Collie #16?Smartest Dog Breeds Ranked - List of Smartest Dogs
Dog Intelligence Ranking: The Complete List (137 Breeds)
that shit would just absorb into his lips like a thirsty spongeIf that was shown to a caveman, I bet he'd try chewing the foil tray or tongs before the meat..... and his bite would probably break through it. lol
That is a big french
She looks like an absolute tank there but she’s actually quite small in real life.That is a big french
From my perspective as a man I agree I do like some pretty little thangsSmaller skulls are sexier.
Anthropologists today agree that hunter gatherers were as intelligent if not more so than so-called civilized human beings. That includes the Greeks, who were as pig ignorant as we are. And there's a reason why the golden age is always a reference to the past. By becoming civilized we have lost a well of knowledge of a lot of things. We became divided within and without, violent, repressed beings. But civilized man, and certainly modern man, prides himself on his ignorance. Philosophers like Thomas Hobbes would've liked us to believe that life before civilization was brutish and harsh, while in reality these were all projections and inaccurate observations of tribes who were already on the side of domestication and control.
Today he thinks he's more because he's become a technologically-obsessed entity, seeking desperately to dominate nature with all the terrible and worrisome results. Mankind has become severely autistic; cerebral, technological, and cold. There are people who'd rather spend time around machines, rather than in nature or with warm human beings. That's insane, and a recipe for disaster as we see happening all around us. As psychologist Erich Fromm said, modern man is necrophiliac (love of death or that which is not alive):
Yet somehow this necrophilic modern human civilization enjoys the greatest health and wealth in recorded history.
So if I have a kid I should get them eating solid food as quickly as possible to make sure they develop a manly jawline?
For all we know, it could be plastics and air pollution or water pollution that's to blame.
WTF happened to his chin?Oh. Plastic surgery it is then.
WTF happened to his chin?
But is the surgery real or something from the movie?Plastic surgery - was a joke in the movie.
But is the surgery real or something from the movie?
From the movie. Jim Carey’s character was a pushover at the beginning and partly blamed his lack of respect for his weak chin.
After he found his self respect at the the end he paid for a chin implant to physically show how he felt inside now.
Burgers have tripled in size since the 1950s. If both trends continue, we're going to have problems.
Fast food burgers have tripled in size since the 1950s: CDC graphic
As burgers get bigger, so does the country’s obesity epidemic. According to a shocking new graphic from the Centers for Disease Control, a typical fast-food burger weighed just 3.9 ounces in …
And a 12 oz burger is 3/4 a pound - isn't the most popular burger McDonald's offers the quarter pounder? I wonder where this data is coming from. And where is this popular 3/4 pound burger being sold?
I don't know, I've met some dumb fuck border collies that knew commands, but not much else.Smartest Dog Breeds Ranked - List of Smartest Dogs
Dog Intelligence Ranking: The Complete List (137 Breeds)