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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN

That was always a kind of bizarre thing to not address. They have them doing diplomatic missions in the middle of the war during Insurrection don't they? Feel like the Enterprise would have had a bigger combat role.

Yeah that stuck me as odd that you never saw a Sovereign class in any of the battles considering they were the strongest class of ships the feddies had up to and probably a bit a ways beyond the Nemesis film.

Edit: It could be one of those things where they didn't want their best ships being used as fodder for large scale combat.


Yeah that stuck me as odd that you never saw a Sovereign class in any of the battles considering they were the strongest class of ships the feddies had up to and probably a bit a ways beyond the Nemesis film.

Edit: It could be one of those things where they didn't want their best ships being used as fodder for large scale combat.

Well either way it's one of those annoying things where all those ships they invented for First Contact (including the Sovereign itself) never really saw any appearances beyond the Akira anywhere else.

If they do another old Trek series I'd love for them to finally retire some of the old models and either give them a facelift so they feel like they belong in the same time period or just create new classes. It's kind of bizarre the Miranda and Excelsior classes have been in operation for a hundred years without any external changes.
Well either way it's one of those annoying things where all those ships they invented for First Contact (including the Sovereign itself) never really saw any appearances beyond the Akira anywhere else.

If they do another old Trek series I'd love for them to finally retire some of the old models and either give them a facelift so they feel like they belong in the same time period or just create new classes. It's kind of bizarre the Miranda and Excelsior classes have been in operation for a hundred years without any external changes.

To be fair TNG did give us a few new classes. Constellation class, Ambassador class, and Soyuz class to name some.
I've seen TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY at least two times through fully. (TNG is probably past three full series viewings at this point >_>)

I've seen all of the movies multiple times, First Contact and Wrath of Khan probably numbering in the double digits at this point.

And now, finally, at the ass end of 2013 I've started my first ever run of Enterprise.

Part of me has kept putting it off because people shat on it SO much, but I also think I've put it off because in a lot of ways it symbolizes the end of Star Trek. It's the last piece of Star Trek media to come out before Abrams Trek, and nearly a decade after its conclusion we're still without a new Star Trek TV show.

I'm only five episodes in, but it's growing on me slowly. It's rough around the edges, character chemistry is struggling, acting is a mixed bag, but it feels like they're getting their footing.

I instantly liked Phlox. I started giving a shit about Trip after his first "contact" on the alien ship. Archer is still in limbo; it's like he's still waiting on the sidelines. When he's on the bridge it feels more like he's walking in there to check out a room and see what's going on instead of being the Captain.

T'Pol is like an annoying Spock. She's too snide and judging, but I understand her whole schtick will be to argue with Archer over and over until they become friends and learn to trust each other. Jury's still out but I think both of them have the potential to become good characters.

By the way, does it annoy the living shit out of anyone else that T'Pol uses contractions? Is she the first major Vulcan character to do so?

Hoshi is about as interesting as a rock.

Black guy is black guy whose name I can't even remember. Then there's other white guy whose name I also can't remember yet. So those two are definitely the weakest characters so far IMO.

Overall I'm looking forward to the adventure, and from bits and pieces of I've read here it seems like the show does actually find its way in the second half.

One other thing: I love the intro + song. Love it.
By the way, does it annoy the living shit out of anyone else that T'Pol uses contractions? Is she the first major Vulcan character to do so?

No...Vulcans have always used contractions. You're thinking of Data.

A quick search easily turned up these quotes from Spock in TOS:


Spock: [to Captain Kirk] You're the captain of this ship. You haven't the right to be vulnerable in the eyes of the crew. You can't afford the luxury of being anything less than perfect. If you do, they lose faith and you lose command.

Spock: I'm happy the affair is over. A most annoying emotional episode.

Spock: I am a carrier. Whatever happens, I can't go back to the ship. And I do want to go back to the ship, Captain.

Spock: We disposed of emotion, Doctor. Where there's no emotion, there's no motive for violence.

Spock: Has it occurred to you that there's a certain... inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about?

Spock: Captain... Jim, don't stop me! Don't let him stop me! It's your career, and Captain Pike's life! You must see the rest of the transmission!


Subete no aware
That was always a kind of bizarre thing to not address. They have them doing diplomatic missions in the middle of the war during Insurrection don't they? Feel like the Enterprise would have had a bigger combat role.
In the book timeline, the Enterprise was dealing with the occupation of Betazed during the war.


These suits are wayyyyy too tight on Wesley Crusher. Its...uncomfortable because he has such a nice tushie.


Troi's outfit in the Riker trial episode is skin tight waist up. Her boobs are almost all the way out.


She has like 4 lines the entire episode, but sits on screen anyway...
Is it the green dress?

I remember a green or blue dress that had some ridiculous cleavage. Maybe its that.

It was teal actually.

Troi looked so much better in S7 when she was in a real uniform.


So did Seven...


I disagree.

Notice how the sciences/medical uniforms go from deep rich blue to almost green. It's like season 1 tng has a dark blue then by season 3 with the introduction of the redesign it gets lighter and with each subsequent iteration gets more green. It's like someone left a green sock in the wash with the uniforms.


It was teal actually.

I disagree.

Notice how the sciences/medical uniforms go from deep rich blue to almost green. It's like season 1 tng has a dark blue then by season 3 with the introduction of the redesign it gets lighter and with each subsequent iteration gets more green. It's like someone left a green sock in the wash with the uniforms.

I prefer them in the uniforms too, but I agree that the blue color looked better than the more real we got later. In Generations the new uniforms actually had that matching deep blue and they looked great.

Kinda like how DS9 ruined the FC uniforms by having the front slits different on every character; they made it look like they were ill-tailored on everyone.

(Also Kira also looks better in a uniform, so she can join the club.)
I prefer them in the uniforms too, but I agree that the blue color looked better than the more real we got later. In Generations the new uniforms actually had that matching deep blue and they looked great.

Kinda like how DS9 ruined the FC uniforms by having the front slits different on every character; they made it look like they were ill-tailored on everyone.

(Also Kira also looks better in a uniform, so she can join the club.)

DS9 had awful uniforms to begin with. The DS9 uni's were just the Starfleet Cadet uni's from the episode "The First Duty" with the collars removed and a v-neck put in it's place with an undershirt. Looked hideous to me imo.


DS9 had awful uniforms to begin with. The DS9 uni's were just the Starfleet Cadet uni's from the episode "The First Duty" with the collars removed and a v-neck put in it's place with an undershirt. Looked hideous to me imo.

Oh I agree that the jumpsuit look wasn't great, but they screwed up the FC replacements. Although now that I think about it, it was an issue with the DS9/VOY ones on that show too.

In FC, while there were minor variations everyone's uniform had a lot more consistency. Ezri shows up fairly similar:

But Bashir always has an outer jumpsuit that doesn't fit right, with a skinny slit in the front...

Sisko's cut extends just to the base of the grey shoulder yoke, but his yoke extends far lower than everyone elses...

And O'Brien always had a massive open front, with a different fit on the front.

Yeah, I know, it's OCD, but it just really got to me. They also increased the height of the collar which makes some of characters looks really odd.

EDIT: Yeah and looking back the bluer tone looked a lot better on the DS9/VOY uniforms. Wonder why it was changed for DS9.

Bonus bad tailoring job from S1!



I don't understand how this Admiral can move Lal to wherever he wants. She's a sentient being who's not anyones property.
Maybe they were trying to emulate the Reliant, using existing engines and saucer configurations. It's not unprecedented in military history.


Maybe they were trying to emulate the Reliant, using existing engines and saucer configurations. It's not unprecedented in military history.

Yeah it's obviously an attempt to copy the reliant, but it doesn't work nearly as well. The reliant looked kind of sleek, the bubbliness of the TNG-era starfleet works against that.


Got my Eaglemoss NCC-1701-D yesterday, it's glorious and I love it. Anyone else signed up or collecting the ones they like?


Yeah it's obviously an attempt to copy the reliant, but it doesn't work nearly as well. The reliant looked kind of sleek, the bubbliness of the TNG-era starfleet works against that.

Yeah the Galaxy doesn't feel modular anyhow, so the Nebula looks a lot like you just took a Galaxy-class ship and pounded it so that its nacelles were pushed down and its neck was squashed into the hull.

I'd love to see the old classes refreshed. Excelsior could get a modern treatment like the Sovereign--just extend the neck forward, slope the back and have the nacelle struts come off the hull at a windswept angle. The Miranda would probably need more work to make it fit the aesthetic.
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