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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Yeah, I assumed that they handed over the phase cloak technology to the Romulans after that incident anyway.

Well, we don't see what happens, but I would have assumed that the Romulans would have demanded the technology right their on the spot in order to keep the treaty intact. I suppose Geordi or someone could have purposefully sabotaged it before handing it over.

Of course, since they introduced Section 31 and they were willing to commit mass genocide, it seems silly that there wouldn't be at least one Section 31 ship phase cloaking all over the place.

I'm sort of interested in that Section 31 comic with Bashir they're coming out of, because it sort of looks like what I expected would ultimately happen to Bashier--he'd be a bitter outcast if he decided to wage a one-man war against 31.

The Section 31 books that each took place in a different Star Trek era were also really good from what I recall.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
In "The Enterprise Incident", the Romulans were in possession of Klingon battle cruisers, for reasons that weren't explained in the episode, and a more advanced cloak, which Kirk stole to be reverse-engineered.
In the remaster, they changed one of the cruisers in a foreground shot to a Romulan Bird of Prey, but there are still two D7s in the background.

I think he's asking more why the Romulan-Federation alliance in the Dominion War wouldn't have further developed and used the cloaking device. Or why the Romulans wouldn't have developed it themselves, since they obviously knew about the possibility.
Federation had a treaty with the Romulans that they were not allowed to use cloaking technology. That's why there was initially always a Romulan on board to monitor use of the Defiant's cloaking device. The reason there was such a big hoopla around the Pegasus is that Pressman was breaking the treaty and risking war with the Romulans.
I don't think it was cloaked so much as hidden by holograms, right? I don't think it'd be effective camouflage on the move.

I thought it was cloaked, otherwise it would have shown on scanners. Of course the writers of the show don't think these kinds of things too hard, so it might have been just holograms anyway.


I thought it was cloaked, otherwise it would have shown on scanners. Of course the writers of the show don't think these kinds of things too hard, so it might have been just holograms anyway.

Well their scanners weren't working well because of element x or whatever in the hills, but looking at the synopsis it does just seem to act as a cloaked ship. So I guess Picard was too pissed about a bunch of jerky entitled immortals to dress down the admiral about that violation too :)


Subete no aware
Oh wow, they got "real" actors for this. I wonder how fan films manage to do this.

I mean, they even got Gary Graham to reprise his role as Soval. lol


Subete no aware
Is that General Martok I hear?
Yeah, as the human Captain.

And Tony Todd as the Admiral.


I can't believe it. The Kickstarter for the actual film raised 600k. That's more than Vic Mignola's Kickstarter and the Tim Russ Kickstarter (which had to ask for money twice).


Yeah, as the human Captain.

And Tony Todd as the Admiral.


I can't believe it. The Kickstarter for the actual film raised 600k. That's more than Vic Mignola's Kickstarter and the Tim Russ Kickstarter (which had to ask for money twice).

I'm amazed Kickstarters still get this sort of overfunding, but I'll be impressed if they make it work. At the very least they seem to actually understand how much this sort of stuff costs, so I'm hopeful.

I've always really loved "fictional histories" so this could be right up my alley.


Subete no aware
I'm amazed Kickstarters still get this sort of overfunding, but I'll be impressed if they make it work. At the very least they seem to actually understand how much this sort of stuff costs, so I'm hopeful.

I've always really loved "fictional histories" so this could be right up my alley.
I didn't read their Axanar Kickstarter, but I assume it's going to be more of traditional movie than more of the Prelude presentation.

I know that fan films are a weird gray area, but when you have known actors starring in a project that raises 600k, I wonder when Paramount/CBS/whatever decides to step in and at least ask for an audit or something.

I like that the Prelude film was presented as a part of a longer series that we'll never see (it's Part III if you look at the title card). They really went for it in terms of trying to recapture the History Channel presentation. There's even room for commercial breaks!


Had a thought not long ago: "how would the Cardassians have looked in TOS"? I mean obviously they weren't in TOS, but if they were...


Had a thought not long ago: "how would the Cardassians have looked in TOS"? I mean obviously they weren't in TOS, but if they were...

Re-watching TOS lately, the klingons super tan painted on skin bothers me a bit.

I can't imagine cardassians, probably light blue or grey with giant eyebrows. (TOS LOVES EYEBROWS)


Finished Enterprise yesterday and liked the series a lot more than I thought I would. Thinking about making a LTTP thread for it.


Re-watching TOS lately, the klingons super tan painted on skin bothers me a bit.

I can't imagine cardassians, probably light blue or grey with giant eyebrows. (TOS LOVES EYEBROWS)

With the top of an actual spoon on their heads?

Not sure if anyone's interested, but a good chunk of the Voyager cast are returning to voice their characters in the second Star Trek Online expansion:


I am in the process of doing this right now. I still don't care much for Archer though.

Archer isn't the best captain but he feels "believable" to me. What I like about him is that despite there being no prime directives or set rules on how to operate with species, he still tries to hold himself to a non-existent higher standard because he views it as the right thing to do. And when he has to go against some of his standards, it really seems to tear him apart internally and he regrets it a lot. He's pretty much the Anti-Janeway.

Season 3 and 4 of Enterprise I legit think are some of the stronger seasons of Star Trek in general. The Xindi conflict of Season 3 feels like its DS9 quality and Season 4 feels like a good season of TNG in some regards.
Anyone watch this? It is actually pretty good.

Star Trek Axanar (Fictional Star Trek documentary, prelude to a kickstarter project)



Just watched this one. I really liked it, even if the format was annoying on purpose (mimicking cheap American documentaries). The effects were surprisingly good, and the virtual sets seemed to be pretty well done, but maybe the documentary style helped there.
In the episode where Q takes PIcard back in time to when he got stabbed through the heart, but Picard changes the past and doesn't get stabbed, and then finds out that not getting stabbed leads him to not becoming a captain, PIcard is horrified to discover that in this new time line he's a...gasp...astrophysicist! He's disgusted by this new job, and so he asks Riker if he could get a job in security. Really, being a security guard is more challenging and fulfilling than being an astrophysicist?
In the episode where Q takes PIcard back in time to when he got stabbed through the heart, but Picard changes the past and doesn't get stabbed, and then finds out that not getting stabbed leads him to not becoming a captain, PIcard is horrified to discover that in this new time line he's a...gasp...astrophysicist! He's disgusted by this new job, and so he asks Riker if he could get a job in security. Really, being a security guard is more challenging and fulfilling than being an astrophysicist?

It's not what career path he took in this new life, it's that he never took risks. That's what frightened him.


In the episode where Q takes PIcard back in time to when he got stabbed through the heart, but Picard changes the past and doesn't get stabbed, and then finds out that not getting stabbed leads him to not becoming a captain, PIcard is horrified to discover that in this new time line he's a...gasp...astrophysicist! He's disgusted by this new job, and so he asks Riker if he could get a job in security. Really, being a security guard is more challenging and fulfilling than being an astrophysicist?

I think you kind of missed the point a bit.
In the episode where Q takes PIcard back in time to when he got stabbed through the heart, but Picard changes the past and doesn't get stabbed, and then finds out that not getting stabbed leads him to not becoming a captain, PIcard is horrified to discover that in this new time line he's a...gasp...astrophysicist! He's disgusted by this new job, and so he asks Riker if he could get a job in security. Really, being a security guard is more challenging and fulfilling than being an astrophysicist?
Yeah, it's a weird idea at first. But if he had never experienced being a leader and having space adventures he would probably have been perfectly happy being an astrophysicist or more likely an astro anthropologist. It's the comparison that did him in.


Yeah, it's a weird idea at first. But if he had never experienced being a leader and having space adventures he would probably have been perfectly happy being an astrophysicist or more likely an astro anthropologist. It's the comparison that did him in.

Well, there's the lines from Riker and Troi about his performance which suggest he also wasn't super-awesome officer material even as an astrophysicist. The implication to me was that he would have stagnated and lost his passion for the job.
Well, there's the lines from Riker and Troi about his performance which suggest he also wasn't super-awesome officer material even as an astrophysicist. The implication to me was that he would have stagnated and lost his passion for the job.
I don't recall it perfectly but I thought they were commenting on his lack of leadership skills and low ambitions. But I wouldn't be surprised if you're right.


Eh, rewatching it (and then realizing there are transcripts for this) I guess we're both half-wrong.

PICARD: No, please, Counsellor, I would very much like to hear your thoughts. First of all, and I would like you to be absolutely straightforward with me. How would you evaluate me as an officer?
TROI: Well, er, your performance records have always been good. You're thorough, dedicated.
RIKER: Reliable, steady, (searching desperately) punctual.
PICARD: I see. What would you say if I told you that I believed that I was capable of being very much more.
RIKER: Perhaps we should discuss this at your next evaluation.
PICARD: I would appreciate it if we could discuss it now. You see, I feel that I would like to move beyond astrophysics to Engineering or Security, something that might even lead to Command.
RIKER: Frankly, Lieutenant, I don't think that's realistic.
TROI: I really don't think this is the place to be discussing this.
PICARD: Please. This is important to me. I believe that I can do more.
TROI: Hasn't that been the problem all along? Throughout your career you've had lofty goals, but you've never been willing to do what's necessary to attain them.
PICARD: Would that be your evaluation as well, Commander?
RIKER: I think I have to agree with the Counsellor. If you want to get ahead, you have to take chances, stand out in a crowd, get noticed.
PICARD: I see.
RIKER: Now, we don't want to lose you. You're a very good officer.
PICARD: Just not one who stands out.

The ambition didn't change, he just didn't ever take the chances he needed to realize that.


Has anyone here been to the Star Trek exhibition at Mall of America in Minneapolis? I am heading over to the US in October and planned on checking it out but was wondering if anyone could tell me how long it takes to get around, how busy it is etc.

Edit: Doing more research it sounds like it might already be finished there so I guess not :(

Double Edit!: Apparently it is open to the end of the year, so I will take it upon myself to provide Trek GAF with a full report after my visit.
Earlier this summer I bought TOS blu-ray seasons 1-3 on sale at Amazon, but I'm just now getting into them. Can anyone please recommend any sites or videos for reviews, commentary, insights, trivia, etc. that I would enjoy after I watch each TOS episode? I'm sure there are a lot out there, I'm looking for the good ones.

MC Safety

It's not what career path he took in this new life, it's that he never took risks. That's what frightened him.

Yeah, but in Star Trek the pilot can become the chief engineer and the first officer can become captain by picking a fight with the captain. So why couldn't a security officer become an admiral or something?
Earlier this summer I bought TOS blu-ray seasons 1-3 on sale at Amazon, but I'm just now getting into them. Can anyone please recommend any sites or videos for reviews, commentary, insights, trivia, etc. that I would enjoy after I watch each TOS episode? I'm sure there are a lot out there, I'm looking for the good ones.

http://sfdebris.com/videos/startrek.php is a good place to start, but he only has 19 episodes up.
http://sfdebris.com/videos/startrek.php is a good place to start, but he only has 19 episodes up.

Thanks for the link, but I watched commentary for Where No Man Has Gone Before, and it's really just a snarky, smart-ass recap with little insight. (Okay, I laughed a few times.) I found jammersreviews.com, and that's more along the lines of what I was looking for.

BTW, watching Gary Mitchell and Dr. Dehner battle by shooting electrical bolts from their fingers made me think I was seeing the original "force lightning". : )


Thanks for the link, but I watched commentary for Where No Man Has Gone Before, and it's really just a snarky, smart-ass recap with little insight. (Okay, I laughed a few times.) I found jammersreviews.com, and that's more along the lines of what I was looking for.

BTW, watching Gary Mitchell and Dr. Dehner battle by shooting electrical bolts from their fingers made me think I was seeing the original "force lightning". : )

Yeah SF Debris is more just humor, Jammers are more informative. Along the lines of snarky reviews, I really loved Cynic's Corner as well.
Earlier this summer I bought TOS blu-ray seasons 1-3 on sale at Amazon, but I'm just now getting into them. Can anyone please recommend any sites or videos for reviews, commentary, insights, trivia, etc. that I would enjoy after I watch each TOS episode? I'm sure there are a lot out there, I'm looking for the good ones.

http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/TOS_episode_airdates (airdate page for easy index of TOS episodes to reference)
How did people suffer through Enterprise?!

I'm into season 2 just coming off one of the best cast of characters in Deep Space Nine to this....

I couldn't give two shits about any of these guys. It's like next time Trip appears on my screen , I wish he would get blasted with a phaser.

T'Pol is the only seemingly interesting character.. And she's a Vulcan. There's a problem here.


How did people suffer through Enterprise?!

I'm into season 2 just coming off one of the best cast of characters in Deep Space Nine to this....

I couldn't give two shits about any of these guys. It's like next time Trip appears on my screen , I wish he would get blasted with a phaser.

T'Pol is the only seemingly interesting character.. And she's a Vulcan. There's a problem here.

Skip to season four, and then don't watch the finale.


Doesn't help that there's a large stretch of Enterprise season 2 that is straight up garbage. I say this as someone who really likes the show.
How did people suffer through Enterprise?!

I'm into season 2 just coming off one of the best cast of characters in Deep Space Nine to this....

I couldn't give two shits about any of these guys. It's like next time Trip appears on my screen , I wish he would get blasted with a phaser.

T'Pol is the only seemingly interesting character.. And she's a Vulcan. There's a problem here.

Most of the season 2 can be skipped pretty easily, it was more of the same after season 1, when the viewers were already ready to move on. Just watch the last season 2 episode, The Expanse, as it is part of the season 3 story arc. Season 3 and 4 are much better. I think season 3 plot as a whole made more sense than the DS9 main plot, and season 4 was even better.
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