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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Well in any case I decided on a Friday morning show since I'm off that day. I'll just have to avoid reading the boards the night before :p


frodo284 said:
Serkis' Gollum hits the nail on the head in the 'Riddles in the Dark' scene. HIs performance always stunned me in the original trilogy, but he brought an even more chilling tone to the character which ties in nicely with the subplot surrounding these books/movies

Well that's good news for people that were concerned about that.
I loooove the 1977 version so much! As a small child we had it on laserdisc and I watched it over and over. It pretty much single-handedly instilled an eternal love for all things fantasy into my being. Yes it is rather short and leaves out some bits but that aside i think it is a thing of beauty, i love the songs, animation and voice acting. Smaug is amazing in it and he will be the standard to which I hold the PJ version to.
Here's a fun fact for you then: The Hobbit and Return of the King had their animations outsourced to a company in Japan, a company that eventually became Studio Ghibli.


Here's a fun fact for you then: The Hobbit and Return of the King had their animations outsourced to a company in Japan, a company that eventually became Studio Ghibli.

I both did not know that and am very pleased to learn of it. Big Ghibli fan as well :D I also quite like their version of RotK, but The Hobbit was better. RotK is great for what little part of the story it does tell, but imagining what they could have done had they attempted the entire thing...


Not Wario
An 80 year standard being changed = jarring difference for people who have never watched movies any other way. News at 11.

I guarantee you there will be plenty of negativity because it is different. Change scares people and this isn't what they're used to in movies.

I think you can make a case for genuine taste differences on the subject. I mean, I've been playing games forever and I still don't like 60fps over 30 in some genres- it's not an adaptation/change thing at all. It's simply that, in an artistic medium like film, some imperfections will be preferred to perfection by some people.


I think you can make a case for genuine taste differences on the subject. I mean, I've been playing games forever and I still don't like 60fps over 30 in some genres- it's not an adaptation/change thing at all. It's simply that, in an artistic medium like film, some imperfections will be preferred to perfection by some people.

What? 60 fps is not only much smoother, but much more responsive as well. I don't know how anyone could prefer video games at lower fps o_O
Early days, but The Hobbit has scored 90 on the BFCA ratings after yesterdays screenings. Not that many have seen it yet so that might not be representitive of the overall opinion. Though it does at least mean that those critics that have seen it really liked it.

Kud Dukan

Early days, but The Hobbit has scored 90 on the BFCA ratings after yesterdays screenings. Not that many have seen it yet so that might not be representitive of the overall opinion. Though it does at least mean that those critics that have seen it really liked it.

It's a great start anyways.


Not Wario
What? 60 fps is not only much smoother, but much more responsive as well. I don't know how anyone could prefer video games at lower fps o_O

I prefer the look in some genres. Obviously, I don't cap the framerate on genres like fighting games or Japanese action games. (Although I did love the look of GoW3's 30 fps +motion blur)

In a medium like film, though, you don't even have the aspect of play to consider. Given that imperfections of all kinds have been seen as valid artistic preferences over time, ranging from lens flare to worn/aged clothing to 8-bit, I assume opinion will be split over 48fps and its application in a similar manner.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White

Build me an OT worthy of Hobdor.
Sorry if this has been answered already, but is the HFR only available in 3D?

Edit: I guess it is. Found it on the link posted right before me. Thanks TheDiabolical.
It's going to be so strange if most people end up hating 48fps... I still hope these reactions are just a fluke and that most people will adjust and in fact even prefer it as time goes on and more and more content adopts the format. It just seems natural to me that this is the direction things would be heading.

Maybe a lot of reviewers WILL end up hating it, but younger people won't, it's just that 24fps is what we've been used to all these years. I fucking hate watching any action movie anymore, I can't stand the choppy, blurry movement anytime something moves fast or the camera pans fast. I hope that with 48fps and 60fps this is partially solved.

I didn't think it would be THAT low...
Here's the one i'm attending. i should get around to calling them and quizzing them on the whole HFR IMAX thing and see what they can tell me about their theater and screen (i have yet to actually attend any showing at this location)

I loooove the 1977 version so much! As a small child we had it on laserdisc and I watched it over and over. It pretty much single-handedly instilled an eternal love for all things fantasy into my being. Yes it is rather short and leaves out some bits but that aside i think it is a thing of beauty, i love the songs, animation and voice acting. Smaug is amazing in it and he will be the standard to which I hold the PJ version to.

By the way, to anyone who has not seen the 1977 version I highly recommend you do so, please try to find the fan-version named the "Hi-Fi Hobbit" -- the official dvd release has an inferior audio track which leaves out a lot of the great sound effects and such. The Hi-Fi hobbit is a restoration of sorts, coupling the good DVD video with the audio from a hi-fi VHS tape. Not perfect but it's a good compromise and the best version we are likely to get.
My problem with recent action movies isn't choppy, blurry movement. It's the fact that a lot of directors hide budget constraints with shitty fucking shaky cam bullshit. I can't STAND watching movies on TV's with the 120hz/240hz crap turned on. It looks unnatural and jarring. Movies look better at 24 fps. It looks like a homemade movie with anything higher. I haven't seen 48fps movies though. Perhaps the fact that it isn't a hardware interpolation (TV interpolating frames) will make it so that it looks better.

Either way, the trend that I want is for shaky cam bullshit to die. If that happens, framerates ultimately won't matter one bit.
Another question: is IMAX3D necessarily HFR as well? I can't seem to find any info on that. I've read things that make it seem like there is IMAX3D with and without HFR, but I can't confirm that.
Another question: is IMAX3D necessarily HFR as well? I can't seem to find any info on that. I've read things that make it seem like there is IMAX3D with and without HFR, but I can't confirm that.

There is IMAX 3D without HFR. Only about 55 IMAX digital screens worldwide will be showing HFR IMAX 3D.

Adam J.

There is not one theater anywhere near me in Michigan playing it at 48fps. Fuck this state!

I feel you. There is only one in Indiana, but I really dont want to drive 35 minutes to see the midnight showing. My plan is to see it in good ol' 2D 24fps for my first viewing at the theater down the street, then see it a second time with my brother on Christmas day in HFR 3D.
Seeing it in HFR day one and then regular 2d the next week.

Don't really give a shit about the format, I'm just immensely excited for this movie and am planning on seeing it the way it was intended first
I was thinking of seeing this in IMAX 3D, because I absolutely love IMAX. Then I realized its not going to be at a HFR IMAX and that The Hobbitt wasn't even filmed with real IMAX cameras. So I think I'm better off sticking to a normal screen theater that'll be HFR.
Seeing it in HFR day one and then regular 2d the next week.

Don't really give a shit about the format, I'm just immensely excited for this movie and am planning on seeing it the way it was intended first

Might do this, too. Was forced to go for HFR 3D for the midnight launch, but I'll take my dad to see the regular 2D one. He'll enjoy it.
I'll watch this tuesday midnight in 3D HFR. If it's terrible I'll just watch it again in 2D 24fps. If it's not terrible I'll watch it in 3D HFR again :lol.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
A reading recommendation for anyone who loves the Shire and the Hobbit way of life.


In The Wisdom of the Shire, Noble Smith sheds a light on the life-changing ideas tucked away inside the classic works of J.R.R. Tolkien and his most beloved creation—the stouthearted Hobbits.

Drawing on The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and other tales of Middle-earth, Smith shows how a snug Hobbit-hole is actually just a state of mind and how even the smallest person can have the valor of a Rider of Rohan. He explores subjects dear to a Halfling's heart, such as beer, food, and friendship, as well as more serious concerns, such as courage, living in harmony with nature, and good versus evil.

How can simple pleasures such as gardening, taking long walks, and eating delicious meals with friends make you significantly happier? Why is the act of giving presents on your birthday instead of getting them such a revolutionary idea? And how can we carry the burden of our own "magic ring of power" without becoming devoured by it? The Wisdon of the Shire holds the answers to these and more of life's essential questions.
Interview with one of the make up/prosthetics supervisors.

HC: How did Peter Jackson’s decision to shoot the films at 48 frames per second impact you?

TL: We knew 48 frames for makeup is a nightmare. It just exposes everything, all of our little tricks that we used to get away with with 35 mm, all of our work is under a huge microscope. What we didn’t count on was the fact that working with the Epic camera, the colors transfer differently in the camera. So you’d look at the guys in makeup with the prosthetics on and seamless edges, the colors match perfectly. And then when we went to go look at it on the screen, we found out that the camera actually sucked out a lot of the red coloring in the prosthetics — and not just in the prosthetics but in the costumes and the set pieces and all that. We had to figure out how much red to kick back into the prosthetics in our paint job so it didn’t look yellow or jaundiced on screen. That was a huge learning curve. I don’t think the 48 frames was an issue, it was just how the color in the material transferred within the camera. I had to teach my crew to paint with that invisible eye. I was always in [cinematographer] Andrew Lesnie’s tent because there was only one color-corrected monitor on the set. It was a challenge every day.
Not too tech savvy with all this 48fps talk so I'm guessing there is no way to view a sample online of how it will look? Not necessarily the hobbit but just any piece of film shot at 48fps.

Finishing my marathon of LOTR now with the extended return of the king. This is actually my first time watching the extended editions and why this hasn't really been much of a marathon as much as its been a slow sprint since I have only watched one film a week for the past 3 weeks. :p

Goddamn 4 hours! So much cool shit was cut out I cant believe it. They could have made 6 movies out of it all.
Not too tech savvy with all this 48fps talk so I'm guessing there is no way to view a sample online of how it will look? Not necessarily the hobbit but just any piece of film shot at 48fps.

Finishing my marathon of LOTR now with the extended return of the king. This is actually my first time watching the extended editions and why this hasn't really been much of a marathon as much as its been a slow sprint since I have only watched one film a week for the past 3 weeks. :p

Goddamn 4 hours! So much cool shit was cut out I cant believe it. They could have made 6 movies out of it all.

We had a comparison that a GAFFER shot with his RED camera, but the link seems to have died.

I've still got the videos if somebody has somewhere I can upload it to.
We had a comparison that a GAFFER shot with his RED camera, but the link seems to have died.

I've still got the videos if somebody has somewhere I can upload it to.
A gaffer has a RED camera?!? Aren't those mega bucks? I wouldn't mind seeing the footage but if its too much trouble then no big deal.

I found this on YouTube. Is this legit? Read the description to download the source from mediafire since YouTube caps at 30fps I believe. I'll download it later myself.

Edmond Dantès;44963498 said:
Not convinced that
is Smaug, doesn't seem the right colour and there were also other dragons still present in Middle-earth during that time period.

I think it is but we shall see.

Interesting thing that I wouldn't have spotted without youtube comments:
Thats Radagast at Dol Guldur, not Gandalf. Seems that his role is expanded even more than I anticipated. I fully expect him to show up in the battle of five armies riding on an eagle throwing lightning bolts, birdshit and stuff :lol
so while watching Elf I saw a tv spot I had never seen before with what looked like a quick
shot of the battle from the prologue and also Gollum uttering the line "time's up" in the creepiest manner possible.
Hopefully that will be put up soon.

Chris R

Decided to skip the Opening night midnight showing. Going that Friday or Saturday though (yay for better seats and not having to wait in line for 3+ hours).
I wonder will peoples interest in seeing it in 48fps fall off a cliff after Monday night.

Embargo is still in place but from what I've gleaned from twitter, most reviewers yesterday did not like the HFR, some absolutely hating it. Its going to overshadow the film itself I think.
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