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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


This is the closest thing to an official SNK thread here so hopefully its okay to share fanart we do. Here's Rock, Mary and Terry:



alstein said:
To me MI2 reg.A is kinda a prototype of what MK9 tried to do in terms of gameplay with 2d/3d hybrid, but more polished.

Yep. It's for this reason among others that I wish SNK would make another sequel, as I did think Reg A was a damn fine fighting game. Hell, remember when MI3 was rumored to be a "launch title" for PS3? :lol


Sketchbook Picasso
DDRCombo Presents: Vice, the Cruel Woman (HD)

BadWolf said:
This is the closest thing to an official SNK thread here so hopefully its okay to share fanart we do. Here's Rock, Mary and Terry:


Nice work ^_^ I have to say Terry reminds me just a BIT of Andy there (since his hair looks so long and relaxed, as Andy's normally does), but It's fun seeing this not-really-a-family chillin' out.

While I like the tone of the BG (the sketchy look represents the fact that they're all nodding; reality isn't clear to them, so it's not clear to the viewer, right? ;) ), I'd enjoy even more seeing how you'd get a fully realized version of it to work.


Anyone else having a hard time picking mains? Everyone just looks so damn good/fun in this game. At this rate I'll end up playing random select most of the time.

SAB CA said:
Nice work ^_^ I have to say Terry reminds me just a BIT of Andy there (since his hair looks so long and relaxed, as Andy's normally does), but It's fun seeing this not-really-a-family chillin' out.

While I like the tone of the BG (the sketchy look represents the fact that they're all nodding; reality isn't clear to them, so it's not clear to the viewer, right? ;) ), I'd enjoy even more seeing how you'd get a fully realized version of it to work.

Thanks man.

About the BG, err... I didn't think that deeply about it, but I think I'll use your explanation if a situtation calls for it somewhere lol.

That being said it is a fully realized version as is. The style of the background is one you would see or do when taking a sketchbook out with you on the bus, car, park etc. It is a quick sketch (and it was drawn as such, very fast) using minimal detail and gestures. The characters are the focus and the BG is there to give ppl an idea (which will hopefully be fueled by their imagination) as to their surroundings.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
TreIII said:
Yep. It's for this reason among others that I wish SNK would make another sequel, as I did think Reg A was a damn fine fighting game. Hell, remember when MI3 was rumored to be a "launch title" for PS3? :lol

There was a "Maximum Impact" game listed as an Xbox 360 launch-window title for a long time, too, alongside NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, LOL.

Regulation A was awesome. Only Maximum Impact to get an arcade release, and Arcadia gave it plenty of coverage. Didn't seem to help much though. I barely ever saw anyone play the game at the game center I would frequent. :/


Sketchbook Picasso
I know Maxima, Chin, and Vice, and Leona will be mains for me. But probably each on different teams, lol. Clark, Betty, Hwa Jai... you're right, there's really too many characters that I'm looking forward to playing! Oh, and Terry. The Legendary Wolf needs to be there, especially to beat up on Shen Woo! -ahem-

Anywho, yeah, I understand what kinda background you were going for, but you almost did TOO good a job filling in the gestures and basic sketchwork. I get such a feeling of "Hey, that looks like a bird sitting on a fence to the right!" or "oh, so those are sacks of rice/hay/etc by Rock's feet", that it looks more like an incomplete W.I.P, rather than a finished piece.

I say this mostly because I've done the same in the past; I had no interest in BG art, just characters, so the backgrounds would end up half complete, uncolored, just a few lines, etc.

But then I took the plunge, and got into BG work; making the characters stand out from detailed BGs now depended on things like lighting and placement, and the challenge of getting characters to feel like a part of the world really added so much more to the pieces. A wider audience could also appreciate the more detailed works; as if seeing such a piece made people appreciate my art on a whole new level.

At any rate, it'd be cool to get more fan-art in this thead, it's a positive way to build hype! Thanks for adding one of the first in recent memory! I should really do some myself... did some Megaman-inspired pixel art 10s of pages back, but that was quite a while ago...

LoL, oh, why not, lets post my 6 year old fanart! (ARGH, that long ago? LoL.)
Sure I could do muh better now, haha.



I think I'd do something with MAKUSHIMA now... in full color, and with a BG...

BONUS: And I was always proud of this Hanzo Pic... heck, I'd love to see him in KoF! XD



The first team I'll go for will probably be Kensou (who I think is criminally underrated), Takuma "corner killer" Sakazaki and Mai (no Mai no buy).

SAB CA said:
Anywho, yeah, I understand what kinda background you were going for, but you almost did TOO good a job filling in the gestures and basic sketchwork. I get such a feeling of "Hey, that looks like a bird sitting on a fence to the right!" or "oh, so those are sacks of rice/hay/etc by Rock's feet", that it looks more like an incomplete W.I.P, rather than a finished piece.

I say this mostly because I've done the same in the past; I had no interest in BG art, just characters, so the backgrounds would end up half complete, uncolored, just a few lines, etc.

But then I took the plunge, and got into BG work; making the characters stand out from detailed BGs now depended on things like lighting and placement, and the challenge of getting characters to feel like a part of the world really added so much more to the pieces. A wider audience could also appreciate the more detailed works; as if seeing such a piece made people appreciate my art on a whole new level.

At any rate, it'd be cool to get more fan-art in this thead, it's a positive way to build hype! Thanks for adding one of the first in recent memory! I should really do some myself... did some Megaman-inspired pixel art 10s of pages back, but that was quite a while ago...

You have a site where I can check out your art?

I see where you are coming from and I agree but I always wanted to incorporate gesture drawing (something I hold in very high regard) into my finished pieces in some way and this is it. Not to mention it kind of works in the imagination fueling dept (the scene you described is different from the one I put down hehe).

Yeah man, you should do some more art, its always fun (both for the creater and viewer). I did Ralf Vs Metal Slug before this and really enjoyed that experience as well.

EDIT: Damn, thats some really nice work, espcially that Hanzo (the flame effect looks excellent). I like how you infused personality into each character, they feel and look very distinct. If thats what you did 6 years ago then I'm really interested in seeing what you can do now.


Sketchbook Picasso
DDTC Presents: Elisabeth, The Noblewaifu of Fersis!

And thanks ReXX, for those last vids. It was great seeing such solid Athena and Duo Lon, really nice!

Now, thanks alot, BadWolf ^_^ I'll probably do some pixels before I get back into direct drawing, but your kind words do help. With that flame with Hanzo, I wanted to do my best to "HD-ify" SNK's crazy flame style, so I knew I couldn't half-do it. They're the first company that make it really obvious that gloriously-animated special effects could really bring a lot to a game, for me, anywho.

Hanzo's also not as old as the others were, about 3 years or so.

I'd like to see that Ralf VS Slug pic too, if it's online anywhere!
My usual team is Terry, Kim, Iori (well, more often than not). I usually use Ralf too but dislike what they've done to him in 12/13. Looking forward to playing with Raiden since he's god-tier apparently (won't be using K' that much being he's my best friends/KOF competitor's character).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
SAB CA said:
DDTC Presents: Elisabeth, Fersis Waifu

And thanks ReXX, for those last vids. It was great seeing such solid Athena and Duo Lon, really nice!

Now, thanks alot, BadWolf ^_^ I'll probably do some pixels before I get back into direct drawing, but your kind words do help. With that flame with Hanzo, I wanted to do my best to "HD-ify" SNK's crazy flame style, so I knew I couldn't half-do it. They're the first company that make it really obvious that gloriously-animated special effects could really bring a lot to a game, for me, anywho.

Hanzo's also not as old as the others were, about 3 years or so.

I'd like to see that Ralf VS Slug pic too, if it's online anywhere!


Also hey Atlus wheres my KOFXIII Trailer with infoz huh?


ReXXXSoprano said:


K' as broken as ever. I would say nothing changed since I watched kofXIII many months ago, but that would be a lie, it's worse.

No hope, and it's so stupid, just cancel anything into crow bite and qcb+k and you're done.
Got more of that stuff. You know what stuff. THAT STUFF!!! I don't know who's seen what when but here's everything that I've upped in the last 24 hours. Plenty to keep you occupied for the time being.

This set I think is a prequel to what I upped earlier. Still some nice fights in there though.


These are the VS Osaka and Kyoto vids. The first one needs to be watched. Just trust me.




This is your KoF XIII Hype CEO signing out for now.
I felt like posting something positive today, so here goes:

How well are the characters equipped from a casual's first-hand experience? That, and other impressions.

First off, it's obvious that EX attacks greatly enhances the character's arsenal and if SNKP will keep making KOFs, they should never get rid of them ever. If they want to go back to tagging, then make a six buttoned KOF game with the extra two being dedicated tag buttons and keeping PP and KK for EX purposes instead of tag buttons like XI. NeoMAXes are also a very nice extra and they add a lot to the lost foundation of the characters.

XII was a nightmare and I prefer not to talk about how it could have been better.

*Note that I omitted characters that I don't really care about.

Duo: The delayed ghost thingie + the ability to hit you no matter where you are standing makes him a really interesting character to frustrate people with. I wish his rekkas didn't look so choppy, though. It's confusing sometimes to see if you're even hitting the opponent with them.

He shows promise, definitely. He could become a serious mind-mess character if he had unique special moves that he could use after teleporting.


Kyo: He's a monster as always, especially his easy to connect with NeoMAX (fast and full screen.) I sometimes don't even other with his Orochinagis, because he possesses so much more deadly force with his EX attacks.

His EX Orochinagi should have him covered in fire special effects. This one's obvious. Many people also want his punching chains back and I can see where they are coming from, but they might as well give them to Shingo and add some slapstick to them for good measure.

Benimaru: He's pretty fun to play with now and I didn't even care much about him in previous KOFs, no idea why. Maybe it's because he is fabulously animated now? His EX lightning strike locks on to the character after a short delay, that's a very creative EX attack and it fits his character perfectly (lightning can strike anywhere etc.) It's amazing how you can reuse a special effect and change it into something so unexpectedly fresh. I still don't know the use of his Rolling Thunder DM (and his DP K > Raijinken DC, it never hits), though. It could be used as a start up animation where he activates a barrier DM that temporarily protects him from energy attacks or heavily reduces their damage, I dunno.

Beni feels really complete, even though he didn't undergo a complete makeover. Good job.

Oh, now I remember why I like him. You can kill people with his taunt, har.


Terry: Terry's the only character in the game that has EX versions of both his DMs, which could easily be the same for all the characters in the game if you look at how creative they are being with the few resources that they have (switching animation frames, special effects, zooming etc.) He's solid as ever. What I don't like is how his C Power Wave looks, it starts up with the dissolve effect, as if he's punching a bowl of apple juice.

Andy: I always liked Andy for being the underdog that he is, but now he's really over the top. His A Zaneiken is FAST, it's possible to do a crazy train of zaneizaneizanei if your timing is right. His NeoMAX is truly dangerous, your opponent has to watch his every move, even from a distance. It fits his Ninja style perfectly. Excellent job on Andy.

Joe: His C TNT Punch can land you a 25 hit combo and you can Drive Cancel that for even more mayhem. Triple Hurricane Upper ala RBS is definitely his most unique EX attack. Joe's treated very well.

It does lead to another thing I found disappointing, the lack of visual differences of EX attacks. This team has one thing in common; they all have the ability to set the opponent on fire (even Terry with his Fire Kick.) Andy could burn people with Choreppadan in previous KOFs, but not even his EXDM does that anymore. Same for Joe, his EX Tiger Kick should at least scorch the victim. They could have done way more by reusing their resources, because they came up with nice variations for other characters that I didn't even know was possible.

I don't think people would have a problem with Terry's EX Buster Wolf blasting fire. I know I wouldn't.


Athena: She can teleport again, weeeee. I'll spare the moe blob criticism and go straight to gameplay; I think she really needs some brand new moves or SOMETHING to do during her DM when she misses. In the previous games, you could expect Athena to shoot something at you if you were goofing around, but in XIII, you just wait to smack her big head around. Hell, you can even BUILD meter if you don't have enough yet for a damaging combo.

Not bad, but she could be way better.

Kensou: Gotta admit, he's really interesting now. His roots design + new stance and good amount of attacks equals a great deal of freshness worth exploring. I can overlook the fact that they took frames of his rapid punching special and pasted it into a DM just for Max Cancel purposes, plenty of other characters got the same treatment.

Another excellent job by SNKP.

Chin: I tried Chin, but I really couldn't get the hang of him. I prefer rush characters and he seems more of the opportunity type, which is fine by me because KOF should be about gameplay variety and it's nice to have him around for people who prefer something else.

However, it was fun messing around with him briefly, I hope they expand him in the future with the fire engulfing attacks that he used to have.


Leona: It's amazing that a new design can make you interested in a character you never cared about before, even if you didn't necessarily hate their previous wardrobe. While she didn't receive many new moves, she still felt very solid and I liked the fact that her EX air cross slash thingie stays in the air for a couple of seconds. It was also creative to temporarily turn her into a red head during EX V-Slasher and Juicy Blade NeoMAX, it fits with her storyline in which it's explained that she learned how to control her Orochi powers.

She still needs a mouth, though. Good job.

Ralf: Ralf was one of my favorites in 02 and he's been losing attacks ever since that game until that piece of trash XII arrived that totally changed him. But now, I have to honestly say that I like the way they are taking him. He's been getting more of his classic moves back, like his dive bomb, the gatling special + EX version that imitates his old super and his old dickrider punch DM. His Drive Cancels are really easy and it is fun to crumple people with his EX Gut Punch and knocking them off their feet before they fall down.

I'll miss his tackle and Ralf Kick, but we have one of the best NeoMAXes in the game to make up for that. Lots of praise from me.

Clark: Yeah.

Rolling Cradle, PLEASE.


Yuri: This little bitch right here is dangerous. You don't see it often in videos, but her dive kick doesn't give the opponent much time to breathe, it's that fast.

She definitely doesn't need more attacks.

King: She can be a fun fireball spammer (granted that you're not on the receiving end,) but it really shows that some characters suffered during the budget and even though plenty are solid, it is not fair to overlook these errors, because constructive criticism consists of the good and the bad.

King's crouching D is the exact same as crouching B, but slowed down. Exact same range, just a different speed and priority. I don't mind normal animations used in special or super animations, but they really shouldn't treat normals as an afterthought.

She's still not as much of a frame recycling joke as Silv(b)er in XI, but among plenty of the healthy cast characters, she looks a bit low budget. Which is a shame, because she's been around since 1992 and deserves better.

I would improve her by returning her the high-low fireball game for more confusion, turn Surprise Rose as a DM with anti-air properties, Illusion Dance for ground works and keeping Double Strike or Octo Strike w/e as keepaway.

That, or just give her some more juggle/unblockable variety. This isn't unreasonable when you compare her to the rest of the cast. Time will tell.


Ryo: Not much to say about him, but he feels good. It's fun to juggle after the crazy EX Zanretsuken with his exciting EX Ryukohranbu. His parry can be nasty and I'd love it if they expanded on that.

Robert: He has so many tools, it's crazy. He's always been one of my favorite characters and I like the way he's treated in XII/XIII, even though it's a tad unfair compared to some others in the cast. Maybe it's because he's rich. Robert's a great example of a fighter, because he has plenty of things that fit him and he still feels right. He can do anti-airs, travel long distances, throw fireballs, unblockables, juggle, use rapid kicks for trapping people, rip off Fei Long's ultra and make it exciting and has access to a NeoMAX that is near-instant while airborne.

And yet, he isn't overpowered like some shaded brat and a fatass wrestler. He's one of the top choices if you want to introduce people to KOF because of his sheer variety and fun. I'm so glad he isn't a charger anymore just for the sake of being a charger.

Takuma: I like that his K Kohken is used to get close to people (fireball hits and he auto dashes forward,) I've never seen anything so Street Fighterish in KOF. Well...not in that way. He plays fine, but I expected him to be more different than Ryo n' Robert and push the Kyokugen style even further with counter punches, guard breakers, counter supers. That's just me, though.

I do have to give a special award to Takuma, for having the most choppiest special attack ever: Zanretsuken! It only consists of 2 frames. 2. frames. Left punch, right punch. No retreating arm, no elbow bending, absolutely NOTHING inbetween. He makes Silver feel good about himself.


Kim: Also one of my favorite characters. Even though he got some cuts, he's still exciting to play as. The flying dragon kick thingie he got in XII makes for some great combo opportunities. His EX Houou Kyaku could have been way more different, but I prefer saving up for his NeoMAX anyway, just because it looks that good. Technically, the only new animation is the axe kick that Kim does at the end and the smoke cloud. Despite that, the move is still filled with adrenaline and it is an excellent showcase of Kim's overzealous attitude to end the match with. Creativity can do much to enhance old material.

Hwa: Talk about low budget, haha.

Seriously now, I'm okay with headswap characters if their specials and supers are unique. Hwa Jai has a lot of promise with his drunken style, but it isn't explored at all. Drunken Style just beefs his specials and supers up for a brief period of time and the only notable difference is the kick he does after Dragon Backbreaker and the tongue waggling after the NeoMAX.

If he stays around, he definitely needs more unique attacks. I will snap if he gets a headswap Slash Kick.

Raiden: I don't think 16 second Drop Kicking will be popular among the casuals, but come on, seriously?


K': Oh, THIS guy will be popular among the casuals.

Maxima: Simple moveset, but a very fearsome one what with the guarding, wall bounce and unblockables etc. He does need at least one of these, because he's Maxima:

- Mongolian
- Bunker Buster
- Maxima Revenger


Heavy rain outside really causes me to type drawn out posts, bleh.

To conclude, most of the cast feels good and I barely scratched the surface of Drive Cancels, but there's always room for improvement.


^How did you find that Takuma's Zanretsu is 2 frames animation?
EDIT: I like this combo with Hwa-
Jumping HK-->St. HK-->DF+LK-->DP+HK-DC->Air DP+LK-->DP+LK-DC->QCB+HK-->DP+HK or Super
Does a really sweet amount of damage.
Look at when he does the move, you literally only see 2 different poses of Takuma; left punch and right punch.

In the end, the game is a major improvement, that's what matters most.
"I have confirmation from someone that collaborates closely with Atlus and the KOF XIII development team about the netcode, I can't say anything, -anything, but when I knew what KOF XIII will use as it's netcode, and I'm a huge skeptic, I became very happy and all I can say is that KOF XIII will have the best netcode of -all-, yes, and it's not an overstatement, ALL console fighting games released till now. News should be coming soon... at an important event somewhere. Sorry people, I can't clear up anything else."

Stuff like this gets me hyped but the guy has zero credibility, I can only dream.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
GhostRidah said:
"I have confirmation from someone that collaborates closely with Atlus and the KOF XIII development team about the netcode, I can't say anything, -anything, but when I knew what KOF XIII will use as it's netcode, and I'm a huge skeptic, I became very happy and all I can say is that KOF XIII will have the best netcode of -all-, yes, and it's not an overstatement, ALL console fighting games released till now. News should be coming soon... at an important event somewhere. Sorry people, I can't clear up anything else."

Stuff like this gets me hyped but the guy has zero credibility, I can only dream.
Wait wut?
Where did you get that info?



GhostRidah said:
"I have confirmation from someone that collaborates closely with Atlus and the KOF XIII development team about the netcode, I can't say anything, -anything, but when I knew what KOF XIII will use as it's netcode, and I'm a huge skeptic, I became very happy and all I can say is that KOF XIII will have the best netcode of -all-, yes, and it's not an overstatement, ALL console fighting games released till now. News should be coming soon... at an important event somewhere. Sorry people, I can't clear up anything else."

Stuff like this gets me hyped but the guy has zero credibility, I can only dream.
SF3:3s OE is a console fighting game. Maybe he doesn't realize it uses GGPO.


Arukado said:
He said this too:
So whatever it is, it's not ggpo.

PD: If he is right, we'll see it "soon".
What other netcode has been proven for fighting games to the point that the name alone would get someone excited enough to declare it the best of any console fighter?
GhostRidah said:
Some guy on SRK, take it for what it is, I hope he is right though.
Imagine if it turns ou to be false hype though.

The best thing about ggpo (assuming) was that you could see the ping and go ahead with a match with what works for you. I coupld play consistsently with ppl at 150ping. If it's just bars again that would suck since 150ping = as much of a red bar as someone with 300. I wouldn't be able to tell.

With kof2k2um pre-patch they had ping numbers then it was changed to bars and I couldn't tell the pings since almost everyone was red bars.



Whichever way this goes, it'll be interesting to see what happens.

As for "important event"? Well, we got Japan Expo, EVO and SD Comiccon all coming up. If SNKP and Atlus were going to spill the beans on netcode sometime "soon", it would have to be at least one of these events.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Arukado said:
He said this too:
So whatever it is, it's not ggpo.

PD: If he is right, we'll see it "soon".
More than 8 letters? Supercade? Dunno.



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Criminal Upper said:
There's gonna be filtered sprites, it's almost a pre-certification requirement now.
Im just asking for a 'No filter' option. ;__;


Sketchbook Picasso
The sprites on the character select screen / select the order screen seem to be 100% unfiltered. So... theres that!

Whatever this new rumor is, can't wait to see what actually happens. I believe it was mentioned to Nilcam on Dreamcancel, that we could expect some info early in July... so lets see what comes of that, first.


Fersis said:
Im just asking for a 'No filter' option. ;__;
No, all you've been yelling is 'No filter' :V

...and really it doesn't have to be better than current fighting games netcode, it just needs not to suck.
You can brag/praise it all you want, I'll just enjoy landing Hwa Jai combos on foos~


Dali said:
What other netcode has been proven for fighting games to the point that the name alone would get someone excited enough to declare it the best of any console fighter?

The netcode used in Blazblue/Arcana perhaps? If that's what they are using, I'd be more then satisfied.

That said, MK made those same claims, and MK's netcode was as bad as SC4's.
alstein said:
The netcode used in Blazblue/Arcana perhaps? If that's what they are using, I'd be more then satisfied.

That said, MK made those same claims, and MK's netcode was as bad as SC4's.
I still need to try AH3. The 5-frame input buffer intrinsic to Blazblue makes its netcode feel better than it actually is. Since AH3 wasn't built with netplay in mind from the bottom-up like BB, Arc supposedly made improvements to the netcode to have AH3 run smoothly online.
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