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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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WhatRuOn said:
Well shit, I don't know what's on now, but I sure will check when I get off work. HD TV looks like sex though, so the settings can't be *that* off.

DNIe is violating your PQ from behind.

Dave Long

MattKeil said:
I know you're joking here, but I'd just like to point out that I've played about 60 hours of the 360 version and have never once seen anything like that tree pop-up clip happen. Not once. I haven't played the PS3 version yet, so I can't compare the two, but the pop-in has not affected my gameplay at all.

There is pop-up to be sure, but I have never had an immovable solid object suddenly materialize in front of me. Grass detail, the occasional trash can, yes, but not trees.

dark10x said:
I doubt many PCs will be running the game at 1080p with no pop-ins at a solid 60 fps. Assassin's Creed was just released, for instance, and most of the visual errors are still present and it's very difficult to achieve a solid 60 fps even at somewhat lower resolutions than 1080p.

Now, if nVidia has released their latest graphics solution by the time GTAIV hits the PC, things might be different. It is unlikely the G80 series could handle GTAIV at 1080p/60 fps. At least not a constant 60...

In other words maybe 3 or 4 years from now the PC being described will cost about the same as these consoles today.

Oh no, I've been shamed with the Picoodle avater...


butthole fishhooking yes
Glaciadluz said:
It's not exactely the same time in a day, the same camera but ... it's the same place :D


Blurry and slow to load. The other picture was the definitive off screen version.



Crushed said:
i heard this one time quaz was on a forum and someone asked him to count the pixels in uncharted but quaz didn't like uncharted because he was stupid and hated sony so he said no so that someone who asked him decided to ask him again but he told quaz that the game was halo and quaz counted the pixels and said that the game was like a billion googlezillion p and then the other guy told him it was uncharted and quaz was all like "no i do not like the ps3 and sony argh this is poop it is like negative infinity p" but everybody saw him and they all laughed and quaz cried and left the boards forever and the ps3 version of gta4 sold all the copies in the world and microsoft went bankrupt and then this girl that sits in front of ynos yyros in geometry who's really hot thought that he was really cool for defeating microsoft so she became his girlfriend and they had sex
I love you crushed, don't ever change.


WhatRuOn said:
Oh really? I might have to try this.
If you're used to having sharpness cranked up, you may not like it, but give it some time and you should be used to it. That's how things are supposed to look. You also need to make sure you have things like Black Adjust, Dynamic Contrast, Digital NR etc turned off, and that Colour Space is set to auto.

Without artificial sharpening, you might find that the image is a bit soft though, but that's what upscaling does to the picture.

Kestastrophe said:
Does this go for CRTs as well?
Pretty much any TV.

Basically you want to set sharpness to the point where you don't get any ringing around high contrast edges / text on-screen.

Some pictures a friend took ages ago from an older Toshiba LCD for example.

Sharpness at +50:

Sharpness at 0:

Sharpness at -50:

Notice how all that sharpening really does is add halos/ringing/shadows around the text, it doesn't actually make it any sharper. With games, this can have a significant effect on exaggerating aliasing. (jaggies)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
...oh and the PS3 version looked phenomenal and I quite frankly don't give a shit, cause I can't tell the difference
I agree. The difference is very minor, actually. Take a look at the comparison...

Here are two direct feed shots from Dark Sector on both XBOX360 and PS3. The PS3 version runs at the same resolution as GTAIV PS3 while the 360 version is a full 720p (according to Eurogamer, anyways).

Can you see a significant difference?


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
dark10x said:
I agree. The difference is very minor, actually. Take a look at the comparison...

Here are two direct feed shots from Dark Sector on both XBOX360 and PS3. The PS3 version runs at the same resolution as GTAIV PS3 while the 360 version is a full 720p (according to Eurogamer, anyways).

Can you see a significant difference?


I blatantly see about 90 more p.
WhatRuOn said:
Well shit, I don't know what's on now, but I sure will check when I get off work. HD TV looks like sex though, so the settings can't be *that* off.

Turn it off, turn it off, TURN IT OFF!!!

DNIe, edge enhancement, digital NR, sharpness....turn it all off!!

It's all just bullet points on the specs sheet that borks your potentially beautiful image quality!

DNIe screws up shadow detail for the sake of more 'vibrant' contrast.

Edge enhancement is just a sin, since why do you even need edge enhancing HD sources anyway, it just creates unneeded image noise.

Digital NR can create just ghastly image delay.

And sharpness is defaulted too high, you got already fixed pixel HDtv, increased sharpness levels just creates more image noise by trying to sharpen picture information that's not really there.

Proper tv calibration is the way.
Kbsmoker said:
I have a hard time understanding why they just didn't go with sub 720p when the console couldn't handle 720p.

Oh god don't give us that the 360 version handles 720p in impressive fashion.

Is this what the discussion has now turned to that the 360 is somehow worse off BECAUSE it is 720p?


butthole fishhooking yes
dark10x said:
Can you see a significant difference?

The image on the left has a more elegant, soft, CGI-like quality. The image on the right half is bursting with vibrancy, but looks a bit "gamey."


dark10x said:
I agree. The difference is very minor, actually. Take a look at the comparison...

Here are two direct feed shots from Dark Sector on both XBOX360 and PS3. The PS3 version runs at the same resolution as GTAIV PS3 while the 360 version is a full 720p (according to Eurogamer, anyways).

Can you see a significant difference?

I think Eurogamer's comparison was better:


Check the sharpness of the textures at the top, Hayden's arm etc.

HomerSimpson-Man said:
Turn it off, turn it off, TURN IT OFF!!!

DNIe, edge enhancement, digital NR, sharpness....turn it all off!!

Good advice overall, but I just wanted to point out that on some Samsung HDTVs, you actually need to leave DNIe enabled. Disabling it locks out the advanced controls, whereas leaving it enabled allows you to disable things like Edge Enhancement.


urk said:
The image on the left has a more elegant, soft, CGI-like quality. The image on the right half is bursting with vibrancy, but looks a bit "gamey."
My pants are bursting with vabrancy.


Hmm, 360 vs PS3 version. I don't think I've heard or seen enough evidence to convince me which is the superior version.

The dilemma? I choose one and then I'm stuck with 2nd best.
Can't have that. This decision is critical.

To hell with this. I refuse to play it until R* develops it for my other machine.


That's settled then.


Loudninja said:
Another comparisonvideo

the quality sucks, but this is all you guys have.

Incoming killjoy to thread!

''We’ve played both console versions of GTA IV, and took the following video from the opening scene. We captured the raw video in uncompressed 720p, with no post-processing to either stream. Shown side-by-side, it’s quite difficult to tell the difference between the two versions. Only a highly trained eye can see the subtle shifts in color, the minor variations in shadow detail. Our conclusion: buy the one for the console you own. If you’re lucky enough to have both in your living room, your decision will have to be based on whether or not you want to pay Microsoft for Extra Content. The barely perceptible difference will have zero impact on your enjoyment of the game.''


CowboyAstronaut said:
Oh god don't give us that the 360 version handles 720p in impressive fashion.

Is this what the discussion has now turned to that the 360 is somehow worse off BECAUSE it is 720p?
Going by what most site are saying the PS3 looks and runs better. Seems like going with sub720 would have put it up there with the ps3 in looks and having an optional HDD install would have taken care of all the other problems...
jaaz said:
Incoming killjoy to thread!

''We’ve played both console versions of GTA IV, and took the following video from the opening scene. We captured the raw video in uncompressed 720p, with no post-processing to either stream. Shown side-by-side, it’s quite difficult to tell the difference between the two versions. Only a highly trained eye can see the subtle shifts in color, the minor variations in shadow detail. Our conclusion: buy the one for the console you own. If you’re lucky enough to have both in your living room, your decision will have to be based on whether or not you want to pay Microsoft for Extra Content. The barely perceptible difference will have zero impact on your enjoyment of the game.''

"Pay Microsoft"? They're pretty fucking bad at this.


jaaz said:
Incoming killjoy to thread!

''We’ve played both console versions of GTA IV, and took the following video from the opening scene. We captured the raw video in uncompressed 720p, with no post-processing to either stream. Shown side-by-side, it’s quite difficult to tell the difference between the two versions. Only a highly trained eye can see the subtle shifts in color, the minor variations in shadow detail. Our conclusion: buy the one for the console you own. If you’re lucky enough to have both in your living room, your decision will have to be based on whether or not you want to pay Microsoft for Extra Content. The barely perceptible difference will have zero impact on your enjoyment of the game.''
Reason, common sense, and mutual respect have never slowed us down before.
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