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The High-end VR Discussion Thread (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Playstation VR)


Well I guess that's that..


I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered numerous times already but has anyone tried Playstation VR yet? How authentic/immersive is the experience? Did you have any problems with nausea?


What opinion do you have on this, GAF?

RPS dude has a Vive unlike most of you, but he is too lazy to use it :p

It's an unwiped asshole of an opinion. Basically reaching for excuses to justify antipathy towards VR. See it all the time.

It's simple though... people are largely going to assess the value proposition on an emotional basis (rather than putting in the energy to figure out whether or not their concerns are or are not actually valid). That's fine - that's how most consumerism works anyway. The value proposition will improve for these people as the range of experiences open up, as well as the social acceptance of it.

5 years down the track, even if it was as difficult to setup as it is now - you can be relatively certain that he won't be dismissing the experience 'because it's hard to setup', if it has dozens of high profile games he really wants to play, and many of his friends are already experiencing and engaging in VR in a really positive manner. The preponderance of emotionally compelling factors independent of the initial concern will cause them to question, perhaps even ignore that initial reservation.


What's your budget? Do you need the chair to have a mount or can you mount to the desk? Is it important that it can fold up (aka, are you short on space)?

Probably like £150-200
Not that important that it can fold up.
Prefer to mount it to the seat. Including the gearstick.

Sky Chief

So Oculus is almost here, I am wondering is there a huge beginners guide to VR. What programs should be downloaded. Where do I find all the non gaming VR stuff like virtual tours and rollercoasters. Where do I get my old games to become VR versions?

Basically I want all the stuff the DK guys have been seeing for years now. What should be the first VR experience us new guys have?

If there is a lot of info maybe we can put it into a new thread.

I think some good stuff to get you going will first be the Oculus test scene (I'm sure it will be really cool), then Apollo 11, then Sightline and Surge if they work. Then whatever game you most want to play and go from there.
What opinion do you have on this, GAF?

RPS dude has a Vive unlike most of you, but he is too lazy to use it :p
It seems fine. Unlike us, they have actual experience of using this in the real world, so if it turns out they've found there's some hassle that goes along with it then maybe that's just because there is.
It's a first gen product, which is going to be far from the slickest device we'll eventually be getting. That certainly applies to the PC headsets, I expect PSVR to be a lot more consumer friendly.


It seems fine. Unlike us, they have actual experience of using this in the real world, so if it turns out they've found there's some hassle that goes along with it then maybe that's just because there is.
It's a first gen product, which is going to be far from the slickest device we'll eventually be getting. That certainly applies to the PC headsets, I expect PSVR to be a lot more consumer friendly.

PSVR is going to be no more consumer friendly on the crap he went on about outside of having to clean stuff up, and that's just because PSVR can't support room scale. If all you ever did was seated/standing VR with the Vive, it's exactly the same. You're still dealing with cables in PSVR. You're still having to turn on controllers with PSVR. You're still going to have to set the IPD manually with PSVR regardless of how easy the fit might be - making walking somebody through the setup remotely an exercise in futility.

The article was nitpicky to the point where it was practically a parody of first world problems.


I think some good stuff to get you going will first be the Oculus test scene (I'm sure it will be really cool), then Apollo 11, then Sightline and Surge if they work. Then whatever game you most want to play and go from there.

The share demos you mentioned unfortunately won't work. Those were made with the old sdk and runtime and the new one (1.3+) is not backward compatible so every developer will have to re-integrate the new SDK for those to work, but for now it wasn't publicly released.

I recommend trying first Henry and the Lost short movies made by Oculus Story Studio.
Those are short experiences where there's no movement so you can get used to VR.


So Oculus is almost here, I am wondering is there a huge beginners guide to VR. What programs should be downloaded. Where do I find all the non gaming VR stuff like virtual tours and rollercoasters. Where do I get my old games to become VR versions?

Basically I want all the stuff the DK guys have been seeing for years now. What should be the first VR experience us new guys have?

If there is a lot of info maybe we can put it into a new thread.

This is a great suggestion. I think a new thread would be good. Especially for recommended software that won't be in the oculus store or steam
Can anyone please tell me why on GAF, a gaming enthusiast forum, people still think that games for VR are just minigames?

I see that in every thread about the success/fad of VR as a medium that people spout things like "Its just minigames"...

It really seems those people dont even know whats coming out on VR devices.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Can anyone please tell me why on GAF, a gaming enthusiast forum, people still think that games for VR are just minigames?

I see that in every thread about the success/fad of VR as a medium that people spout things like "Its just minigames"...

It really seems those people dont even know whats coming out on VR devices.
Giantbomb said that the games still appear as tech demos really. Almost everything has been created as a showpiece and less like a full game.

Only place this wasn't true was PSVR.

So comments like this are not that far fetched.
Giantbomb said that the games still appear as tech demos really. Almost everything has been created as a showpiece and less like a full game.

Only place this wasn't true was PSVR.

So comments like this are not that far fetched.

So why would full fledged games like Project Cars, Elite: Dangerous or even Vanishing of Ethan Carter feel like tech demos?

These are games that you can already play on a 2d screen, but have special VR versions that seem to work pretty well in VR.


So why would full fledged games like Project Cars, Elite: Dangerous or even Vanishing of Ethan Carter feel like tech demos?

These are games that you can already play on a 2d screen, but have special VR versions that seem to work pretty well in VR.

the standalone experiences are a bit 'tech demoey' partly because they're being made by small devs in a small amount of time, but also partly because there is tons of experimentation happening to see what works. I'm interested in jumping in now to try out lots of these things and figure out for myself what I like and don't like. But I can see how they might not be super interesting to people that want fully finished games.

And the proper games that are having VR added like PCars or Elite - I think maybe people can easily project 'well isn't that just like 3D glasses' and therefore downplay the relevance of VR, until they've tried it for themselves.
Giantbomb said that the games still appear as tech demos really. Almost everything has been created as a showpiece and less like a full game.

Only place this wasn't true was PSVR.

And Oculus. Jeff said of the Oculus launch line-up "Most of those read like 'Hey this is a video game' for sure". It seemed to be the room-scale stuff they thought was very tech demo-like.
And Oculus. Jeff said of the Oculus launch line-up "Most of those read like 'Hey this is a video game' for sure". It seemed to be the room-scale stuff they thought was very tech demo-like.

As it probably should be. I thought the htc controllers havent been out in the wild for development use very long.

Melon Husk

Can anyone please tell me why on GAF, a gaming enthusiast forum, people still think that games for VR are just minigames?

I see that in every thread about the success/fad of VR as a medium that people spout things like "Its just minigames"...

It really seems those people dont even know whats coming out on VR devices.

Enthusiasm doesn't entail well-informed.

Rock Paper Shotgyn's coverage on Steam Desktop Theater (out-of-the-gate beta release) with no mention of the vastly superior Virtual Desktop is rubbish. It's simply misinforming by presenting a review that's going to be out of date by the time people get their hands on these.

For those that don't know, Steam Desktop Theater is built on top of Unity, hence the overhead lag. Virtual Desktop has no such lag.

Good journalists so their background research before publishing a piece.
And Oculus. Jeff said of the Oculus launch line-up "Most of those read like 'Hey this is a video game' for sure". It seemed to be the room-scale stuff they thought was very tech demo-like.

Room-scale VR has been around... maybe a year? Probably less.

Seated VR has been a known quantity for almost 3 years now.


I sold my Rift DK2 on Ebay. The buyer is from Hong Kong even though I said I only ship to US. Is this the Chinese company that is buying up devkits?


I sold my Rift DK2 on Ebay. The buyer is from Hong Kong even though I said I only ship to US. Is this the Chinese company that is buying up devkits?

Could be, yeah.

If there's so much demand for development kits (be it a DK2 or CV1) I'm just happy because that means there's more VR content coming.


Giantbomb said that the games still appear as tech demos really. Almost everything has been created as a showpiece and less like a full game.

Only place this wasn't true was PSVR.

So comments like this are not that far fetched.

And Oculus. Jeff said of the Oculus launch line-up "Most of those read like 'Hey this is a video game' for sure". It seemed to be the room-scale stuff they thought was very tech demo-like.

Room-scale VR has been around... maybe a year? Probably less.

Seated VR has been a known quantity for almost 3 years now.

Indeed Roomscale has only been around for such a short period - but importantly, the standard controller based VR is mostly taking the same old experience that people already now and love with a VR twist, with the genres that work.

Roomscale VR can not work like this, it is utterly different.

Something that must be stressed, is that the experience of playing them is massively different and often skill driven since it is entirely based on your own movements, which takes so much longer to master as they would in reality in a lot of cases. The mechanics for what games prove entertaining is still only in its infancy, so many of the games that are the most entertaining and have the most longevity are skill based, sports, physics based stuff - which people seem happy to call "tech demos" because by their nature they are concepts more than your standard gaming fare of story, action and alike.

You won't see long games for a year or so more at the least, but the value you can get from these "tech demos" is entirely dependant on the concept of the game. Many of them have a ton of longevity specifically because of their freedom to develop your own skill rather than through predefined buttons. The "mini-games" in the lab have a shit load of longevity considering many of them a skill based (archery, shmup via hand control). Same for Budget Cuts, Space Pirate Trainer etc, even though these are "tech demo" concepts


Indeed Roomscale has only been around for such a short period - but importantly, the standard controller based VR is mostly taking the same old experience that people already now and love with a VR twist, with the genres that work.

Roomscale VR can not work like this, it is utterly different.

Something that must be stressed, is that the experience of playing them is massively different and often skill driven since it is entirely based on your own movements, which takes so much longer to master as they would in reality in a lot of cases. The mechanics for what games prove entertaining is still only in its infancy, so many of the games that are the most entertaining and have the most longevity are skill based, sports, physics based stuff - which people seem happy to call "tech demos" because by their nature they are concepts more than your standard gaming fare of story, action and alike.

You won't see long games for a year or so more at the least, but the value you can get from these "tech demos" is entirely dependant on the concept of the game. Many of them have a ton of longevity specifically because of their freedom to develop your own skill rather than through predefined buttons. The "mini-games" in the lab have a shit load of longevity considering many of them a skill based (archery, shmup via hand control). Same for Budget Cuts, Space Pirate Trainer etc, even though these are "tech demo" concepts
Exactly. Also, people are sometimes liable to not consider anything which doesn't fit into a pre-existing genre a "real game", and since room-scale VR games are by definition so different from everything which we know this hits them disproportionately.

Enthusiasm doesn't entail well-informed.

Rock Paper Shotgyn's coverage on Steam Desktop Theater (out-of-the-gate beta release) with no mention of the vastly superior Virtual Desktop is rubbish. It's simply misinforming by presenting a review that's going to be out of date by the time people get their hands on these.

For those that don't know, Steam Desktop Theater is built on top of Unity, hence the overhead lag. Virtual Desktop has no such lag.

Good journalists so their background research before publishing a piece.
Beyond that, Steam Desktop Theater is also in alpha.


That may have just sold me on Vive.

Sorry if this has been answered already, but if I had a Vive and wanted to play Oculus store exclusives like Eve Valkyrie, would I be able to?

As of right now no. But there will most definitely be work arounds.


Which Giant Bomb episode/podcast discusses hands-on experiences with VR games?

It was on last weeks podcast (3/22). The first hour or so is all VR. Giantbomb is my favorite website ever probably so this comes from love, but they don't know what they are talking about. I mean they know what they are talking about based on only what they themselves have seen which is fine, but they have no knowledge of what will be out at launch. I don't think they've looked into the launch lineups hardly at all. From their podcast discussion they played PSVR, didn't play any Oculus games, and with the Vive played The Lab which is literally minigames (doesn't matter to me) and the ILM self declared "not a game" Star Wars experience. So yeah I don't blame them for that opinion. It just happens to not be the reality of what they will see with the Vive launch. A brief bit of research could have refined that opinion, but whatever. In two weeks time this will be a minor point. Maybe going in mostly fresh will be that much more sweet.

EDIT: Worth pointing out that Jeff really really enjoyed Xortex. Just wasn't hot on the Star Wars thing. They are just at the point where they are sick of getting demos for VR which by necessity are short minigame like experiences. GDC being right before retail release wasn't great for them.


That may have just sold me on Vive.

Sorry if this has been answered already, but if I had a Vive and wanted to play Oculus store exclusives like Eve Valkyrie, would I be able to?

AFAIK not currently. And the fragmentation sucks for consumers. I'm pretty sure EV will end up with a Vive version later though.


I remember an interview with Yoshida where he compared first gen (PS)VR with PS1 in terms of where VR is right now in it's development. I would go even further and compare it to the C64 or NES. This medium is really in it's first steps still trying to find out what works. I'm so exited for VR because of those early steps and how this will keep evolving.


It also sounded like GB didn't go back to the Valve booth which was all 3rd parties after the first day.

Yeah they didn't go to the Steam VR Showcase either so their Vive experiences have been briefly last week at GDC and at PAX a year ago. Had they even used the Rift CV1 until getting it in the past couple days? I think the vast majority of their time with VR has been with PSVR so naturally the most positives they have to say are with that.
Yeah they didn't go to the Steam VR Showcase either so their Vive experiences have been briefly last week at GDC and at PAX a year ago. Had they even used the Rift CV1 until getting it in the past couple days? I think the vast majority of their time with VR has been with PSVR so naturally the most positives they have to say are with that.

They were incredibly enthusiastic about their Oculus + Touch experience at E3 last year, that was the last time they tried something close to CV1 as far as I'm aware. I also think they're more positive about Vive and Oculus overall, they're just happy that PSVR is in the same ballpark and not bad, and that it has games they seem interested in. Jeff did however seem extremely negative about the Move controller.
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