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The High-end VR Discussion Thread (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Playstation VR)

And the proper games that are having VR added like PCars or Elite - I think maybe people can easily project 'well isn't that just like 3D glasses' and therefore downplay the relevance of VR, until they've tried it for themselves.
Elite didn't have VR "added", the game was built with VR in mind from the start. It's why the different ships have different window configurations, for looking through in VR.


Elite didn't have VR "added", the game was built with VR in mind from the start. It's why the different ships have different window configurations, for looking through in VR.

You could call the large unified UI across all ships a nod to being built with VR in mind, but windows? That's flight sim 101 stuff there and has nothing to do with VR. Different craft have different cockpits that afford different views. This has been done since the dawn of time for the genre.


What the fuck. Not even considering? What's that bullshit about? Make it for OpenVR and kill two birds with one stone.

Fragmentation will be the fastest way to kill this budding business

I was kind of afraid of this, because Kunos has always considered VR as low priority, even Rift SDK support hasn't been updated properly. Which is fucked up because driving sims benefit greatly from VR and AC is one of the most accurate.


What does Asseto Corsa do that Project Cars doesn't?
I've got the impression AC is seen by some as a closer simulation.

I've seen real race drivers practice on PC so it's good enough for me.


I thought AC had a good VR implementation already on DK2?

This and pcars not being on vive is really frustrating. Racing games are likely to be my staple game in VR but I need them to support vive


The Birthday Skeleton
This fragmentation will hurt the VR as a whole. Instead of using OpenVR and thus supporting all the HMDs existing on PC, but also future proofing for more competitors coming in the market or for the next gen of VR, we have this bullshit.

I understand that this is Oculus' main bet now because they fell behind in the timeline with the rest, but it's a pity.


This fragmentation will hurt the VR as a whole. Instead of using OpenVR and thus supporting all the HMDs existing on PC, but also future proofing for more competitors coming in the market or for the next gen of VR, we have this bullshit.

I understand that this is Oculus' main bet now because they fell behind in the timeline with the rest, but it's a pity.

I would not pull Oculus in on this, the problem here is not Oculus SDK vs SteamVR but AC developers not caring about VR in whole. They're just adding some kind of Oculus support because they promised that during early access, but their implementation has always been lazy.

IMO games that do support Rift should still offer native Oculus SDK implementation for best performance, async timewarp, audio, etc. but SteamVR should be supported too.


This and pcars not being on vive is really frustrating. Racing games are likely to be my staple game in VR but I need them to support vive

Just in case you didn't know, pCARS will eventually come to the Vive. Just not at launch. Devs have confirmed it. Seems like AC may not, though.


Looks like it'll take at least 3-4 weeks until Assetto Corsa will have Rift CV1 support.


"Not even considering" Vive support :/

Well that went well. I don't own AC so I'm not out anything, but the guy is kind of a dick. Have to wonder how good the Rift support will be.

How does this?
@KunosStefano @avdevuk @GhettoRice Disappointing for sure! no more buying a game in hope of possible future VR support

Turn into this?
@makaveli222 @avdevuk @GhettoRice gee the VR mafia is out in force tonight. Got to start blocking somebody. Starting with this one. 5:56am - 28 Mar 16


Well that went well. I don't own AC so I'm not out anything, but the guy is kind of a dick. Have to wonder how good the Rift support will be.

How does this?

Turn into this?

Yeah, I've never liked the guy, too bad his product is still pretty good.
I would not expect a lot from Rift support either, just bare minimum to have it working.

I feel I'll be playing more iRacing and Project Cars instead.


He always acts like a colossal cunt. He firmly ejects his toys out the pram when his product is criticised. God forbid you call out AC's incredibly poor AI.

I see that. I'm assuming sarcasm.

Before I sleep I just want to say that I've changed my mind and: We'll be working on VR and make it our priority. Goodnight
I wanna contract this guy to make my Vive room



A closer look at where the Vive Headset will hang on the top hook. The white paper inside the box is the exact dimensions of the break out box.


These 4 buttons change the color scheme of the room. I can customize these to any colors.

His pc is in an adjacent room, more at the link.


I'll make myself feel better about not having what he has by gloating that he can't even play Unseen Diplomacy with a cleared room that's 14 feet by 9 feet.


I would not pull Oculus in on this, the problem here is not Oculus SDK vs SteamVR but AC developers not caring about VR in whole. They're just adding some kind of Oculus support because they promised that during early access, but their implementation has always been lazy.

IMO games that do support Rift should still offer native Oculus SDK implementation for best performance, async timewarp, audio, etc. but SteamVR should be supported too.

Occulus seems to be the only one pushing exclusivity, why wouldn't they be the ones causing the problems?
Occulus seems to be the only one pushing exclusivity, why wouldn't they be the ones causing the problems?
Because they aren't pushing exclusivity. The games they themselves make or fund are exclusive due to being written using the Oculus SDK, but they've said they would be fine with fans hacking the games to run on other headsets.


Has anyone recreated the Holodeck in their house for Vive yet (yellow lines and all)? If not, the situation is unacceptable! .....hmmmm.....

I wonder what the dimensions of that original set were. 30x30ish?


Because they aren't pushing exclusivity. The games they themselves make or fund are exclusive due to being written using the Oculus SDK, but they've said they would be fine with fans hacking the games to run on other headsets.

Aren't they also playable on Vive if Valve gives Oculus hardware access for their store?


Because they aren't pushing exclusivity. The games they themselves make or fund are exclusive due to being written using the Oculus SDK, but they've said they would be fine with fans hacking the games to run on other headsets.


If they weren't pushing exclusivity there would be no exclusive games & their SDK wouldnt have a closed license. According to lucky, closed is open and exclusive is multiplat, so this isn't an argument I can win lol.


Did I just hear a white guy say the n-word at 1:33? Ho boy.

Pretty sure he just said his name. idk what his name is but I heard that too and then later in the video he said it again to the guy, but it was more clear that it was a name

Edit: Niko it seems.


Occulus seems to be the only one pushing exclusivity, why wouldn't they be the ones causing the problems?

Exclusivity has absolutely nothing to do with this case. Assetto Corsa had Rift support before anyone knew about Vive or OpenVR, it was simply the only choice, and they see it's the quickest way to just update it to CV1 runtime so they fill their promise to early access customers.

Kunos is completely free to implement Vive support but they have chosen not to, because they don't really care about VR. Oculus is not to blame for that.


Occulus seems to be the only one pushing exclusivity, why wouldn't they be the ones causing the problems?

If you take Oculus at face value, these are only going to be store exclusives the same way Steam, Uplay, etc have exclusive content on their stores. True - the Vive currently does not work on the Oculus Store but I'm guessing soon enough everyone will have access to all the games across all the platforms.


I'll make myself feel better about not having what he has by gloating that he can't even play Unseen Diplomacy with a cleared room that's 14 feet by 9 feet.

lol first thing I thought of too. Said that the 9 foot wall was added in too. Should have added another 9 inches!


Any idea what Palmer means with this?


Something related to IPD adjustment, or what?

That's my guess. Something related to the fabric between the two lenses morphing as the distance is changed. Then buzzwordified in Oculus style. Oculus likes their marketing speak.


Thought this was interesting. The CEO of the developers of Lucky's Tales thinks we'll be seeing 12 month cycles for VR. Interview here (@ ~8:00 mark): https://youtu.be/D_LOIjASKoo?t=7m57s

That's hard to believe unless we're talking mobile. I know the first product is the hardest to launch but that's an awfully quick turnaround time for a device like this. And Imagine the people who get a device in July after waiting 6 months on a preorder, touch comes a few months after that and then a month or two later preorders start again. Sounds like a great way to kill VR honestly.


What does that have to do with "maximizing pixel utilization" though?

Well, other than allowing two separate screens (you need something flexible between the lenses) which inherently maximizes pixel utilization vs a single screen, I have no damn idea. Frankly though, I wouldn't be surprised if that was it. I mean, their camera tracking is a "constellation tracking system". Their reprojection is "Timewarp". They like fancy terms. =P


Occulus seems to be the only one pushing exclusivity, why wouldn't they be the ones causing the problems?

The games that Oculus have funded are exclusive to the Oculus Store. Vive owners can't play games bought on the Oculus Store because Valve aren't playing nice with their SDK, at least that appears to be the case if you read between the lines of some of Palmer Luckey's comments on the matter.

It basically comes down to both Oculus and Valve negotiating some sort of compromise, but Valve won't too happy about not getting their 30% from sales from the Oculus Store if developers are able to sell cross platform titles from there instead of Steam. Steam supports both headsets, and it's in their financial interest to keep the Oculus Store Oculus Rift exclusive.

I doubt that it'll be long before someone comes up with a wrapper of some sort soon after launch anyway. Valve appear to be just delaying the inevitable tbh.


It is safe enough for me to cancel by Best Buy preorder on the PSVR since I also got my Amazon order right? I ordered from both places as initially Amazon did not go on sale right away, but prefer Amazon as their shipping is better from Best Buy. So okay to cancel BB right? No need to hold onto it? Or should I just be safe and hold on to it a bit longer?


I'm guessing that they were able to get the fabric to not cover any part of the actual glass used in the viewport.

That's what came to my mind, but I can't think of why other materials wouldn't work just as well for pixel/display utilization. Fabric certainly would help with weight and flexibility though...

Well, other than allowing two separate screens (you need something flexible between the lenses) which inherently maximizes pixel utilization vs a single screen, I have no damn idea. Frankly though, I wouldn't be surprised if that was it. I mean, their camera tracking is a "constellation tracking system". Their reprojection is "Timewarp". They like fancy terms. =P

Haha. Probably it. Though Vive seems to be doing it without fabric? Man I wish we got a window into the kind of design challenges each of them had


Haha. Probably it. Though Vive seems to be doing it without fabric? Man I wish we got a window into the kind of design challenges each of them had

Could just as well do it with plastic/rubber. Oculus has been making a big deal about their fabrics though inside and out though.

Also, found a source on what it is.
How to allow for that adjustment, though, was a mystery. The obvious choice—some sort of sliding plastic assembly for the lenses—would add more weight to an already component-crammed headset, Luckey says, and “it can get gritty, it can get locked up, and it isn’t comfortable.” Instead, the lenses are seated in a taut layer of flexible fabric that he calls “transformo.” Behind the fabric is a tiny dual rack-and-pinion mechanism that adjusts the lenses’ distance from one another. The fabric is dustproof (to protect the mechanism), transparent to infrared light (so as not to interfere with tracking), and does away with all the complexity and weight of a more obvious solution.

Not sure how the heck a sealed mechanism would get gritty and lock up. Additionally not sure how something that doesn't touch you would be uncomfortable aside from potential weight. Even more unsure how being transparent to infrared light makes a damn difference on the inside of the headset. I'll just regard the explanation as 10% reality and 90% marketing.


The games that Oculus have funded are exclusive to the Oculus Store. Vive owners can't play games bought on the Oculus Store because Valve aren't playing nice with their SDK, at least that appears to be the case if you read between the lines of some of Palmer Luckey's comments on the matter.

It basically comes down to both Oculus and Valve negotiating some sort of compromise, but Valve won't too happy about not getting their 30% from sales from the Oculus Store if developers are able to sell cross platform titles from there instead of Steam. Steam supports both headsets, and it's in their financial interest to keep the Oculus Store Oculus Rift exclusive.

I doubt that it'll be long before someone comes up with a wrapper of some sort soon after launch anyway. Valve appear to be just delaying the inevitable tbh.

I'll add that Valve will take either the 30% or eyes on Steam. I believe Valve gets no cut from Steam codes on Humble and other places. They get people redeeming games on Steam and thus eyes on the Steam ecosystem. I imagine Oculus wants the exact same thing.


People in the UK.

Logitech G920 Steering wheel and pedals (or you can take the G29 which is slightly different looking)
Gear stick

£135 if you buy both and use voucher code LOGITECH10.

Cheers. Checked earlier and saw that it hadn't gone up, but just got one now. Didn't manage to get a shifter because none of the local stores had it for pickup and home delivery wasn't available.

I'll probably pick that up at a later time.


It is safe enough for me to cancel by Best Buy preorder on the PSVR since I also got my Amazon order right? I ordered from both places as initially Amazon did not go on sale right away, but prefer Amazon as their shipping is better from Best Buy. So okay to cancel BB right? No need to hold onto it? Or should I just be safe and hold on to it a bit longer?

Amazon has a pretty good track record of only allowing pre-orders up to their allocation of stock, so I'd say you're probably in the clear to rely on just your Amazon pre-order. The fact that both times the PS VR went up for pre-order it sold out within a handful of minutes is a good indicator that they indeed only opened up pre-orders to the number of units they'll receive.
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