Roux Louka is best Gundam lady.
Damn straight.
Roux Louka is best Gundam lady.
Kira and Athrun teaming up is always great.SEED really does have a good final act.
In fact one of the best strengths of the series is that it is well paced throughout and almost always leaves one wanting more.
when do i watch victory, after or before unicorn?You haven't seen depressed Tomino till you see his crowning opus called Victory Gundam, just...damn. I heard Space Runway Ideon is fucked up too.
nice haul! what are you going to build first =)I have amassed a bit of a backlog.
HG Gundam AGE Spallow
HG Gastima from G-Reco
HG G Arcane from G-Reco
HG Unicorn Destroy Mode
HG Kamiki Burning Gundam
MG RX-78-2 Gundam v 3.0
I don't have a point to this post, other than to say that y'all are a bunch of enablers.
Sorry I haven't popped on in a few days. It's been a really busy week -- been looking at rentals with most of my free time. So, I've still got that remaining 13-14 episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam to go, but Cooper and I knocked out some more SEED on Sunday, and... holy crap, this show has gotten hardcore.
Gundam SEED #35-38 (?) Thoughts
Somewhere around there, anyway.
I've got three words for you fine ladies and gentlemen: Kira and Athrun. I wanted this to happen so badly, but I'd thought I'd have to wait until the end of the series. When Athrun's Justice came buzzing by during yet another tense battle, I figured it was the rematch of the ages. But instead I got what I really wanted: revelation. There are things about SEED that are choppy and awkward. This is not one of them. Kira's heartfelt discussions with Athrun were absolute highlights of this stretch and it has been especially rewarding to see Dearka really come into his own as well.
And the battles. Goodness gracious, the battles. They've all got that decidedly Wing-ish over-the-top candor to them, what with dozens of pilots exploding every half a minute, but it suits this show just fine. Everything is gorgeous and makes up for all the copious flashbacks.
Cagalli! I knew it! Cagalli and Kira! Yes! What a way for Izumi to go out, though. Talk about ultimate Gundam troll. He decides to bring down the entire Orb homeland and perish alongside it, so he hands Cagalli the truth from the opposite side of a window and shoves her off into the future. What in blazes... literally, I suppose.
"You love him, don't you?" -Athrun
"Of course!" -Cagalli
"Alright. I get it. When Kira comes back, I won't get in the way." -Athrun
"It's not like that. He's my brother!" -Cagalli
Admit it. You wanted this dialogue to happen, too.
Le Crouset is not gender-choosy about his harems, is he? Yzak and Flay. What a bunch he's building. Flay's super-weirdness about constantly seeing her father in Le Crouset is so many dimensions of disturbing. So. Many. Dimensions.
My man Mu is still shacking it up with Murrue, so hype. Lacus' radio broadcasts and Zala's hunt to end her are cool too, and that new guy, Azrael... talk about a Baccano! character pre-Baccano. The tables have all turned so quickly that I almost wish there were an extra cour. SEED has gone from "okay" to "enjoyable for what it is" to "genuinely cool" and it's been a lovely trajectory.
Badgiruel is back in exactly the spot I'd hoped she'd be in -- at the helm of a deadly-looking Archangel knockoff. Everything about this show's positioning is super-nifty now. The world is coming undone and these young folks are going to be all that's left -- those that survive.
when do i watch victory, after or before unicorn?
nice haul! what are you going to build first =)
When you're ready to hate Gundam forever.when do i watch victory
Not everybody hates Victory you know. I just think you and Corvo are the most vocal haters.When you're ready to hate Gundam forever.
Nah they didnt say G SaviorWhen you're ready to hate Gundam forever.
What's a G Savior?Nah they didnt say G Savior![]()
What's a G Savior?
Me neither. I've only heard brave souls speak of it as if it was an urban legend.Come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen G Savior.
Lol, even a Victory Gundam mech got more love in GBF than that thing.
I won't lie.
Me neither. I've only heard brave souls speak of it as if it was an urban legend.
Lol, even a Victory Gundam mech got more love in GBF than that thing.
Wait I thought Reflector was generally considered either beat G Self or close second to Perfect.While on the topic of things that are almost hated universally, I built the HG G-Self Reflector Pack Equipped that my brother gave me for Xmas. I'd post pics but I'm on mobile and imgur seems wonky lately.
Wait I thought Reflector was generally considered either beat G Self or close second to Perfect.
To some but let's not try to think that did anything but tank hard.G-Reco was pretty good though.
G-Reco was pretty good though. story is a method with which one separates things into good and evil via their imagination. It is a system needed for people to keep themselves sane and deal with the unreasoning chaos of reality. Religion offers the story of salvation, for example. Likewise, morals and ethics could be defined as the most popular story of the people of the age. But while these stories are harmless as long as they're used to keep individuals calm, this changes when they're used as tools for a country or race. Stories like "jews are an inferior race that have to be purged" and "capitalists are devils and if you suicide bomb them you can go to heaven" brought about tragedies due to their popularity. For an example on a smaller scale, it's not uncommon that a story that one person regards as a "small love story" turns out to be to the world at large a kidnapping of a minor. At times, stories are a poison that can drive a person mad. This presents a dilemma to us creators: If there are infinite possibilities in writing, is it possible to write a story about the potential danger of stories? A story that renounces stories? Yes it is. Reconguista of G did it.
The villains of G-Reco are the people who take the simple event of "the Crescent Moon Ship is coming from Venus" and add their own interpretations to twist it into a story with which they can move the world. The exact same thing that dictators and cult leaders have done throughout history. Belri stops them by going along with the flow and doing his best to handle only what's in front of him. That's why there's no intentional dramaturgy to be found in the story which is shown from his viewpoint, and instead it's like reading a replay of a tabletop RPG or watching a documentary on the Discovery Channel where you're left in a vagueness free of undulations with no clear rhythm. The easiest example of someone fooled by the danger of stories is Mask. As a passionate revolutionary who seeks to free the oppressed caste of the Kuntala, he at first seems to be more of a hero than Belri, who just wanders around with no clear goal. However, in the show itself, discrimination against the Kuntala is only mentioned, and not once seen. In other words, in the world of G-Reco, discrmination against the Kuntala exists only in Mask's imagination, and this is his "story". And in order to complete said story, his forces onto Belri the roleplaying of the villain. This is solely because Belri's lineage and surroundings contain elements that would make him a good villain for Mask. That Belri doesn't respond by arguing with his old friend dramatically is what makes G-Reco amazing. In the end, Belri doesn't commit himself to a greater good or fate or anything above his personal level, and at each point in time only does what he thinks he ought to do at the moment. No matter how much his ex-friend runs around going crazy, Aida's more important to him. And at the end of this one-sided game of tag completely out of place between a robot anime's protagonist and his rival, the final episode concludes with the unthinkable, in which he just abandons the fight and runs off in his core fighter. All that's left are people who are strong enough to live without the lies of stories. They are freed from the boring curses known as "catharsis" or "conclusions" and head towards the future. When I saw the end credits I was just moved, and exlaimed " they did it!". I had been worried about the limits of storytelling, and was just thankful for this slap from a veteran creator to me. Reconguista of G made me genki.
Fa' of mine from Zeta, I like how she always stuck by Kamille. She didn't want anybody else cause she had already found her man in Kamille.Roux's my bae.
Gen Urobuchi (writer of Fate/Zero, Madoka Magica, Psycho Pass, and Aldnoah.Zero) did an interview offering an interesting view on G-Reco
I do disagree with him that the discrimination of the Kuntala was just in Mask's head. He gets picked on for it quite a bit in the beginning. Him making Bellri the villain in his own mind is spot on, though.
thanks for the orderUC timeline is pretty much
Mobile Suit Gundam
08th MS Team
War in the Pocket
Stardust Memory
Char's Counterattack
That's all of the tv shows/movies excluding stuff I haven't seen like Igloo, Evolve, and G-Savior (let's not talk about G-Savior).
show off you kits when you get a chance, love box art and builds all the same =)Probably the Spallow just because it'll be super quick, then Unicorn.Takes me a good while longer than I'd like to admit to build these.![]()
ok, so victory is bad... got itWhen you're ready to hate Gundam forever.
ok, maybe it's good...Not everybody hates Victory you know. I just think you and Corvo are the most vocal haters.
aright, so everyone thinks G Savior is bad =)Nah they didnt say G Savior![]()
i'm not seeing the benefit of transformations in the gundam universe. it makes double Z too complicated.ZZ is fun because someone finally remembered that Sayla was a character that existed.
Also Bright gives up sinceCharQuattro was the only one that actually listened to him anyway. Overall, though, I usually skip it to go straight to CCA.
Was never really a fan of the transformation gimmicks. Neat idea, but they almost always look really silly (yo what the hell is this) and make me always think twice before buying the model kit.
puru puru puru puru
Roux's my bae.
Fa, dresses w/ a real macross looking uniform. i don't know what that other girl is wearing =D why is she wearing a carebear star?Fa' of mine from Zeta, I like how she always stuck by Kamille. She didn't want anybody else cause she had already found her man in Kamille.
Besides Fa was the only one in ZZ ballsy enough to smack Judau upside his head...that's like Emma Sheen territory right there.
Roux's cool too though.
I like to think of Transformers in Gundam as transportation benefits allowing the Gundam to travel long distances with minimum fuel consumption thus being a much more effictive machine(this is actually said directly in Wing) and not something used to hide what the suit is.thanks for the order
show off you kits when you get a chance, love box art and builds all the same =)
ok, so victory is bad... got it
ok, maybe it's good...
aright, so everyone thinks G Savior is bad =)
i'm not seeing the benefit of transformations in the gundam universe. it makes double Z too complicated.
Fa, dresses w/ a real macross looking uniform. i don't know what that other girl is wearing =D why is she wearing a carebear star?
Victory is one of those love it or hate it shows, I swear there is no in between with that show. Roux has a carebear star cause it's ZZ that's the only explanation either that or cause she's a fucking ditz, as Fa said.thanks for the order
show off you kits when you get a chance, love box art and builds all the same =)
ok, so victory is bad... got it
ok, maybe it's good...
aright, so everyone thinks G Savior is bad =)
i'm not seeing the benefit of transformations in the gundam universe. it makes double Z too complicated.
Fa, dresses w/ a real macross looking uniform. i don't know what that other girl is wearing =D why is she wearing a carebear star?
I loath Roux.Victory is one of those love it or hate it shows, I swear there is no in between with that show. Roux has a carebear star cause it's ZZ that's the only explanation either that or cause she's a fucking ditz, as Fa said.
I'm not the hugest fan of hers either. I can sort of tolerate her but I don't understand why some on here consider her to be some sort of holy grail either. I didn't like either of the main female cast in that show. Elle was mostly normal minus her being a bitch stealing Fa's mirror Roux seemed just naive or something I don't know what it was. Chara was Chara. The only character that I can think of becoming more normalI loath Roux.
She is the worst character in the DWG games.
I'm not the hugest fan of hers either. I can sort of tolerate her but I don't understand why some on here consider her to be some sort of holy grail either. I didn't like either of the main female cast in that show. Elle was mostly normal minus her being a bitch stealing Fa's mirror Roux seemed just naive or something I don't know what it was. Chara was Chara. The only character that I can think of becoming more normalafter becoming a cyber newtype. Haman was cool though at least.
Yeah she's a great villain. Her and Katejina were just too good as female villains. I guess since they can't be eclipsed they just stopped writing female villains for gundam. Haman took no shit from any one and actually seemed to want Judau on her side and wanted the new types to unite but Judau just wasn't hearing it. She could be nice and authoritative without coming off as weak. Katejina was just this shy woman that didn't like war and know the rest.Lol.
Haman is amazing. I love her in ZZ.
you referring to Puru or somebody else?been watching ZZ
up to episode 19...
it's pretty rough.... really too silly. i'm trying to force myself to get to 20 but it's hard...
what's w/ this stranger instant brother thing again... *eyeroll*
you referring to Puru or somebody else?
Have fun with that story arc. It leads to one of the reasons why I'm not too keen on Judau at times.puru
Doesn't this spoil one of the best revelations in Unicorn for him?
One does not simply lay the smack down on Judau Ashta. I think Fa was the only person to hit him. I think he almost chokes some woman out earlier in the show too.i won't look in case =0
up to ep.20 aww.... i thought mr. wong was going to lay the smack down but it wasn't meant to be.
One does not simply lay the smack down on Judau Ashta. I think Fa was the only person to hit him. I think he almost chokes some woman out earlier in the show too.