The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |Thread4| NOT Doomed

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Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Man I've waited and waited and now that it's time I'm on vacation (unexpected but welcomed!) in the Isle of Kos (Greece) till Sept 3rd. Which actually rocks but hey, I haven't forgot my OP duties for thread 5.
Finally today I've found a wifi spot since my hotel's doesn't get along with my iPad it seems, so I'm gonna put up the new OT without a title (suggestions welcomed, possibly with a pun in there) and with just the old stuff of |OT4| pasted on till I'm back in town in 15 days, and then update it with everything we've prepped.
Sorry mates :(

Especially my excuses go to Tunesmith who has done a kick-ass job with all the new layout and banners (and who has been ready for ages) but Sept 3rd (or 4th, lol) is not that far, isn't it? ;)
Also thanks go to LastWindow, Flunkie and all the other contributors.

I'll go on and post OT5 right now and let the mods decide if to lock this one right away or lock OT5 till this thread reaches 20k posts and then unleash the fury of the new iOS gaming thread.

I don't know when or if I'll be able to connect to GAF again, so same thing for the iOS GAF Membership requests and whatever, they're on hold till I'm back.

New thread will be called iOS Gaming Thread instead of the whole shenanigan, as per your requests!

Ciao, see ya soon gaffers have a nice summer! :)
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