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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Post Count: 9999
bj00rn_ said:
Do we know the PS3 version doesn't have pop-in like that? I thought the consensus was that the PS3 version had slightly less pop-in, not no pop-in?

They haven't been clear on the subject, bid I would guess that is correct.

The texture pop-in is what sounds to be the bigger differentiator.

Geek said:
I would say the PS3 version has substantially less pop-in.

Okay ... maybe not. lulz


Geek said:
I would say the PS3 version has substantially less pop-in.

Hey, I was wondering if you could clarify something. My apologies if you already answered this, but here goes: When you play the PS3 version with the classic controls, can you still use free aim? Is classic mode just a button layout or does it refer to the way the game actually controls? If you've got a second, could you give an overview of what classic mode does? Thanks.


... did the CoD4 comparison topic spark this kind of debate? I'm honestly curious.

It's so obvious players from both camps just can't accept that the other camp's version might be a bit better.


Dot50Cal said:
Hey, I'm just showing you what Im getting on my end. I don't have the PS3 version available or I'd have a comparison video up already. Where on earth did I say this only happens on 360 though?

Are you telling me there is no implication that the PS3 version basically has no pop-in...? :lol Oh come on!!


Should not be allowed to breed
andrewfee said:
:lol You know, sometimes I wonder if half the people on the internet even understand English properly, or if they just selectively read the words that comes to the conclusion they want.

“There's a good chance the PS3 version is rendering below 1280x720.”

chance | ch ans|
1 a possibility of something happening

I love this though:

I work in the industry now? :lol

There isn't a facepalm.jpg big enough. No, not even that one.

just leave. Its clear what you did. Fabricate.

lie to yourself, not to others.


djblackice said:
Can you quote me where I directly called you a fanboy? I would LOVE to see that. And if it's implicit, then you have more of a mountain to climb I guess.

djblackice said:
It's like I can almost feel your little fists balled up and clenched ever so tightly as you hear that someone likes/wants the PS3 version more than the 360 version.

Seems direct to me, but if I misinterpreted, I apologize.

Anyway, I've said what I wanted to say on the subject.


bj00rn_ said:
Are you telling me there is no implication that the PS3 version basically has no pop-in...? :lol Oh come on!!

In my post? Absolutely. I bet half the people here don't even know what an XDK is and thats the only thing that tied it to 360.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Zedsdeadbaby said:

I received both versions this morning (one preorder was half a year ago and I had totally forgotten about it) and while there are differences, it's really minimal. In fact, the time it takes for textures to popin, objects to appear, LODs to change, it's actually variable on both systems. If I left the room and asked somebody else to turn on and play a random version of GTA4 I wouldn't be able to tell which one it was if it weren't for the slightly different color palettes. Some objects appear far in the horizon just fine for the 360 version for example, while the PS3 will struggle itself just to load a fire-hydrant next to you every now and then. It is totally variable and if you really really put an effort into finding the differences, yeah maybe you'll find the PS3 will do a little less struggling every now and then but it is going to require a bit of effort on your part to distinguish the differences.

Port-wise, it is on the same level as Call of Duty 4 and Burnout efforts. Seriously. Because GTA4 is a massive, massive game, and traditional viewpoints are at stake here (such as GTA being a 'PS' game through and through), people will jump onto differences no matter how big or small - and they will stick to them. It's big news when the biggest game of the year hits two major rival consoles in the midst of cheerleaders and fans trying to root for their preferred format of choice. It's a no-brainer to say everyone expected to find differences and shout about them from the rooftops, but GTA4 is by far the biggest example of vastly overstated differences, where one system is the clear superior version and the other one is a bodged job. That's far far far from the actual case here. GTA4 is an excellent textbook case of bloody and decades-long conflict between different platform owners really going the long distance over so little. Even the Halo 3/MGS4 sub-HD resolution controversy nets less attention than this.

Thank you but if your right then it smacks of seriously irresponsible journalism by quite a few large websites. (Which wouldn't surprise me).


Onix said:
Consider many reviews state the PS3 version looks a bit MORE detailed, but with better AA ... oh andrew :lol
Most reviews have said that it looks ‘smoother’ or ‘softer’ on the PS3 which could be caused by upscaling rather than there being more anti-aliasing. A lot of people seem to get the two mixed up.

As it has been confirmed that the 360 is 1280x720 and using 2xAA, I really do doubt that the PS3 has 4xAA and runs better with less pop-in.


CowboyAstronaut said:
Yea don't forget the part where I told you I also saw a side by side of both the final 360 and PS3 versions of the game.

Nice try though :)
Nice try? I just thought it was odd since most of the reviews have said the ps3 version has less pop-in. So, which website do you work for?

CowboyAstronaut said:
I don't need to beat the final PS3 copy of the game to know that the same exact pop ins people are trying to pass off as exclusive to the 360 are also in the PS3 version of the game.
So the same pop-in you see in those gifs also happen in the ps3 version. So, does that somehow negate the fact that the ps3 version, overall, has less pop-in? Is it my turn to say "Nice try" to your response?
CowboyAstronaut said:
Everyone has an agenda.
Not everyone..but I know who does!



I received both versions this morning (one preorder was half a year ago and I had totally forgotten about it) and while there are differences, it's really minimal. In fact, the time it takes for textures to popin, objects to appear, LODs to change, it's actually variable on both systems. If I left the room and asked somebody else to turn on and play a random version of GTA4 I wouldn't be able to tell which one it was if it weren't for the slightly different color palettes. Some objects appear far in the horizon just fine for the 360 version for example, while the PS3 will struggle itself just to load a fire-hydrant next to you every now and then. It is totally variable and if you really really put an effort into finding the differences, yeah maybe you'll find the PS3 will do a little less struggling every now and then but it is going to require a bit of effort on your part to distinguish the differences.

Port-wise, it is on the same level as Call of Duty 4 and Burnout efforts. Seriously. Because GTA4 is a massive, massive game, and traditional viewpoints are at stake here (such as GTA being a 'PS' game through and through), people will jump onto differences no matter how big or small - and they will stick to them. It's big news when the biggest game of the year hits two major rival consoles in the midst of cheerleaders and fans trying to root for their preferred format of choice. It's a no-brainer to say everyone expected to find differences and shout about them from the rooftops, but GTA4 is by far the biggest example of vastly overstated differences, where one system is the clear superior version and the other one is a bodged job. That's far far far from the actual case here. GTA4 is an excellent textbook case of bloody and decades-long conflict between different platform owners really going the long distance over so little. Even the Halo 3/MGS4 sub-HD resolution controversy nets less attention than this.
Thank you Zedsdeadbaby for this wonderful post.
Truespeed said:
The banks are closed on the weekends so we'll likely see their review on Monday.

(where is that gif anyway? I could distinctly remember an animated GIF that had a theater audience from some sort of black and white movie applauding)


Post Count: 9999
andrewfee said:
Most reviews have said that it looks ‘smoother’ or ‘softer’ on the PS3 which could be caused by upscaling rather than there being more anti-aliasing. A lot of people seem to get the two mixed up.

Most of the ones I've read that said it looked softer, didn't go into detail. However some of the ones that said it had better AA, also stated that it looks as detailed or more most of the time.

BTW - Most people are mocking you because in the other forum, you claimed its was confirmed here (which it hasn't) ... and that this is a Sony forum (which it certainly is NOT).

As it has been confirmed that the 360 is 1280x720 and using 2xAA, I really do doubt that the PS3 has 4xAA and runs better with less pop-in.

Ummm ... why? They are different systems. Why is it impossible for it to run better? They have different rendering engines, the PS3 version has usage of the HDD, and the game is likely CPU intensive. I don't seen why we should just assume its impossible. Based on what exactly? 1st gen SW?


andrewfee said:
Most reviews have said that it looks ‘smoother’ or ‘softer’ on the PS3 which could be caused by upscaling rather than there being more anti-aliasing. A lot of people seem to get the two mixed up.

As it has been confirmed that the 360 is 1280x720 and using 2xAA, I really do doubt that the PS3 has 4xAA and runs better with less pop-in.
Yeah, something must be up though. I highly doubt that the ps3 version has 4xAA. We'll just have to wait and see.


Post Count: 9999
mintylurb said:
Yeah, something must be up though. I highly doubt that the ps3 version has 4xAA. We'll just have to wait and see.

Many have posited that its using a different type of AA (Quincunx).


There does seem to be a varying degree of reports with pop in on the 360 version.

It really might matter what DVD drive you have and what HDD you have to determine the level of pop in for the game.

If you have an older drive and 20gb drive you might get more pop in than a new system with a 120gb drive.


mintylurb said:
Yeah, something must be up though. I highly doubt that the ps3 version has 4xAA. We'll just have to wait and see.

I think it might be the way the engine handles distant objects. On the 360 version, it seems to render them in lower resolution and then blur them to hide this. It covers it up ok, but for small thin objects like wires its easily spotted. Also, transparent textures have dithering applied to them.
See here:

So if the PS3 version doesn't have those issues, then perhaps thats what reviewers are talking about.
cyberheater said:
Thank you but if your right then it smacks of seriously irresponsible journalism by quite a few large websites. (Which wouldn't surprise me).

Yeah, I can't help but think the disparities have been sensationalized by video game website editors.

Onix said:
Ummm ... why? They are different systems. Why is it impossible for it to run better? They have different rendering engines, the PS3 version has usage of the HDD, and the game is likely CPU intensive. I don't seen why we should just assume its impossible. Based on what exactly? 1st gen SW?

How exactly do you define a first generation software title? This is the 2nd full year for PS3 and the 3rd for Xbox 360.


I'm waiting to see if there's a PC announcement. If there's no news by... oh let's say January 2009, I'll pick it up on PS3.


CowboyAstronaut said:
To over play issues with the Xbox 360 build of the game so people think the PS3 is completely divoid of the same issues? I nailed that on my first try.

Okay, you lost me there with the "vast anti-360 conspiracy" thingy.

Perhaps its because..umm.. the 360 was pirated like a week ago and the PS3 wasn't?


Onix said:
Ummm ... why? They are different systems. Why is it impossible for it to run better? They have different rendering engines, the PS3 version has usage of the HDD, and the game is likely CPU intensive. I don't seen why we should just assume its impossible. Based on what exactly? 1st gen SW?

Because Rockstar would probably not go through the effort to make one version of the game run better than the other. The goal is always to make them run equal.
RotBot said:
I'm waiting to see if there's a PC announcement. If there's no news by... oh let's say January 2009, I'll pick it up on PS3.

You're going to wait that long just for the minimal differences a PC port would bring? Why? What did you buy a PS3 for?


Man, I'm dying to know the answer on the classic controller question. I'm getting it either way, but it'd be nice to know if shoot will be mapped to R1 or R2.


Post Count: 9999
bigmakstudios said:
How exactly do you define a first generation software title? This is the 2nd full year for PS3 and the 3rd for Xbox 360.

I'm asking what he's using as a basis for why a PS3 game can't outperform a 360 title.

When I say 1st gen, I'm referring to the many previous multiplatform titles that were borked on PS3. I'm asking if he's using those previous title as some sort of basis for this.


Orlics said:
Because Rockstar would probably not go through the effort to make one version of the game run better than the other. The goal is always to make them run equal.

But then again, both MS and Sony helped them out with the game, didn't they? Those nutjobs at Sony Liverpool (who apparently helped with the programming) are seriously ill when it comes to the Cell. Who knows what the techies from both companies did.


Post Count: 9999
Orlics said:
Because Rockstar would probably not go through the effort to make one version of the game run better than the other. The goal is always to make them run equal.

You realize that making them perform exactly the same would take MORE effort than not?

Getting one to completely crush the other would obviously take extra effort, but that isn't the case here.

Also as has been pointed out, R* was having some issues with both versions, so MS and Sony came in to help optimize their respective revs.
After hours of struggling to decide, I finally decided to preorder the PS3 version. If the DLC ends up being good, I might sell it to get the 360 version somewhere down the line. But that's if I even care at that point.


Dot50Cal said:
I think it might be the way the engine handles distant objects. On the 360 version, it seems to render them in lower resolution and then blur them to hide this. It covers it up ok, but for small thin objects like wires its easily spotted. Also, transparent textures have dithering applied to them.
See here:

So if the PS3 version doesn't have those issues, then perhaps thats what reviewers are talking about.
Ahh, ok. I can't wait for your 360/ps3 comparison footages. :D
Jtrizzy said:
Man, I'm dying to know the answer on the classic controller question. I'm getting it either way, but it'd be nice to know if shoot will be mapped to R1 or R2.

yeah, I woul really appreciate it if someone who has the game (I think there are 3 in this thread so far) could stop addressing graphics and please answer the small question about something that actually matters, the control.


CalamityDaunt said:
Would there be mods for a PC version?

I can't see a reason why their wouldn't be. I'll be picking up the PC version (you all know its coming) when it releases. I've done so with every GTA since 3 and never regretted it.


« generous god »
Vaandaviii said:
Meltdown or not, it indeed looks better, so maybe haters have some last chance to go on hating... Anyway, we shouldn't care.

The bigger the tv the worst it will look.


bigmakstudios said:
You're going to wait that long just for the minimal differences a PC port would bring? Why? What did you buy a PS3 for?
The PC enhancements are never minimal. Especially if you are a PC gamer.
Dot50Cal said:
I can't see a reason why their wouldn't be. I'll be picking up the PC version (you all know its coming) when it releases. I've done so with every GTA since 3 and never regretted it.

Yeah i'll be getting the PS3 bundle tommorow but once a PC version is out i will probably buy that aswell.
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