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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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damn, too slow to post :p

Well, I can't say no to more of Tolkien's world. I just hope Jackson isn't being too greedy with making a third.

I certainly hope the push has come from Jackson, and not from Warner Brothers wanting something to fill the schedules up after hearing there was left over scenes and footage which would not be placed into two films.

I wonder if the specific tale of the Hobbit will be confined to the first two films, and the third will be almost a separate entity, obviously referring back, but focused on its own tales? Or will what was the second Hobbit film be cut and split across the second and third film?


So, from the sound of this....

Peter Jackson said:
We know how much of the story of Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard Gandalf, the Dwarves of Erebor, the rise of the Necromancer, and the Battle of Dol Guldur will remain untold if we do not take this chance.

...it seems PJ wants to tell more of Sauron's story, in order to provide a tighter bridge to LOTR.


So, from the sound of this....

...it seems PJ wants to tell more of Sauron's story, in order to provide a tighter bridge to LOTR.

That I would be happy with, as long as they're not trying to spread out The Hobbit story itself too thin, although I'd find it strange if they title the third film as a Hobbit one too.
I think even his biggest fans know he's not exactly the most concise storyteller in the world. And after the 3-hour fanwankery that was King Kong, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence that this won't be more padded-out fan fiction.
To go with what I said before:

To add to that, even if it has come from Jackson, I too am concerned that there will be enough there to make a solid third installment using the appendices from Return of the King. The details found there are largely very brief, and could make for a very disjointed film, and one which is based on conjecture and speculation from Jacksons production team. I feel the best way would be to take the current second film, split that across two installments, and add the extended story lines in through flashbacks/other methods. Even then I would be wary.


So basically then:

1st movie (as structured)

Spoilers for the 2 people who haven't read the book
2nd movie (Smaug)
3rd movie (Battle of the Five Armies/Battle of Dol Guldur)


I'm bailing out of that other thread, when GAF gets into a rage-fit there's no point in trying to make a sensible debate. Unless you're shitting on Jackson as a film-maker or as a person as a result of this, you're not really welcome -_-'

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Given that the two films were already going to be beyond 2 hours, likelier closer to 3 than 2/12 each the fact they decided to make a third film tells me they must have things to cover. I dont think content is an issue here at all, my only real concern is quality.
I understand people's concerns but, for me, there is no point in assuming the worst. I will continue to look forward to the films and hope that the quality is consistent with the LoTR trilogy. There is certainly a real chance that the movies will be a huge disappointment and that stretching the story across 3 movies is a mistake but there's nothing I can do about that and I'd rather not concentrate on what could go wrong. I also understand that there's definitely a discussion to be had but for this, I'll personally just avoid the cynicism for now.
I'm bailing out of that other thread, when GAF gets into a rage-fit there's no point in trying to make a sensible debate. Unless you're shitting on Jackson as a film-maker or as a person as a result of this, you're not really welcome -_-'

but it's so much fun to watch the wailing and teeth gnashing of "fans" who think the books will be ruined and they can never read them again. or the "fans" who point out his last two movies and try to compare them to his epics that were landmark films and think he can't do it again in the same genre.


Not sure what to make of the announcement, on one hand "More Middle Earth" on the other... there is usually a red flag in my head whenever any studio extends a film from 1 to 2, and they have already extended something that probably should have been 1 into 2 already. I'll stay optimistic yet cautiously distant, I'm guessing this decision won't affect the current Hobbit release much but I'm trying to figure out exactly how they can extend the rest of the story (even with the appendices) without over done epilogue syndrome we got in RotK.
but it's so much fun to watch the wailing and teeth gnashing of "fans" who think the books will be ruined and they can never read them again. or the "fans" who point out his last two movies and try to compare them to his epics that were landmark films and think he can't do it again in the same genre.

I must be the only guy on GAF who liked King Kong....

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
King kong is not a bad film, it just happened to suffer in comparison and fell within that awful time a director has after he has made a masterpiece where people are looking for cracks. King kong was not a great film, it was not a terrible film, but the way some would have you believe it is something to be ashamed of :/

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Heres a question, what do they name it? Do they switch movie 2 to 3 and name the third "There and back again"? That sounds more like the end title to a trilogy to me, having it placed in the middle feels somewhat anti climactic.


Heres a question, what do they name it? Do they switch movie 2 to 3 and name the third "There and back again"? That sounds more like the end title to a trilogy to me, having it placed in the middle feels somewhat anti climactic.

At this point I guess it depends on how they plan on dividing the films now. Making 'There and Back Again' the final installment would make sense, as for what they'd call the second movie...not sure.

Oh, duh, "The Hobbit: Dwarf-Apalooza 2013".

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
At this point I guess it depends on how they plan on dividing the films now. Making 'There and Back Again' the final installment would make sense, as for what they'd call the second movie...not sure.

Oh, duh, "The Hobbit: Dwarf-Apalooza 2013".

Maybe something alluding to riddles in the dark? Im unsure of the timeline but i figured that was a big part of film 2
Yeeeeesh, that other thread is like hate personified lol. Like I said there, I'm hyped for this. As long as he keeps the pace good and the story interesting (and given the subject material, I don't think that'll be a problem), then I'm down for more adventures in ME.


Heres a question, what do they name it? Do they switch movie 2 to 3 and name the third "There and back again"? That sounds more like the end title to a trilogy to me, having it placed in the middle feels somewhat anti climactic.

Apparently domain registrations show Riddles in the Dark and The Desolation of Smaug as possible titles. Could be completely unrelated to the titles of the films of course. I could see Riddles in the Dark being the new second film title, and Desolation of Smaug being the third film.
Can't be Riddles in the Dark, that section takes place pretty early/mid of the first movie. Bumping that to movie two means that movie one will cover basically the same terrain as the first half of Fellowship. Not nearly enough epic stuff happening there.


Can't be Riddles in the Dark, that section takes place pretty early/mid of the first movie. Bumping that to movie two means that movie one will cover basically the same terrain as the first half of Fellowship. Not nearly enough epic stuff happening there.

Yeah, like I said, there's natural points to split it into three acts, while keeping the structure of the 1st film mainly as-is.

Gandalf would be gone after Beorn's house completely in the 1st film, then you see what he's up to in the 2nd film finally. 2nd film is Smaug intercut (which can easily be stretched out by showing him destroying Dale in a flashback, lots of epic action scenes, etc) with some of Gandalf's story, and then the 3rd film is the 2 (possibly 3 if they have the dwarves fight the humans/elves a bit first) big battles. You can also move some of the backstory flashbacks into the 2nd or 3rd films.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I'm bailing out of that other thread, when GAF gets into a rage-fit there's no point in trying to make a sensible debate. Unless you're shitting on Jackson as a film-maker or as a person as a result of this, you're not really welcome -_-'
I get what you mean now yeesh, but I'll keep fighting the good fight against ignorance of Tolkien.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
As I said in the other thread:
Personally, I think this is more to do with WB than Peter, spend another 100 million or whatever for an even bigger return from a whole new third film. They realised Peter was going end up with a lot of material after principle photography and are now taking advantage of it especially since Harry Potter and Batman are done and dusted with.

Cynical I know, but it's close to the truth I think.
Heres a question, what do they name it? Do they switch movie 2 to 3 and name the third "There and back again"? That sounds more like the end title to a trilogy to me, having it placed in the middle feels somewhat anti climactic.

The press release only mentions "An Unexpected Journey" and "second and third films".


Edmond Dantès;40443751 said:
As I said in the other thread:

Cynical I know, but it's close to the truth I think.

I wouldn't necessarily call it cynical, but rather "business as usual" when it comes to Hollywood decision making.
I just want to say "The Desolation of Smaug" is a horrible title for a film.

And "There and Back Again Part 1/2" is also horrible.

"Riddles in the Dark," however, is an awesome title.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I just want to say "The Desolation of Smaug" is a horrible title for a film.

Yeah, I don't think many people even know how to pronounce Smaug. I'm sure they'll come up with a title that's more appealing.

And Smaug is pronounced; Smowg, sm- ow-g.

Actually inspired by an old Norse form; smjúga.


Edmond Dantès;40443751 said:
As I said in the other thread:

Cynical I know, but it's close to the truth I think.

You're probably not wrong about that, at least to some degree. I'm sure Jackson is genuinely excited to continue for a little while longer. I mean, at this point he's probably got enough pull in Hollywood to tell the WB execs "No" if they'd asked him to consider making a third film and he didn't want to. So if he's hyped about doing one, I'm totally on-board.

Man, Jackson has been involved with The Hobbit since late 2008, and now he won't be done with it completely until 2015 (after the Oscars and dvd/blu-rays are released for the third installment). Almost seven years...I think that actually trumps the amount of time he spent on LotR O.O The man is a machine.
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