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The High-end VR Discussion Thread (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Playstation VR)

Did you only read the Adr1ft and Albino Lullaby impressions or something? The majority of the games have positive impressions.

I definitely would not call most of them positive. Many of them basically say "VR doesn't add much" or "It was okay." The primary issue seems to be that the launch line up is a lot of experiences that have VR bolted onto an existing game, like the Vanishing of Ethan Carter, which they also said made them sick.

Listen, I'm not saying this is unique to Oculus. Launch lineups for every new console/system ever have a smattering of the good, the bad, the ugly. It's par for the course.
I think there are some great titles in there but about 25 out of the thirty titles are going to be pick up and play once sort of experiences. It's a launch lineup.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I think I am going to start with PSVR. I really want to wait and see what shakes out in the PC space. Basically I want to see what Gen 2 brings for Vive and Oculus (or some newcomer).

Seeing that RE style game gives me hope that we will get some third person shooters.

What is the current state of wireless HDMI? I imagine that the wire will be the first thing people will want rid of. Is there any chance Gen2 devices will be wireless? I imagine input lag (sickness) is the major hurdle in that respect.

I am wondering, in the future will the headsets themselves be the PCs (consoles)? So there will be no wires? Or maybe a wearable on your back? Kinda pretty far out for a phone like device to be powerful enough to push current vive/oculus stuff though.
I didn't realize Project Cars had support for launch. I need to pick that game up. I'm by far most excited for Elite Dangerous but Eve Valkyrie also looks like a lot of fun. Hopefully, it supports my HOTAS well.
Btw. what is this now?


They showed it at the showcase. So any idea?


I think I am going to start with PSVR. I really want to wait and see what shakes out in the PC space. Basically I want to see what Gen 2 brings for Vive and Oculus (or some newcomer).

Seeing that RE style game gives me hope that we will get some third person shooters.

What is the current state of wireless HDMI? I imagine that the wire will be the first thing people will want rid of. Is there any chance Gen2 devices will be wireless? I imagine input lag (sickness) is the major hurdle in that respect.

I am wondering, in the future will the headsets themselves be the PCs (consoles)? So there will be no wires? Or maybe a wearable on your back? Kinda pretty far out for a phone like device to be powerful enough to push current vive/oculus stuff though.

Wireless streaming is a few gens off at the very least, and that's not due to latency. The bandwidth just isn't there for high resolution, high framerate video using current standards. At least not without lots of compression. Take the 2x 4k headset mentioned back a ways. That's tens of gigabits per second. It exceeds wired capacity. The only way we'll get wireless streaming soon is if they keep the resolution the same, and that's not going to happen.

In regards to packing the PC into the headset... That's possible, but has its own set of trade offs. You have weight, heat, and power consumption to consider. This will always necessitate concessions on the rendering front. I don't see it being big outside of the AR / mobile side of things.


Tested has a launch title video and an interview with Nate Mitchell. Unfortunately, it sounds like Oculus hasn't changed their stance on room scale walking around with the Rift. It was something along the lines of we're not setup for walking distances and keeping you safe from bumping into things. We're focused on the standing 360 experience.

You can also see the front facing version of the job simulator office while they talk. Interview starts around 29 minutes in.


Sky Chief

Oculus launch lineup is indeed very disappointing. Seems like a lot of traditional games shoehorned into VR that don't seem to work that well. I have always been suspect of their tracking system as well compared to Vive (although it seems better than PSVR). I'm thinking of cancelling or reselling my Rift preorder until Touch is ready and just going with Vive. I may be in the minority but I find the Vive's lineup far more compelling because it is focusing on true ground up VR experiences and although admittedly simple I feel like I could play stuff like Space Pirate Simulator and Hover Junkers almost endlessly because of the novelty provided by "being there" and being able to interact with the world you're in.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Wireless streaming is a few gens off at the very least, and that's not due to latency. The bandwidth just isn't there for high resolution, high framerate video using current standards. At least not without lots of compression. Take the 2x 4k headset mentioned back a ways. That's tens of gigabits per second. It exceeds wired capacity. The only way we'll get wireless streaming soon is if they keep the resolution the same, and that's not going to happen.

In regards to packing the PC into the headset... That's possible, but has its own set of trade offs. You have weight, heat, and power consumption to consider. This will always necessitate concessions on the rendering front. I don't see it being big outside of the AR / mobile side of things.

Gotcha. I think when I jump into the PC headsets I might look into one of the Omni treadmill options and find a way to hang the wires from the ceiling or something so I can turn freely without worrying about twisting myself in the cord.

I hope to see the Omnitreadmills get better too.


Gotcha. I think when I jump into the PC headsets I might look into one of the Omni treadmill options and find a way to hang the wires from the ceiling or something so I can turn freely without worrying about twisting myself in the cord.

I hope to see the Omnitreadmills get better too.

Of note about the ceiling cord mount. It seems intuitive, but it comes with its own drawbacks. The biggest of which is the fact that motions above your head can catch the cable and proceed to rip the display from your head. It's basically the counterpoint to stepping on it, but with one key difference: you can feel the cable when it's hanging near you. Above your head you'll forget about its presence until you catch it, and depending on the speed of the gesture, wont be able to stop yourself.

Edit: just got to crazy thinking. Place an X/Y gantry system along the ceiling of a dedicated VR room. Use the absolute positional tracking of VR to feed your location within the room to the gantry and make it maintain a position behind you. Conveniently would keep the cord behind you at all times.
Oculus launch lineup is indeed very disappointing. Seems like a lot of traditional games shoehorned into VR that don't seem to work that well. I have always been suspect of their tracking system as well compared to Vive (although it seems better than PSVR). I'm thinking of cancelling or reselling my Rift preorder until Touch is ready and just going with Vive. I may be in the minority but I find the Vive's lineup far more compelling because it is focusing on true ground up VR experiences and although admittedly simple I feel like I could play stuff like Space Pirate Simulator and Hover Junkers almost endlessly because of the novelty provided by "being there" and being able to interact with the world you're in.

I think the Vive lineup suffers too much of demo-like or even prototype-like experiences,with only a pair of exceptions.
Oculus launch lineup is indeed very disappointing. Seems like a lot of traditional games shoehorned into VR that don't seem to work that well. I have always been suspect of their tracking system as well compared to Vive (although it seems better than PSVR). I'm thinking of cancelling or reselling my Rift preorder until Touch is ready and just going with Vive. I may be in the minority but I find the Vive's lineup far more compelling because it is focusing on true ground up VR experiences and although admittedly simple I feel like I could play stuff like Space Pirate Simulator and Hover Junkers almost endlessly because of the novelty provided by "being there" and being able to interact with the world you're in.

It seems like exactly what we expected. Not really disappointed at all. I wasn't expecting any surprises from this event though.


Does anyone know if our Oculus orders will get updated with a shipping date before they actually ship (and more saliently, before my card gets charged) ?


I definitely would not call most of them positive. Many of them basically say "VR doesn't add much" or "It was okay." The primary issue seems to be that the launch line up is a lot of experiences that have VR bolted onto an existing game, like the Vanishing of Ethan Carter, which they also said made them sick.

Listen, I'm not saying this is unique to Oculus. Launch lineups for every new console/system ever have a smattering of the good, the bad, the ugly. It's par for the course.
Ultimately, you are stuck between a rock and a hard place with your VR lineup at this point.

Because without room-scale 1:1 movement, the more immersive you make your experience the more people will get sick.

And with a focus on 1:1 VR movement, you get rave reviews from a VR perspective but many gamers calling for "real games".


Ultimately, you are stuck between a rock and a hard place with your VR lineup at this point.

Because without room-scale 1:1 movement, the more immersive you make your experience the more people will get sick.

And with a focus on 1:1 VR movement, you get rave reviews from a VR perspective but many gamers calling for "real games".

Yep nailed it.


Oh so you're actually just a fanboy/troll. I'll have to keep that in mind. You don't love VR; you love being a warrior.

I'm sorry but dissing the Rift's substantial launch line-up like that is just insane, especially pointing to the Vive instead - which is quite literally being released like a devloper kit with no real lineup. I'm getting both systems and even I admit the Vive's launch is spectacularly thin.


I doubt it. For the vive at least, the controllers connect wirelessly to the headset, not the computer. I imagine the same is true of the rift. Oculus would have add support to its headset for connecting to the controllers and relaying their inputs.

Also I have read that the tracking systems interfere with each other so you cannot have both running in the same space. Though I don't know how extensively that was tested.

What's more likely and should be pretty trivial (barring any patent issues..) is HTC (or someone else) releasing touch shaped vive controllers, and oculus releasing vive shaped touch controllers.

Vive launching with 50 games, and no exclusives (on purpose). And first details of Valve's 3-mini games?

I'm sorry but dissing the Rift's substantial launch line-up like that is just insane,

I don't need you to be sorry; I need you to not be as intellectually dishonest and hyperbolic as you can possibly be out of what seems to be natural reaction. In this thread, the Vive's lineup is a joke, in the other thread, all room scale VR offers is "opening and closing drawers". If you can't do better, you're presence represents a net loss for the VR community here.

The reality is that both PC options will offer a handful of compelling titles actually designed for them that are actually worth buying, and a fair amount of junk that will be forgettable. Both have a high number of games that will be seen on both or ported to both sooner or later. The ridiculous comments can be saved for some other forum. People here are even-keeled and reasonable with the exception of you and Bobby AJ or whatever his name is. Please do better. We need neither fanboys nor warriors attaching their self-esteem to VR platforms.


Ultimately, you are stuck between a rock and a hard place with your VR lineup at this point.

Because without room-scale 1:1 movement, the more immersive you make your experience the more people will get sick.

And with a focus on 1:1 VR movement, you get rave reviews from a VR perspective but many gamers calling for "real games".

Yep, screw "real games". Hover Junkers, Budget Cuts, and the likes look insanely fun, and are only viable because of 1:1 movement and tracked controllers... That's not to say I'm not looking forward to playing Elite/ SC and other more traditional games in VR, but they weren't what provided me the push over the edge to get into this gen.
He does have an Oculus avatar.
That doesn't mean I can't expect decent decorum. I could put on a PSVR avatar but I'd still be reasonable and objective in my thoughts. When one of these platforms does well everyone does well. It's really that simple. Well unless we see more and more push towards exclusivity which I've said before will torpedo VR in its crib if it becomes a regular thing.

Yep, screw "real games". Hover Junkers, Budget Cuts, and the likes look insanely fun, and are only viable because of 1:1 movement and tracked controllers... That's not to say I'm not looking forward to playing Elite/ SC and other more traditional games in VR, but they weren't what provided me the push over the edge to get into this gen.

I too greatly look forward to seeing Hover Junkers for myself. But one thing we know for sure: it won't be for those afraid of a bit of exercise.


Vive launching with 50 games, and no exclusives (on purpose). And first details of Valve's 3-mini games?

I don't need you to be sorry; I need you to not be as intellectually dishonest and hyperbolic as you can possibly be out of what seems to be natural reaction. In this thread, the Vive's lineup is a joke, in the other thread, all room scale VR offers is "opening and closing drawers". If you can't do better, you're presence represents a net loss for the VR community here.

The reality is that both PC options will offer a handful of compelling titles actually designed for them that are actually worth buying, and a fair amount of junk that will be forgettable. Both have a high number of games that will be seen on both or ported to both sooner or later. The ridiculous comments can be saved for some other forum. People here are even-keeled and reasonable with the exception of you and Bobby AJ or whatever his name is. Please do better. We need neither fanboys nor warriors attaching their self-esteem to VR platforms.

Funny, I don't see you lecturing people like this when they make dishonest hyperbolic claims against the Rift.
So is that Dreadhalls launch game the same game that has been out for a while? What I'd seen never looked appealing, even in VR. I do want a horror game to play, though.


I'm not even sure what "the latency" of A VR HMD is supposed to be. The ultimate motion-to-photon latency is a function of the game software, system software, rendering hardware, and tracking hardware setup. So I'm not sure how you can boil it down to one number.

I am quite sure that for all 3 of these HMDs, as long as you operate them within their target parameters in terms of performance, latency won't be an issue.
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