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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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I just listened to the first part of the soundtrack 'My Dear Frodo'.

I have avoided everything Hobbit related in the past few months, i.e. pictures, production videos, interviews, everything, because I easily get saturated by this sort of stuff and I wanted the movies to be something special. But goddamn, I am so ready now! Another journey to Middlearth and everything that goes with it. Can't believe I'll experience this again.

Fond memories arise from the time of Lord of the Rings, the movies and then later the Special Extended Editions. Watching them three, four times and finding new details everytime. Endless discussion with friends over this scene and that scene and what they mean etc. 6 hours of production videos for each movie and even those I have already watched at least three times. Truly epic.

I have my reservations regarding 3D, 48fps etc. but I'm no doubt in for a treat as far as story and emotions go that were created in LotR.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Ms. Walsh and Ms. Boyens, a former teacher and hard-core Tolkien fan, said part of the solution came from Tolkien’s appendices to “The Lord of the Rings.” Those materials helped the writers create a bigger part for Gollum, a fan favorite, and explain the relationship between Gandalf and Thorin, an exiled king played by the British actor Richard Armitage.

I'm not quite sure if I
want to see more of Gollum than in the Riddles in the Dark scene. He has his part to play as do other characters who are pretty much obstacles in the way of Bilbo and company. Once overcome we see nothing more of them as the narrative progresses, but it's the implications of their deaths/defeats that adds to and continues the narrative.
Edmond Dantès;44985572 said:

I'm not quite sure if I
want to see more of Gollum than in the Riddles in the Dark scene. He has his part to play as do other characters who are pretty much obstacles in the way of Bilbo and company. Once overcome we see nothing more of them as the narrative progresses, but it's the implications of their deaths/defeats that adds to and continues the narrative.

My guess is that they will include Gandalfs and Aragorns hunt for Gollum in the second or third film.

started 2 days ago. man, some of the effects in two towers did not age well, at all. gollum looked far worse than i remembered.

I still love Gollum :D


Edmond Dantès;44985572 said:

I'm not quite sure if I
want to see more of Gollum than in the Riddles in the Dark scene. He has his part to play as do other characters who are pretty much obstacles in the way of Bilbo and company. Once overcome we see nothing more of them as the narrative progresses, but it's the implications of their deaths/defeats that adds to and continues the narrative.
I have read that it looks like:
The hunt for gollum from the old bridge film is in film 2/3 with Radagast filling in the Aragorn role.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
My guess is that they will include Gandalfs and Aragorns hunt for Gollum in the second or third film.

I still love Gollum :D
But Aragorn would be either 27 or 10 depending on what timeline they use and recasting Aragorn isn't something I expect to happen.
I have read that it looks like:
The hunt for gollum from the old bridge film is in film 2/3 with Radagast filling in the Aragorn role.
That makes sense, or it could be Elrond who also goes exploring with Gandalf as it looks like Radagast goes off to Dol Guldur in the 'Smaug' TV spot by himself.


Gollumn should have never been so CG to begin with. Makes him feel like Roger Rabbit when he's around. The ring made his eyes four times bigger, really? He looks like a cartoon.


Gollumn should have never been so CG to begin with. Makes him feel like Roger Rabbit when he's around. The ring made his eyes four times bigger, really? He looks like a cartoon.

However many hundreds of years Gollum spent living underground is what made his eyes larger, I thought. The ring prolonged his life, and him moving underground is what caused a lot of his physical changes as his body adapted to his environment.


I adore Andy Serkis's performance and the movie Gollum is perfect at what it is but I never found him scary (outside of the scene in ROTK showing him crawling into the Misty Mountains and eating that fish, ironically one of the few parts where Serkis played gollum with just makeup). The book gollum was far more scary and less comic relief. I prefer book gollum in that way.


Edmond Dantès;44985913 said:
But Aragorn would be either 27 or 10 depending on what timeline they use and recasting Aragorn isn't something I expect to happen.
That makes sense, or it could be Elrond who also goes exploring with Gandalf as it looks like Radagast goes off to Dol Guldur in the 'Smaug' TV spot by himself.

Assuming it is indeed
Radagast hunting down Gollum with Gandalf it helps give him a purpose in the war of the ring to fulfill his destiny instead of being a full on failure.
Seeing how in the films of LOTR they cut out Radagast's rescue of Gandalf from Orthanic. They gave that to a role to a moth lol.

I always assumed his eyes stayed as they were and his head started shrinking with time.

His eyes look a lot bigger than Frodo and Sam's. Gollum is a hobbit after all.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I adore Andy Serkis's performance and the movie Gollum is perfect at what it is but I never found him scary (outside of the scene in ROTK showing him crawling into the Misty Mountains and eating that fish, ironically one of the few parts where Serkis played gollum with just makeup). The book gollum was far more scary and less comic relief. I prefer book gollum in that way.
The depiction of Gollum in The Hobbit (1977) is also quite unnerving.



Oh man, I am re-watching the commentaries and I am on TTT right now. Peter Jackson joked that since New Line only has the rights to LOTR and no other books if they wanted to make more money they should have made him shoot even more footage so they would have to have more than 3 films to adapt the 3 books.


I will always adore this Golllum. I enjoy and appreciate what Serkis has done, but it is not the same and does not hold a place in my heart like this one.

The original Hobbit animated film has really impacted the way I picture The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings in my head when I read them. I always picture Bilbo more like he did in this animated film, and I always hear John Huston as Gandalf in my head.


Haven't read any of the above spoiler text but concerning Gollum
is he likely to be in the other two films as well?


I don't know, I always thought Gollum was pretty damn menacing in ROTK. Especially in the scene where he manipulates Frodo into abandoning Sam (a change from the book that I liked) and the subsequent scene of Gollum taunting Frodo in Shelob's lair.
Gollum in the Hobbit
could have been played differently than Gollum of the LotR. He has the ring (or at least thinks he does for the majority of his part), he hasn't been beaten and tortured in Mordor and he hasn't been captured by Aragorn.
I imagine him being a more confident and menacing Gollum. From the bit I've seen from Serkis's performance, I don't think he's going to make any drastic changes but it could have been interesting.
First reactions from the screening in LA today.

Edit : So far, so good.

Joanclair Richter ‏@joanclairme

Hobbit screening - visually stunning. The beginning of it all. Peter Jackson Q & A - what a mind!

Matthew P. Spill ‏@matthewspill

Hobbit was great! 48fps is weird. Neat but not necessary. Can't wait for next December!

Jason T. Clark ‏@Jason_T_Clark

#Hobbit was fantastic!!! So happy to be back in Middle-Earth. This is a must see. 48Fps is interesting, but overall I didn't care for it.

Jason T. Clark ‏@Jason_T_Clark

Also, 3D was some of the best I've seen. Looking forward to seeing it again in IMAX 3D

Nicholas DeNitto ‏@NicksMovies

Just saw The Hobbit and was STUNNED. See this movie in 3D at 48 FPS! It looks incredible!

Scott Squires ‏@scott_squires

#hobbit 3D 48fps works. Won't be confused with cheap video. Less stereo artifacts. Only a few shots with odd motion. (speed changes?)

Marques T. Owens ‏@mothemogul

@JonasRJakobsen It was good. Great beginning to a new trilogy. A bit goofy at times....

Brian Duffield ‏@BrianDuffield

I dug the hell out of The Hobbit. It's sillier but super fun.

Brian Duffield ‏@BrianDuffield

EASILY best blockbuster of 2012.

Antoi Antzoulides ‏@AntoiAntz

Wow. Just saw The Hobbit and I'm exhausted. They journey to middle earth has wiped me out!


Way back when they announced the "bridge film" this is what i wanted to see most. They have 10 weeks of extra filming next year so there's still hope i guess. a fool's hope.
No way it will be Aragorn though, that is why the rumors are saying it will be Radagast, Aragorn will be too young in these films for it since there is no longer a bridge film and all the extended material takes place within the time period of the Hobbit.


They just teased an extended look at The Hobbit that will air during the mid-season finale of Walking Dead tonight. New trailer? Or a scene?

Kud Dukan

First reactions from the screening in LA today.

Edit : So far, so good.

The best part about these reactions is that, even if they didn't like the 48fps, they still loved the film. Hopefully that's a sign that the varying reaction to the HFR won't have a negative impact on how the film is perceived.
The best part about these reactions is that, even if they didn't like the 48fps, they still loved the film. Hopefully that's a sign that the varying reaction to the HFR won't have a negative impact on how the film is perceived.

Yep, I'm feeling less worried now. If there has been a negative reaction from this screening I haven't seen it yet.
No way it will be Aragorn though, that is why the rumors are saying it will be Radagast, Aragorn will be too young in these films for it since there is no longer a bridge film and all the extended material takes place within the time period of the Hobbit.
True but they could still fudge it and sneak him in, they've made bigger changes before. Aragorn mentions that he's 87 in the two towers extended edition.


True but they could still fudge it and sneak him in, they've made bigger changes before. Aragorn mentions that he's 87 in the two towers extended edition.
Meaning he would be about 20 in this. Viggo doesn't look 20. ;) if they were recasting Aragon we'd know it by now. The radagast rumor seems to add up.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
True but they could still fudge it and sneak him in, they've made bigger changes before. Aragorn mentions that he's 87 in the two towers extended edition.
That's where the confusion starts. In the book Gandalf goes off on a quest for information after the initial meeting with Frodo, visits intermittently over the years then disappears altogether, by the time he reunites with Frodo 17 years have passed. That isn't the case in the film where it seems like he went off for a few months, maybe a year, but certainly not 17 years.

Going by the legendarium, Aragorn is 10 during the events of The Hobbit.


Edmond Dantès;44993043 said:
That's where the confusion starts. In the book Gandalf goes off on a quest for information after the initial meeting with Frodo, visits intermittently over the years then disappears altogether, by the time he reunites with Frodo 17 years have passed. That isn't the case in the film where it seems like he went off for a few months, maybe a year, but certainly not 17 years.

Going by the legendarium, Aragorn is 10 during the events of The Hobbit.
Which is why the rumor that gandalf goes on the hunt for gollum with radagast seems likely. Aragon just can't fit the time frame without recasting him as a teenager.


started 2 days ago. man, some of the effects in two towers did not age well, at all. gollum looked far worse than i remembered.

He still looks pretty good except for where he touches the environment. When he grabs the hobbit's clothes and things like that it looks pretty bad.


Edmond Dantès;44993043 said:
That's where the confusion starts. In the book Gandalf goes off on a quest for information after the initial meeting with Frodo, visits intermittently over the years then disappears altogether, by the time he reunites with Frodo 17 years have passed. That isn't the case in the film where it seems like he went off for a few months, maybe a year, but certainly not 17 years.

Going by the legendarium, Aragorn is 10 during the events of The Hobbit.

Doesn't Frodo wait a little while after getting the ring before leaving as well? Whereas in the movie it's implied that he pretty much leaves immediately.


There is a lapse between when Bilbo leaves and gives him the ring and when Gandalf comes to tell him, but that's portrayed in the movie.
Oops. Actually, I meant between when Gandalf tells him that it's Sauron's ring and when he leaves. I seem to recall Frodo bumbling around for a little while.
Gollum in the Hobbit
could have been played differently than Gollum of the LotR. He has the ring (or at least thinks he does for the majority of his part), he hasn't been beaten and tortured in Mordor and he hasn't been captured by Aragorn.
I imagine him being a more confident and menacing Gollum. From the bit I've seen from Serkis's performance, I don't think he's going to make any drastic changes but it could have been interesting.

From what I've seen in the trailer, he is playing it differently. This is a much more cheerful Gollum, happy to have someone to talk to after years alone in the dark - it's not the whiney sycophantic fake cheerfullness from the LotR movies. And you can bet he'll get far more menacing before the end.

Edmond Dantès;44986456 said:
The depiction of Gollum in The Hobbit (1977) is also quite unnerving.

Watching that, I just noticed a rather large flaw - the ring is decorated! This is a fancy ring, not the plain, unadorned band decribed in LotR. The animators should have done a bit more research...


No Scrubs
In the movie it comes across as mere months or even weeks. In the book 17 years pass.

This is true.

Oops. Actually, I meant between when Gandalf tells him that it's Sauron's ring and when he leaves. I seem to recall Frodo bumbling around for a little while.

You're right, I just got my copy out and it's about 2 to 3 weeks between Gandalf and Frodo and Sam setting off. Honestly it strikes me as a bit odd they waited so long so I can't say I mind the speed up.
Oops. Actually, I meant between when Gandalf tells him that it's Sauron's ring and when he leaves. I seem to recall Frodo bumbling around for a little while.

Oh yeah, it's definitely months at that point - in the book, Frodo doesn't want to just vanish or be seen suddenly leaving by the other hobbitfolk, so as not to lead any followers to him. He sets up this whole story explaining how he's moving out away from town to the edge of the forest - he sells Bag End and much of its goods, and even buys a house. This isn't a last-minute hurried leave in fear like in the movie, but a well planned trip attempting to hide his tracks. And if I remember right, it's in these months that Merry, Pippin, and Sam have a little conspiracy to figure out what's going on and decide to join Frodo on his adventure.


There is some one saying
"The dragon is back", Gandalf perhaps?
Anyway, seems to confirm that
the glimpse of a dragon in the two most recent spots is indeed Smaug, and not some other random dragon from the Withered Heath.
It looks to be
from the prologue showing the initial attack to me.


He still looks pretty good except for where he touches the environment. When he grabs the hobbit's clothes and things like that it looks pretty bad.

the way he (and other cg animals/creatues) are placd in the environment looks very bad. in most scenes, they look like they just dont belong there. two towers has a lot of bad cg, compared to fellowship and rotk. watching rotk now, and the cg stuff is improved so much (gollum, compositing) compared to tt.
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