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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Paper or plastic?
I just watched the "Cogenitor" episode of Enterprise and wow.
Fucking Trip man, meddling in other cultures without the thought of repercussion or consequence. Then, Archer gets angry at him for basically taking cues from his captain. Yes, John, this is in part your fault. The entire episode is a manifestation of Archers incessant meddling in alien cultures. I have a feeling that this is one of the best episodes of Trek that I will see.


jaxword said:
I think it's part of that vague 'peaceful military' feel that Trek has: no one has gender on ships, just titles.
AFAIK, in the modern American military (and maybe a few others), everyone anywhere is always referred to as either "sir" or "ma'am", unless they have an obviously displayed rank, in which case it might be taken as an insult to refer to them by anything other than their rank.

In Starfleet, everyone is referred to as "sir", regardless of gender. "Ma'am" has been basically abolished. There's actually an exchange about it in the first episode of Voyager.

Janeway: "Ensign, despite Starfleet protocol, I don't like being addressed as 'sir.'"
Kim: "I'm sorry ... ma'am?"
Janeway: "'Ma'am' is acceptable in a crunch, but I prefer 'Captain.'"

I'm actually kind of surprised at how well that line indicates that it's possible for Janeway to be strong and female at the same time. And all she had to do is throw out Roddenberry's/Starfleet's progressive notions of female equality.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Its funny that "These Are The Voyages" is supposed to be so terrible since "The Pegasus" is probably one of my favorite arcs of TNG. (Never watched Enterprise, going by Wikipedia here)


Neo Member
Do any of you know what Deep Space Nine is like? It was so tempting to buy it in the shops today but I bought a whole load of Seinfeld instead..


Kills Photobucket
ruby_onix said:
AFAIK, in the modern American military (and maybe a few others), everyone anywhere is always referred to as either "sir" or "ma'am", unless they have an obviously displayed rank, in which case it might be taken as an insult to refer to them by anything other than their rank.

In Starfleet, everyone is referred to as "sir", regardless of gender. "Ma'am" has been basically abolished. There's actually an exchange about it in the first episode of Voyager.

Janeway: "Ensign, despite Starfleet protocol, I don't like being addressed as 'sir.'"
Kim: "I'm sorry ... ma'am?"
Janeway: "'Ma'am' is acceptable in a crunch, but I prefer 'Captain.'"

I'm actually kind of surprised at how well that line indicates that it's possible for Janeway to be strong and female at the same time. And all she had to do is throw out Roddenberry's/Starfleet's progressive notions of female equality.

Voyager had a strong premiere. I think the biggest problem was Janeway's personality changed every episode.


B.K. said:
Why does everyone in Star Trek 2 refer to Saavik as Mr. Saavik?
I think it's just shorthand ease within the ship, they just picked one designation instead of the many possible selections. You also have to remember it's from like 1982 and written as a Naval film more than almost anything else Trek has done.
SumPog said:
Do any of you know what Deep Space Nine is like?


The_Technomancer said:
Its funny that "These Are The Voyages" is supposed to be so terrible since "The Pegasus" is probably one of my favorite arcs of TNG. (Never watched Enterprise, going by Wikipedia here)

Part of me didn't mind it but I do hate it in others as it take take away from the ENT casts final episode, completely overshadowed by Troi and Riker appearing. Heck, it's all on a holodeck ffs.

I remember reading somewhere that the ENT cast hated the final episode too.

SumPog said:
Do any of you know what Deep Space Nine is like? It was so tempting to buy it in the shops today but I bought a whole load of Seinfeld instead..

Really, really worth it.
SumPog said:
Do any of you know what Deep Space Nine is like? It was so tempting to buy it in the shops today but I bought a whole load of Seinfeld instead..

It is in my top 3 TV series, certainly my favourite sci-fi ever (even ahead of BSG and B5, which are both excellent). It almost pains me that I have a social life now and have to sacrifice the ability to stay in every night smoking weed and watching a season per week! :lol


ruby_onix said:
AFAIK, in the modern American military (and maybe a few others), everyone anywhere is always referred to as either "sir" or "ma'am", unless they have an obviously displayed rank, in which case it might be taken as an insult to refer to them by anything other than their rank.

In Starfleet, everyone is referred to as "sir", regardless of gender. "Ma'am" has been basically abolished. There's actually an exchange about it in the first episode of Voyager.

Janeway: "Ensign, despite Starfleet protocol, I don't like being addressed as 'sir.'"
Kim: "I'm sorry ... ma'am?"
Janeway: "'Ma'am' is acceptable in a crunch, but I prefer 'Captain.'"

I'm actually kind of surprised at how well that line indicates that it's possible for Janeway to be strong and female at the same time. And all she had to do is throw out Roddenberry's/Starfleet's progressive notions of female equality.

Star Trek is very similar to our Navy. Same ranks of officers, with their collar pips mirroring our ranks. Example. Four stripes is a navy captain, 4 filled in dots is a federation captain. 2 regular stripes and 1 small stripe is LCDR navy. 2 filled in dots and 1 hollow dot is federation LCDR. Naval Line officers have command capability and staff officers do not. Federation depicts the staff officers as wearing blue uniforms. (came into play more starting with TNG. In the original series Spock wore blue as the science officer but was still second in command. )

You have a commanding officer (Picard) in charge, an executive officer in charge of ship's day to day operations of the entire crew. (riker...held department head meetings and discussed ship's watchbills). You have the third in succession of command, usually your Operations Officer (data). Red alert is like general quarters and people have battlestations during that event. A smaller shore command may have an enlisted man like a Chief Obrien in charge as the command's engineering department head.

Being in the Navy for as long as I have, it's interesting to spot all this stuff. Battlestar Gallactica had a ton of it too.

As far as the sir and ma'am part. Only when addressing officers of higher rank than yourself. Otherwise title and name is used in a formal environment. People of equal rank just use first names in an informal environment. Also at times it is acceptable to use Mr. like they do a lot in Star Trek. (Mr. Sulu instead of LCDR Sulu. )


BigDug13 said:
Star Trek is very similar to our Navy. Same ranks of officers, with their collar pips mirroring our ranks. Example. Four stripes is a navy captain, 4 filled in dots is a federation captain. 2 regular stripes and 1 small stripe is LCDR navy. 2 filled in dots and 1 hollow dot is federation LCDR. Naval Line officers have command capability and staff officers do not. Federation depicts the staff officers as wearing blue uniforms. (came into play more starting with TNG. In the original series Spock wore blue as the science officer but was still second in command. )

You have a commanding officer (Picard) in charge, an executive officer in charge of ship's day to day operations of the entire crew. (riker...held department head meetings and discussed ship's watchbills). You have the third in succession of command, usually your Operations Officer (data). Red alert is like general quarters and people have battlestations during that event. A smaller shore command may have an enlisted man like a Chief Obrien in charge as the command's engineering department head.

Being in the Navy for as long as I have, it's interesting to spot all this stuff. Battlestar Gallactica had a ton of it too.

As far as the sir and ma'am part. Only when addressing officers of higher rank than yourself. Otherwise title and name is used in a formal environment. People of equal rank just use first names in an informal environment. Also at times it is acceptable to use Mr. like they do a lot in Star Trek. (Mr. Sulu instead of LCDR Sulu. )
With the rich tradition and history that the Enterprise name bears, it's not surprising really.




Just watched The Measure of a Man there now, dipping into some random episodes I haven't seen for ages, and fuck I'd forgotten how good it was.

The Drumhead next me thinks.
The_Technomancer said:
Its funny that "These Are The Voyages" is supposed to be so terrible since "The Pegasus" is probably one of my favorite arcs of TNG. (Never watched Enterprise, going by Wikipedia here)
That's one of the reasons it's so bad. It takes what was a good TNG episode, and makes Riker look like a dumbass in the parts we weren't seeing.


SumPog said:
Do any of you know what Deep Space Nine is like? It was so tempting to buy it in the shops today but I bought a whole load of Seinfeld instead..


benjipwns said:
I wouldn't skip VI so you have the whole TOS set. (And my personal favorite/best Trek film.).

Mine too.
kharma45 said:
Just watched The Measure of a Man there now, dipping into some random episodes I haven't seen for ages, and fuck I'd forgotten how good it was.

The Drumhead next me thinks.
It really is the pinnacle of Season 2.

Drumhead is also great just for the Picard trial at the end. Just love the way after that betazed interrogator insults Worf and Worf is about to kill him, Picard just has to say "Lieutenant" and Worf backs down. No other man could do that.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Saw this at Fatwallet.

Amazon has a DVD-ROM collection of every Star Trek comic released (supposedly including the movie comics, according to a review of the stand-alone movie comics disc collection) from 1967 to 2002. I guess that means it won't have anything from Enterprise or Star Trek 2009, but that's still over 500 various issues of stuff, all for $6.99. I was going to get some as gifts, but unfortunately there's a limit of one per person for some reason.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I am curious as to what crazy stories they would have put into the comics during the TOS era, considering the stuff they had in the animated series. I have a couple issues of TNG comics, and they were fairly reasonable; I'm just guessing that they were probably rather far out in those days. Too bad none of it can be considered canon.


Lard said:
Mine too.
Mine is IV because it's a comedic fish out of water Trek, which is usually my favorite Trek. But VI is my favorite cinematically. It's so good. Just amazing.

Speaking of DS9, I recently started watching through it again. Haven't gotten far yet though. Only up to about 3/4th of the way through season 1. (Not even up to Dramatis Personae yet!) Most of these episodes I haven't seen in over a decade. The rest not since before 2006 when they reran on Spike constantly.
Calling all Trek fans! Tomorrow I'll be part of an all-day Star Trek: The Next Generation MLK Day marathon featuring such Giant Bomb/Tested/Whiskey Media luminaries as Ryan Davis, Will Smith, Norman Chan, Brad Shoemaker, Ana Hurka-Robles, Alex Navarro and more!

The event will be livestreamed on www.tested.com/live and probably on a couple of our personal justin.tv channels. Details to follow on Twitter - follow @garywhitta and @nchan

More information and full marathon playlist can be found at http://gwhitta.blogspot.com/

Join us tomorrow!


Kills Photobucket
Gary Whitta said:
Calling all Trek fans! Tomorrow I'll be part of an all-day Star Trek: The Next Generation MLK Day marathon featuring such Giant Bomb/Tested/Whiskey Media luminaries as Ryan Davis, Will Smith, Norman Chan, Brad Shoemaker, Ana Hurka-Robles, Alex Navarro and more!

The event will be livestreamed on www.tested.com/live and probably on a couple of our personal justin.tv channels. Details to follow on Twitter - follow @garywhitta and @nchan

More information and full marathon playlist can be found at http://gwhitta.blogspot.com/

Join us tomorrow!

Nice job scheduling Nth Degree so you guys can leave and get lunch. Looks like a great lineup.

I have work tomorrow. But have fun.
DrForester said:
Nice job scheduling Nth Degree so you guys can leave and get lunch.

I ahve work tomorrow. But have fun.
Whatever, Nth Degree is good! Barclay rules!

There's actually a lot more I wanted to include - Frame of Mind, Tapestry, The Wounded, Captain's Holiday, Deja Q, Disaster... but some brutal cuts had to be made. I argued against Lower Decks but was outvoted.


Kills Photobucket
Gary Whitta said:
Whatever, Nth Degree is good!

There's actually a lot more I wanted to include - Frame of Mind, Tapestry, The Wounded, Captain's Holiday, Deja Q, Disaster... but some brutal cuts had to be made. I argued against Lower Decks but was outvoted.

You heartless bastard....


never heard about the cat, apparently
SumPog said:
Do any of you know what Deep Space Nine is like? It was so tempting to buy it in the shops today but I bought a whole load of Seinfeld instead..
it is by far the best ST series, but seinfeld isn't a bad choice either.
Topher said:
I just watched the "Cogenitor" episode of Enterprise and wow.
Fucking Trip man, meddling in other cultures without the thought of repercussion or consequence. Then, Archer gets angry at him for basically taking cues from his captain. Yes, John, this is in part your fault. The entire episode is a manifestation of Archers incessant meddling in alien cultures. I have a feeling that this is one of the best episodes of Trek that I will see.

Yeah, that one gets debates a lot. And that makes for some great Trek.


Gary Whitta said:
Whatever, Nth Degree is good! Barclay rules!

There's actually a lot more I wanted to include - Frame of Mind, Tapestry, The Wounded, Captain's Holiday, Deja Q, Disaster... but some brutal cuts had to be made. I argued against Lower Decks but was outvoted.
I love Nth Degree. Mostly because I've loved Barclay's character since I saw him in The A-Team.


Unconfirmed Member
Started to watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture for the first time the other day. Every time they started to play the Next Generation theme I would get furious: "that's the wrong fucking theme!" Pissed me off.


Pinzer said:
Started to watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture for the first time the other day. Every time they started to play the Next Generation theme I would get furious: "that's the wrong fucking theme!" Pissed me off.
Well, that's where the theme song for TNG came from.
Pinzer said:
Started to watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture for the first time the other day. Every time they started to play the Next Generation theme I would get furious: "that's the wrong fucking theme!" Pissed me off.


What is it with Rodenberry's obsession with high ranking officers romancing? And it's the human guy and the female with telepathy/psychic powers.

It's the guy and girl (god it's been so long I forgot their names)Illyana and Decker I think? then he brought the same idea over to TNG with Troi and Riker.


DrForester said:
I liked Barklay, I just didn't care for The Nth Degree. Wasn't a terrible episode, just not a great one.
Barkely really came into his own in the Trek EU, probably the only TNG crew to experience zero-g sex.
Since Barclay has come up, I'll point to this clip. For whatever reason today I had the urge to see Picard chagrined at calling him Broccoli.

G-Fex said:
What is it with Rodenberry's obsession with high ranking officers romancing? And it's the human guy and the female with telepathy/psychic powers.

It's the guy and girl (god it's been so long I forgot their names)Illyana and Decker I think? then he brought the same idea over to TNG with Troi and Riker.
I love how transparently it's the same idea reheated. Delta-named alien to Beta-named alien. Decker to Riker. Before The Motion Picture was The Motion Picture, though, they were characters intended for a new Star Trek TV series, so I guess he felt they were character types worth taking past a couple hours.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Since Barclay has come up, I'll point to this clip. For whatever reason today I had the urge to see Picard chagrined at calling him Broccoli.

I love how transparently it's the same idea reheated. Delta-named alien to Beta-named alien. Decker to Riker. Before The Motion Picture was The Motion Picture, though, they were characters intended for a new Star Trek TV series, so I guess he felt they were character types worth taking past a couple hours.

Yeah I remember it was also planned for Star Trek Phase two. Man, Gene loved his starfleet couples.
SumPog said:
Do any of you know what Deep Space Nine is like? It was so tempting to buy it in the shops today but I bought a whole load of Seinfeld instead..

DS9 is good but highly overrated. When it's good, it's great, but there's a lot of bleh littered throughout too, especially in the earlier seasons. To me it's inconsistant in quality. It also has very highly religious overtones so if that's not your cup of tea, that may bother you too. I don't regret watching it, but it's not the godly show that people praise it as IMO.


G-Fex said:
What is it with Rodenberry's obsession with high ranking officers romancing? And it's the human guy and the female with telepathy/psychic powers.

It's the guy and girl (god it's been so long I forgot their names)Illyana and Decker I think? then he brought the same idea over to TNG with Troi and Riker.

As others have kind of said, it's not that he's obsessed with it -- they're literally the exact same characters rebranded. When they started TNG a lot of the first scripts (most of the worst of S1, tbh) were redrafts of the Phase Two series scripts, and Phase Two was what eventually became ST:TMP.

The other connection no one's mentioned, btw, is Ilya is derived from Ilium, the name for Troy that gave the epic the name The Iliad.

Ilya/Ilium -> Troy/Troi.

I'm not entirely sure what symbolism was so important in that name, if there is any. Maybe Decker/Riker was supposed to conquer her. Or it was to imply a connection to Helen of Troy, supposedly the most beautiful woman of antiquity. Or Roddenberry just had a thing for using classical names whenever he could.
What does everyone think of Q?


I recently watched all the episodes he is in and I find him hilliarious


Q is awesome. So is John de Lancie.
Pinzer said:
Started to watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture for the first time the other day. Every time they started to play the Next Generation theme I would get furious: "that's the wrong fucking theme!" Pissed me off.
So you're saying Jerry Goldsmith slingshot around the sun?


Q was close to overused and unfunny in TNG, but wasn't. He remains awesome and was the only way to end the series.

He was perfect in DS9.

Q was destroyed as a character as soon as he set one foot on Voyager.

John de Lancie is still cool. I thought his guest appearances on Stargate SG1 were well above average for guest appearances (as were Robert Picardo's).


Alexander Siddig is playing an evil mastermind in Primeval.

I've noticed him in lots of shitty bit-parts, like that mountaineering movie or Spooks. Deservers better.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
maharg said:
As others have kind of said, it's not that he's obsessed with it -- they're literally the exact same characters rebranded. When they started TNG a lot of the first scripts (most of the worst of S1, tbh) were redrafts of the Phase Two series scripts, and Phase Two was what eventually became ST:TMP.
Yet another reason why the first season of TNG was by far the weakest. It always did feel more like the old show in terms of writing style, and it didn't work for me because it didn't have the same historical context or campiness.

Also, Q is awesome, and will forever be a wrench in any "Star Trek galaxy vs. ____" debate because no-one knows exactly what their power is. Could Q make an entire star disappear on a whim?


I thought I'd just drop in to say that I watched every single episode of TNG over this last summer. They were all mostly great and I loved it. It's the only star trek series that I actually like. The original is an incoherent mess with bad acting besides the main characters, and cheap story lines. Voyager is a constant morality therapy session (Had a chance to watch them all, got to the end of S1 and skipped to the last one.) Haven't watched much of DS9, seemed boring. Enterprise was ok but overly dramatic.
Don't kill me.


Junior Member
MrBig said:
I thought I'd just drop in to say that I watched every single episode of TNG over this last summer. They were all mostly great and I loved it. DS9 boring. Enterprise was ok.

Now there are two of us. Welcome to the club.
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