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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès;43505912 said:
Hobbit Special Edition Score now available to pre-order


Looks like the Special Edition will be the equivalent of the Complete Recordings of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Based on the very little info that's there, I kind of doubt it. It's only 2 discs (the LotR Completes were 3-4) and only $22 (not $55+). 2 discs can hold 160 minutes so I guess it's possible if they cram it in, but they didn't do it that for LotR, making each disc less than an hour instead. I suspect this is the equivalent of the Special Edition soundtracks that came out for LotR, which had a bonus DVD with a couple extra tracks and behind-the-scenes videos.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White

Multiple covers. On my phone at the moment and don't have time to sort the links.
Here, let me;






They are all lenticular.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Ian updates his blog
"Is it true you nearly didn't play Gandalf again?"

Now I've returned to Gandalf, I can't quite believe that there was ever any doubt in my mind – but there was! There always is, with any job offer.

In making up my mind, I usually write down the pros and the cons and see which list is the longer or weightier. Thus:

PRO: Working with Peter Jackson is always stimulating and fun: we make each other laugh and he doesn't let me get away with anything too theatrical on film. I admire his world-class colleagues like Andrew Lesnie (cinematographer), Alans Howe and Lee (designers of Middle-earth) and so many more who returned for The Hobbit. The Lord of the Rings trilogy has become a cinematic classic and the same could well be true of The Hobbit. I enjoy living in New Zealand and exploring the amazingly beautiful countryside.

CON: A two-year commitment to The Hobbit would keep me from other work and keep me away from home and friends in London. I like new challenges and I've already played Gandalf the Grey.

When Peter first told me he had committed to The Hobbit, I immediately cleared my diary and stood by for the call. It was a long time coming, because Peter withdrew from the project and was replaced by Guillermo del Toro. Guillermo and I got on well, with a couple of meetings discussing his approach. Then he too withdrew. So it was back with Peter and then more delays, through illness and disagreements with the New Zealand actors' union. I began to think The Hobbit was jinxed – another reason con.

What clinched it and made up my mind was the advice of a wise friend: "Ian, all those fans of the LOTR aren't going to understand or care about your doubts. They just want to see you back as Gandalf." And then I realised what I'd known all along, that I couldn't bear to think of another actor donning the pointy hat and grey robes.

And that was that. Thank goodness!


I am so glad they had to age him up a bit in LOTR for him to play Gandalf so he was young enough that 10 years later he'd still be the perfect age for the character. If he was too old to play Gandalf in this these movies would have never worked.


dammit, now atmos too?
i really need to find a list of theaters doing atmos and 48fps

yessss there's a theater w/ atmos in paramus, nj

i hope they do 48fps. cannot wait

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I'm quite ready for another adventure!

Also, Cate's love for Ian
Cate Blanchett loved working so closely with Sir Ian McKellen on 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' because the actor is her secret crush.

The 43-year-old actress worked very closely with the British legend in 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' and revealed she harbours a secret crush on him, as well as thinking he is one of the best actors in history.

Cate told Empire magazine: "What was extraordinary for me was getting to work with Ian McKellen. I only briefly worked with him in 'Lord Of The Rings' and in my very small part in 'The Hobbit' it was mainly with him.

"He's just a god amongst men. It's a highlight of my career getting to act with him. He's a wonderful man and one of the most extraordinary actors. I honestly think he's one of the best of all time.

"I'm smitten. If only he were straight ... In another life. Maybe in some different universe we're blissfully happy together."


Nearly three hours theatrical? With three films? And EEs confirmed?

My god, the appendix bits are either going to make this or break this.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
In light of my 1000th post in this thread (the horror), I recommend the following to all Tolkien fans and readers of this thread:

The Kalevala


The Finnish poetry that most influenced Tolkien's grand legendarium. Without this work of sheer excellence Tolkien's mythos may well have been very different to the one we all love today.

And some fantastic artwork by Nicolai Kochergin to go along with my recommendation. I'm sure this'll be of interest to you Loxley. :)

It's almost like seeing The Silmarillion illustrated.




Edmond Dantès;43544645 said:
Ian updates his blog


What clinched it and made up my mind was the advice of a wise friend: "Ian, all those fans of the LOTR aren't going to understand or care about your doubts. They just want to see you back as Gandalf." And then I realised what I'd known all along, that I couldn't bear to think of another actor donning the pointy hat and grey robes.

Thank you wise friend of Ian McKellen. I can barely cope with the German voice actor for McKellen having passed away and him having a new voice in German. Unthinkable to not have him in the movies.
Those Empire covers really drive home the fact that another Peter Jackson Middle Earth movie is coming out in just a handful of weeks. I am so excited. I haven't looked forward to a movie this much since Return of the King.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Those Empire cover really drive home the fact that another Peter Jackson Middle Earth movie is coming out in just a handful of weeks. I am so excited. I haven't looked forward to a movie this much since Return of the King.

I distinctly remember walking out of the cinema after The Return of the King when the credits had rolled with a feeling of contentment and joy, tinged with a feeling of great sadness that it was all over and that my Middle-earth journey had come to an end, but hope was kindled by the thought of an eventual Hobbit adaptation and all felt right in the world for the briefest of moments. Ten years on and much has changed, but that glimmer of hope is about to be realised.


Edmond Dantès;43545605 said:
'The Hobbit' to Receive Dolby Atmos Sound Mix


They're really pushing the envelope out with this trilogy.

48fps, Dolby Atmos. Whatever next Peter.
Well I hope it's better than the atmos treatment Brave got... at least in the theater I saw it in, it was deafeningly loud. I must have seen 500 or more films in theaters by this point and I've never felt that way before. This includes dozens of IMAX showings too. Hoping it was just a fluke.


What'll make this viewing experience more special to me than when I saw The Fellowship of the Ring, is that going into Fellowship I had no idea what to expect since I had never even heard of The Lord of the Rings before. 13 year-old me was busy reading Spider-Man comics :) Now though, I'm feeling a level of hype and anticipation that I can only assume LotR fans felt leading up to Fellowship's release. Granted back then I would assume there was a little more concern since no one knew if Jackson & Co. could pull it off, and there were a lot of unanswered questions (the biggest of which - I would think - was if Gollum would work as a full CG character) whereas now we know full well they can.

Plus, since it's coming out on my birthday (along with apparently 3-4 other GAFers) that makes it extra special.


I wanted to share some pics of the 6" figures I received. imgur links so the pics aren't wanting to load very well... might be due to heavy load. Anyway...

Taken with iPhone 4S. Click for BIG versions.

Group shot. Thorin, Gandalf, Bilbo, Legolas, Tauriel, Fimbul with Warg. All 6" except Fimbul who is 3.75"

Gandalf seen here with removable cloak on. Note Glamdring in its sheath peaking out. I love the staff and hat, too.

I'm impressed with the quality of the accessories so I took a group shot. Note each arrow in the quivers are removable. Each sword has a sheath (Thorin's dwarvish sword sheath is attached to his body, others are removable). I am fond of the detailing on Legolas' bow and daggers.
Edmond Dantès;43554301 said:
In light of my 1000th post in this thread (the horror), I recommend the following to all Tolkien fans and readers of this thread:

The Kalevala


The Finnish poetry that most influenced Tolkien's grand legendarium. Without this work of sheer excellence Tolkien's mythos may well have been very different to the one we all love today.

And some fantastic artwork by Nicolai Kochergin to go along with my recommendation. I'm sure this'll be of interest to you Loxley. :)

It's almost like seeing The Silmarillion illustrated.



Very nice. I recommend looking up (my gaf namesake) The Táin Bó Cúailnge, with locales and monuments, relics visitable to this very day. In relation, the Tuatha Dé Danann for instance could have perceived similarities to Tolkien's 'Elves'.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I wanted to share some pics of the 6" figures I received. imgur links so the pics aren't wanting to load very well... might be due to heavy load. Anyway...

Taken with iPhone 4S. Click for BIG versions.
Thanks for sharing Zulithe.
Very nice. I recommend looking up (my gaf namesake) The Táin Bó Cúailnge, with locales and monuments, relics visitable to this very day. In relation, the Tuatha Dé Danann for instance could have perceived similarities to Tolkien's 'Elves'.
And thank you Cuchulainn for the recommendations.


How dare Peter Jackson desecrate the books with an Elf/Orc romance! I am OUTRAGED at these invented scenes which go against everything in the canonical books. Tolkien is spinning in his grave.
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