This pisses me off, damn. I can only hope the problem is with the Lite version only.
I'd really appreciate if you could check out DDP:R HD
LITE and do a comparison ( edit: I thought you couldn't choose the wait control option on the Lite version, gonna check out if OFF makes any difference). It's not only the constant slowdowns but frame-skipping as well (mostly 30fps). I know these games very well myself, having played them on iPad 1 since release and owning each one of them -bar Esp2- on X360. It'd mean there's a problem with my Mini but that seems unlikely and unheard of, also because the versions that I do own fully (every Cave's iPhone/Universal release) and which are not "HD" perform much better than on my old gen1.
Have you also got Pinball Arcade by any chance? If so check out the TotAN table (you can try it for free) and tell me if it's rock solid 60fps for you... Even the intro with the camera panning over the table has frame hiccups for me, while Zen Pinball (which was barely 30fps on iPad1) is butter smooth 60fps at all times, which tells me it's a matter of apps instead of my device acting up.
But it'd be awesome if you could have a go at the Smartphone/Arcade modes on DDP:R HD *
YAY, mistery solved! Thank you Zeth for making me look into the
Wait Control option.
1) there's no such option on my iPhone game (I can post a screen if you guys don't believe me), maybe cause it's not updated to the latest version but I saw no reason since it ran perfectly. So I didn't know about looking into such a thing for the HD app.
2) Wait Control was indeed on ON, as soon as I switched to OFF it was fine!
3) the way that option is implemented sucks imo (or at least it does on the Lite version) and I couldn't recognize the "intended" slowdowns simply because: Smartphone mode which runs like crap with ON doesn't exist on 360, even in Arcade mode there's not only slowdowns (which would be ok and included on the 360 port/PCB) but plenty of frameskipping as well, which isn't intended at all and in my opinion would ruin every shmup out there... and this one's no exception.
Off to buy some iTunes cards, thanks a lot Zeth, much happier about the Mini now
There's still the Pinball Arcade mistery to solve and then I'll be completely satisfied with my purchase as far as gaming goes (yeah, Cave's stuff and PA are my iOS' Uncharted/Mario/Halo and whatnot, so they're pretty important to me) anybody wants to tackle that one? App and tryout of the TotAn table are free