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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Tobor said:
Extra content >>>>>>> occasional pop-in.

It's not rocket science.

It's like I can almost feel your little fists balled up and clenched ever so tightly as you hear that someone likes/wants the PS3 version more than the 360 version.

Kind of like this:



GreekWolf said:
When did Snah ever fabricate evidence? Unless I somehow missed it, I always assumed that he and tjhooker were banned for incessantly trolling 360 threads with snarky remarks.

This thread alone contains as much, if not more, console trolling from both sides than those two ever engaged in.

You would have to troll 24/7 for a solid year to come close to the level of trolling those two knuckleheads perpetrated.


CowboyAstronaut said:
With this I've lost all hope for this thread. Especially since this very thing happens on the PS3 version as well. The final copy at that.

This is def my last post in this one. Everyone just go enjoy GTA4 when you can whichever console you decide to get it on.

You've been the 360 version apologist in the thread so I'll take the impressions about PS3 version having such bad pop-in with a grain of salt but if it's true I'm dissapointed. I expected Rockstar to do better the building isn't that far.


Post Count: 9999
cyberheater said:
So is the PS3 version native 720p or not?

I'm sure the pixel counters at B3D will soon find out.

(and if the PS3 is less then 720p, meltdown...)

If most reviews are citing the PS3 version as having superior IQ ... then why would it matter?

Oh wait ... thisisgaf.gif


I thought Snah was banned because everything he typed sounded like pull quotes from Sony PR, to the point where no one took him seriously anymore. But I guess that's not bannable, so there's probably an even better reason!


GreekWolf said:
When did Snah ever fabricate evidence? Unless I somehow missed it, I always assumed that he and tjhooker were banned for incessantly trolling 360 threads with snarky remarks.
My bad.
It was someone in the Retail musings thread a month or so ago. Made a fake sales report.
(mixed that with Snah's Amazon sales report)
to what extent is CS used in the 360 version?

because just having custom soundtrack use like all 360 games (music playing over everything non-stop) would not work well with GTA


djblackice said:
It's like I can almost feel your little fists balled up and clenched ever so tightly as someone liking the PS3 version more than the 360 version.

Kind of like this:


Like I said before, I'm a GTA fan, I would have purchased a PS3 if the DLC had gone the other way.

But imagine whatever you want if it makes you feel better.


TheDrowningMan said:
Thanks for sending me in the direction of the PS3 version once and for all

Do we know the PS3 version doesn't have pop-in like that? I thought the consensus was that the PS3 version had slightly less pop-in, not no pop-in?

How can footage showing pop-in in one version be proof that another version doesn't have it? I don't get it.


chubigans said:
:lol You know, sometimes I wonder if half the people on the internet even understand English properly, or if they just selectively read the words that comes to the conclusion they want.

“There's a good chance the PS3 version is rendering below 1280x720.”

chance | ch ans|
1 a possibility of something happening

I love this though:
Android18z said:
that link is bollocks anyways, it's some random guy taking a guess
That guy works in the industry, you don't

and all the reviews i've read said PS3 is 720p native too
Actually they haven't. I've read all the reviews.

Lower resolutions on the pS3 version confirmed.
Android18z said:
This news is being confirmed by several sources. The guy quoted also works in the industry.

Imagine spending all that money only to get a sub HD version of GTAIV
I work in the industry now? :lol

There isn't a facepalm.jpg big enough. No, not even that one.


Ninny Prancer
bj00rn_ said:
Do we know the PS3 version doesn't have pop-in like that? I thought the consensus was that the PS3 version had slightly less pop-in, not no pop-in?
I would say the PS3 version has substantially less pop-in.


BeeDog said:
andrewfee sure likes to jump to conclusions when it comes to the PS3. It probably crushed his toe or something.

The fool can't even make up his mind when it comes to HDTV's yet he's able to come to a definitive conclusion for a game he hasn't even seen. What a fool.


Andrewfree should be locked into the HDTV thread and never allowed to be out. ;)

CowboyAstronaut said:
With this I've lost all hope for this thread. Especially since this very thing happens on the PS3 version as well. The final copy at that.

This is def my last post in this one. Everyone just go enjoy GTA4 when you can whichever console you decide to get it on.

Well that sucks it is as bad in the PS3 version.

Why do journalists always cover up technical problems for GTA games? Getting annoying.


People sure have a lot of faith in DLC that may or may not come out this fall, may or may not be on the PS3 and may or may not be worth it. I am going with the PS3 version for now, and if this game happens to be the first game in history to keep my attention for over 5-6 months and the DLC sounds great, I will trade it for the 360 version.


former Navy SEAL
Ken Masters said:
to what extent is CS used in the 360 version?

because just having custom soundtrack use like all 360 games (music playing over everything non-stop) would not work well with GTA

It works great for free-roaming play... but not so good when you're trying to follow the story. I'm really looking forward to that period after having beat the game when you can just cruise around and do as you will, with either random play from my music collection or streaming internet radio. It's really fucking cool and it boggles my mind to see people discounting this feature. It's one of the rare things MS did right.
Tobor said:
Like I said before, I'm a GTA fan, I would have purchased a PS3 if the DLC had gone the other way.

But imagine whatever you want if it makes you feel better.

Translation: "LULZORZ!!!!111!!! De-nial ain't just a river. DERRRR!"

Now THAT made me feel better.

Doc Evils

Onix said:
Umm ... it confirmed? :lol

Consider many reviews state the PS3 version looks a bit MORE detailed, but with better AA ... oh andrew :lol

Oh, and this is a Sony forum?!?! :lol :lol :lol

Didn't you get the news? Evillore is changing the forum name to Neo SAF and is indeed Ken K him self!

Scooter said:
You've been the 360 version apologist in the thread so I'll take the impressions about PS3 version having such bad pop-in with a grain of salt but if it's true I'm dissapointed. I expected Rockstar to do better the building isn't that far.

It happens in the ps3 version, but it's more common in the 360 version for obvious reasons, but what nobody is mentioning is that you might see one area pop in on either the 360 or ps3 version the first time around, but then not see the same occurrence thereon afterwards as if certain things are being saved in memory for future reference.

If people think there is no object pop in the ps3 version of the game, you are in for a surprise. If people think there is no texture pop in on the ps3 version of the game, they are yet again, in for a surprise.

I've been from the get go treating both sides of this discussion as truthfully as humanely possible, but I would be lying my behind off if I didn't say that this 360 version exclusive issues propaganda that people are so delicately pushing is getting annoying.

What I want more than anything now is for many more ps3 videos to be released so people are able to cut through the bullshit for themselves.

Anyway I'm out.
andrewfee said:
:lol You know, sometimes I wonder if half the people on the internet even understand English properly, or if they just selectively read the words that comes to the conclusion they want.

“There's a good chance the PS3 version is rendering below 1280x720.”

chance | ch ans|
1 a possibility of something happening

I love this though:

I work in the industry now? :lol

There isn't a facepalm.jpg big enough. No, not even that one.



Dot50Cal said:
So, time to stir up some shit again :lol

I've been playing a review copy thats loaded onto my buddys XDK Hard Drive, but even with this, We still get pop up. Its not just minor stuff either, entire buildings do this, so do benches and other obstacles. I can't imagine what it'll be like running off a disc. Heres a gif:


How can footage showing pop-in in one version be proof (don't even tell me that's not implied here...) that another version doesn't have it? I don't get it.

Or perhaps this is some sort of bizarre internet gaming forum logic?


djblackice said:
Translation: "LULZORZ!!!!111!!! De-nial ain't just a river. DERRRR!"

Now THAT made me feel better.

Your Tourette's outburst aside, I'm not getting how wanting as much GTA content as I can get is fanboyism. Unless it's GTA fanboyism. I'm guilty of that, as I would assume we all are.


CowboyAstronaut said:
Yea don't forget the part where I told you I also saw a side by side of both the final 360 and PS3 versions of the game.

Nice try though :)

I don't need to beat the final PS3 copy of the game to know that the same exact pop ins people are trying to pass off as exclusive to the 360 are also in the PS3 version of the game.

Here is where things get even more interesting. The pop in people are showing in this thread with their gifs they are ever so careful to not even bother mentioning that such an occurrence doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes.

Everyone has an agenda.

No way the PS3 version is perfect.


mabuza said:
why are we even waiting for gamespot. i thought we had declared them useless and irrelevant?
I thought it was the Gayspot thing Stinkles was talking about that we were waiting for... right?


bj00rn_ said:
How can footage showing pop-in in one version be proof that another version doesn't have it? I don't get it. Is this some sort of internet gaming forum logic-thing?

Hey, I'm just showing you what Im getting on my end. I don't have the PS3 version available or I'd have a comparison video up already. Where on earth did I say this only happens on 360 though?


Mrbob said:
Andrewfree should be locked into the HDTV thread and never allowed to be out. ;)

Well that sucks it is as bad in the PS3 version.

Why do journalists always cover up technical problems for GTA games? Getting annoying.

Oh Mrbob


For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in.

1up on x360 version
There's some long-distance graphical fade-in as well as some street-level hazards that appear only after you hit them.


An blind dancing ho
mabuza said:
why are we even waiting for gamespot. i thought we had declared them useless and irrelevant?

i don't care about them , but well that orange logo may still mean something to some people .

Doc Evils said:
Didn't you get the news? Evillore is changing the forum name to Neo SAF and is indeed Ken K him self!


Fixed for neoSAF sake

Tobor said:
Your Tourette's outburst aside, I'm not getting how wanting as much GTA content as I can get is fanboyism. Unless it's GTA fanboyism. I'm guilty of that, as I would assume we all are.

Can you quote me where I directly called you a fanboy? I would LOVE to see that. And if it's implicit, then you have more of a mountain to climb I guess.
Geek said:
I would say the PS3 version has substantially less pop-in.


I received both versions this morning (one preorder was half a year ago and I had totally forgotten about it) and while there are differences, it's really minimal. In fact, the time it takes for textures to popin, objects to appear, LODs to change, it's actually variable on both systems. If I left the room and asked somebody else to turn on and play a random version of GTA4 I wouldn't be able to tell which one it was if it weren't for the slightly different color palettes. Some objects appear far in the horizon just fine for the 360 version for example, while the PS3 will struggle itself just to load a fire-hydrant next to you every now and then. It is totally variable and if you really really put an effort into finding the differences, yeah maybe you'll find the PS3 will do a little less struggling every now and then but it is going to require a bit of effort on your part to distinguish the differences.

Port-wise, it is on the same level as Call of Duty 4 and Burnout efforts. Seriously. Because GTA4 is a massive, massive game, and traditional viewpoints are at stake here (such as GTA being a 'PS' game through and through), people will jump onto differences no matter how big or small - and they will stick to them. It's big news when the biggest game of the year hits two major rival consoles in the midst of cheerleaders and fans trying to root for their preferred format of choice. It's a no-brainer to say everyone expected to find differences and shout about them from the rooftops, but GTA4 is by far the biggest example of vastly overstated differences, where one system is the clear superior version and the other one is a bodged job. That's far far far from the actual case here. GTA4 is an excellent textbook case of bloody and decades-long conflict between different platform owners really going the long distance over so little. Even the Halo 3/MGS4 sub-HD resolution controversy nets less attention than this.
Dot50Cal said:
Hey, I'm just showing you what Im getting on my end. I don't have the PS3 version available or I'd have a comparison video up already. Where on earth did I say this only happens on 360 though?

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