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The High-end VR Discussion Thread (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Playstation VR)

Just got these today. Mahogany VR stands for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift from Bovenwerk.


Vive left, Rift right.





Even a slot for the Oculus Remote.




Geez, nice! How expensive were they?
Those look cool, even though I wouldn't keep my VRhmds on a stand anyway.

I just keep the Rift in it's gorgeous box and the Vive nearby in its one too.

Since the Vive's breakout box can act as an extension for the Rift, I have everything always ready to go, I just need to plug in the actual headset and I'm ready.

They look classy though, those stands. The wife would dig'em.
Just to jot down my thoughts after trying some demos:

-Roomscale is amazing.
-FOV is small, feels like you're wearing goggles.
-Screen door effect is noticeable.
-The technical capabilities of the PC help make a convincing image.
-Heavy headset.

-Comfortable headset.
-The game (Eve Valkyrie) took a hit on graphics. Looked like a PS2/PS3 game.
-I didn't notice a screen door effect.
-Frame of view was better.
-Headset tracked me well even when I did more complicated motions on the seat.

Neither device gave me a sense of place in a virtual "reality," but they were cooler than just a 2D screen. I'm debating if I even want to jump into VR this generation or hold out for a while. We'll see.


FoV is one of those things that are objectively measurable with the right equipment, I'm sure it won't be long after PSVR releases that we'll have data on it (we already do for Vive and Rift).


Maybe no one would want to answer this, but has anyone tried playing VR while on hallucinogenics? I've only ever tried mushrooms a few times and it was like 10+ years ago. I imagine that tripping on mushrooms or acid while being in a virtual world would be quite a strange experience.

I only have an old DK1 and I've tried LSD with it. I saw a 3d fractal movie and it was pretty amazing. It doesn't really make the experience more vivid or anything like that, just more emotional.


Quick question: I have a Oculus DK2 that's been boxed up for several months now, mainly due to space concerns. I'm moving to a larger place soon though. Would current oculus content (oculus home, current games/experiences etc) run on it with a software update? Or is it basically just legacy hardware at this point?
Quick question: I have a Oculus DK2 that's been boxed up for several months now, mainly due to space concerns. I'm moving to a larger place soon though. Would current oculus content (oculus home, current games/experiences etc) run on it with a software update? Or is it basically just legacy hardware at this point?

Works fine with oculus store and Steam too. Many here are still using it.


has there been any developments from the Star VR camp? The fact that their HMD has such a wider fov is surely a game changer right?
has there been any developments from the Star VR camp? The fact that their HMD has such a wider fov is surely a game changer right?

The prototype seems to have problems with weight, tracking, and I think resolution iirc so I wouldn't say "game changer" just yet. It has a lot of tradeoffs for that FOV at the moment. Curious to see how the final version turns out though.


Has there been any media yet for Job Simulator after being re-worked for the 180 degree limitation of PSVR? I still don't understand how they're going to do that. I just can't see the office cubicle making sense.


I went to the Oculus store just now realizing it has been a few weeks since I have even touched my Rift, and then I was reminded there was that First Person Shooter coming out, but I no longer see anything about it on the Oculus site and for the life of me I cannot remember the name?
One had to warp from spot to spot, it had a pretty clear Halo influence with the weapons, etc., and the gameplay video I saw of it you were in what was like a ditch with enemies spawning all around you?
Anyone know the game I am talking about? It is driving me nuts.

Also since I am in the thread, any good new releases overall people recommend?
I recently got a taste of VR for the first time using the Gear VR and I thought it was cool. A couple days ago I played some Rift and Vive titles using Vridge and was impressed with the quality and when I played EVE I felt like I was there! The downside obiously was since I was streaming these games it gave me a bit of sickness and it didnt feel as smooth as I feel it should (close to 45-50 FPS).

I am now thinking about getting a true VR headset. Is it worth getting now? I'm leaning towards the Rift simply because of the games and price. Should I get one now? If so which VR headset gives you the best VR experience?
I recently got a taste of VR for the first time using the Gear VR and I thought it was cool. A couple days ago I played some Rift and Vive titles using Vridge and was impressed with the quality and when I played EVE I felt like I was there! The downside obiously was since I was streaming these games it gave me a bit of sickness and it didnt feel as smooth as I feel it should (close to 45-50 FPS).

I am now thinking about getting a true VR headset. Is it worth getting now? I'm leaning towards the Rift simply because of the games and price. Should I get one now? If so which VR headset gives you the best VR experience?

It depends on what you're looking for.

For me, having both headsets from the start (and having played a lot with DK1 and 2), there's nothing like room scale VR with motion controls. So if I had to choose now, I'd say Vive.

Being in a virtual world and actually walking around and interacting with your hands is a complete game-changer. It's more expensive but it's so damn worth it.

Rift games work on it too, by the way.


I recently got a taste of VR for the first time using the Gear VR and I thought it was cool. A couple days ago I played some Rift and Vive titles using Vridge and was impressed with the quality and when I played EVE I felt like I was there! The downside obiously was since I was streaming these games it gave me a bit of sickness and it didnt feel as smooth as I feel it should (close to 45-50 FPS).

I am now thinking about getting a true VR headset. Is it worth getting now? I'm leaning towards the Rift simply because of the games and price. Should I get one now? If so which VR headset gives you the best VR experience?

With what's available right now the Vive is worth the price difference, for sure.

Once Oculus Touch comes out, you'll be able to get a very similar experience out of the Rift (with its own advantages and disadvantages, of course, but they're relatively minor). There's still no price on the Touch, but most assume it'll be in the ballpark of filling out the price difference between the Vive and Rift (I'm guessing $150-200). Oculus Store games (at least the big ones?) can run on Vive using Revive. All "Vive games" (SteamVR games) run on Rift+Touch natively, but obviously Rift alone can't run games that require motion controllers.

In the end, both setups are going to be hella similar in terms of functionality and I'm guessing price. In terms of a complete hardware package, Vive is the sure bet right now. If the Oculus Store games do a lot for you, do some research on Revive and see if it supports the games you want to play.


Which one has less of a SDE and which one has a better FOV?
If you're looking for an easy decision making bullet point, you're not likely to find one. For every situation where one wins, it loses in something else to the other. The only major difference is the lack of tracked controllers/roomscale on the Rift right now, but that'll fade into another tit for tat trade-off by the end of the year.

The only thing I'd caution the decision making process with is that the tracked controllers are a unknown data point for the Rift on a number of levels. The release date is a target quarter, the price is unknown, and the performance a wildcard. The last one in particular is the biggest issue IMO.

It wasn't until we got thousands of Vives out there in the hands of people with all sorts of different rooms that we got a real feel for the reliability level of the tracking. Until the Touch controllers actually hit in the wild, we're running on very few data points for feedback. With any luck there won't be any unanticipated problems, but for me, I'd be iffy on buying something based on the functionality of a future peripheral when there's a known quantity so similar to it in all regards currently available. Personally, if it wasn't for my preference for how Valve does business, at this point I'd hedge my bets and wait for the Touch release to make a decision based on real hardware and reviews/experiences.


It wasn't until we got thousands of Vives out there in the hands of people with all sorts of different rooms that we got a real feel for the reliability level of the tracking. Until the Touch controllers actually hit in the wild, we're running on very few data points for feedback. With any luck there won't be any unanticipated problems, but for me, I'd be iffy on buying something based on the functionality of a future peripheral when there's a known quantity so similar to it in all regards currently available. Personally, if it wasn't for my preference for how Valve does business, at this point I'd hedge my bets and wait for the Touch release to make a decision based on real hardware and reviews/experiences.

Ultimately, yeah, I'd agree with this. As it stands, Touch looks to be reliable for room scale in videos we've seen, but that's a very limited sampling.

I'd say that if Touch winds up being widely reliable, suggesting the Rift over the Vive becomes realistic for me. Comfort, headphones, timewarp (Oculus timewarp in SteamVR is seriously wonderful), and the design of the Touch make me guess that it will be the better experience, but that comes at the price of separate hardware releases, a lower FOV, and an even more complicated setup process (your trackers will need to reach your computer).


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I got a chance to try the PSVR today at a local best buy, it blew my mind. Played the shark demo and the Battle Zone demo (fucking awesome). My brother tried the Shark and Eve. Fit great on my giant head with glasses on. Could see that screen door thing but wasn't bad at all.

Missed out on preordering but gonna get one for sure now, you really need to try this stuff to get it. I had no intrest before I tried it.

Interested in HTC Vive but don't have a PC :/
Doom May Have Solved VR's Traversal Problem

This sounds very interesting for first person games, did anyone on gaf try it at quakecon?
Teleportation seems to be the solution that makes it possible to retain 1:1 mapping of RL physical movement in VR, but the Doom solution seems like it would be more fun too play.
It sounds basically like Raw Data's teleport system except time slows down while you're pointing where to go.
Decided to go for the Rift, comes in tomorrow from Amazon. Was close to getting the Vive but I didnt have 800 on hand and I feel the Touch controllers are more in line with what I want out of a VR experience. I also saw a few full room scale demos with the touch so I figured I could wait.

What games on the Rift will give me a great VR experience besides EVE?
Decided to go for the Rift, comes in tomorrow from Amazon. Was close to getting the Vive but I didnt have 800 on hand and I like what I feel the Touch controllers are more in line with what I want out of a VR experience. I also saw a few full room scale demos with the touch so I figured I could wait.

What games on the Rift will give me a great VR experience besides EVE?

Lucky's Tale is pretty nice and polished, especially now that an update has removed a bunch of padding BS (Consequentially, it's also quite short, but then, it IS free).

In terms of paid stuff, The Climb is fantastic.


I tried PSVR for the second time on Saturday at GameStop. The first time a couple weekends ago (and my first VR experience ever) I played Battlezone and was quite impressed with everything, except the resolution. Yet it was like being "inside" the game. No discomfort while playing or after. Loved it. I kicked ass at the game, never having played it before, much less playing anything in VR.

Today I tried Eve Valkyrie and The Deep. Both seemed awesome. I really enjoyed playing EVE, felt like being in a space dogfight, but it was over too quickly. "See you in the next life" IIRC. Was also impressed with The Deep. Loved the Great White shark, the detail was really great, no pun intended. So yeah, I was comfortable both times, didn't feel sick or dizzy at all. For me, it's just the resolution that needs to be improved. Yet I really felt "there". Next time I'll try The London Heist. I'm sold on VR though, for sure. I wish I could afford both a PSVR and a Neo this fall, but that's not likely. So I think I'll go for the Neo first. By the time I can afford a complete PSVR with everything, maybe February, they'll be back in stock and Ace Combat 7 might be a bit less far away from release.


Decided to go for the Rift, comes in tomorrow from Amazon. Was close to getting the Vive but I didnt have 800 on hand and I like what I feel the Touch controllers are more in line with what I want out of a VR experience. I also saw a few full room scale demos with the touch so I figured I could wait.

What games on the Rift will give me a great VR experience besides EVE?

I can't praise Chronos enough. It's not a spectacle in terms of being a VR demo, but it's probably the best VR game.
I think I'm going to plug back in my rift to my PC. It's been awhile since I used it, I took it off because my PC takes more longer to boot.

So in the past two months, have I missed anything worth getting?

And has the hype gone now for VR now that many people have experienced it?
So I got my first demo of VR yesterday with the Vive and the controllers and room scale are what really sold the experience. It just don't feel it would have felt right without those two key components.

I just wish I had a spare £1k to upgrade my PC and get the headset.

I'm concerned.

Today, my Rift sensor has had a problem. It keeps connecting and disconnecting randomly and I have no idea why.

Take a look at Windows Event Log



I am an owner of the vive and based on the following answers to my question i may consider buying the PS VR ( already have it on preorder when it was annouced but i just put it there for the sake of who knows )

there are few games i saw videos and i really liked. and i wonder if they are coming to Vive in any sort

Ace Combat 7
Resident Evil 7
Robinson ( not sure if the name is right. the game from crytek ?)

been told there is also version of Dead or Alive VBall vr ?
harmonix vr game

does anyone specially the first 3, if the coming to PC in VR ?



I'm concerned.

Today, my Rift sensor has had a problem. It keeps connecting and disconnecting randomly and I have no idea why.

Take a look at Windows Event Log


I actually had that problem with the HMD's usb lately. Worried that the cord already has a problem in it.
I think I'm going to plug back in my rift to my PC. It's been awhile since I used it, I took it off because my PC takes more longer to boot.

So in the past two months, have I missed anything worth getting?

And has the hype gone now for VR now that many people have experienced it?

Edge of nowhere is excellent I would recommend that if you havent seen it before. If you like puzzle/story type games check out the assembly too, its on steam too so you can get a refund if you dont like it. Dirt rally also looks good if you like rally games.

Abe VR is great too, its free and not a game but its awesome

In terms of hype - I think the entry requirements are just too steep for VR right now, the best chance for critical mass comes when PSVR comes out due to less sticker shock (the real package is $499 but $399 is what everyone talks about, and to be fair it does mean that someone that cant find the extra $100 can at least buy a system and plan to get the camera/controllers later)

Also there are finally affordable cards that are good for VR in the $200-250 range so that also makes the PC market lower cost (though I think the prices of the headsets have to come down too)
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