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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


I know many dislike Voyager and I certainly understand where this comes from even though I like the show but to come to the point, A Year of Hell just re-runs on TV as I write this and I wondered if I remember a thing correctly. The reason why nobody remembers the Krenim from the episode where Kes was time "flowing" is that with Kes back in temporal unity everyone forgot about the extended events that happened right?

Also I just realized the "Time-Federation" actually just doesn't do anything while the Krenim just alter the time-line... o.o

They make this shit up as they go along, which is why continuity never works.
The Kes episode, they just made up "year of hell" and "Krenim". Later on they decided to make real episodes based on that. At one point they considered actually doing a full season of it but realized it would be too much to reset button a whole season, even for Voyager, so they just made a 2-parter.

Neelix is the worst character to ever be in Star Trek. Even Wesley Crusher isn't this bad.

Neelix is obnoxiously self-obsessed, butts into everything, pretends to be an expert at everything meanwhile failing in the worst ways possible at all those things, and has an annoying voice. Worst of all, Voyager's crew never seems to notice and gives him important jobs for no reason. The way he treated Kes was horrible and there was no way anyone bought that she liked him. He had no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Ah alright that makes sense I suppose because I was like "Umm... shouldn't you already know these guys and just stay the hell away from them? o.o Or atleast maybe try to use knowledge they have of the Chronoton Torpedos to make a Temporal Shield before just burst into their space?" And whoa a whole season like this... I'm not sure that would be a good idea because just making "Hey I crash into the Krenim ship!" the reset-button for the whole season would be like a face-slap yeah.

As for Neelix I agree on all points, especially with the way he treated Kes, it really mindboggled me that nobody noticed that too :/ But still I like him because of this face-palm inducting silliness most of the time :p

Also I like Captain Janeway for the most part but she really ticks me off in "Year of Hell", I know they are in hellish times but that she of all persons gets so incredibly cynical seems still wrong.

They make this shit up as they go along, which is why continuity never works.

Yes but the bad thing is that there wasn't even a need to make things up as the whole Captain Braxton thing already happened :/ Unless of course fixing the whole incident made the Time Federation go void until the Relativity incident where they suddenly came back... but then it doesn't even make sense why they didn't prevent the Star Trek Reboot Movie with Vulcan getting destroyed... yeah okay Voyager is a mess I admit it. And just thinking about it there would be very lame and shady writer excuse to get everything in continuity, they could have just said "The Time Federation prevents alterations to a master timeline but doesn't prevent the creation of new ones!" Though that wouldn't make things any better I suppose xD My catchphrase when watching Voyager used to be "Oh I hate temporal anomalies..." but nowadays as I'm older it's more "Oh god I hate senseless writers!"


Neelix was the worst. But then again, I hated every damn character on that show except the Doctor (and Seven, at times). And each episode had this moment, at some point: "They're no match for our shields... SHIELDS ARE DOWN TO SEVEN PERCENT! WARP CORE IS OFFLINE!" (I don't know if the ship was just a total piece of crap, or Tuvok was horrible at estimating enemy armaments, or what.)

And yet... I still kind of like Voyager.


Voyager had by far the most technobabble and also has 2 of the worst episodes in Star Trek history.

Threshold (where Voyager invents infinite speed in a few weeks, evolution that makes no sense)
Tattoo (Native Americans are dumb savages until aliens make them almost as good as the white man)

TNG's Code of Honor and Genesis are pretty bad too (for a lot of the same reasons actually, getting evolution horribly wrong and racism) but Genesis is not as bad as Threshold.

TOS had it's last episode Turnabout Intruder with epic misogyny.

DS9 is the best Trek and also happens to be the only one without a horrible face palm episode.
If Wishes Were Horses was fun.

"Its like stepping on ants, Odo!"

"I don't step on ants, Major!"

oh, wait. that was the one with Vash. That one was terrible.


Profit and Lace
The Muse
If Wishes Were Horses

Let He Who Is Without Sin
The Emperor's New Cloak

Just off the top of my head. DS9 was filled with clunkers but it also had a very high batting average on the whole.

Not even the worst episode in S1. "The Storyteller."

Nah. "The Storyteller" had some pretty solid character work with a very stupid plot. It's worth it for the Bashir/O'Brien content.


Kills Photobucket
Let He Who Is Without Sin
The Emperor's New Cloak

Just off the top of my head. DS9 was filled with clunkers but it also had a very high batting average on the whole.

I'd agree. I'd say the worst DS9 episodes still stand a little better than the worst from the other series. Nothing in DS9 hits the lows of "Spock's Brain", "Sub Rosa", "Threshold" or "These are the Voyages"


I'd agree. I'd say the worst DS9 episodes still stand a little better than the worst from the other series. Nothing in DS9 hits the lows of "Spock's Brain", "Sub Rosa", "Threshold" or "These are the Voyages"

I'd argue "Profit and Lace" and "Let He Who Is Without Sin" do. Every Star Trek series has a "worst of Trek" episode contributor, most of which you named above.

(I think there's plenty of Enterprise episodes far worse than "These are the Voyages." That one just gets a lot of attention because it was the series finale.)


(I think there's plenty of Enterprise episodes far worse than "These are the Voyages." That one just gets a lot of attention because it was the series finale.)

Yeah, TATV isn't the worst Enterprise episode.

Though it was certainly the most insulting.


Yup. Certainly one of the most misguided.

(Truly terrible Enterprise episodes include "Precious Cargo", "Bound", and "A Night in Sickbay.")

Did you know that A Night in Sickbay was nominated for a Hugo award?


Yeah. Completely unbelievable.

I don't understand how they picked those.

I mean they picked like, A Night in Sickbay and Carbon Creek out of that entire season and were like, "YEP THESE MIGHT HAVE BEEN THE BEST DRAMATIC HOURS OF SCIFI THIS YEAR!"



I don't understand how they picked those.

I mean they picked like, A Night in Sickbay and Carbon Creek out of that entire season and were like, "YEP THESE MIGHT HAVE BEEN THE BEST DRAMATIC HOURS OF SCIFI THIS YEAR!"


In their defense, it's hard to pick a quality hour from that season of Enterprise. ;)

(Cogenitor. That's about it.)
Move Along Home.

The scene that made Sisko offically the worst Trek captain ever. I mean, how stupid is he? Pretty damn stupid.

I blame it on the writers trying too hard to make Sisko distinct from Picard. Picard was not easy to provoke, Sisko's emotions were always just below the surface.


In their defense, it's hard to pick a quality hour from that season of Enterprise. ;)

(Cogenitor. That's about it.)
Cogenitor was probably the best one, but there were a ton of episodes better than those two.
I blame it on the writers trying too hard to make Sisko distinct from Picard. Picard was not easy to provoke, Sisko's emotions were always just below the surface.

Yeah, but in this case they made Sisko look really bad. It seemed to me that Q having some repect for Picard kind of expected other Starfleet captains to have same levels of intelligence and wit as Picard, but instead he met this dumb and violent asshole, and decided not to waste any more time with him. Not that the Voyager Q episodes were any good either...
Yeah, but in this case they made Sisko look really bad. It seemed to me that Q having some repect for Picard kind of expected other Starfleet captains to have same levels of intelligence and wit as Picard, but instead he met this dumb and violent asshole, and decided not to waste any more time with him. Not that the Voyager Q episodes were any good either...

Oh I agree with you. It was a poorly executed concept.


Man Voyager is the only Trek I haven't watched. I'm considering not even starting. Should I? DS9 is my favorite trek if that helps.

Just give it a try IMO.

The first 2 years are kinda iffy but all the premieres/finales and 2 parters are probably worth watching. Just don't expect a show as smart as TNG or with continuity and character development like DS9.
Just give it a try IMO.

The first 2 years are kinda iffy but all the premieres/finales and 2 parters are probably worth watching. Just don't expect a show as smart as TNG or with continuity and character development like DS9.

What Zzoram is trying to say is to expect shitty star trek.

But apparently it makes Sisko "dumb and violent" or something. Whatever.

Being goaded into a physical confrontation with "Neener neener" doesn't strike me as being part of an enlightened starfleet captain.


Man Voyager is the only Trek I haven't watched. I'm considering not even starting. Should I? DS9 is my favorite trek if that helps.

Yeah, it's Star Trek -- so it's comfortable to watch -- but keep your expectations in check. It's like a dumber TNG with a worse cast stuck in a Lost in Space scenario. Which isn't to say I don't like it! I do, but I'm a sucker for just about anything Trek (except Enterprise, which I've never gotten around to watching).

Personally (and this is only me), I think you can safely skip almost all of the first three seasons -- if you're looking to get through the show quickly. Watch the two-part pilot, so you know what's going on. And watch "Threshold" (S2E15), because holy shit it's so stupid and horrific it's a must-see. (Maybe you want to save it for after you've watched more episodes, so it doesn't ruin the show for you...)

After that, you can go right to "Before and After" (S3E21), because it's decent and sets up some of what comes later in the series.

For me, the series really begins at "Scorpion" (The S3 finale and S4 opening). Most of the episodes I like best come after that point -- though there are still plenty of clunkers, too.

If you want to pick and choose episodes, people here will give you some good recommendations. Or you can get some hints from the the user ratings at IMDb:

You can also get good video summaries of episodes at SF Debris:

The episode listing on the right side is in order (though he hasn't covered every single episode). They do a great job of getting you up to speed on what happens in any episodes you don't feel like watching in their entirety.


Subete no aware
I don't understand how they picked those.

I mean they picked like, A Night in Sickbay and Carbon Creek out of that entire season and were like, "YEP THESE MIGHT HAVE BEEN THE BEST DRAMATIC HOURS OF SCIFI THIS YEAR!"


The Hugos are fan nominated though, IIRC.


I rceently rewatched the episode with Data's daughter. More moving than I remembered it, and I forgot she developed emotions.
I just read that ENTIRE cast from Next Gen will be in Orlando in March for MegaCon.

I am beside myself, as I never thought this was a possibility. Someone hold me.


The entire original cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation will be providing a special event on Saturday, March 16th in Hall F, at the Orange County Convention Center. This is an event you definitely won’t want to miss.  Join the cast as they interact together with the audience.  They will field and answer questions in an entertaining way that only they could do. The original cast members will include: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander William T. Riker), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Levar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher), Michael Dorn (Lieutenant Worf), and Marina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi) along with a few surprise guests.
Huh? Disney released Armageddon, Paramount released Deep Impact...

Huh, I thought I fact checked that, but I guess not. Paramount is obviosuly not the only studio doing that kind of thing, as we got a whole bunch of fantasy movies after Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings, as every studio wanted a piece of that action etc. And the whole vampire thing after Twilight and True Blood...
Boo this man!

You should try to rewatch Move Along Home, it's actually quite a good S1 episode that's easy to remember it as being bad because of the silly song and dance.

The Quark stuff was good as always, and I often like the more surreal stuff the writers come up with. But in this case the episode as a whole felt pretty stupid...
Anyone else planning to get Diamond Select's Enterprise B? Looks pretty sweet.



I rceently rewatched the episode with Data's daughter. More moving than I remembered it, and I forgot she developed emotions.

Yeah it was an interesting episode. Showed the shitty side of starfleet again even after agreeing Data was a lifeform awarded the liberty etc of all others how quick they tried to screw him over again.

Last few minutes of the episode certainly pull on the emotional strings


Boo this man!

You should try to rewatch Move Along Home, it's actually quite a good S1 episode that's easy to remember it as being bad because of the silly song and dance.

Let's be real, move along home is pretty bad.
If Wishes Were Horses as well. Really similar 'silly beyond the point of believability' factor in both of those.
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