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The GTAIV Comparison Head-to-Head Thread Episode V: An Epic Tale of ManBoobs and Woe

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JayDub said:
Like someone said, keep grasping. Oh, and dont think for a moment that adding ":lol " after every sentence is going to get you any points.

"Significant enough to notice.." well hey, every review says that they noticed it on the PS3 too did they not?
i put :lol because you guys are so silly. i never said ps3 doesn't have any pop-in, and i've even specifically said that it's already been established that the ps3 version does have some pop-in (but less). so as for why you feel the need to accuse me of saying otherwise, i can only laugh. the reviewers notice a difference. you can thus draw the conclusion that there is a notable difference. some reviewers/comparisons have even said there is a signficant difference, while others have said it was a slight difference -- either way, if we're going to go by their reports, the difference is undeniable at this point. "significant" can vary from person to person, but it's obviously significant enough to where reviewers and comparisons have unanimously agreed that the PS3 version has less pop-in.

to make claims that the ps3 version has the same amount of pop-in is to contradict all of the evidence we have thus far. it's pretty ridiculous of you to call me a fanboy when you're the one trying to spin everything reviewers and comparisons are saying.

this cycle the thread has gotten into is pitiful.

reviewer/comparison: "360 has more pop-in"

forum person 1: "360 has more pop-in"

forum person 2: "yeah but PS3 has pop-in too!"

forum person 1: "i know... i never said it didn't."

forum person 2: "then why did you say 360 has more pop-in?!?!? PS3 has pop-in too!"

forum person 1: "...because, based on reviews/comparisons, 360 version has more pop-in"

forum person 2: "630p, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :lol:lol:lol"

it's sad, really.
gregor7777 said:
The problem is, for the rest of time, we will look back on the one defining characteristic of a video game (resolution) and it will forever read: 630p.

I can tell my children I didn't lower my standards for Sony or anyone else.

I played GTA4 in 720p. Damn right I did.

hehe, to be honest though it seems like people are getting their panties in a twist because the media have given the very slight edge to the ps3 version visually, so people are searching the 7 seas to redress the balance... Also, people who are focusing on popin...it doesnt allways happen on the same objects...

Fair enough you are having a wind up joke, but on here it just stretches the tripe to be devoured by more hungry mongrels...

alright Im out, no more GTA IV for me before release
here is the reason why again...

super-heated plasma said:
I heard that the pop up was so terrible on the 360 that Microsoft decided to capitalize and call it a 'feature' to tie in with their marketing geared towards the younger demographic.




Speevy said:
So what did I miss?

Yesterday the 360 version was a pop-up book? Now the PS3 version is 630p? Super.
You also missed that it seems that the review code has more pop-in than the retail version on the 360:


Review build on the left, retail on the right.


cyberheater said:
Do you think if the devs had delayed the PS3 version for a couple of more months that they might have achieved true 720p ?

Most likely. But at this point.....Screw that.


zaidr said:
You MOTHER FUCKER. Any reason why you stole my custom made avatar, dickface?


Thats the only thing that was missing in this thread... tactical avatar espionage action....
I am not reading through this mess.

I have both consoles.

Does the PS3 GTA do 1080i, I game on an older CRT that supports 1080i and 720p and I like 1080i better.

If the PS3 GTA supports 1080i I will get it for PS3. If not I will stick with the 360 version.

Keep in mind I barely have time to game much less worry about DLC.


I would have taken 630p on 360 if it meant no pop-up whatsoever... :( I know they're not dependent on eachother, but still :/


Junior Member
andrewfee said:
You also missed that it seems that the review code has more pop-in than the retail version on the 360:


Review build on the left, retail on the right.

If you have at least one Wanted Star, you will more likely see some pop-in, even both versions anyway. And there is no map on right side :S
Kbsmoker said:
Going by what most site are saying the PS3 looks and runs better. Seems like going with sub720 would have put it up there with the ps3 in looks and having an optional HDD install would have taken care of all the other problems...

I have seen and played both retail copies of this game. The PS3 version absolutely does not look and run better than the Xbox 360 version of the game and anything suggesting such a thing is an outright lie.

What I do say is that both versions have a distinct look about them and of the 2 I prefer the style of the ps3 version over the 360 version, but would I make a be all, end all statement claiming that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the ps3 version looks and runs better than the 360 version? No way in hell because both are so damn similar that you'd have to be one monster of a fanboy to claim you can tell significant differences between these 2 games in the area of performance and or looks that would make one inferior to the other.

Both look impressive it just comes down to which style do you prefer. Both run at practically similar framerates and I've caused enough mayhem in both versions to know that any claims of the 360 version not being able to match the performance of the ps3 version is complete and utter fabrication.

Ploid 3.0

Stinkles said:
Wait til the NPD Sales version of this thread. There will be blood.

I'm banking on GTA4 ps3 not selling out in my area. I didn't preorder, and I definitely won't be camping out in a line. Going to have to pick it up noon Tuesday, or Wednesday. The nearest store that sell games is miles away from my house.


nib95 said:
Bitter tears? What?

So the PS3 version looks better, runs better, has far less pop-in, less load times and so on, and somehow it's still bitter tears? Am I understanding this logic correctly?



This might sound like a really, really stupid question but I figured I'd ask it anyway.

Since 480i was standard on last generation games, did games ever fail to achieve that?


Comics, serious business!
CowboyAstronaut said:
I have seen and played both retail copies of this game. The PS3 version absolutely does not look and run better than the Xbox 360 version of the game and anything suggesting such a thing is an outright lie.

What I do say is that both versions have a distinct look about them and of the 2 I prefer the style of the ps3 version over the 360 version, but would I make a be all, end all statement claiming that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the ps3 version looks and runs better than the 360 version? No way in hell because both are so damn similar that you'd have to be one monster of a fanboy to claim you can tell significant differences between these 2 games in the area of performance and or looks that would make one inferior to the other.

Both look impressive it just comes down to which style do you prefer. Both run at practically similar framerates and I've caused enough mayhem in both versions to know that any claims of the 360 version not being able to match the performance of the ps3 version is complete and utter fabrication.

You well reasoned, informative, non-biased opinion isn't welcome in this thread.


iceatcs said:
If you have at least one Wanted Star, you will more likely see some pop-in, even both versions anyway. And there is no map on right side :S
And also it's a different time of day, so clearly that will affect the trees.

Ploid 3.0

Speevy said:
This might sound like a really, really stupid question but I figured I'd ask it anyway.

Since 480i was standard on last generation games, did games ever fail to achieve that?

Ico? Wasn't SoTC lower too, but supported progressive scan?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
CowboyAstronaut said:
I have seen and played both retail copies of this game. The PS3 version absolutely does not look and run better than the Xbox 360 version of the game and anything suggesting such a thing is an outright lie.

What I do say is that both versions have a distinct look about them and of the 2 I prefer the style of the ps3 version over the 360 version, but would I make a be all, end all statement claiming that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the ps3 version looks and runs better than the 360 version? No way in hell because both are so damn similar that you'd have to be one monster of a fanboy to claim you can tell significant differences between these 2 games in the area of performance and or looks that would make one inferior to the other.

Both look impressive it just comes down to which style do you prefer. Both run at practically similar framerates and I've caused enough mayhem in both versions to know that any claims of the 360 version not being able to match the performance of the ps3 version is complete and utter fabrication.

I swear I read that before...


Speevy said:
This might sound like a really, really stupid question but I figured I'd ask it anyway.

Since 480i was standard on last generation games, did games ever fail to achieve that?

ICO ran at a lower res than 480i to get all the other effects in - not sure about other games.

EDIT: Beaten.


Speevy said:
This might sound like a really, really stupid question but I figured I'd ask it anyway.

Since 480i was standard on last generation games, did games ever fail to achieve that?

Yea... god forbid you ask a stupid question in this mess of a thread... :lol
CowboyAstronaut said:
I have seen and played both retail copies of this game. The PS3 version absolutely does not look and run better than the Xbox 360 version of the game and anything suggesting such a thing is an outright lie.

What I do say is that both versions have a distinct look about them and of the 2 I prefer the style of the ps3 version over the 360 version, but would I make a be all, end all statement claiming that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the ps3 version looks and runs better than the 360 version? No way in hell because both are so damn similar that you'd have to be one monster of a fanboy to claim you can tell significant differences between these 2 games in the area of performance and or looks that would make one inferior to the other.

Both look impressive it just comes down to which style do you prefer. Both run at practically similar framerates and I've caused enough mayhem in both versions to know that any claims of the 360 version not being able to match the performance of the ps3 version is complete and utter fabrication.

So, in summary:

"The PS3 version absolutely does not look and run better than the Xbox 360 version"
"I prefer the style of the ps3 version over the 360 version"



Spy said:
I'm not speaking for any side but who cares if the Playstation 3 version is 630p if it looks better?
"It looks better" is not quantifiable, but pixel counts are. "It looks better" probably wouldn't hold up in court unless you had a leprechaun for an attorney and a unicorn for a judge.
Ok, so they scaled down the PS3 version because it wasnt up to par with the 360 version at that resolution (or wasnt where they wanted it to be), so, end result, dodge another delay, runs slightly better due to resolution decrease (debatable), a more "realistic" softer picture...AND CREATES THIS DIRTY DIRTY Thread.


CowboyAstronaut said:
I have seen and played both retail copies of this game. The PS3 version absolutely does not look and run better than the Xbox 360 version of the game and anything suggesting such a thing is an outright lie.

What I do say is that both versions have a distinct look about them and of the 2 I prefer the style of the ps3 version over the 360 version, but would I make a be all, end all statement claiming that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the ps3 version looks and runs better than the 360 version? No way in hell because both are so damn similar that you'd have to be one monster of a fanboy to claim you can tell significant differences between these 2 games in the area of performance and or looks that would make one inferior to the other.

Both look impressive it just comes down to which style do you prefer. Both run at practically similar framerates and I've caused enough mayhem in both versions to know that any claims of the 360 version not being able to match the performance of the ps3 version is complete and utter fabrication.

A wolf in sheep clothing. A vacant place is waiting for your mighty unbiased bottom afetr Moore left Micrsoft. No media said the difference was significant...How could it be when the engine is similar ? Simple basic common sense. Reviewers simply evoked less pop in, slightly reduced loading times and a somehow more "realistic tone" (a bit of extra depth of field perhaps)...Nothing that will make the 360 version a toned down experience. No need to twist, revise, call for bullshittery here.
Post #4000.

Salmonax said:
"It looks better" is not quantifiable, but pixel counts are. "It looks better" probably wouldn't hold up in court unless you had a leprechaun for an attorney and a unicorn for a judge.

It's a good thing that this kind of thing will never be important enough to end up a matter of law.


Salmonax said:
"It looks better" is not quantifiable, but pixel counts are. "It looks better" probably wouldn't hold up in court unless you had a leprechaun for an attorney and a unicorn for a judge.

You go buy games based on their resolutions and I'll buy them based on my own interests. Unless there's only enough room for your opinion. If that's true, fuck you.
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