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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Dot50Cal said:
So heres a god damn tree (this spawns like this every time).
and heres the city spawning in after visiting the hospital.

Keep in mind, this is running off a 360 hard drive, not the disc.

Fucking awful. Can anyone who has played the PS3 version tell me how it compares to this mess? except CowboyAstronaut of course


Truespeed said:





Dot50Cal said:
This. Also, just had HORRIBLE texture pop in, or rather out. This stretch of road was just popped out from high detail to low. Went on for about 8 seconds until I hit the next block.


noticed the tearing on the bottom:lol



Stuff like this bothers me, but as long as that's the exception to the rule then no biggie. But if this happens everywhere then that sucks.


Stuff like that used to happen frequently in the past GTA games (even the PC version of San Andreas, which I'm playing right now). But the funny thing is that the road would actually DISAPPEAR. O_O

Overall: how often does this stuff happen. Once every several hours of playing is not a game breaker for me. And watching the live feeds seems to indicate this stuff is indeed the exception and not the rule.

I don't even think this is the kind of problem that can be fixed with a patch. This is just the way their engine works. If you have a limited streaming medium (read: disk drive) then it's probably gonna happen IMO.
AndyMoogle said:
I'm pretty sure we are the normal people and everyone who is not gaming is a loser. At least that's how it works in my head.

They'll learn one day, oh how they'll learn... :D

Anyway, a bit of pop up in a game as amazing as this and it's a tear fest? Toughen up, babies!


I wonder how many are spreading around Truespeed's picture. Even worse, I wonder how many actually believe it's real :lol


Dot50Cal said:
This. Also, just had HORRIBLE texture pop in, or rather out. This stretch of road was just popped out from high detail to low. Went on for about 8 seconds until I hit the next block.


oh wow, screen tearing too.


Post Count: 9999
Jtrizzy said:
Yup. Uncharted has the same extremely minor issues of grass popping up or textures not streaming like the statue at the beginning of chapter 4.

I didn't notice any of it till about the 3rd play through.

Those issue are very minor and infrequent. The main complaint for Uncharted is screen tearing, which does in fact happen a lot.

That isn't to say I think GTA4 deserves a 10 either.

Must be on a 360 dev kit.

it is.


Reminds me of Super Runabout on dreamcast. That game had the worst pop-up ever. I only have a 360. I'm skipping this. I hate pop-up almost as much as I hate jaggies.


Dot50Cal said:
So heres a god damn tree (this spawns like this every time).

and heres the city spawning in after visiting the hospital.

Keep in mind, this is running off a 360 hard drive, not the disc.

I've played the X360 version too, never saw what's happening in the second gif.


Dot50Cal said:
Yes, the game even tears at the 2d load screens (I shit you not :lol )
Hmm, that combined with the seriously bad pop-in and the fact that I just had Crackdown on and realised how damn noisy the 360 gets with this kind of game is pushing me back towards the PS3 one again, regardless of whether or not it's 720p. I'm probably going to end up getting an HDTV soon, so all my games that aren't 1080p will look blurred anyway…

I hate multiplatform games, they should've just kept this on PS3.


Pimpbaa said:
I wonder how many are spreading around Truespeed's picture. Even worse, I wonder how many actually believe it's real :lol

It's just as well he didn't label them or else pandemonium would have broken out.


Onix said:
Those issue are very minor and infrequent. The main complaint for Uncharted is screen tearing, which does in fact happen a lot.

That isn't to say I think GTA4 deserves a 10 either.

it is.

As much as I hate to admit it, being an Uncharted fanbot and all, the tearing was pretty bad in Uncharted. It also happened a lot closer to the middle of the screen than what we're seeing here. Somewhere near 3/4 of the way to the top of the screen.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
segarr said:
Reminds me of Super Runabout on dreamcast. That game had the worst pop-up ever. I only have a 360. I'm skipping this. I hate pop-up almost as much as I hate jaggies.

i don't think thats a reason to skip on what some are saying is the best game they have played in years.


andrewfee said:
Hmm, that combined with the seriously bad pop-in and the fact that I just had Crackdown on and realised how damn noisy the 360 gets with this kind of game is pushing me back towards the PS3 one again, regardless of whether or not it's 720p. I'm probably going to end up getting an HDTV soon, so all my games that aren't 1080p will look blurred anyway…
Don't do it. Just get the 360 version.. For everyone's sake. You'll thank me later.


The sightly different reports of graphical issues is interesting. Perhaps, how well the game runs is very dependent on the state of the 360 drive? I remember that the GTA games had worse texture pop-in on my cousin's PS2 which was more prone to DRE.


proposition said:
I lived through R6:Vegas and Mass Effect. I think I can deal with some pop in with the 360 version of GTAIV.

true that

Are there any actual comparison vids yet? It's all fine and good to rip art the hacked 360 version but I am not seeing any equivilant PS3 screens that show the issue is corrected there


mintylurb said:
Don't do it. Just get the 360 version.. For everyone's sake. You'll thank me later.


so he states reasons why he should go that route, and you state nothing?

Thats not goign to change anyones minds.

PS3 all the way for me. Its not super noisy, it hasnt died on me like my 360 has, it seems to have the slight edge performance wise, and the absolutely NOTHING known about the DLC makes me wonder. If it was monsterously huge and epic, id imagine they would be touting and showing off all this NOW to get people to buy the 360 verision over the PS3 one.


Man, the way some of you guys are complaining about this minor shit in the SP portion of the game, I fear the worst is yet to come. Wait till you guys go into the free roam and fly a chopper at night. I can't wait to hear the panic :lol
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