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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Finished the series. Mixed feelings about the ending still - Ron Moore really does enjoy his bullshit trans-substantial quasi religious endings, doesn't he?


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Lard said:
Finished the series. Mixed feelings about the ending still - Ron Moore really does enjoy his bullshit trans-substantial quasi religious endings, doesn't he?

Not as bad as what Behr wanted. He wanted the series to all have been Benny Russell's script. Berman said no.

That's right.



DrForester said:
Not as bad as what Behr wanted. He wanted the series to all have been Benny Russell's script. Berman said no.

That's right.


In some ways, it would have been better.

MC Safety

maharg said:
Using the holodeck for advice happened a couple of times in TNG as well. Voyager really wasn't unique in using ridiculous holodeck plot contrivances.

Yes, but Voyager was unique in that it sucked, emphasized technobabble instead of character interaction, and featured a CAPTAIN who sought advice from a hologram.

Put yourself on Voyager. Imagine you just learned that instead of seeking the advice of real humans , your idiot captain is seeking assurance and guidance from a hologram.
DrForester said:
You just can't scrap build the awesomeness that is the Nebula Class Starship.
yeah yeah, build from spare D model parts...


Ehh, never really liked the Nebula class (or Galaxy). I like my nacelles long and slender. :D


MC Safety said:
Yes, but Voyager was unique in that it sucked, emphasized technobabble instead of character interaction, and featured a CAPTAIN who sought advice from a hologram.

Put yourself on Voyager. Imagine you just learned that instead of seeking the advice of real humans , your idiot captain is seeking assurance and guidance from a hologram.

You do realize that in TNG, the Chief Engineer sought the advice of a hologram in order to keep the engines from blowing up, right?

DrForester said:
Not as bad as what Behr wanted. He wanted the series to all have been Benny Russell's script. Berman said no.

That's right.


Six of one....


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MC Safety said:
Yes, but Voyager was unique in that it sucked, emphasized technobabble instead of character interaction, and featured a CAPTAIN who sought advice from a hologram.

Put yourself on Voyager. Imagine you just learned that instead of seeking the advice of real humans , your idiot captain is seeking assurance and guidance from a hologram.

I didn't really mind that all too much. It reminded me of what Janeway was supposed to have been. Unlike Kirk, Picard or Sisko, Janeway was supposed to be a scientist. Kirk military Captain, Picard was a diplomat, and Sisko was an Engineer. Janeway was supposed to have been a Scientist. This is also where Voyager failed another character. Chakotay should have been the go-to guy on tactical strategy. They were totally outmatched, and here's a guy who's been fighting like that for years and it's never used. Janeway just has magical tactical prowess.

MC Safety

maharg said:
You do realize that in TNG, the Chief Engineer sought the advice of a hologram in order to keep the engines from blowing up, right?

Way to miss the point.

And I'm glad you can cite chapter and verse on Next Generation. It doesn't change the fact that Robert Beltran might be angry at Star Trek for a good reason.

DrForester said:
I didn't really mind that all too much. It reminded me of what Janeway was supposed to have been. Unlike Kirk, Picard or Sisko, Janeway was supposed to be a scientist. Kirk military Captain, Picard was a diplomat, and Sisko was an Engineer. Janeway was supposed to have been a Scientist. This is also where Voyager failed another character. Chakotay should have been the go-to guy on tactical strategy. They were totally outmatched, and here's a guy who's been fighting like that for years and it's never used. Janeway just has magical tactical prowess.

Yeah, but I can't imagine a scientist seeking advice from a hologram. That Janeway couldn't rely on real people seems to be just another not-so-subtle way Voyager emphasized worship of technology over any sort of human element.


MC Safety said:
Way to miss the point.

It's hard when the point keeps shifting. :)

I hate Voyager as much as the next guy, but ridiculous reliance on holodeck is not an exceptional trait of it.

MC Safety

maharg said:
It's hard when the point keeps shifting. :)

I hate Voyager as much as the next guy, but ridiculous reliance on holodeck is not an exceptional trait of it.

The point never shifted. It was always that Robert Beltran may have had a point about Voyager, as the show seemed overly worshipful of technology over people. And I could see how an actor, playing a human character, would feel slighted at that. And I could see how a fictional character on a starship might be genuinely pissed off when he learned his captain was going to the holodeck for advice instead of seeking the aid of a real human.
MC Safety said:
Yes, but Voyager was unique in that it sucked, emphasized technobabble instead of character interaction, and featured a CAPTAIN who sought advice from a hologram.

Put yourself on Voyager. Imagine you just learned that instead of seeking the advice of real humans , your idiot captain is seeking assurance and guidance from a hologram.
Talking to fake da Vinci may be stupid, but let's not slander artificial intelligence in general here. Data and The Doctor were pretty key characters.

Personally, I thought Janeway's creepiest use of the holodeck was when she fell for a holographic man and then deleted his wife so she'd have a shot at him.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Talking to fake da Vinci may be stupid, but let's not slander artificial intelligence in general here. Data and The Doctor were pretty key characters.

Personally, I thought Janeway's creepiest use of the holodeck was when she fell for a holographic man and then deleted his wife so she'd have a shot at him.

Haha, I would have to agree. She also made him more intelligent.
maharg said:
You do realize that in TNG, the Chief Engineer sought the advice of a hologram in order to keep the engines from blowing up, right?

Was for mainly technical reasons which I think made some sense at least.


DrForester said:
You just can't scrap build the awesomeness that is the Nebula Class Starship.
yeah yeah, build from spare D model parts...


Always reminded me of a Miranda class, just retouched for the NG.



Going home from college for the holidays, I have a gigantic pile of Star Trek collectibles from when I was a little kid with time to get these things. There's gotta be hundreds of dollars worth of books, toys, pictures, etc.

What do I do with all these?


Teh Hamburglar said:
I don't know why I but I just bought Voyager season 1 at Wal Mart for 20 bucks. I don't even like Voyager. Wtf did I do?

Voyager wasn't that bad! Sure season 1 sucked, but the later seasons weren't so bad.
FairyD said:
Voyager wasn't that bad! Sure season 1 sucked, but the later seasons weren't so bad.

I think the opposite is true. I think things went downhill with Seven of 9 on. But Season 1 does have some stinkers :lol I'm thinking of using it as a Christmas gift. Slightly better than a lump of coal
For some bizarre reason I really feel like watching some Riker episodes. I think it might be this new beard of mine crying out for an soulmate.

My personal favorite Riker episode has got to be the one where he is posted aboard the Klingon warship as part of the Starfleet exchange program, does anyone remember the name of that one? I'm also going to cue up Peak Performance, because I love watching Riker outsmart Picard in that training exercise.

Any other recommendations for episodes where we see Riker at full awesomeness?


'A Matter of Honor' is the one where Riker goes on the exchange, it's a pretty good one for a season 2 episode.

'Future Imperfect' and 'Frame of Mind' are pretty awesome Riker episodes.
Wow, the Klingon episode was PRE-BEARD? MIND BLOWN!

I like the two episodes you mentioned since they are both about Riker's mind being fucked with. But he crushes those problems with his MIND-VICE!


MC Safety said:
Yes, but Voyager was unique in that it sucked, emphasized technobabble instead of character interaction, and featured a CAPTAIN who sought advice from a hologram.

Put yourself on Voyager. Imagine you just learned that instead of seeking the advice of real humans , your idiot captain is seeking assurance and guidance from a hologram.

A captain who locked herself in her room and refused to talk to anyone just because she couldn't see any stars......

I think even picard the master diplomat would have made her taste the back of his hand over that one.
Gary Whitta said:
For some bizarre reason I really feel like watching some Riker episodes. I think it might be this new beard of mine crying out for an soulmate.

My personal favorite Riker episode has got to be the one where he is posted aboard the Klingon warship as part of the Starfleet exchange program, does anyone remember the name of that one? I'm also going to cue up Peak Performance, because I love watching Riker outsmart Picard in that training exercise.

Any other recommendations for episodes where we see Riker at full awesomeness?

Frame of Mind definitely, lot of Riker screaming
kharma45 said:
Na he had the beard by that stage

Thank God! I thought I was going crazy for a moment there. I knew Riker was not capable of that level of awesomeness without the beard.

I also really like The Measure of a Man - one of the best TNG episodes for many reasons, but Riker putting up a spirited prosecution in favor of seeing his friend declared a non-person and turned over to Starfleet for research is one of the gutsiest things he ever did.


Gary Whitta said:
Thank God! I thought I was going crazy for a moment there. I knew Riker was not capable of that level of awesomeness without the beard.

I also really like The Measure of a Man - one of the best TNG episodes for many reasons, but Riker putting up a spirited prosecution in favor of seeing his friend declared a non-person and turned over to Starfleet for research is one of the gutsiest things he ever did.

Whilst it's not a Riker episode he did a good job pre-beard in Conspiracy I always thought, and again whilst it's not an episode about him in Peak Performance I always liked his performance, heck I liked the whole episode.
Gary Whitta said:
Thank God! I thought I was going crazy for a moment there. I knew Riker was not capable of that level of awesomeness without the beard.

I also really like The Measure of a Man - one of the best TNG episodes for many reasons, but Riker putting up a spirited prosecution in favor of seeing his friend declared a non-person and turned over to Starfleet for research is one of the gutsiest things he ever did.
Not really gutsy considering that the JAG officer their said that had he not done it (like he said he wouldn't) she would rule summarily against Data. The great scene for me with Riker is when he's looking over Data's Schematics, he gets this smile on his face as he finds out about Data's off switch which then turns to anguish over the implications of this new knowledge and how it will hurt his friend & comrade.

Edit: Here's the ones I'm talking about.


kharma45 said:
'A Matter of Honor' is the one where Riker goes on the exchange, it's a pretty good one for a season 2 episode.

'Future Imperfect' and 'Frame of Mind' are pretty awesome Riker episodes.

Wait, isn't "Future Imperfect" that episode where Riker is stuck in some kid's fantasy world? The episode itself was alright up until when the "kid" decided to reveal that he was really some grotesque super cheezy-costumed alien.


"To me you'll always be Jean-Luc."



Rex Banner said:
Wait, isn't "Future Imperfect" that episode where Riker is stuck in some kid's fantasy world? The episode itself was alright up until when the "kid" decided to reveal that he was really some grotesque super cheezy-costumed alien.


"To me you'll always be Jean-Luc."


Stealth edit - I always liked it :lol I liked the idea of Riker being captain for a while in the future.


Must rewatch it as I don't remember the kid at all.


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kharma45 said:
Na future imperfect is the one where he wakes up in sickbay after 16 years and is captain of the Enterprise.


Same episode. The kid was the twist at the end.

Your phantom edit has no effect on me!
Chuck's still doing his awesome Star Trek reviews, in which he takes ten minutes to (a) make some great observations about Trek and its characters (usually in his DS9 or TNG reviews); or (b) gut it like a fish (usually Voyager and Enterprise reviews). He recently looked at how both DS9 and Voyager chose to celebrate the franchine's 30th anniversary. Voyager's half-arsed Flashback episode really does pale immensly to the great Trials and Tribble-ations:

VOY: Flashback review.

DS9: Trials and Tribbleations review

Comparison of the two and followup video.

That last video in particular, makes some bloody good points about the different approaches taken by the DS9 and VOY writers in their respective series.


kharma45 said:

At some point you'd think the crew would realize that whenever they were in a fake future they always had those communicators with the multiple bars behind the insignia, and be like, "Ah hah!!!! This is a fake future!!!"


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teiresias said:
At some point you'd think the crew would realize that whenever they were in a fake future they always had those communicators with the multiple bars behind the insignia, and be like, "Ah hah!!!! This is a fake future!!!"

I always liked the future comm badges from All Good Things, and later in DS9 and Voyager.

teiresias said:
At some point you'd think the crew would realize that whenever they were in a fake future they always had those communicators with the multiple bars behind the insignia, and be like, "Ah hah!!!! This is a fake future!!!"

The main character in the wrong time/universe usually seems to understand that something is wrong in these episodes.
Mama Robotnik said:
That last video in particular, makes some bloody good points about the different approaches taken by the DS9 and VOY writers in their respective series.

Yep there great.
I don't know how to feel about him starting to review B5, It seems impossible to cherry pick episodes to talk about when there all so strongly connected.


Well, I'm in the middle of the 5th season of DS9. Man, it's pretty much the worst season of all so far. All these prophet / emmesary thing is fucking boring.

I hope the Dominion destroys Bajor or something, I'm so tired of all their religious bullshit. Every time Kai Winn appears I want to punch the TV and Sisko, who I didn't like from the beggining, is acting all religious and mysterious now.

And WTF at Sisko making a planet uninhabitable because he just wanted to capture one Maquis. Were the writers on strike or something? Arrrgggghhh... /rant

Every time I watch an episode, I'm hoping to see Garak. Those are the only good ones left.
Dizzy-4U said:
Well, I'm in the middle of the 5th season of DS9. Man, it's pretty much the worst season of all so far. All these prophet / emmesary thing is fucking boring.

I hope the Dominion destroys Bajor or something, I'm so tired of all their religious bullshit. Every time Kai Winn appears I want to punch the TV and Sisko, who I didn't like from the beggining, is acting all religious and mysterious now.

And WTF at Sisko making a planet uninhabitable because he just wanted to capture one Maquis. Were the writers on strike or something? Arrrgggghhh... /rant

Every time I watch an episode, I'm hoping to see Garak. Those are the only good ones left.
This post is just so full of wrong.

Edit: For one, there isn't anywhere near as much religious "bullshit" as you make out. Only one episode out of the entire season deals heavily with Sisko being the Emissary, and that's "Rapture." So I'm not sure where all of your complaining for that is coming from. Not only that, but "Rapture" leads into a seasons six episode, "Far Beyond the Stars," which is one of the best Star Trek episodes ever.

And you're hating on "For the Uniform"? Shaking my head at that.


Keep going, one of my favourite DS9 episodes, Empok Nor, isn't far off!

Also By Inferno's Light and For the Uniform are pretty damn good episodes in the second half of that season too.
Dax01 said:
Edit: For one, there isn't anywhere near as much religious "bullshit" as you make out.

Sure seems like there is. Maybe because the Bajorans were such a painfully dull race of humanoids - was it wrong that I found myself continually rooting for the Cardassians (before the writers turned them into inept comedy villains)? The whole Emissary arc is, in my opinion, the worst aspect of Deep Space 9 and the show could have been improved exponentially by it's removal.
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