ago, which is BEFORE First Contact) the Borg were just a nuisance. So unless the Borg episode on Enterprise happened in the 15th century, well yeeaah.

So? I wasn't trying to say the First Contact Borg were somehow the origins of the Borg.
ManDudeChild said:
My problem with the Enterprise episode is that even w/ all you've said ... it makes no sense. Watch Star Trek: Voyager (S06E07) Dragons Teeth and listen to what the alien says about the Borg. That when his species was awake (900 years ago, which is BEFORE First Contact) the Borg were just a nuisance. So unless the Borg episode on Enterprise happened in the 15th century, well yeeaah.
But some 24th-century Borg time-displaced into the 21st/22nd century has nothing to do with the 15th century Borg. No discrepancy.


If I may add this, I always considered myself more of a Star Wars fan, but now in my 30's things are changing. I purchased all the Star Trek's on Blu Ray. I have been knocking them out one by one Im on IV right now.

I watched all of these growing up, and I am both reliving my chilhood, as well as maybe understanding them for the first time. What I want to know, is are there any of you who converted?

For me now at my age, Star Trek seems to be a lot more intillectual. Am I alone?


Jealous Bastard
interesting article from devin at chud.com about STAR TREK ONLINE, and what it means for trek continuity

With the blockbuster new Star Trek movie, the history of the future of Earth has been rewritten... or has it?

There's a new Star Trek online role playing game hitting soon, and the creators have released two videos detailing the background and history that informs the game. Star Trek Online takes place 30 years after Star Trek: Nemesis, the last Next Generation movie, and the two videos fill in the gaps between that movie and the game. But while the Romulan star empire plays a major role in that history, there's no mention of the destruction of the Romulan homeworld, Remus, which according to Star Trek takes place right after Nemesis.

This is 100% not a big deal. It has no impact or bearing on anything and only two kinds of people should care about this: hardcore Trek fans and people fascinated with how big modern mythologies play out. In this case I'm in the second camp, and it's interesting to see that the game ignores the new continuity and keeps going ahead in the old. This could mean that the Star Trek franchise has fractured into two halves: the new, sexed up continuity, which will appeal to the masses, and the old continuity, which will continue to be explored in books, games, comics and other non-canon ephemera.

If that's the case it's brilliant on Paramount's part. Nobody's going to pay to see Next Generation or Voyager or DS9 movies. But there is a large population who will pay to read books or play games set in that continuity, and there will likely be a steady stream of product for those people. Paramount's having its cake and eating it too - a hot new franchise brings in the big bucks while the stodgy old nerdy franchise is a reliable moneymaker on its own.


He added an update:
UPDATE: Some folks have let me know that the game does take into account the destruction of Romulus. The big question, I guess, is does it take into account the destruction of Vulcan in the new movie? I suspect not (although lord knows I could be wrong again), meaning this is still an alternate reality continuity.
He sounds confused.


Fuck Star Trek. It was a decent movie - but one average script covered up by great direction and casting doesn't erase over 30 years of TV shows / movies / books.


Raydeen said:
Fuck Star Trek. It was a decent movie - but one average script covered up by great direction and casting doesn't erase over 30 years of TV shows / movies / books.

Ok. :lol
Raydeen said:
Fuck [Tobor]. [He] was a decent [GAffer] - but one average thread covered up by great [intention] and [witty writing in the OP] doesn't erase over [3] years of [replying] / [quoting] / [editing].
Tobor said:

No, I don't have any idea where I'm going with this.


Teh Hamburglar said:
wait what?

Apparently, JJ Abrams snuck in his house and erased over 30 years of TV shows / movies / books.

Make sure you JJ proof your windows and doors, people.
Tobor said:
Apparently, JJ Abrams snuck in his house and erased over 30 years of TV shows / movies / books.

Make sure you JJ proof your windows and doors, people.
Can I get a JJ Anit-Burglary System (JJABS) with that?


Jealous Bastard
my older brother wigged out on me when i said i liked the newest movie, and that i didn't think it had any negative effect on the past TREK stuff. it was the most hilarious nerd rant i've ever heard.

"bu-bu-but VULCAN!"

Link Man

Ooh, good, this thread is back. I've got a question:

How does Star Trek handle artificial gravity, since the starships don't use centrifugal force?


Link Man said:
Ooh, good, this thread is back. I've got a question:

How does Star Trek handle artificial gravity, since the starships don't use centrifugal force?


'Thank God we invented the... you know, whatever device.'


Link Man said:
Ooh, good, this thread is back. I've got a question:

How does Star Trek handle artificial gravity, since the starships don't use centrifugal force?

I want to know why they don't have seatbelts :lol Their runabouts are always shaking like crazy and people are flying around 'em when ever under fire so why no seatbelts ?


CiSTM said:
I want to know why they don't have seatbelts :lol Their runabouts are always shaking like crazy and people are flying around 'em when ever under fire so why no seatbelts ?

Seatbelts? We don't need no stinking seatb...




CiSTM said:
I want to know why they don't have seatbelts :lol Their runabouts are always shaking like crazy and people are flying around 'em when ever under fire so why no seatbelts ?

darn it, there's actually an early episode or movie where someone straps into a harness but I can't remember which one.

also graviton mesh woven into every floor.
Zenith said:
darn it, there's actually an early episode or movie where someone straps into a harness but I can't remember which one.

also graviton mesh woven into every floor.

I think it was the one where OBrien, Troi and Data are taken over by those aliens. They only put the seatbelts in because they actually spin the camera around to make it look like the shuttle is spinning out of control as it crashes (never mind Troi's hair never succumbs to gravity)

Fuck...why do I know this?

How does Star Trek handle artificial gravity, since the starships don't use centrifugal force?

Gravitons, man.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Link Man said:
Ooh, good, this thread is back. I've got a question:

How does Star Trek handle artificial gravity, since the starships don't use centrifugal force?
I liked how they handled this on a show Defying Gravity. Beneath their regular clothes, they wear skin tight clothes with nanofibers made partially out of metallic strands. Then the ship's floor uses some amount of electromagnetic force to pull the clothes down (and the person wearing them). Is something like this really feasable? It just seemed like a neat and relatively easily achievable, practical idea.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Lord Error said:
I liked how they handled this on a show Defying Gravity. Beneath their regular clothes, they wear skin tight clothes with nanofibers made partially out of metallic strands. Then the ship's floor uses some amount of electromagnetic force to pull the clothes down (and the person wearing them). Is something like this really feasable? It just seemed like a neat and relatively easily achievable, practical idea.

What do you do when you need to take a shower?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
chuckddd said:
What do you do when you need to take a shower?
I think showers and personal quarters were on four pods of the ship that were attached to long, rotating arms, so the gravity there was natural so to speak, and they could sleep without those special tights.


Lord Error said:
I think showers and personal quarters were on four pods of the ship that were attached to long, rotating arms, so the gravity there was natural so to speak, and they could sleep without those special tights.

What about the aliens who just suddenly beams in to their ship ? Or is this magnet thing common knolage and every race prepares for it ?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
CiSTM said:
What about the aliens who just suddenly beams in to their ship ? Or is this magnet thing common knolage and every race prepares for it ?
There was nothing like that in the show. It's was pretty much just a couple of people on the ship in our solar system, hard sci-fi kind of thing. Nothing in it was breaking any laws of physics that we know today I think, except maybe for faster than light communication, and some alien life form / object they were looking for, that had some supernatural abilities that noone could understand.

*edit* I see, you're probably talking about Star Trek, but I was just asking an O/T question about feasability of such artificial gravity system. It's not what they use in Star Trek though, ST probably had some handy gravity generating/controlling device that would create artificial gravity by making gravitons or whatever.


CiSTM said:
I want to know why they don't have seatbelts :lol Their runabouts are always shaking like crazy and people are flying around 'em when ever under fire so why no seatbelts ?
they are so advanced they don't need no stinking seatbelts

lets ignore for a moment that seatbelts would probably have saved over 30% of all the red shirts dying on the various shows (most obvious contender for "why the fuck don't we use this anymore" being the guy that died in nemesis)


Enosh said:
they are so advanced they don't need no stinking seatbelts

lets ignore for a moment that seatbelts would probably have saved over 30% of all the red shirts dying on the various shows (most obvious contender for "why the fuck don't we use this anymore" being the guy that died in nemesis)
The lives saved from red shirts flying into things would be offset by the lives lost due to red shirts stuck in their seats while the consoles nearby them explode in their faces.


Lord Error said:
There was nothing like that in the show. It's was pretty much just a couple of people on the ship in our solar system, hard sci-fi kind of thing. Nothing in it was breaking any laws of physics that we know today I think, except maybe for faster than light communication, and some alien life form / object they were looking for, that had some supernatural abilities that noone could understand.

*edit* I see, you're probably talking about Star Trek, but I was just asking an O/T question about feasability of such artificial gravity system. It's not what they used on Star Trek though, ST probably had some gravity generating/controlling device that would create artificial gravity by making gravitons or whatever.

Yeah, never mind, i missed important part from your orginal post. You were talking about some other show and not trek.
How did Kirk's hair change color over the years? On TOS it's almost blonde but in the movies it's more like brown/black. Is it cause of the wig?


Believe it or not, people's hair colour changes over the years. My father's was blonde in his 20s and is pretty much jet black now. Except where he's going grey. Really weird to see pictures of him from back then.


Link Man said:
Ooh, good, this thread is back. I've got a question:

How does Star Trek handle artificial gravity, since the starships don't use centrifugal force?

The funny thing about artificial gravity in sci-fi shows is that a society that possessed the power to 'generate' gravity would be incredibly powerful and be able to do all sorts of crazy things they never wind up doing. Why would you bother with phasers when you could send a torpedo that turned into the gravitational pull of a planet at your enemy?


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Got bored and decided to make an evil me facebook account. One of my evil counterparts facebook pictures...


yes..im TERRIBLE at photoshop.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
Exactly, just like we don't any damn fuses in our work consoles.

aaa star trek

a fictional universe where throwing every safety regulation made in the past 30 something years right out the window seemed like a good idea


Tobor said:
Apparently, JJ Abrams snuck in his house and erased over 30 years of TV shows / movies / books.

Make sure you JJ proof your windows and doors, people.

But he left me with the painful memories of season 3 of Alias.
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