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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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chubigans said:
You can turn off auto aim though.

yeah, but it is still backwards with R for free aim and L for shoot, I don't get why they couldent just let me customize my controls.

I don't know, I have to think about this more. I want to see some PS3 videos first, but only IGN has them and you have to pay for that stuff.


Onix said:
Someone from R* let it slip in an interview that they will be adding trophies, etc iirc.
There's no way that it won't include trophies. HOME was originally due for launch around now, and GTA IV is the biggest thing to hit the PS3 yet.
Linkzg said:
yeah, but it is still backwards with R for free aim and L for shoot, I don't get why they couldent just let me customize my controls.

I don't know, I have to think about this more. I want to see some PS3 videos first, but only IGN has them and you have to pay for that stuff.
It all seems to come down to pop-in. If that annoys you (as it does me), then get the PS3 version. I've got both versions on pre-order but if the 360 version is anything like the GIFs, then I'll be playing the single-player on the PS3.
pswii60 said:
There's no way that it won't include trophies. HOME was originally due for launch around now, and GTA IV is the biggest thing to hit the PS3 yet.

I don't know...GamesRadar sounded pretty convincing in their indignant condemnation of even the possibility of such filth being included in the PS3 version. (True story. Check the review.)


Jeseus said:
more PS3 screens:
Doesn't seem like 4xAA to me. So that better AA thing was bullshit.


For graphics you say every single major site prefers the PS3 version. I got the impression that Kotaku liked the 360's graphics better from their article. They say the PS3 has muddy textures, but they both look like they have muddy textures to me. If I'm understanding what he means correctly. o.o Oh and Kotaku also said at first the 360 had better AA, but then in the retail build they said it looks like the PS3 and 360 have the same. I hate all these contradicting articles between various sites, confusing the hell out of me.Definitely just pick it up for whatever platform you have. I'll be getting it for 360 because that's all I got, plus the DLC should be interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing what $50million pays for. (Isn't that 50x the budget of Gears?


former Navy SEAL
Calling it "garbagey nonsense" clearly demonstrates that gamesradar is biased against the Xbox 360. I make a motion to strike their comments and conclusions from the record in the interest of keeping things fair and honest, as they have largely been in this thread thus far.


Brandon F said:
I'm playing SA on Xbox(360) right now, and doing the David Cross RC chopper missions(annoying). The pop-in is insane, buildings snap into view really close, and textures won't start appearing in most cases until you are about to crash into one of the big white rectangles they call a skyscraper. Since this is the first real mission where you get serious airtime I've found yet, it's blatantly noticeable.

Things are different on the ground though, actually I would argue how well the game holds up visually considering the technology and scale. Looking at that 360 .gif of GTA4 pop-in, is an insane rift in comparison.

I booted up SA last night just to warm up on the GTA style again, and good lord, it has not aged well at all. Disgustingly so.


pswii60 said:
There's no way that it won't include trophies. HOME was originally due for launch around now, and GTA IV is the biggest thing to hit the PS3 yet.

How are they going to have trophies if GTA IV does not have accomplishments?


butthole fishhooking yes
I love the fact that though there's almost nothing to fight over, and that by all credible accounts both versions are amazing, some of you are already rushing out guns blazing. I'd bet my balls that at least 90% of the people really invested in this shit-slinging already have their money down on one version or the other and wouldn't change even if it was revealed one console version caused brain cancer and the other added three inches to your cock.

I already plunked down the cash for the 360 version, but only because I like multiplayer better on the 360 (and I'm paying for the privilege).

And yeah, IGN's video and screens are always compressed to the point where they aren't good for comparing fine details.


Wow, R1 to aim and L1 to shoot? That is totally counterintuitive. Oh well, it's not like I'll be playing any other game so I'm sure I'll get used to it. So how does it work with the default configuration? I can't imagine anyone wanting to use auto aim...


CrapSandwich said:
Calling it "garbagey nonsense" clearly demonstrates that gamesradar is biased against the Xbox 360. I make a motion to strike their comments and conclusions from the record in the interest of keeping things fair and honest, as they have largely been in this thread thus far.
Have you got a link to what you're talking about?
Karma said:
How are they going to have trophies if GTA IV does not have accomplishments?
Doesn't it work like in Uncharted where it just stores them in the game, and will then transfer them when HOME arrives?


Jtrizzy said:
Wow, R1 to aim and L1 to shoot? That is totally counterintuitive. Oh well, it's not like I'll be playing any other game so I'm sure I'll get used to it. So how does it work with the default configuration? I can't imagine anyone wanting to use auto aim...

You can still shoot with O as well,but I am sure you will get use to it though.


szaromir said:
Doesn't seem like 4xAA to me. So that better AA thing was bullshit.

Most of the thread is misquotes and overreactions to a few people's preferences. I was happy to see the opening post was relatively clean until I read the new final verdict and EBGames comparisons. Oh well.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Karma said:
How are they going to have trophies if GTA IV does not have accomplishments?

But it tracks all your stats so they could work out what trophies to give you based on them.


y'all should be ashamed
Nif said:
I was happy to see the opening post was relatively clean until I read the new final verdict and EBGames comparisons. Oh well.

You really took those seriously? Really? :lol :lol


f@luS said:
one GAFer talked about 4XAA and its like it was a common knowledge BS? ....lol
The 360 version has been confirmed to be running at 1280x720 with 2xAA. Many reviews / sites / posts have said that the PS3 has better anti-aliasing, which would make it 4xAA.

It doesn't look like that is the case. If the PS3 is indeed ‘smoother’ than the 360 version, but doesn't have 4xAA, chances are that it is rendering at a lower resolution as upscaling softens the image.

Or it could be that the PS3 version is using Quincunx AA as some people are speculating.

Or it could be something else entirely.



OMG - no buildings in the background! POP-IN CONFIRMED!

Seriously, some people need to get off the pills. There's no buildings in the background of the 360 shots when there ARE in the PS3 shots....even though the shots are from totally different locations? IMAGINE!


Son of Godzilla said:
Judging by the people who've listed their decision, GTA 360 will have access to a better calibur of person online. Superior version.

Public Service Announcement: Firefox has a built in spell checker that underlines misspelled words for you. All you have to do is right click on the incorrectly spelled word, select the correction, and it changes it for you.


It was widely assumed that the delay from Fall 07 was due to the PS3 version lagging behind. Rockstar never did officially deny this, but also pointed out the problems with multiplayer at that stage.

Not only did they not deny it, they actually admitted it:

"GTA IV" was initially going to make its splash in 2007, when it was scheduled for an October release. Thursday (January 24) morning, Rockstar announced a new release date of April 29. And the delay, Barrera said, makes the game stronger. "We wanted the time, and I think we made the right choice. It was very difficult to make the choice because everybody wanted it. But we thought, you know, what with that extra bit of time, it's just going to be that much better and there will be more systems out."

"GTA" games haven't missed their announced release dates before. When the delay was announced in August, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick told investors that "the reason it is being delayed is almost strictly technological problems — not problems, but challenges." Barrera offered a little more detail to MTV News this week: "It's really no surprise to anybody that the PS3 was definitely a contributing factor to that. Now, we're neck and neck. That's not an issue anymore. But back then that was something we were taking into account. That's not to say there's anything wrong with the PS3 version. It's awesome. They're both identical."


chubigans said:
It is softer, as many sites have said. I get what people mean by the 360 looking more "clinical" and the PS3 more "real"...neither of which is wrong, just a preference.

+1 I finally see what Hauser meant. And I have to agree with him that the PS3 rendering is really, really nice, particularly in that picture with the back of the car. Nice job R*!



Agh agh agh now I'm worrying about older 360 DVD drives what is this bullshit I should worry about the hardware inside my PC not a fucking GAME CONSOLE.

Doc Evils

Chrange said:

OMG - no buildings in the background! POP-IN CONFIRMED!

Seriously, some people need to get off the pills. There's no buildings in the background of the 360 shots when there ARE in the PS3 shots....even though the shots are from totally different locations? IMAGINE!

The fact that the screen shot is of the beach, where people expect large buildings in the sea and sand, I guess you're correct.


chubigans said:
You really took those seriously? Really? :lol :lol

Do I take them seriously? No. Do I think other people take them seriously? I wish I could say no. :lol But if you have at least halfway decent quotes in there and the sources to back them up, something like that ruins its credibility.

Also, I'd lose your personal experiences with Army of Two, COD4 and Orange Box PS3 from the final.


GSG Flash said:
Hmmm, this shot makes the game a lot more realistic than all the movies and shots of the 360 version that I've seen.

i was actually going to say the same thing - there is definitely a 'warmth' to that shot that makes the color palette and the overall feel seem 'richer' from a 'realistic' perspective.

but i' a raging sony fanboy so take it with a grain of salt.
bigmakstudios said:
Yeah, I can't help but think the disparities have been sensationalized by video game website editors.

Funny how the same thing happened last gen with quite a few PS2/Xbox games but, no one ever pointed a finger.

I remember Black and the last Burnout game looking better on PS2 but, everyone downplayed the differences. (sparks and blur which are post processing effects and are not free) However, if a game looked just slightly better on Xbox and I mean really slightly, everyone did the lolPS2suxors dance.
urk said:
I'd bet my balls that at least 90% of the people really invested in this shit-slinging already have their money down on one version or the other and wouldn't change even if it was revealed one console version caused brain cancer and the other added three inches to your cock.

Brain cancer causing version FTW
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