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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN

Fuck! Lwaxana appears in DS9


I actually stopped hating Lwaxana so much after I realized that she,

1) Was the voice of Starfleet computers
2) Was married to Gene Roddenberry.
3) Died only a couple years back (its gonna be a sad day when the first TNG main cast member passes away).


I actually stopped hating Lwaxana so much after I realized that she,

1) Was the voice of Starfleet computers
2) Was married to Gene Roddenberry.
3) Died only a couple years back (its gonna be a sad day when the first TNG main cast member passes away).

She also played Nurse Chapel in TOS, and her character had the hots for Spock.


Subete no aware
I actually stopped hating Lwaxana so much after I realized that she,

1) Was the voice of Starfleet computers
2) Was married to Gene Roddenberry.
3) Died only a couple years back (its gonna be a sad day when the first TNG main cast member passes away).

There's also that weird shit about how Gene was chasing after Nichelle Nichols behind her back. :p
I actually stopped hating Lwaxana so much after I realized that she,

1) Was the voice of Starfleet computers
2) Was married to Gene Roddenberry.
3) Died only a couple years back (its gonna be a sad day when the first TNG main cast member passes away).

The sad part is it will probably be Patrick Stewart since he's 72.


I actually stopped hating Lwaxana so much after I realized that she,

1) Was the voice of Starfleet computers
2) Was married to Gene Roddenberry.
3) Died only a couple years back (its gonna be a sad day when the first TNG main cast member passes away).

Like four of B5's cast are dead now. It's very sad. :/

Davey Cakes

Oh wow, I did not know that. I mean, I knew about G'Kar and I learned about Franklin while reading up on general B5 info after finishing the show. The rest is a surprise.

A few months ago I remember Michael O'Hare disappearing or something like that, and JMS posting about it on Facebook. Didn't go beyond that, though. However, September 28th. :(

Sad, I have to say.
Saw Stephen Furst at a con earlier this year, he looked awful and next to all the rest of the remaining B5 cast, he looked to be in the worst shape. Hobbling on a cane, he seemed very out of it too while everyone was so lively. :(

Davey Cakes

Saw Stephen Furst at a con earlier this year, he looked awful and next to all the rest of the remaining B5 cast, he looked to be in the worst shape. Hobbling on a cane, he seemed very out of it too while everyone was so lively. :(
I tell ya, some day I would like to go to a Con just to see some Star Trek and B5 actors in person.

Who else in the cast was there?


Subete no aware
I tell ya, some day I would like to go to a Con just to see some Star Trek and B5 actors in person.

Who else in the cast was there?
I know I shouldn't judge, but when I found out that Jimmy Doohan had like a 20 year old wife at the end of his life, I was kind of weirded out.

But, at the time he told some interesting WW2 stories anyway. It was also funny because that was the first time I realized that the cast hated each other - Doohan explicitly came a day before Shatner to avoid seeing him.


Kills Photobucket
I tell ya, some day I would like to go to a Con just to see some Star Trek and B5 actors in person.

Depends who it is, but some of the actors are really nice to fans. At the very least they all have pretty amusing anecdotes for the panels.
I know I shouldn't judge, but when I found out that Jimmy Doohan had like a 20 year old wife at the end of his life, I was kind of weirded out.

But, at the time he told some interesting WW2 stories anyway. It was also funny because that was the first time I realized that the cast hated each other - Doohan explicitly came a day before Shatner to avoid seeing him.

It wasn't everyone hating each other so much as Shatner vs. everyone else. The only one who says anything nice about Shatner is Nimoy.

Also, Full extra's on the TNG season 2 Blu's were announced.


Still waiting on my Enterprise-F series

After Enterprise I'm not sure they would give us another a show with a ship of the same name, but you never know, and if they did I would hope they give it the same gap they did with TOS to TNG so about 100 years into the future.

And as mentioned, if they decide to eventually take parts of STO lore and throw it together as a back story to any future series then it is possible that like said the Enterprise-F would be commanded by an Andorian.

You aren't going to see any Trek outside of the Abramsverse for a long time if ever.

Once the actors for the Alternate Reality move on to other projects and start getting older I wouldn't be surprised if they stop the films there to be honest, once you lose those iconic characters anything they try to put out would be a little risky in the new universe film wise.

I really wouldn't put it past them to whip up another TV series in a few years once the new films are done that continues on from the prime universe.


It wasn't everyone hating each other so much as Shatner vs. everyone else. The only one who says anything nice about Shatner is Nimoy.

I sort of feel for Shatner. I saw a BBC interview the other day where he mentioned (probably not for the first time) how he first found out what they thought of him. It was years after TOS, and he was going to write a book, so he decided to visit the old cast to reconnect and pick up some anecdotes. He spent a day hanging out at George Takei's house, and he says he had a really great time. Next day he goes to Nichelle Nichols' house, and... same thing. But then when he's about to leave, she hesitantly asks him "Don't you want to know... why we all hated you?" and he was kind of stunned. So he sat back down and she explained it all to him, and it took him a long time to absorb it all.

Must have also been a pretty weird feeling for George Takei, to have Shatner just drop by to hang out.

Seems to me there are a lot of people who act like assholes when they're at work, and it's really easy to hate on "that asshole from work", knowing you're never going to have to do more than work with them, but then the Trek actors and Shatner got put in a weird situation by getting lumped together as some kind of default friends.

Also, regarding Shatner and Doohan shortly before Doohan's passing, Shatner apparently met with Doohan privately before the event, but Shatner didn't have the emotional strength to do it onstage, so he left the con early, and Doohan understood. To the public, it looked like Shatner was snubbing Doohan and ramping up the feud, but it was actually the opposite. Shatner has also said that it was Doohan-specifically who first convinced him to give conventions a chance, back when he was refusing to go to them out of ignorant pride.
I actually stopped hating Lwaxana so much after I realized that she,

1) Was the voice of Starfleet computers
2) Was married to Gene Roddenberry.
3) Died only a couple years back (its gonna be a sad day when the first TNG main cast member passes away).
Who the fuck could ever hate Lwaxana? She and Q were the best recurring characters in the whole series.

It's a shame that Peter David's Q-in-Law (where Q gives Lwaxana the powers of the Q and has a romance with her, just to experience it) was never turned into TV episode.
The Red Letter Media reviews never get old. I love watching these. First Contact background character is the best thing about those reviews.


this is not really Star Trek related, but since it's GAF.....

I got Patrick Stewart to sign my cover to Lands of Lore: Throne of Chaos last weekend at Comic-con :D


Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
The complete extras for TNG's S2 Blu-ray have been announced!

News at DigitalBits, news at TrekCore.

Disc One:
The Child
Where Silence Has Lease
Elementary, Dear Data
The Outrageous Okona
Loud as a Whisper
Special Features
Episode Promos
Promo #1
Promo #2
Promo #3
Promo #4
Promo #5
1988 On-Air Season Two Promo
Energized! Season Two Tech Update
1988 Reading Rainbow segment with LeVar Burton
2012 Reading Rainbow iTunes Promo
Archival Mission Log: Department Briefing Year 2 - Production

Disc Two:
The Schizoid Man
Unnatural Selection
A Matter of Honor
The Measure of a Man
Special Features
Episodic Promos
Promo #1
Promo #2
Promo #3
Promo #4
The Measure of a Man (HD Extended Version)
The Measure of a Man Audio Commentary with Melinda Snodgrass and Mike & Denise Okuda
The Measure of a Man (Hybrid Extended Version)

Disc Three:
The Dauphin
The Royale
Time Squared
The Icarus Factor
Special Features
Episodic Promos
Promo #1
Promo #2
Promo #3
Promo #4
Promo #5
Gag Reel
Archival Mission Log: Inside Starfleet Archives: Penny Juday, Star Trek Coordinator
Archival Mission Log: Selected Crew Analysis Year Two

Disc Four:
Pen Pals
Q Who?
Samaritan Snare
Up The Long Ladder
Special Features
Episodic Promos
Promo #1
Promo #2
Promo #3
Promo #4
Promo #5
Archival Mission Log: Departmental Analysis Year 2: Memorable Missions

Disc Five:
The Emissary
Peak Performance
Shades of Gray
Special Features
Episodic Promos
Promo #1
Promo #2
Promo #3
Reunification: 25 Years After Star Trek: The Next Generation
Making It So: Continuing Star Trek: The Next Generation
Part 1: Strange New Worlds
Part 2: New Life and New Civilizations
Archival Mission Log: Mission Overview Year Two


Audio Commentary on episode "Q Who?" with Rob Bowman, Dan Curry and Mike Okuda
Brand new Deleted Scenes from two episodes, "The Icarus Factor" and "Up the Long Ladder"
being patrick stewart has to be the best thing ever. You're both Captain Picard and Professor Xavier without having to put any makeup or costumes on. I guess he'd have to sit down to be Prof X.

Now, he'd probably hate me for not remembering him as richard teh III or his other plays. Sorry, Pat. I like what I like!
was not sure which thread to post this.

Just started Enterprise on Netflix saw the first ep liked it okay but I had the feeling this was not a loved member of the series. Any reason to stop watching?


was not sure which thread to post this.

Just started Enterprise on Netflix saw the first ep liked it okay but I had the feeling this was not a loved member of the series. Any reason to stop watching?

Personally I think Enterprise is better than Voyager. Show really started to turn around once they got Berman off it. Problem was it was too late to save enterprise. Some interesting characters developing etc that never got to get fully explored.


was not sure which thread to post this.

Just started Enterprise on Netflix saw the first ep liked it okay but I had the feeling this was not a loved member of the series. Any reason to stop watching?

I like Enterprise.

Gonna get real rough around the first half of season 2, though. Hoo boy.


was not sure which thread to post this.

Just started Enterprise on Netflix saw the first ep liked it okay but I had the feeling this was not a loved member of the series. Any reason to stop watching?

First episode is awful, first season is really bad overall. So...standard trek series quality jump after a season and a half or so.
Thanks for the Enterprise replies guys. I find the aliens and ships pretty cool. I am on dude getting knock-up episode I expected the lack luster eps so I'll stick with it for a while since I wanted to get back into this world for a bit.

I did not start liking Voyager until 7 of 9 showed up some of these shows take a while to grow on me. Nearly hated DS9 from the start because it was just a damn space station but it became my favorite of the series. I wish Enterprise was given a better chance to grow because I like that it is first on the timeline.
you guys ever had Netflix go from widescreen to 4:3?

Just getting into Interprise trying to do a maraton of it and suddenly my next episode changes ratio on me.


Thanks for the Enterprise replies guys. I find the aliens and ships pretty cool.
I don't think you'll see one until the end of season one, but the big Vulcan combat cruisers are seriously one of my favorite ship designs in all of Trek.

I am on dude getting knock-up episode I expected the lack luster eps so I'll stick with it for a while since I wanted to get back into this world for a bit.
Oh god THAT episode.
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