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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Been bored before bed lately and wasting time on the star trek fan films. Some pretty awful ones out there but then there are some pretty decent ones.

It also becomes apparent why CBS is being a bitch about fanfilms now too. Technology has caught up to such a degree and Star Trek has crazy enough fans that they can put out some pretty insane stuff now. Fan Films have been using official Trek actors since the beginning so that clearly isn't what's causing the problems.

What are some of the good fan made stuff?

Also what was the issue with Axanar ? It was not going to make any money off the film.
Why does it bother CBS if the fan film used Vulcan ears or were full length films or had original actors or used the name Star Trek when it never bothered them before ?

Was it simply because Axanar was looking like a professional high quality Star Trek film? If so then I think that's a bit shit, all those stories and creativity will go untold now. Fan works such as that could have been used by CBS to generate more popularity and determine exactly what kind of Star Trek fans want rather than make shit like JJ Trek.


Yeah, Ross was pretty much one of the only Starfleet Admirals who wasn't a complete dick.

Sad news.
Yep loved Admiral Ross.
I thought Admiral Forrest was alright though.

But yes Star Trek Admirals seem to be the most corrupt of any officers, which makes sense because in a post scarcity society like Federation where people work only to improve themselves only people with a desire for power would go for such positions.
Yep loved Admiral Ross.
I thought Admiral Forrest was alright though.

But yes Star Trek Admirals seem to be the most corrupt of any officers, which makes sense because in a post scarcity society like Federation where people work only to improve themselves only people with a desire for power would go for such positions.



Yep loved Admiral Ross.
I thought Admiral Forrest was alright though.

But yes Star Trek Admirals seem to be the most corrupt of any officers, which makes sense because in a post scarcity society like Federation where people work only to improve themselves only people with a desire for power would go for such positions.

I think it's more the fact that they don't seem to really have much in the way of power to force you out of your captain's chair, except presumably under certain extreme circumstances. So all the really competent people keep going until they retire, and you only get admirals out of who wants to be in a desk job.

(I did find it hilarious after all that "way too fast promotion"/"we promoted you way too fast" business in Trek 09 and Into Darkness, they're still willing to make Kirk a rear admiral after less than four years.)


What are some of the good fan made stuff?

Also what was the issue with Axanar ? It was not going to make any money off the film.
Why does it bother CBS if the fan film used Vulcan ears or were full length films or had original actors or used the name Star Trek when it never bothered them before ?

Was it simply because Axanar was looking like a professional high quality Star Trek film? If so then I think that's a bit shit, all those stories and creativity will go untold now. Fan works such as that could have been used by CBS to generate more popularity and determine exactly what kind of Star Trek fans want rather than make shit like JJ Trek.

Star Trek Continues is not too bad. Set during the Enterprises first 5 year mission. They did a follow up episode to the Apollo episode using the original actor and everything. They are hoping to get 4 more episodes done before CBS manages to shut them down. They are investing around 100k an episode so quality is fairly high. Latest Episode had Lou Ferrigno playing an Orion Slaver etc. Doohan's son plays Scotty for the series and even Roddenberry's son appears.

I feel quality is becoming the issue for CBS. I mean older Fan series had Sulu, Chekov etc. appear played by their actual actors and it was never a problem. The biggest difference is you could see it was lower budget and tech did not allow for the crazy stuff they can do today.

Axanar is clearly over the line for CBS as it looks fantastic and it has a large cast of Veteran Trek actors. It comes down to competition really. The fans can make what they want from Trek now and deliver on the promise and that means CBS takes a hit when they do their own thing and alienate fans.


Wow Enterprise finale was awful...such disrespect.

I know Enterprise is usually considered to be one of the worse Trek but it genuinely had some top notch moments. The idea to have a season long arc for season 3 was great since the Xindi conflict was quite good with lots of interesting development. Season 4 had was grest too such as the Arguments arc, the Syrrannite arc and the Terra prime arc....until Braga and Berman came back for that finale.

That finale...wow how did they think that was a good idea? The cast must've felt like shit to not only have their show cancelled but also get sidelined in the finale and have one of the main characters get meaninglessly killed off in the final episode by going Kamikaze. Just so Riker can do some self discovery....smh !

And that isn't even the end of all things, there are other issues such as the time skip, so we are to believe nothing happens in the 6 years following Terra Prime. Everyone is the same rank, doing the same thing and behaving the same way.
Worst captain ever..."I'll always follow the prime directive in every situation....until I don't".
Which is why it was funny when she dismissed her future self for being selfish.

Kes travels back in time. "Tell me more about this year of hell." Its clear the writers werent real fans. It was a paycheck. No passion there for the material or the artform.


Kes travels back in time. "Tell me more about this year of hell." Its clear the writers werent real fans. It was a paycheck. No passion there for the material or the artform.
Yep and what's worse is that they completely ignored it and let viewers assume that never happened because Annorax made an incursion and pushed the reset button....only for Janeway to push the reset button again at the end of year of hell.

Ah well atleast Seven and The Doctor were rad !
Man, Children of Time is a great ds9 episode.

Even with time travel fuckey DS9 outclasses most trek.

Old Odo thirsty as heck though. Deleting yourself from existence so your younger self can have a chance is hardcore.


Subete no aware
Wow Enterprise finale was awful...such disrespect.

I know Enterprise is usually considered to be one of the worse Trek but it genuinely had some top notch moments. The idea to have a season long arc for season 3 was great since the Xindi conflict was quite good with lots of interesting development. Season 4 had was grest too such as the Arguments arc, the Syrrannite arc and the Terra prime arc....until Braga and Berman came back for that finale.

That finale...wow how did they think that was a good idea? The cast must've felt like shit to not only have their show cancelled but also get sidelined in the finale and have one of the main characters get meaninglessly killed off in the final episode by going Kamikaze. Just so Riker can do some self discovery....smh !

And that isn't even the end of all things, there are other issues such as the time skip, so we are to believe nothing happens in the 6 years following Terra Prime. Everyone is the same rank, doing the same thing and behaving the same way.
The funny thing is that it was only until recently that Berman and Braga have mentioned that they regretted the finale. The idea was conceived as a way to say goodbye to the entire franchise, since it was clear that Star Trek was going to be dead after Enterprise, and it turned into something that pleased basically no one.

Star Trek Continues is not too bad. Set during the Enterprises first 5 year mission. They did a follow up episode to the Apollo episode using the original actor and everything. They are hoping to get 4 more episodes done before CBS manages to shut them down. They are investing around 100k an episode so quality is fairly high. Latest Episode had Lou Ferrigno playing an Orion Slaver etc. Doohan's son plays Scotty for the series and even Roddenberry's son appears.

I feel quality is becoming the issue for CBS. I mean older Fan series had Sulu, Chekov etc. appear played by their actual actors and it was never a problem. The biggest difference is you could see it was lower budget and tech did not allow for the crazy stuff they can do today.

Axanar is clearly over the line for CBS as it looks fantastic and it has a large cast of Veteran Trek actors. It comes down to competition really. The fans can make what they want from Trek now and deliver on the promise and that means CBS takes a hit when they do their own thing and alienate fans.
I preferred New Voyages to Continues, but at this point both are pretty decent at least in terms of production values. It helps that the 60s sets were so basic.
Empok Nor summery.

All red shirts. Go over there and wander around in the dark while the cardassian assassins are about.

All recurring characters. Lets stick together.


Empok Nor summery.

All red shirts. Go over there and wander around in the dark while the cardassian assassins are about.

All recurring characters. Lets stick together.

I like that they give you the fakeout where Garak takes out the last Cardassian and you think the final engineer is gonna' survive, but nope!
I like that they give you the fakeout where Garak takes out the last Cardassian and you think the final engineer is gonna' survive, but nope!

Yeah. You would think at least one of them would have gotten out alive considering they are more then half the cast this episode. At least one lone scared survivor to be sad in the end but nope. All dead.

The Real Abed

For the past few days I've been marathoning Deep Space Nine. Man, even the first season had some good episodes. Some memorable ones too. I'm on Dramatis Personae right now.

Can't wait to get to the really good stuff when Worf shows up and the war starts going.

To think I was originally going to marathon Voyager until I saw that clip from For the Uniform where Sisko poisons a planet just to force out some Maqui. Voyager can wait. As long as Netflix doesn't suddenly get rid of Star Trek one day.


Purple Drazi
DS9 has by far the best first season of a Trek show.

I don't know. DS9's my favorite show ever and all, and handily my favorite Trek to be sure, but...

I think TOS has a far stronger first season.

DS9 might have the best first season of the spinoffs, but even then, I don't find it especially quality. It has a few decent eps here and there, and then "Duet" (especially) and "In the Hands of the Prophets" close things out pretty well, but all the thrown-away TNG scripts where the station almost gets destroyed are pretty obviously... well... thrown-away TNG scripts.

"Q-Less" is bad aside from that Sisko-versus-Q scene. "Move Along Home" is my least favorite ep in the series. "If Wishes Were Horses" is lolwut. "The Passenger" produces the most lolwut Bashir scene ever. "The Storyteller" might be the first ever O'Brien/Bashir bro-trip, sure, but boy, heavens, is it cheese.

"The Forsaken" is the best Lwaxana ep in the two shows she appeared in, though.

Dark horse statement here, maybe, but with all the blah I find in DS9 S1, I might legit rank both VOY S1 and ENT S1 slightly higher. <_<;
I don't know. DS9's my favorite show ever and all, and handily my favorite Trek to be sure, but...

I think TOS has a far stronger first season.

DS9 might have the best first season of the spinoffs, but even then, I don't find it especially quality. It has a few decent eps here and there, and then "Duet" (especially) and "In the Hands of the Prophets" close things out pretty well, but all the thrown-away TNG scripts where the station almost gets destroyed are pretty obviously... well... thrown-away TNG scripts.

"Q-Less" is bad aside from that Sisko-versus-Q scene. "Move Along Home" is my least favorite ep in the series. "If Wishes Were Horses" is lolwut. "The Passenger" produces the most lolwut Bashir scene ever. "The Storyteller" might be the first ever O'Brien/Bashir bro-trip, sure, but boy, heavens, is it cheese.

"The Forsaken" is the best Lwaxana ep in the two shows she appeared in, though.

Dark horse statement here, maybe, but with all the blah I find in DS9 S1, I might legit rank both VOY S1 and ENT S1 slightly higher. <_<;

Nope. Sorry. "Half a Life" is the best Lwaxana ep.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Duet is one of the most underrated episodes in all of Trek. A true masterpiece

-- Nothing justifies genocide!
-- What you call genocide, I call a day's work.

Duet is not underrated at all. It's always up there at least for best Ds9 episode.

Underrated is Progress in the same first season. Brian Keith's Mullibok and Visitor's Kira are amazing to watch.


Purple Drazi
What are y'all's picks for best season of DS9? Curious to hear some GAF opinions on this one.

Mine is 7, but that's kind of a rare choice in my experience. Most people like it, but seemingly not so much as at least a couple of years out of 4-6. It's just... well. I was eleven years old when The Final Chapter (capitalization mandatory!) took over UPN's airwaves for me every week, and between it and some Squaresoft JRPGs, I discovered my love of storytelling. That's my one-two punch of jaw-dropping childhood fantasy experiences right there -- DS9 and Square. I'd never seen a show dig in and get so serialized and I'd been watching those characters as a kid from the very start so seeing it all come to an end really left an impact on me.

Besides The Final Chapter, though, , "The Siege of AR-558", "Chimera", "Covenant," "It's Only A Paper Moon", "Badda Bing, Badda Bang"... I love that season so much.
Early DS9 is far from perfect (and damn right bad at points) but it has some high points that other first seasons dont have. I think Emissary is probably the better opening episode and Duet is legit top 5 episodes of the series. A decent chunk of the season feels like bad TNG reject scripts though.

The season finale is hilarious compared to how bombastic TNG finales at the time where. The entire conflict is just Keiko O'Brien putting on her biggest fedora and going full raging atheist against a Bajoran. Very low key drama for a finale.


Purple Drazi
I legitimately prefer "Caretaker" and especially "Broken Bow" over "Emissary", and this is coming from a lifelong Niner.

But some of my opinions are... rare. <_<;
Caretaker sucks only because Neelix has a ship capable of FTL travel but seemingly cant ever find water. And because Neelix and Kes are in it.
The season finale is hilarious compared to how bombastic TNG finales at the time where. The entire conflict is just Keiko O'Brien putting on her biggest fedora and going full raging atheist against a Bajoran. Very low key drama for a finale.

I think the finale arc is one of the best parts of the season. It's telling that it's not a huge sci-fi cliffhanger, because DS9 is about different kinds of conflicts, and the themes are still topical 20 years later.

I don't agree with your characterization of the conflict. The Federation is a secular organization (basically a Western coalition power) while the Bajoran government is sort of a theocracy (take your pick of what it might represent), and the culture clash speaks to larger issues than Keiko going reddit or whatever.


Subete no aware
With DS9, they explicitly stepped away from the finales that defined TNG and later all of the Berman-Biller-Braga finales of the Voyager/ENT era. They're more like ends of arcs that set up the next chapter of the story rather than something that just abruptly stops in the middle of the action.


Onto season 3 of TNG. "Evolution"'s open with the red giant and Enterprise is damn beautiful in TNG. The effects guys really made something that holds up. Probably less enthused about the touchup: the prop guys (man those computers look cheap) and Wil Wheaton (he gets his acne displayed in full HD!)


Purple Drazi
Onto season 3 of TNG. "Evolution"'s open with the red giant and Enterprise is damn beautiful in TNG. The effects guys really made something that holds up. Probably less enthused about the touchup: the prop guys (man those computers look cheap) and Wil Wheaton (he gets his acne displayed in full HD!)

Brent Spiner infamously said he was dreading the HD restoration project because of all the times Data's makeup was dribbling and whatnot. XD I rarely notice that stuff though, myself.


listen to the mad man
DS9 season 1 progress:
"Move Along Home" - (The crew gets turned into game pieces for a game Quark is playing with some aliens). This actually might be my least favourite episode of DS9 ever.

"The Nagus" - The Grand Nagus wants to retire and names Quark his successor. Also a bottom 5 episode.


Purple Drazi
DS9 season 1 progress:
"Move Along Home" - (The crew gets turned into game pieces for a game Quark is playing with some aliens). This actually might be my least favourite episode of DS9 ever.

I called it that earlier on the page.

I don't know. "Meridian" and "Let He Who Is Without Sin" are also utterly irredeemable. "Profit and Lace", too, really. But there's just no escaping...


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Move Along Home is the worst episode of Trek. Full Stop.

The only one even close is the Hippy episode of TOS, but that one at least has the hilarious ending.


Move along home is stupid fun. it has some of the dumbest lines and concepts in DS9, it's not legitimately offensive like Threshold or the like to me.

I can even get my friends to crack up laughing by doing an impression of sisko going "ALAMARAIN COUNT TO TEN" like a doofus.
Move Along Home is the worst episode of Trek. Full Stop.

The only one even close is the Hippy episode of TOS, but that one at least has the hilarious ending.

I think I'd rather watch 'Move Along Home' than 'Up The Long Ladder'... or that horrendously racist TNG episode from S1.

And Threshold.


listen to the mad man
Do they ever address why Bajor is filled with stuff like time portals and sentient clouds?

no hahaah because the storyteller is actually the b plot of that episode. the "a" plot is how nog and jake getting into trouble with spaceprincess moongirl helped her understand that peace is better than war. absolutely rubbish. miles and bashir leave after the village beats back the sentient cloud and they don't even discuss "hey, wait, did that really happen? did the power of positive thinking really beat an evil space cloud?". no, instead they make a joke about how julian had asked miles to call him julian earlier because he was self conscious. wow.


no hahaah because the storyteller is actually the b plot of that episode. the "a" plot is how nog and jake getting into trouble with spaceprincess moongirl helped her understand that peace is better than war. absolutely rubbish. miles and bashir leave after the village beats back the sentient cloud and they don't even discuss "hey, wait, did that really happen? did the power of positive thinking really beat an evil space cloud?". no, instead they make a joke about how julian had asked miles to call him julian earlier because he was self conscious. wow.
We just finished the episode where Molly falls into the time portal on some random planet... And they just leave the time portal unguarded after the bring her back to the station.

I mean, it's a time portal! Maybe it doesn't speak but you'd think that there would be some interest there due to the war!


Purple Drazi
no hahaah because the storyteller is actually the b plot of that episode. the "a" plot is how nog and jake getting into trouble with spaceprincess moongirl helped her understand that peace is better than war.

The Young Adventures of Jake and Nog is one of the worst things about S1. Every now and then there's an okay scene in there, but mostly it just feels like whenever they're onscreen together in 1993 we've tuned into a bad PBS show.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
The Young Adventures of Jake and Nog is one of the worst things about S1. Every now and then there's an okay scene in there, but mostly it just feels like whenever they're onscreen together in 1993 we've tuned into a bad PBS show.

The b-plot in Progress with them trying to trade away self-sealing stem bolts was pretty amusing :) Plus those things became a running gag.

Just wrote up a piece on the episode
The Cost of Change: Star Trek Deep Space Nine's Progress


I'm also watching Deep Space 9 Season 1, and holy shit Starfleet doesn't have a sexual harassment policy in place. Odo is getting sexually harassed in the episode "The Forsaken" and when he complains about it, Sisko tells him to just deal with it.
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