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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Quark and Rom's...I don't see a single dead parent as laziness, that reads more to me as just saying 'oh their parents are dead' and not describing them. Moogie is clearly fleshed out and Quark and Rom's father is definitely mentioned enough to get an idea that he was a traditional ferengi and influenced Quark a lot, to the point that Rom is clearly the mama's boy and Quark takes after his dad.

I got the impression that Quark's father was a traditional-thinking Ferengi, but that he was also a total doormat.

Quark believes himself to be 100% the spitting image of his idealized father (in denial about his father's shortcomings), but he's really a male version of his strong mother, holding the beliefs and ideals of his father.

Rom is more likely the basic embodiment of their father, but he shares the beliefs of his mother.

Quark treats his brother Rom like dirt and doesn't realize that it's almost the same thing as treating his beloved father like dirt, because he can't see his father for who he was (he sees Rom clearly enough), and because his father would've wholeheartedly endorsed treating someone as "weak" as himself like dirt. Quark's father never stood up for himself (much to Moogi's chagrin) because he knew he deserved what life threw at him. And on the rare occasions when Quark recognized failure in his father, he was able to blame it on Moogi's unwanted help.


Kills Photobucket
Keep in mind that women on Ferenanar are nothing. Quarks father being dead/out of the picture means he was in charge of the family.


I got the impression that Quark's father was a traditional-thinking Ferengi, but that he was also a total doormat.

Quark believes himself to be 100% the spitting image of his idealized father (in denial about his father's shortcomings), but he's really a male version of his strong mother, holding the beliefs and ideals of his father.

Rom is more likely the basic embodiment of their father, but he shares the beliefs of his mother.

Quark treats his brother Rom like dirt and doesn't realize that it's almost the same thing as treating his beloved father like dirt, because he can't see his father for who he was (he sees Rom clearly enough), and because his father would've wholeheartedly endorsed treating someone as "weak" as himself like dirt. Quark's father never stood up for himself (much to Moogi's chagrin) because he knew he deserved what life threw at him. And on the rare occasions when Quark recognized failure in his father, he was able to blame it on Moogi's unwanted help.

Oh absolutely, I'm talking philosophically, I guess even that's not right. The beliefs that each present are the ones that their parents presented, while the attitudes towards them are flipped. You're absolutely correct.

Either way, I think that just goes to show the point which was that even if their father is dead, it doesn't mean it's not clear how their family relationship worked, and I don't consider that lazy. The original point about it being lazy is that their family essentially doesn't exist and they're 'dead' to explain it away. THAT is lazy. But most of the cast on these shows are like 30-50, it's completely reasonable that they have 1 or 2 dead parents. TNG doesn't do a great job with the personal lives of a lot of its crew off the ship, but DS9 and Voyager do (Even if Voyager is shit). O'brien and Jadzia are the two that stick out to me as not really having parents in any capacity on DS9, and O'brien has his own family that they tend to focus on during his episodes so it's understandable.


Kills Photobucket
Molly O'Brien - parents alive (on screen)
Julian Bashir - parents alive (on screen)
Harry Kim - parents alive (mentioned)
Nog - parents alive (mother abandoned him)

But yeah, it's hard to find many examples! I think Bashir's about the only case I can think of where both his parents have a big role to play in at least one episode.

Worf's adopted family was in a TNG episode. To be fair, there was never much reason to see any characters parents.
The award to worst family member in Trek probably goes to Norvo Tigan, Ezri's brother.



LOL is that character for serious? I didn't watch much of DS9 to know...

Recently rewatched Chain of Command 1+2, wonder why sfdebris hasn't reviewed yet. I don't remember if he did. I hate Jellico and Nechayev as much as I did as a kid. But this episode is still fierce and flawfree.


Just watched Star Trek II, I never had any idea JJ Abram's Star Trek made so many references to that movie. It made both of them even better for me!


Kills Photobucket
SFDebris just reviewed the voyager episode "Memorial" and I was really surprised that in his rant about beaming memories into someones mind to keep the memory alive he never once brought up "The Inner Light". Seemed odd to go off on a plot device that is the staple of one of the most beloved TNG episdoes.


Oh I agree, but most people don't. I think all the TNG movies suck, but if you had to pick a 'best of' of them... yeah. :p
I watched the Star Trek V Rifftrax the other day. I can't believe how much I hate this film now (loved the Riff though). I still remember as a kid telling my mom that I thought it was the best of the odd films and she just said "Okay" in sort of a stilted tone as if to say "You're completely crazy, but okay." Even when I got the DVD a few years ago, it didn't seem as bad as it does now. I think the Nostalgia Critic really summed up the movie's flaws and really made me realize how bad of it a movie it was)

It's also funny to see a villain taking control of characters and then saying it's "setting their mind free". You know who also did this?

And he's a million times better.

It just makes me wonder if Sybok simply had some kind of object or staff that visually displayed the affecting characters it wouldn't seem NEARLY as stupid of an idea.


In the last 3 months or so I have managed to watch every episode of DS9, Voyager and now TNG along with getting through a good portion of the films, timed the films to go along with TNG so as I came to the end of the series I hit Generations which I am watching now.


Finished watching through all of DS9 for the first time ever.

It started slow for me, but I loved it. Will definitely watch it again in a few years. I'm just not sure it's very Star Trek--it's so dark and full of flawed humans. It's a richer show for it, but it isn't the optimistic "hey look what we can become!" show that I love TOS for.

Anyway, I'm starting Voyager now, also for the first time. I expected it to be terrible, but I'm really liking it. I'm over half-way through season 1. If you ask me, its first season is better than both TNG and DS9's first season (not saying much for either one, but still).

I take it Voyager goes downhill in later seasons? The only thing I don't like is how absolutely awful Tuvok looks.


Kills Photobucket
He's going to tear it to shreds. I can feel it.

He seems to accept goofy episodes as such and reviews them appropriately. I can't seem him going off on it just because it's silly. I thought "Rascals" was done well for such a silly idea.

See DS9 review for "Badda-Bing Badda-Bang"


I do love some space battles, watching the small battle in Generations looks great, it is a shame the TV series never quite had the budgets to really make it look amazing but they do improve as they get into the later DS9/Voyager years and into Enterprise.

The new film especially looks awesome, far more realistic with how you would expect a Space battle and more inline with a naval one with the small cannon fire.

Finished watching through all of DS9 for the first time ever.

It started slow for me, but I loved it. Will definitely watch it again in a few years. I'm just not sure it's very Star Trek--it's so dark and full of flawed humans. It's a richer show for it, but it isn't the optimistic "hey look what we can become!" show that I love TOS for.

Anyway, I'm starting Voyager now, also for the first time. I expected it to be terrible, but I'm really liking it. I'm over half-way through season 1. If you ask me, its first season is better than both TNG and DS9's first season (not saying much for either one, but still).

I take it Voyager goes downhill in later seasons? The only thing I don't like is how absolutely awful Tuvok looks.

Personally I enjoyed all the series, Voyager might be pooped on the most by a lot of people but I enjoyed it quite a bit when I went through it again about a month ago. It has some great episodes dotted around and The Doctor is a great character that has some great moments, but you would have to like him to enjoy those.

I wont be too specific about certain things, but I know some people around here especially didn't like what they did with certain races in Voyager compared to previous series, but if you enjoyed the first season I would imagine you will enjoy the later ones as the better episodes are later on.


Personally I enjoyed all the series, Voyager might be pooped on the most by a lot of people but I enjoyed it quite a bit when I went through it again about a month ago. It has some great episodes dotted around and The Doctor is a great character that has some great moments, but you would have to like him to enjoy those.

I wont be too specific about certain things, but I know some people around here especially didn't like what they did with certain races in Voyager compared to previous series, but if you enjoyed the first season I would imagine you will enjoy the later ones as the better episodes are later on.

Well, I guess I have something to look forward too, then. Awesome.


Just finished Enterprise. I loved that series, but what a shitty finale. Also, the last season was pretty lackluster and seemed thrown together.


It will certainly get better later on. And even when it's bad, it's not boring like DS9 was from time to time, it's entertaining on some level...

As a certified Voyager hater I will agree that Voyager doesn't have the slowdowns that DS9 did (even when it was in arc mode later on).


The newly redesigned thedigitalbits is reporting that:
In other news today, we highly recommend that you Trekkers check out this radio story from KPCC's Off Ramp program - it's a feature on CBS' Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu-ray remastering effort. And you'll definitely want to stick with it right to the end, because for the first time in public (to our knowledge) there's the suggestion made that - provided demand is there and the TNG Blu-rays all sell well - CBS may continue their BD remastering/upgrade effort on to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine! Cool news indeed. This jives with what we've been hearing from our own industry sources. Keep your fingers crossed.
Which is good news that the remastering might continue into DS9.


Gold Member

Season 4 is the best season of Enterprise.

I'll need to pick it back up, then. I got bored early in Season 3 for some reason.

I was also happy to see Star Trek II and III on Netflix US last night. Nothing wrong with a little Khan before bed.


I feel like DS9 wouldn't need as much work as TNG is getting, having watched each series pretty close together recently DS9 holds up pretty well for a show that started 20 years ago while TNG had a certain old look about it for most of the series.

Still, personally it would be great having them all sorted with a nice layer of shiny.


I'll need to pick it back up, then. I got bored early in Season 3 for some reason.

The reason is that, with the exception of a couple episodes here and there, early season 3 is kind of treading water sometimes. With the exception of the Airlock Archer episode and the one with the Vulcan zombies, it's mostly forgettable up until Twilight.

The last third of the season or so is the best part of the series, so stay with it.


Gold Member
The reason is that, with the exception of a couple episodes here and there, early season 3 is kind of treading water sometimes. With the exception of the Airlock Archer episode and the one with the Vulcan zombies, it's mostly forgettable up until Twilight.

The last third of the season or so is the best part of the series, so stay with it.

Thanks for the tips. I'll probably pick it back up tonight. I need to quit rotting my brain with old South Park episodes, at least for a while.
I'll need to pick it back up, then. I got bored early in Season 3 for some reason.

I was also happy to see Star Trek II and III on Netflix US last night. Nothing wrong with a little Khan before bed.

If anything, Season 4 is where they start making a concerted effort to live up to the basic premise of the show. It's a little checkboxy ("stop the horrible Space Nazi and Tal^H^H^HSuliban storylines ASAP [✓]" ; "fix the Klingons [✓]" ; "fix the Vulcans [✓]" ; "make the Andorians and Tellarites seem more likely to actually be members of Federation [✓]" ; "actually lay groundwork for forming of Federation [✓]"), but it has a lot of genuine planning and passion for Star Trek and less of the "let's just throw things at a wall and see what sticks with the mass audience".

I liked it a lot. I didn't even mind the last episode, but perhaps I was caught in marathon euphoria (I didn't watch season 4 until many years later).

edit: The Klingons didn't really need fixing, but I am amused how thoroughly they tied it into other elements of Trek. (edit2: now that I think about it, I don't actually remember watching the Klingon episode)


Watching First Contact.

God damn, that Sovereign class, The Enterprise E is a sexy looking ship in those first few shots.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Watching First Contact.

God damn, that Sovereign class, The Enterprise E is a sexy looking ship in those first few shots.

I used to have a crush on the Enterprise-E because of how sexy it is.

I still do.


not a medical professional
Watching First Contact.

God damn, that Sovereign class, The Enterprise E is a sexy looking ship in those first few shots.

First time I saw it on the big screen I was giddy like a school girl... that whole opening space battle sequence with the defiant and all that against the cube was geektastic.


Kills Photobucket
When will he review TNG again?


"The Inner Light" will be reviewed later this month. I'm very interested to see this after his review for Voyager's "Memorial" and his rant about the whole idea of a species forcibly giving someone memories.


I used to have a crush on the Enterprise-E because of how sexy it is.

I still do.
Yeah. The Enterprise-E is a goddamn glorious ship.

Nice to see in not alone, lol, those in the Kirk vs Picard topic thinking the Defiant could take the Enterprise-E, crazy people.

Such a nice ship, and such a shame we only got to see it in the movies, if we do get another series I hope we get an equally awesome looking ship to go with it.

First time I saw it on the big screen I was giddy like a school girl... that whole opening space battle sequence with the defiant and all that against the cube was geektastic.

Space battles, I love me some space battles, whether it is Star Trek or Star Wars, I just love sitting there in awe at everything going on.


I have never seen any of the old star trek movies, first one was generations. Is it recommendable to watch them now, or are they dated to much?
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