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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


I have never seen any of the old star trek movies, first one was generations. Is it recommendable to watch them now, or are they dated to much?

Wrath of Khan was the best of the old ones I think. I always have a soft spot for the one with the whales though (Voyage Home was it?). Wrath of Khan is more actiony, while the whales one is more comedy/light-hearted.

Those two are still fairly watchable I think. And better than most, if not all, of the later ones.
Been watching Voyager's Scorpion 2 parter and 'The Gift' on CBS today. Still bugs me that they got rid of Kes over Harry. Kes was a far more interesting character with many story possibilities such as her shortened life span, mental abilities etc

Harry's were... um... he wanted to really get home and was unlucky in love? Hardly fascinating or unique. He was neglected for nearly the entire 7 seasons.

Also does anyone know why they never added a new permanent character to TNG after the departures of Tasha and Wesley? Ro would have been a good choice, puzzled me that they didn't add her.


I have never seen any of the old star trek movies, first one was generations. Is it recommendable to watch them now, or are they dated to much?

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan isn't dated, and it's a must-see cultural icon. The others are kind of a mixed bag.

Star Trek IV is really dated, but Star Trek VI holds up pretty well.

You can safely skip I and V.

Maybe watch The Motion Picture if you really want to watch everything.
Watch Star Trek II.
Watch or don't watch III and IV as a pair.
You can skip V or you can torture yourself.
Watch Star Trek VI.


I have never seen any of the old star trek movies, first one was generations. Is it recommendable to watch them now, or are they dated to much?

They are alright, I watched them all over the last month and I found that even though they were old they are quite recent by old film standards, the first film came out after the first star wars so the sets and models are better than what they had in the tv series.

Though the Star Trek films have known ups and downs as you go through them, 2, 4 and 6 are the better old ones, don't let The Motion Picture put you off as it can be pretty darn slow going, lots of Enterprise panning shots too.

Been watching Voyager's Scorpion 2 parter and 'The Gift' on CBS today. Still bugs me that they got rid of Kes over Harry. Kes was a far more interesting character with many story possibilities such as her shortened life span, mental abilities etc

Harry's were... um... he wanted to really get home and was unlucky in love? Hardly fascinating or unique. He was neglected for nearly the entire 7 seasons.

Also does anyone know why they never added a new permanent character to TNG after the departures of Tasha and Wesley? Ro would have been a good choice, puzzled me that they didn't add her.

That is Voyager all over really, it had a great premise and could have had some really great characters but never really went that extra step.

It is a shame about Kes, but Harry was apparently pretty popular as the normal man that people could relate to and liked, at least they revisited her later though as it would have been a shame to leave it forever.

As for TNG which I also just watched the whole series in the last month, they seemed to just bring existing characters to the forefront instead of introducing new ones, maybe to save on money or having to worry about someone leaving or not wanting to come back, though I didn't like how wesley as special as he apparently was disappeared off for ages and then popped back to disappear off again that same last episode.

It will always be a shame about Ro, she should have been in it more and definitely should have been the main bajoran on DS9 like they intended, I thin she would have played off next to Sisko really well.


Kills Photobucket
He's going to tear it to shreds. I can feel it.

He seems to accept goofy episodes as such and reviews them appropriately. I can't seem him going off on it just because it's silly. I thought "Rascals" was done well for such a silly idea.

See DS9 review for "Badda-Bing Badda-Bang"
He hated it. Though he did note that there were a few bright spots, and that there are far, far worse TNG episodes.
I can see why he doesn't like it, but that whole rant in the beginning doesn't really speak anything about the episode itself. Just that it's all "ill-advised."


Watched Insurrection earlier and currently watching Nemesis.

Having watched all of TNG over the last few weeks and now the films, I'm going to miss this crew once this has finished. I do wish they would get along with the films so we could get a new series, whenever it might take place, anything is better than the current nothing, lol.

Also I said it before, but damn Sovereign, you looking fine. I wish the TV show had this sort of budget, would have made the CG space scenes look awesome.


This is how I rate the films:

VI > II > ST 2009 > IV > III >> I > >FC>>>>Nemesis > Insurrection > > Skin Cancer > Famine > Bubonic Plague > Generations > V
I do wish they would get along with the films so we could get a new series, whenever it might take place, anything is better than the current nothing, lol.

I was thinking that the novel trilogy Star Trek: Destiny would make for a good TV mini-series/set of movies. And it features TNG, DS9 and Voy's crew so it would undoubtedly attract a lot of attention.

Still, I bet the costs would be astronomical.
I am watching one of those cheesy 80s horror movies on Netflix. Turns out this one is directed by Robert Beltran. And he stars in the movie. Hes totally out-acting Chakotay in this. Hes actually acting!

CorrisD said:
anything is better than the current nothing, lol.

I'd rather have nothing than shit plastered with the name star trek just so paramount can moneygrab.

This is how I rate the films:

VI > II > ST 2009 > IV > III >> I > >FC>>>>Nemesis > Insurrection > > Skin Cancer > Famine > Bubonic Plague > Generations > V

You sir have no taste.


Rascals was a novelty and fun, considering I was the age of those children when it aired that probably explains why I liked it more. I would have mugged young Ro for her uniform back then, not gonna lie.

I like how he pointed out the silly home alone inspired stuff, and that there were different ways each character was tackling the problem of appearing like a child. I enjoyed the range from serious to silly, I wouldn't like it if it was just one or the other.

I did find that Keiko's young version seemed the least like adult Keiko in appearance/voice but she got the cold bitchy expressions Keiko always pulls just right. I wonder what happened to that actress, I remember she was in 3 Ninjas.


This is how I rate the films:

VI > II > ST 2009 > IV > III >> I > >FC>>>>Nemesis > Insurrection > > Skin Cancer > Famine > Bubonic Plague > Generations > V
This started out so well. Then the third entry happened.

And the last two need to be flipped. And V moved back above the plague and famine. The character parts alone are good enough to move above mass death and into individual deaths.

Plus, what does God need with a Starship?

We get him one and maybe he cures skin cancer.

First Contact and I being right next to each is really a study in contrasts.
The best thing about the TNG movies is that the improved uniforms and phaser rifles filtered down into DS9.

You take that back! Those uniforms were just the DS9 ones turned inside out you know (which in turn were just the cadet uniforms from the ep "The First Duty" just slightly modified).


Kills Photobucket
Not surprising. They'll come out about the same time as the new movie, and they don't need to do anything to them. They were already in HD.
I have never seen any of the old star trek movies, first one was generations. Is it recommendable to watch them now, or are they dated to much?

Why not watch them all? There's only six, and you won't realise how good II and VI are without seeing V.

edit - oh you're including the TNG ones as old? See the TOS ones first.


"It's been a long road...getting from there to here." I could be one of the few people ever that actually likes Enterprise's intro.

I don't think they'll need to do much work to put Enterprise on blu-ray, like DrForester said, since it was already in HD. I'd imagine they'd simply put it on disc, with little to no clean-ups.

Hmm, true, but the DVDs already have a pretty good picture quality (PAL DVDs at least) and extras. I don't really want to pay extra for BR version, even season 4, which I really like. TNG DVDs looked pretty shitty, so it was easy to justify buying the BR set.
I kinda want to explore the period of time between TOS and TNG. A nice gap of time where a lot of neat adventures could have (will?) go down.

Oh and Wrath of Khan is awesome.


Hmm, true, but the DVDs already have a pretty good picture quality (PAL DVDs at least) and extras. I don't really want to pay extra for BR version, even season 4, which I really like. TNG DVDs looked pretty shitty, so it was easy to justify buying the BR set.

I wasn't saying it's a must-buy. :p

There's probably some sort of super special feature they've yet to include on the DVD sets. lol


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Take Me Out to the Holosuite almost makes me glad they killed off 99% of Vulcans in the "new" timeline.
Apparently I'm in the minority but I enjoyed V. It's not as good as 2, 4 or 6 but it's still a very enjoyable movie. It had some great character moments and the plot was one of discovery and adventure, rather than one where they have to kill a bad guy. It's too bad that plots like this and TMP tend to be harder to write well and so usually don't do as well. VI had a plot that was kind of a hybrid of a "kill the bad guy" and an "adventure and discovery" plot and that one worked very well.

I hope Star Trek into Darkness is something like that. Apparently they're recycling Khan so hopefully they can give it a little more meat than a simple "Khan does bad stuff. Kirk and Spock have to kill Khan" type plot.


Kills Photobucket
"It's been a long road...getting from there to here." I could be one of the few people ever that actually likes Enterprise's intro.

I don't think they'll need to do much work to put Enterprise on blu-ray, like DrForester said, since it was already in HD. I'd imagine they'd simply put it on disc, with little to no clean-ups.

My big problem was that the song was the theme song for Patch Adama, and Patch Adams was terrible.


not a medical professional
My big problem was that the song was the theme song for Patch Adama, and Patch Adams was terrible.

I still remember the original TV commercials for Enterprise, where they used 'wherever you will go' by the calling.. I overlooked the fact that it had nothing to do with Trek because it was new Trek on TV.. sigh, should have been an early warning.

This one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_emrbi3YrY

it was apparently also supposed to be the intro music before 'faith of the heart' was subbed at the last minute:


(The title sequence cuts almost perfectly to the drum beats).


Kills Photobucket
I still remember the original TV commercials for Enterprise, where they used 'wherever you will go' by the calling.. I overlooked the fact that it had nothing to do with Trek because it was new Trek on TV.. sigh, should have been an early warning.

This one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_emrbi3YrY

it was apparently also supposed to be the intro music before 'faith of the heart' was subbed at the last minute:


(The title sequence cuts almost perfectly to the drum beats).

Least it's a good song. I remember being pumped for Enterprise. I actually liked that commercial. And I was a huge Quantum Leap fan and figured Scott Bakula could do no wrong.


You've got to be kidding me. This character is insufferable.

My biggest problem is that they gave her a whole bunch of starring episodes, in a failed attempt to develop the character. Most of them aren't great. That entire season is filled with fluff, at least until the last ten eps.


My biggest problem is that they gave her a whole bunch of starring episodes, in a failed attempt to develop the character. Most of them aren't great. That entire season is filled with fluff, at least until the last ten eps.

And the episode where they enfeeble one of the greatest characters, Garak, in an attempt to make her "counseling" useful... /rage!
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan isn't dated, and it's a must-see cultural icon. The others are kind of a mixed bag.

Star Trek IV is really dated, but Star Trek VI holds up pretty well.

You can safely skip I and V.

Maybe watch The Motion Picture if you really want to watch everything.
Watch Star Trek II.
Watch or don't watch III and IV as a pair.
You can skip V or you can torture yourself.
Watch Star Trek VI.


(Actually, ya, it is dated.)


Kills Photobucket
I didn't mind Ezri. Thought the actress did fine with a character that really should not have been there. I don't blame Ferrel for leaving. She knew the show was over, and she got an offer for another show. There was not enough time to establish the Ezri character, and thought hey tried, but did a disservice.

Ezri should have been a one off character. Maybe to help Sisko in the premier, or maybe a small arc later where she shows up on the station, but not a regular character.


napkin dispenser
I still remember the original TV commercials for Enterprise, where they used 'wherever you will go' by the calling.. I overlooked the fact that it had nothing to do with Trek because it was new Trek on TV.. sigh, should have been an early warning.

This one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_emrbi3YrY

it was apparently also supposed to be the intro music before 'faith of the heart' was subbed at the last minute:


(The title sequence cuts almost perfectly to the drum beats).

Don LaFontaine =(

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
I understand that it's easier and cheaper to release Enterprise instead of DS9, but who really is going to buy it.

Enterprise was shot in HD. The fact that it took this long to get it on Blu-ray is surprising.

DS9 is an entirely different beast.
Enterprise was shot in HD. The fact that it took this long to get it on Blu-ray is surprising.

DS9 is an entirely different beast.

I understand that, my question is whether there is an audience for it. I mean who's clamoring to get Enterprise on bluray?
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