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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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Lord Error

Insane For Sony
GenericPseudonym said:
You keep posting that same picture.
It's one of the two semi-framebufer-ish pictures of the PS3 version that exists in that resolution on the internet. There must be a video where that came from? IGN insider only, I assume?

Here's two more. They all have that same deep CG-ish look to them, despite being visibly aliased in places. I don't know if the video encoding did something to make it look more like it though.



IGN watermark or no, it's some kind of direct feed (or component) video capture, so when you display them on your TV, these pictures will probably be more representative of what the game will look like than the photo of the TV screen,


Fry Daddy
Ynos Yrros said:
Oh and thanks Crushed, thanks for not getting my point at all and being an asshole. It's easy to make fun of people, it really is.
oh i think i got your point very easy, and merely brought it to its obvious destination


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Proelite said:
As a programmer, I know there can be a lot of background processes that's invisible to the user that takes a lot of processing time. Specifically for games, AI probably takes up most of the CPU's power. To make a statement such as " GTA IV is more demanding" without knowing the technical background of both games or at least some computer science knowledge is a shortcoming of character. Probably won't be well liked amongst people who knows their stuff.
Bravo sir. Now I feel bad for not pointing this before you, but is just that sometimes it seems like nobody cares/listens.


sparkle this bitch
USA gonna win the Hot Eating Contest this year again!!! USA USA USA!!!

Only question is....What GTA Version will he endorse?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Doube D said:
he sits there and counts pixels for the "science of it all"??? lol, I think you have a misconstrued definition of science...

Yes, for the science and educational talk of it. B3D does have that as you could learn alot there. Now, you can go back to waiting on that word from Rockstar all you want. He does this with every game. His word is golden.


Just my two cents : I viewed both yesterday, displayed on a good samsung set, and the PS3 looks quite better. However, for the 2 hours we devoted to each, I didn't see much pop-in difference (well, one or two times, but nothing major). The intro is amazing by the way...
I'll try to grab the controller later to give you my impressions on the gameplay (the SOAB who got the copies has both consoles and acted like a kid, he refused to land me either copy, and acted like a child who's been offered a new toy, wanting to swap consoles indefinitely...what a jer*!)...
Chin up, PS3 fans!

If Rockstar steps up to the plate to do the right thing for it's customers, you will be buying the game for a significantly lower price than your Xbox 360 counterparts...

Let's say the 720p version of the game is delivering 921,600(1280x720) pixels to 360 users, but only 705,600 (1120x630) pixels to our less fortunate friends on the PS3.

By my crooked math, I'd say you getting about 23.5% less of a game than 360 owners.

Why should you pay full retail? I know I wouldn't stand for that. $45.90 or roundabouts seems a fair price, strictly talking percentages.


gregor7777 said:
Chin up, PS3 fans!

If Rockstar steps up to the plate to do the right thing for it's customers, you will be buying the game for a significantly lower price than your Xbox 360 counterparts...

Let's say the 720p version of the game is delivering 921,600(1280x720) pixels to 360 users, but only 705,600 (1120x630) pixels to our less fortunate friends on the PS3.

By my crooked math, I'd say you getting about 23.5% less of a game than 360 owners.

Why should you pay full retail? I know I wouldn't stand for that. $45.90 or roundabouts seems a fair price, strictly talking percentages.

Maybe if hell freezes over.


Crisis said:
What the fuck is going on in this thread?

A bunch of review sites said the PS3 version is slightly better in some areas, and then a ton of fanboys for the 360 start screaming and hollering and then there was something about pop ins and pop outs. Then someone counted some pixels and says the PS3 is a lower rez than the 360. 360 fans go mental but then realize that the PS3 version still looks better.

Then Crushed makes a funny, then the warz start all over again.


Marconelly said:
It's one of the two semi-framebufer-ish pictures of the PS3 version that exists in that resolution on the internet. There must be a video where that came from? IGN insider only, I assume?

Here's two more. They all have that same deep CG-ish look to them, despite being visibly aliased in places. I don't know if the video encoding did something to make it look more like it though.



I just don`t like the blur added to the scene.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Forsete said:
Yeah, I can also find countless pictures online of Halo 3 that are direct feed an look way better than how it looks on my HDTVs. It just goes both ways. The point that those jaggies will be noticeable, but people get over them in time.

Firewire said:
A bunch of review sites said the PS3 version is slightly better in some areas, and then a ton of fanboys for the 360 start screaming and hollering and then there was something about pop ins and pop outs. Then someone counted some pixels and says the PS3 is a lower rez than the 360. 360 fans go mental but then realize that the PS3 version still looks better.

Then Crushed makes a funny, then the warz start all over again.
He asked what's going on, not the fanboy spin.


gregor7777 said:
Chin up, PS3 fans!

If Rockstar steps up to the plate to do the right thing for it's customers, you will be buying the game for a significantly lower price than your Xbox 360 counterparts...

Let's say the 720p version of the game is delivering 921,600(1280x720) pixels to 360 users, but only 705,600 (1120x630) pixels to our less fortunate friends on the PS3.

By my crooked math, I'd say you getting about 23.5% less of a game than 360 owners.

Why should you pay full retail? I know I wouldn't stand for that. $45.90 or roundabouts seems a fair price, strictly talking percentages.

And because of the ever so rampant pop-in in the 360 version, it should be purchased with partial payments.
gregor7777 said:
Chin up, PS3 fans!

If Rockstar steps up to the plate to do the right thing for it's customers, you will be buying the game for a significantly lower price than your Xbox 360 counterparts...

Let's say the 720p version of the game is delivering 921,600(1280x720) pixels to 360 users, but only 705,600 (1120x630) pixels to our less fortunate friends on the PS3.

By my crooked math, I'd say you getting about 23.5% less of a game than 360 owners.

Why should you pay full retail? I know I wouldn't stand for that. $45.90 or roundabouts seems a fair price, strictly talking percentages.

go fatboy! Go for it!!

dude the jokes old, let it go


butthole fishhooking yes
Firewire said:
A bunch of review sites said the PS3 version is slightly better in some areas, and then a ton of fanboys for the 360 start screaming and hollering and then there was something about pop ins and pop outs. Then someone counted some pixels and says the PS3 is a lower rez than the 360. 360 fans go mental but then realize that the PS3 version still looks better.

Then Crushed makes a funny, then the warz start all over again.

Just wait until some of us play the game. There will be an awful lot of serving going on what with the pixels and the softness and whatnot.

Before playing the game on either platform, I'm going to go ahead and say that I prefer the rich vibrancy of the 360 build and that the pop-up doesn't really bother me while I'm not playing it. Of course, my opinion may change after I plunk down sixty dollars, but something tells me the act of forking over my hard-earned cash may actually solidify my preconceived preference.
Firewire said:
A bunch of review sites said the PS3 version is slightly better in some areas, and then a ton of fanboys for the 360 start screaming and hollering and then there was something about pop ins and pop outs. Then someone counted some pixels and says the PS3 is a lower rez than the 360. 360 fans go mental but then realize that the PS3 version still looks better.

Then Crushed makes a funny, then the warz start all over again.

LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOL 630p butthurt. lol
Firewire said:
A bunch of review sites said the PS3 version is slightly better in some areas, and then a ton of fanboys for the 360 start screaming and hollering and then there was something about pop ins and pop outs. Then someone counted some pixels and says the PS3 is a lower rez than the 360. 360 fans go mental but then realize that the PS3 version still looks better.

Then Crushed makes a funny, then the warz start all over again.

What a fair and accurate encapsulation.

Here's what actually happened:

Cowboy Astronaut ended the arguments at around Page 6. The whole thing boils down to personal preference. There's been screaming and hollering and going mental on both sides, Firewire.

CA took all the air out of this argument right at the beginning. The only thing that still gets me riled up is when people like you always leap at the opportunity to cast aspersions about a "tons" of fanboys "for the 360" "screaming and hollering", with no acknowledgment of the same type of behavior across both sides.

It's reductive, exploitative bullshit and it poisons the well of hilarious awesomeness in this thread.
gregor7777 said:
Chin up, PS3 fans!

If Rockstar steps up to the plate to do the right thing for it's customers, you will be buying the game for a significantly lower price than your Xbox 360 counterparts...

Let's say the 720p version of the game is delivering 921,600(1280x720) pixels to 360 users, but only 705,600 (1120x630) pixels to our less fortunate friends on the PS3.

By my crooked math, I'd say you getting about 23.5% less of a game than 360 owners.

Why should you pay full retail? I know I wouldn't stand for that. $45.90 or roundabouts seems a fair price, strictly talking percentages.



PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
BenjaminBirdie said:
What a fair and accurate encapsulation.

Here's what actually happened:

Cowboy Astronaut ended the arguments at around Page 6. The whole thing boils down to personal preference. There's been screaming and hollering and going mental on both sides, Firewire.

CA took all the air out of this argument right at the beginning. The only thing that still gets me riled up is when people like you always leap at the opportunity to cast aspersions about a "tons" of fanboys "for the 360" "screaming and hollering", with no acknowledgment of the same type of behavior across both sides.

It's reductive, exploitative bullshit and it poisons the well of hilarious awesomeness in this thread.

Yep. That's pretty much it. Personally. I'm sick of defending the PS3 in this thread...
Seems 630p is the The New Hope. That is until the Evil Empire strikes back with downloadable content.

worst simile ever. If Microsoft is the evil Empire who Strikes Back, then 630p must be The New Hope for Sony, when in fact, it's The New Hope for Microsoft.
BenjaminBirdie said:
What a fair and accurate encapsulation.

Here's what actually happened:

Cowboy Astronaut ended the arguments at around Page 6. The whole thing boils down to personal preference. There's been screaming and hollering and going mental on both sides, Firewire.

CA took all the air out of this argument right at the beginning. The only thing that still gets me riled up is when people like you always leap at the opportunity to cast aspersions about a "tons" of fanboys "for the 360" "screaming and hollering", with no acknowledgment of the same type of behavior across both sides.

It's reductive, exploitative bullshit and it poisons the well of hilarious awesomeness in this thread.

You are right. But pouring gas on this thread is fun.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
godhandiscen said:
Yeah, I can also find countless pictures online of Halo 3 that are direct feed an look way better than how it looks on my HDTVs.
I doubt you can. Real in-game direct feed screens of H3 don't look any different from what it looks on a TV. What you're thinking of maybe are the photo-mode direct feed screen which indeed look better.


godhandiscen said:
Yeah, I can also find countless pictures online of Halo 3 that are direct feed an look way better than how it looks on my HDTVs. It just goes both ways. The point that those jaggies will be noticeable, but people get over them in time.

He asked what's going on, not the fanboy spin.

What fanboy spin?

I have no interest in this war over GTA4. I haven't even played more than than 10 minutes of any other GTA game before. I'm not even sure about touching the single player, I'm only getting the game for the online portion (the visually gimped version) so I don't really care.

That was an interpretation of this thread from myself. I'll give you the point of fanboys on both sides crying and whining though, because theres been tons of it!


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
gcubed said:
so the ps3 looks good fake good while the 360 may look slightly different good, but better real good.

Well if your going to reduce down to that level, then no.


non-sanctioned troll
Firewire said:
A bunch of review sites said the PS3 version is slightly better in some areas, and then a ton of fanboys for the 360 start screaming and hollering and then there was something about pop ins and pop outs. Then someone counted some pixels and says the PS3 is a lower rez than the 360. 360 fans go mental but then realize that the PS3 version still looks better.

Then Crushed makes a funny, then the warz start all over again.

So, just 360 fans are screaming and hollering. Can you only read every other post by chance? Damn it, you'll probably miss this one too. I'll have to time it right.


urk said:
You mean above 0?
With most TVs, yes. It really depends on the set though.
With Pioneer TVs, you need to make sure the enhancer is set to mode 2. (1 sharpens high frequency detail, 3 softens the image)
With Samsung sets you need to make sure edge enhancement is disabled and sharpness is at 0.
With Sony sets you need to make sure sharpness is at 0 and DRC is disabled.
With my old Toshiba it needed to be at -50.
With Panasoincs it's generally the mid-point or a notch below etc.

Basically, set it so that you don't get glowing edges around things.

Marconelly said:
It's one of the two semi-framebufer-ish pictures of the PS3 version that exists in that resolution on the internet. There must be a video where that came from? IGN insider only, I assume?

Here's two more. They all have that same deep CG-ish look to them, despite being visibly aliased in places. I don't know if the video encoding did something to make it look more like it though.



IGN watermark or no, it's some kind of direct feed (or component) video capture, so when you display them on your TV, these pictures will probably be more representative of what the game will look like than the photo of the TV screen,
IGN's capture hardware is blurry, and they sharpened the pictures. It's not representative of how either version looks.

Also: since when was Imageshack allowed again?
GenericPseudonym said:
You are right. But pouring gas on this thread is fun.

There are ways to pour gas on it without insulting an entire userbase while simultaneously placing your own on some kind of magical pedestal. I've found at least twelve just on my own.
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