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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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OverHeat said:
The problem is that the PS3 still have pop-in issues (less then 360).
But the game is running at a lower resolution then the 360 version.

So for me that make both game equal.

But isn't the PS3 version considered to look better regardless of the lower resolution? I'm not sure how that evens things out.


non-sanctioned troll
dfyb said:
why do you have to resort to irrelevant attacks like this? the fact that ps3 version installs and runs at 630p somehow fix the 360 pop-in issues? no, it doesn't. you're but a troll.

Let's get this straight. You posted something about things that were "established" and it was a completely stupid post. I jab at your stupid post by posting like you to show you how utterly dumb you sounded, and you call me a troll. :lol Dear god help this boy.
AirBrian said:
That's the point. Those are from the retail build. The pop-ins in question were from the review build.

Exactly, it wasn't retail. Were I to have been as irresponsible in posting videos or gifs of the non retail PS3 version I played, people would have a lot of concerns right now on this board about the state of the ps3 version of the game because that early build had some crazy stuff that I just knew couldn't possibly be in the final build of the game which is why when people asked if I could post videos I made up a bs excuse about my friend not wanting me to do so.

It's in actuality a version that I could've done anything I pleased with, but would it have been right to cast doubt on Rockstar's work and have them be judged on something that wasn't representative of the retail build? I think everyone knows the correct answer to that question.

It would pretty much deliberately be doing the ps3 version of the game a disservice knowing what I knew about it. I said when I first saw that tree and hospital area pop in that retail really does make a difference and we are now seeing that there is real truth to that.

Euphoria I personally prefer the look of the PS3 version, but do I agree with anyone saying that the PS3 version is established to be the better looking version? Absolutely not. I wouldn't even agree with someone who said it is established that the 360 version is better looking version regardless of what resolution it's rendering at. It's a simple matter of taste, both games have a unique look about them and you just choose which you prefer.

The differences are as pointless as one mod saying he likes the color red better than the color blue. There is no significant difference in the graphics department between these 2 games. Just a difference in how they are displayed. There is no established better looking version it's all opinion.

Looking at the latest animated gifs showing the retail 360 version going at the now famous tree, does anyone for a second think that game doesn't look impressive?


After having been in this thread watching the carnage for a while a thought occurred to me. With this about to hit 70 pages, can anyone imagine what the April NPD will be like? I'm thinking 100 pages minimum.


the best thing about sdf is the xtards who dont see the joke and literally burst blood vessels upon reading any of their articles.


OverHeat said:
The problem is that the PS3 still have pop-in issues (less then 360).
But the game is running at a lower resolution then the 360 version.

So for me that make both game equal.
maybe equal in terms of technical achievement, but i'd gladly take less pop-in by handing over a few pixels. it's not like the ps3 version takes a hit visually compared to 360 due to the resolution difference. running in a lower resolution isn't going to harm my experience. ps3 version still looks super hot, before and after we were aware of the resolution.

but whatever helps you sleep at night.
squatingyeti said:
Let's get this straight. You posted something about things that were "established" and it was a completely stupid post. I jab at your stupid post by posting like you to show you how utterly dumb you sounded, and you call me a troll. :lol Dear god help this boy.
i was talking about pop-in. people are acting like the ps3 version has pop-in on the same level of 360, which is not true.

you repeating that ps3 has an install and runs at a lower resolution is just pointless repeating of what we know. i wasn't saying ps3 version doesn't have an install or doesn't run at 630p.


« generous god »
Euphor!a said:
But isn't the PS3 version considered to look better regardless of the lower resolution? I'm not sure how that evens things out.

On a big screen TV the lower the resolution the worst its gonna look.
ScrabbleBanshee said:


Oh wait, you just can't spell legitimate.

:lol :lol :lol :lol


ThatHurt said:
by your logic wii fit.. the mario cart game and the nintendo wheel will out sell gta.. I mean they are #1 #2 and #3
Funny how these change every hour.
Huh? My logic? I clearly said Amazon isn't a good indicator of sales.
dfyb said:
maybe equal in terms of technical achievement, but i'd gladly take less pop-in by handing over a few pixels. it's not like the ps3 version takes a hit visually compared to 360 due to the resolution difference. running in a lower resolution isn't going to harm my experience. ps3 version still looks super hot, before and after we were aware of the resolution.

but whatever helps you sleep at night.

I think its a mutual thing. If you have a big TV, then the lower resolution may give you more trouble than slightly more pop-in. Pop-in is occasional, 630p is forever.


dfyb said:
maybe equal in terms of technical achievement, but i'd gladly take less pop-in by handing over a few pixels. it's not like the ps3 version takes a hit visually compared to 360 due to the resolution difference. running in a lower resolution isn't going to harm my experience. ps3 version still looks super hot, before and after we were aware of the resolution.

but whatever helps you sleep at night.

we were talking about pop-in. people are acting like the ps3 version has pop-in on the same level of 360, which is not true.
We don't know if the PS3 version has significantly less pop in. We need vids!


tfur said:
To be honest, someone here with the retail 360 version was able to reproduce this... it was just a page or so back. He did mention that if he drove in "first person view" it was not really evident. The kotaku guy was here saying there is a bit of pop-in on the 360...

Another person was NOT able to reproduce the TreeOfDoom... and these gifs seem to support that as well...

Either way, it doesn't really matter... Either reviews mean something to you or they don't...

I gave up on reviews after GS said Ratchet was "too spicy" and Uncharted was "too hard"...

That would be me, and yes I was able to reproduce it, but not to the Nth degree like 50. I wasn't able to hit the tree before it popped up, however I found that if I drove right by it at high speed, it would not be there. Then there are times when I round that corner and it is there, go figure, and trust me I stood there repeating the whole (non) issue until my car bursted into a huge fireball taking out several people along the way:D

I guess I too could make a video showing this, but to what end?
Odrion said:
Wait, is there even ligament proof of 630p?

No, but there is some muscle prrof. perhaps some bone.

Edit: This thread is moving so fast, a lot posts just poppped up before mine. Maybe GAF is better on PS3.


Guys, any place where we can find screens/vids of both versions and detailed comparaison ?

I have to decide which version to get before tomorrow and my head is going to explode.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Apologies if old, but according to Asda (to all you uninformed Yanks: the UK subsidiary of Walmart), the PS3 version is outselling the 360 version by 3 to 1 in their stores.

Edit: Yes it's old. N/M. I'm just back from the gym here, by brain's not working correctly.

ScrabbleBanshee said:


Oh wait, you just can't spell legitimate.

I fucked that up in high school playing rugby. Those months using crutches were a lot of laughs. But that's off-topic so whatever.
Euphor!a said:
So all the reviews and people claiming the PS3 version looks better are playing on small TVs?

Do you think any of the major review sites buys large television that cost significantly more money and take up more space. I wouldn't be surprised if most reviewed on computer monitors.


sprocket said:
no .. but again if it is it doesn't matter it still looks better says ign and EGM.
Now we have claims the review build and final build are different as denoted from the GIFs, so we don't even know now what's going on about the pop ins and graphics for either version.


GenericPseudonym said:
Do you think any of the major review sites buys large television that cost significantly more money and take up more space. I wouldn't be surprised if most reviewed on computer monitors.

Umm... yes? I would assume that any major reviewer would have invested in a bigscreen HDTV.


GenericPseudonym said:
I think its a mutual thing. If you have a big TV, then the lower resolution may give you more trouble than slightly more pop-in. Pop-in is occasional, 630p is forever.
630p is never going to pop out of nowhere and hit me while i'm flying down a street.

but whatever helps you sleep at night :lol


« generous god »
Justin Dailey said:
On fonts big enough to see commas the smaller screen you might have gotten away with not having them

In my defense, my first language is not english.

J'aimerais vraiment voir comment tu te debrouille en francais le comique.
HaloFans said:
We don't know if the PS3 version has significantly less pop in. We need vids!

I can confirm the ps3, does indeed, have less pop in, but I wouldn't say significantly less because it's such a roll of the dice.

There will be a period of 2 hours where you can play the retail version of the ps3 build and only see 2 popins, but in the same 2 hours on the 360 retail possibly only see 3 or 4 or even the same exact number of pop-ins as the ps3 version.

Also here is another thing, I HIGHLY doubt people here will be able to catch every single pop-in they see as they are playing. Who knows what the number would be if were able to catch every single pop in, but both versions of the game do a good job of masking it as much as possible.

Again, any talk of the ps3 version looking better is simply personal preference no different than some guy saying he likes the ps3's controller better than the 360's controller. I prefer the ps3 version, but the 360 version looks too fucking good for us to just slap one version with the label of "superior" It just doesn't make any sense at all. Especially when there are situations where the 360 version looks better and there are situations when the ps3 version looks better, but overall I feel like I enjoyed the ps3's look more. Not everybody will come to the same exact conclusion.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Jtyettis said:
Yea, we heard, weeks ago, the Supermarket is going to be off the chain tonight eh.

I just noticed the date stamp on the site and updated my post. :/

I predict meltdowns in next week's PAL charts. Chernobyl style.


ScrabbleBanshee said:


Oh wait, you just can't spell legitimate.
oh god i'm sorry....i think most of us here have gone from trying to put together convincing arguments to a delirious bunch that's high on anticipation for the game's release...i think this is the first comparison thread that's not plagued with constant bickering but rather both sides taking things so lightheartedly...

or maybe i'm just not reading the posts right. Carry on fellas!


Euphor!a said:
But isn't the PS3 version considered to look better regardless of the lower resolution? I'm not sure how that evens things out.

If you read reviews, then yes. If you do not read reviews, then no...

Just DON'T read the first post, if you do not read reviews...

FYI about the tree of doom: It WAS repeatable on the 360 with a retail version. It was also NOT repeatable on the 360 with the retail version. This was already posted here... someone could, and another could not repeat the TreeOfDoom... both using retail copies...


butthole fishhooking yes
CowboyAstronaut said:
There will be a period of 2 hours where you can play the retail version of the ps3 build and only see 2 popins, but in the same 2 hours on the 360 retail possibly only see 3 or 4...


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
haha, anyone who believes there will actually be all this awesome DLC needs to go back and take a look at the 360 version of "Guitar Hero II"


non-sanctioned troll
mintylurb said:
That SDF site is run by Razoric who isn't exactly a sony fanboy.

Yeah, I can't imagine TJ Hooker and Hans aren't crazy either. The site is just a bad joke that is fueled by their serious beliefs. They try to come off as just joking, but these guys have no life other than that ruled by the love of Sony.


tfur said:
If you read reviews, then yes. If you do not read reviews, then no...

Just DON'T read the first post, if you do not read reviews...

What? So the reviewers are wrong? I'm not even sure what you are trying to say.


butthole fishhooking yes
Angry Grimace said:
haha, anyone who believes there will actually be all this awesome DLC needs to go back and take a look at the 360 version of "Guitar Hero II"

Totally agree. And anyone thinking that GTAIV will feature a robust, open world needs to fire up their copy of "Table Tennis."


Angry Grimace said:
haha, anyone who believes there will actually be all this awesome DLC needs to go back and take a look at the 360 version of "Guitar Hero II"
An excellent comparison. Well played, sir.


The 360 version shoves a candiru up your urethra.

The PS3 version rams a butt plug coated with aqua regia up your nostril.

Pick the least painful one.
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