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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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More than a member.
Forsete said:
Swedish Gamereactor mentioned in their 10/10 review that they were pretty surprised regarding the difference between the PS3 and 360-versions. The PS3-version features better colours, contrast, load times and what looks to be better resolution textures. The game also looks sharper and has a more stable fps.

i think we have enough sources to be sure now that the ps3 version has a clear edge over the 360 from a tech standpoint. I never expected it , i had hope for at least something similar.
There is waaay to many differences in opinion. The best bet would be to rent both if you can, and then buy the one that you think is best. Im done listening to all these conflicting arguments

Duke Togo

oo Kosma oo said:


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Without wishing to send in a grenade. Is a PC version planned?
Yeah, you can definitely see the same kind of pop-in on the PS3 version in the IGN Insider Head-To-Head. He lifts off in a helicopter and you can see a row of lights come in.
Ken Masters said:
In the IGN head-to-head video they said that driving in the PS3 version felt better

There is absolutely zero difference between the driving in the 360 version of the game and the ps3 version.... *sigh*

Eric WK

Lion Heart said:
There is waaay to many differences in opinion. The best bet would be to rent both if you can, and then buy the one that you think is best. Im done listening to all these conflicting arguments

Who seriously thinks like this? Do slight technical differences in either direction really warrant such behavior to some of you guys?
Roxas said:
Does the PS3 version have "Accomplishments", and i dont mean Home trophies we cant use for another year.

GamesRadar says that useless nonsensical childish shit-stinking garbage is nowhere to be found on the PS3 version. (Paraphrasing.)
CowboyAstronaut said:
There is absolutely zero difference between the driving in the 360 version of the game and the ps3 version.... *sigh*

It's probably due to controler differences, which is a completely fair argument.
CowboyAstronaut said:
There is absolutely zero difference between the driving in the 360 version of the game and the ps3 version.... *sigh*

they said it felt better on the PS3

have you played both versions? if not then you wouldn't now how they control
cyberheater said:
Without wishing to send in a grenade. Is a PC version planned?

Heavily rumored but never confirmed. I'm thinking they just don't want to annouce it until after the console versions are out for a bit. Also, don't expect Rockstar themselves to port it if/when it does come out for the PC (which may or may not be meaningful).


I love that some of you focus on only portions of what is being said to draw your own personal conclusions. Here is exactly what the framerate discussion from the site that did the comparison: (This is a direct copy/paste)

"The Grand Theft Auto series has never been synonymous with a rock solid frame rate, something it generally seems to get a pass for. While GTA IV is smoother in general than it's predecessors, it can expectedly suffer during chaos. The Xbox 360 version seemed capable of achieving a smoother frame rate, peaking higher in certain circumstances, such as in confined spaces or during light traffic, but both versions seemed to regularly run at a similar clip."

Here we see that they mention that the 360 version seemed "capable of achieving a smoother frame rate, peaking higher in certain circumstances such as in confined spaced or during light traffic, but both seemd to regularly run at a similar clip."

So...based on that alone, how are some of you saying that the PS3 version is smoother and has better frame rate???

Not to be an ass about it...but the fanboyism is really getting bad. Some of you are reading things and then quoting them they way you want it to sound. I have both systems so I really don't care one way or another. I just find it amusing how some of you are taking some of this stuff. My whole point of quoting the above was just to point out that some of you are not really even reading what is being said. You are blinded so much for the love of your perfered system that you are thinking your version is immune to any imperfections.

Just enjoy the game...regardless of what version you get. Not matter what, you are not being cheated out of anything for choosing one system or the other.
f@luS said:
i think we have enough sources to be sure now that the ps3 version has a clear edge over the 360 from a tech standpoint. I never expected it , i had hope for at least something similar.

Somehow I get the feeling if the reviews were saying the opposite you wouldn't be so quick to make such a declaration. :lol

I've already seen a side by side comparison of both ps3 and 360 version and I can say confidently here and now. A lot of people are going to feel pretty stupid soon.

This isn't some internet comparison either it was in person with both final copies of the game.
I would've liked to hear IGN discuss the netcode on the two games and if there's any differences in stability. But I guess that would have to be revisited once the games are truly out in the wild under the most strenuous of circumstances.


Hawk269 said:
Just enjoy the game...regardless of what version you get. Not matter what, you are not being cheated out of anything for choosing one system or the other.

Impossible. The only enjoyment that GTA4 will ever provide is system wars arguments!
danwarb said:
You think the PS3 version is "entirely immune" from pop in?
No. I'm certain that PS3 version features some pop in as well. It's just easy to see Kotaku playing their cards even when they don't make it as obviously as here.


CowboyAstronaut said:
There is absolutely zero difference between the driving in the 360 version of the game and the ps3 version.... *sigh*
Who are you again? From your comments over the past few days, it seems like you got to play this long before anyone else. And its not a "smart ass" question. just asking. And the driving comments are starting to sound like the "superior controls" arguements a month ago for DMC4.


Hawk269 said:
So...based on that alone, how are some of you saying that the PS3 version is smoother and has better frame rate???
their specific comparison is actually kind of silly. they say 360 version peaks at higher framerates, like in confined spaces or light traffic (or in other words, when nothing is going on). this is the opposite of how most people would compare framerate issues, and it kind of makes me doubt their ability to discern the differences.

you'd typically have them compare the framerate in the chaos, and not in the circumstances where nothing is happening. somehow i doubt that one version has a max FPS that is higher than the other version.


Hawk269 said:
So...based on that alone, how are some of you saying that the PS3 version is smoother and has better frame rate???
There are many other reviews that back that argument.
So, the Kotaku comparison made it sound like they both have their ups and downs....Better framerate, less muddy for 360 with less pop in for PS3.

Maybe it really could come down to the condition of the console it's being played on and how the reviewer's TV settings are.


Duck said:
For whatever reason Kotaku changed their wording around...


It's Kotaku, they don't want to piss people their readers off. It's always all shades of gray.


TheDrowningMan said:
So, the Kotaku comparison made it sound like they both have their ups and downs....Better framerate, less muddy for 360 with less pop in for PS3.

Maybe it really could come down to the condition of the console it's being played on and how the reviewer's TV settings are.

I would not trust Kotaku.


just watched the GT review - the game really does look superb. and i take back what i said about the multi, it look absolutely awesome


Loudninja said:
I would not trust Kotaku.

Indeed not with their history and considering who's their main audience ;)
But there are many other reports from major websites so it's a non-issue.


Some have said framerate was better on PS3, others on 360. So I guess they are basically equal if no one is sure, it was probably just a question of ending up in different circumstances.
TheDrowningMan said:
So, the Kotaku comparison made it sound like they both have their ups and downs....Better framerate, less muddy for 360 with less pop in for PS3.

Maybe it really could come down to the condition of the console it's being played on and how the reviewer's TV settings are.

I am not ready to doubt that maybe those could be true, but its coming from Kotaku. (I'm not saying they are bias towards one system or another, just that they are not a very reliable source or anyone you should trust in this situation).

Ether_Snake said:
Some have said framerate was better on PS3, others on 360. So I guess they are basically equal if no one is sure, it was probably just a question of ending up in different circumstances.

I don't think there have been any claims that the PS3 version had better framerate, most said the frame rate is solid on both with slowdown.
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