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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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ThatHurt said:
by your logic wii fit.. the mario cart game and the nintendo wheel will out sell gta.. I mean they are #1 #2 and #3
Funny how these change every hour.

He mentions Amazon is not a good barometer for sales.
The popup may be there, but to an extent that you would really consistently notice it is what's so damn debatable right now...and driving me crazy because I can't decide what version to grab! I'm a total sucker for this thread...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
zig said:
Agreed except for the significant degree part. Every comparison has said the 360 has slightly more pop-in.

Perhaps they need retail builds instead of review builds.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
TheOddOne said:
Time for a uber-lol moment:

Playstation 3 Score:

Presentation: 9.0

Graphics: 8.3

Sound: 7.0

Gameplay: 9.8

Lasting Appeal: 10

Overall (not a weighted average): 9.4

Xbox 360 score:

Presentation: 4.0

Graphics: 1.5

Sound: 6.0

Gameplay: 2.0

Lasting Appeal: 0 (Your Xbox 360 will die within hours)

Overall (not a weighted average): 3.5 — It’s just not quite GTA4.0….more like GTA3.5

The text of the 360 review is hilarious...just no shame in the desperation to put down Microsoft and its dreadful console. Really humorous stuff.
So, can we say that the 360 version is more along with "What The Developers Intended" than the PS3 version? I'm sure they weren't aiming for 630p initially. It's quite clear the bottom of the barrel resolution they had to settle for with the PS3 version probably came about when the game was delayed the first time.

I think we can say that.


gregor7777 said:
So, can we say that the 360 version is more along with "What The Developers Intended" than the PS3 version?

Rockstar aimed at a worse performance? Thank you Cambridge!

No, afaik it was a review copy. The other gifs are from a retail copy.

Someone (Tre360?) already recreated it on the retail version though.


CartridgeBlower said:
The popup may be there, but to an extent that you would really consistently notice it is what's so damn debatable right now...and driving me crazy because I can't decide what version to grab! I'm a total sucker for this thread...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

I was also in doubt. But now that Quaz51 has confirmed the PS3 version is 630p, I will go with the X360 version. And dot showing pictures with less popup, it's easy imo.


gregor7777 said:
So, can we say that the 360 version is more along with "What The Developers Intended" than the PS3 version? I'm sure they weren't aiming for 630p initially. It's quite clear the bottom of the barrel resolution they had to settle for with the PS3 version probably came about when the game was delayed the first time.

I think we can say that. It feels good. Go ahead.
zig said:
Agreed except for the significant degree part. Every comparison has said the 360 has slightly more pop-in.
guess it depends on how you percieve "significant"

i was talking more along the lines of "significant enough to notice" -- if it was less significant than that, nobody would notice the difference. but it doesn't seem to be night and day, no.
CowboyAstronaut said:


And that about does it...

Game over. I'm picking the game up in about 8 or 9 hours. This threads been...interesting. Good times.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hypno Funk said:
I dread to think what will happen when people compare the 360 version with DLC and the PS3 without.:lol
This is GAF, by the time the DLC is made available, nobody will be interested in making comparisons between the two versions.

So, can we say that the 360 version is more along with "What The Developers Intended" than the PS3 version? I'm sure they weren't aiming for 630p initially. It's quite clear the bottom of the barrel resolution they had to settle for with the PS3 version probably came about when the game was delayed the first time.
That is the stupidest thing I've read all day.


zig said:
what this thread needs is more tree GIFs


You can see the tree was there in plenty of time if it popped in at all. 360 version, played from the game disc not a hard drive
I know people are focusing on the pop in, and I know its a horrible quality gif, but the road lighting and reflections as the cars drive by look absolutely stunning.
dfyb said:
yes, he must have fabricated the pop-in himself!

you guys are seriously :lol

as explained last night, pop-in isn't going to happen the same way every time. it wasn't that consistent on the ps2 GTA games and it isn't going to be consistent on GTAIV. so posting an example of it not happening does not in any way debunk the fact that it DID happen before, and COULD happen again.

it's already been established that the ps3 version has pop-in to some extent -- but it is also established that the 360 version does have MORE pop-in to a significant degree.

Clearly nobody would accuse him of such and I sure as hell wont because I don't know him personally, but you have to realize that what he had was not a retail version of the 360 version running off the game's disc.

Also I was under the impression that Dot50 said that tree pops up that way every single time while playing.

You say this

"as explained last night, pop-in isn't going to happen the same way every time."

but that is not what Dot50 said when he posted that tree yesterday

"So heres a god damn tree (this spawns like this every time)." This was said by dot50 in post #1614 of this thread.

He said that pop in happened like that every single time. I'm not trying to be stubborn here, but upon seeing such a thing my first concern was whether or not it was a retail version or not, which it wasn't. It is simply not right to be putting out such videos or screens if it isn't retail because it can cause mis-information especially when the tree was originally said to pop in like that every single time. It's one thing if something pops in now and doesn't happen later, but he said it was a constant without fail occurrence.

The 360 version has more frequent pop in than the ps3 version, but more pop-in to a significant degree is pushing it. It just has more occurrences, but to a significant degree simply isn't in line with the truth. Pop in happens more than some of you know in the PS3 version so even though the ps3 has the advantage in the way of less pop-in it isn't quite as significantly better off in the department as some would like to think. It's simply better off and it's accepted that it is better of, but it is not significantly more so.

That now infamous tree pop in has been debunked and debunked bigtime. I'm not saying it's something dot50 did on purpose, but there is clearly something amiss about his version of the game (well obviously because no retail 360 game will run 100% off the hard drive)

Keep in mind, the fact that his version of the game was running 100% hard drive was meant to be a stamp of approval suggesting that if it's this bad on the hard drive it's likely going to be worse on the disc. I already knew that wasn't the case, but it's good for others to be seeing this now as well.


TheOddOne said:

Sony Defence Force: a bunch of virgins that still live at home. :lol :lol :lol
You do know that site is owned by 360 fanboys right?


gregor7777 said:
So, can we say that the 360 version is more along with "What The Developers Intended" than the PS3 version? I'm sure they weren't aiming for 630p initially. It's quite clear the bottom of the barrel resolution they had to settle for with the PS3 version probably came about when the game was delayed the first time.

I think we can say that.

:lol :lol :lol

oh man
OverHeat said:
Well if the 360 version was running at 630p like the PS3 version it would have less pop up.....

Bailout.gif :lol

So your saying that 630p is the better resolution, or the 360's trying to hard?


dfyb said:
guess it depends on how you percieve "significant"

i was talking more along the lines of "significant enough to notice" -- if it was less significant than that, nobody would notice the difference. but it doesn't seem to be night and day, no.
I suppose it would have to be significant, since pop-in is dependent on several variables it would be hard to make a concrete comparison unless the difference was huge. However I don't think the difference is huge, and it's probably just a matter of chance whether you see more or less pop-in on either system. Of course I don't have the PS3 version so I could be talking entirely out of my ass.
Baker said:
This thread is losing momentum too fast. Come on people, only three more hours to waste at work.

Sony fans are a little bit winded after the last few pages. Hopefully they'll come up with a replacement for Doom Tree soon. This ain't over by a long shot (I hope!)


non-sanctioned troll
dfyb said:
yes, he must have fabricated the pop-in himself!

you guys are seriously :lol

as explained last night, pop-in isn't going to happen the same way every time. it wasn't that consistent on the ps2 GTA games and it isn't going to be consistent on GTAIV. so posting an example of it not happening does not in any way debunk the fact that it DID happen before, and COULD happen again.

it's already been established that the ps3 version has pop-in to some extent -- but it is also established that the 360 version does have MORE pop-in to a significant degree.

You missed where it was established the PS3 version requires a HDD install and runs at a lower resolution.

Que 20 more pages :lol


squatingyeti said:
You missed where it was established the PS3 version requires a HDD install and runs at a lower resolution.

Que 20 more pages :lol

You can't play a sandbox game like this on an empty stomach, it's unhealthy.


CowboyAstronaut said:
Also I was under the impression that Dot50 said that tree pops up that way every single time while playing.

You say this

"as explained last night, pop-in isn't going to happen the same way every time."

but that is not what Dot50 said when he posted that tree yesterday

"So heres a god damn tree (this spawns like this every time)." This was said by dot50 in post #1614 of this thread.

He said that pop in happened like that every single time. I'm not trying to be stubborn here, but upon seeing such a thing my first concern was whether or not it was a retail version or not, which it wasn't. It is simply not right to be putting out such videos or screens if it isn't retail because it can cause mis-information especially when the tree was originally said to pop in like that every single time. It's one thing if something pops in now and doesn't happen later, but he said it was a constant without fail occurrence.

That now infamous tree pop in has been debunked and debunked bigtime. I'm not saying it's something dot50 did on purpose, but there is clearly something amiss about his version of the game (well obviously because no retail 360 game will run 100% off the hard drive)
yeah i went to sleep and missed the part where he said it happens everytime -- i went to bed after seeing the first tree gif, before it was found that it happens every time on his copy.

my point still stands that, in general, pop-in won't happen in every circumstance though.
squatingyeti said:
You missed where it was established the PS3 version requires a HDD install and runs at a lower resolution.

Que 20 more pages :lol
why do you have to resort to irrelevant attacks like this? the fact that ps3 version installs and runs at 630p somehow fix the 360 pop-in issues? no, it doesn't. you're but a troll.


« generous god »
dfyb said:
yeah i went to sleep and missed the part where he said it happens everytime -- i went to bed after seeing the first tree gif, before it was found that it happens every time.

why do you have to resort to irrelevant attacks like this? the fact that ps3 version installs and runs at 630p somehow fix the 360 pop-in issues? no, it doesn't.
The problem is that the PS3 still have pop-in issues (less then 360).
But the game is running at a lower resolution then the 360 version.

So for me that make both game equal.
So now the PS3 versions runs at 630p? And the 360 version has slightly more pop-in. It looks like parity has been acheived, especially considering how much 640p harping was piled onto Halo 3 by PS3 fanboys.
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