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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


_dementia said:
You main 3 characters in these games.

unless you like that lame 1v1 mode :(

Yeah I know. in the KOF series my idea of a main is someone that is always in my group no matter what. So Yamazaki is always in and the other 2 I swap with whoever.


Sketchbook Picasso
DDTC Presents: Robert, The Raging Tiger!

All this talk about "Atlus, please improve the game!" reminds me of Working Designs old releases. How they'd fix camera, add options, optimize elemets of the game, adjust difficulties... I don't think that's ever happened for anything that's going to be released around the same Day-and-Date, however.


Souther said:
If Yamazaki doesn't end up making it into the console release somehow then I think I am going to main Hwa Jai. He seems pretty crazy and I always prefer those types of characters.
IMO Hwa Jai isn't as crazy crazy Yamazaki is, he seems more CRAZY THAT I'M FINALLY IN A FIGHTING GAME!!!111 crazy.
EDIT: I think that if the game makes it to EVO or any future fighting game tournies that they allow a 1v1 set, might help in learning match ups. Then again most 1v1s will be K' vs. K' =/
SAB CA said:
All this talk about "Atlus, please improve the game!" reminds me of Working Designs old releases. How they'd fix camera, add options, optimize elemets of the game, adjust difficulties... I don't think that's ever happened for anything that's going to be released around the same Day-and-Date, however.
Yeah, I think all that stuff is on SNK to have been working on since the arcade release.

Realistically we can only ask Atlus for promotion, grammar fixes, voice actor requests, etc.

Atlus isn't going to give us characters or netcode.


Tizoc said:
IMO Hwa Jai isn't as crazy crazy Yamazaki is, he seems more CRAZY THAT I'M FINALLY IN A FIGHTING GAME!!!111 crazy.
EDIT: I think that if the game makes it to EVO or any future fighting game tournies that they allow a 1v1 set, might help in learning match ups. Then again most 1v1s will be K' vs. K' =/

That's true. I think it was his SDM that has him finish on ground on his kness with a scream that made me think he had potential in that area.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Fersis said:
Dear Atlus USA: Im a game programmer and i would code your missions and training mode for free. Just give me a roof and add my name to the credits.

With much love and obsession: Fersis.

Don't you mean "Dear SNK Playmore?" Cuz Atlus ain't doing sheeee-iiit but publishing.


Slamtastic said:
Yeah, I think all that stuff is on SNK to have been working on since the arcade release.

Realistically we can only ask Atlus for promotion, grammar fixes, voice actor requests, etc.

Atlus isn't going to give us characters or netcode.

Yeah, Atlus can't give us that much. But as the publisher, they're the ones actually talking to SNK. So, if we holla at Atlus enough, they'll in turn holla at SNK with what is it that we want.

Because after all, as someone else stated earlier, it's their name/brand going on that box to retail. They have as much reason to want this release to be something fans will want to buy as SNK does.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lyte Edge said:
Don't you mean "Dear SNK Playmore?" Cuz Atlus ain't doing sheeee-iiit but publishing.
Ha yeah but the only japanese phrase i know is Terry Bogard :p

But seriously i would code for free.
jett said:
WTF at 80%~ combos :lol

Some chars have 100% but that not really a big deal since you need allot of supers plus \ a full custom bar .
Not the first time KOF had really crazy combos that take off mega damage .


kdash7 said:
So KofXIII dumped on the internet...is this the end of KOF series then? This is really making sad :(

No, it's happened with other Type-X games before and it's never been a problem. Few people are going to perservere with a dodgy emulator and not buy a console version, especially since the home port will be online.


I had the most ridiculous dream last night. I was playing KOFXIII and Atlus revealed that one of the console exclusives for KOFXIII was Fio from MS:


Have no idea from what corner of my mind she came from! lol. Would be interesting.


AAK said:
I've never actually played the MI games.... were they any good?

Personally, Regulation A (MI2's upgraded arcade release) is what I would consider to be worthy of being ranked alongside the likes of 98, 02, the UMs, and XI as far as being one of the "great" KOF games. A pity that version didn't get a US release.


Sketchbook Picasso
AAK said:
I had the most ridiculous dream last night. I was playing KOFXIII and Atlus revealed that one of the console exclusives for KOFXIII was Fio from MS:


Have no idea from what corner of my mind she came from! lol. Would be interesting.

Id love to have Fiolina show up as a guest character to the Ikari Warriors team, lol. Especially if she brings her Terry Bogard Cosplay colors from MI2. (Fio/Terry/Clark for Team Cap!) Come to think of it, MI2 Fio is probably the basis of Chris's style in MvC3... (with Fire bottles, machineguns, and grenades...)

MI2 was one of those console releases that made me really feel like i got mega value for the money. It came out for 30 dollars in the US if I remember right, some pre-orders got the "Another Day" Anime DVD with it too. And the game had hidden stages (including Krausers stage from Real bout, and some Cyber Stage that took place in a computer?), loads of characters, special intros in single player (like Mai dropping in after appearing in the distance on a tall construction crane), a 200 character survival mode that allowed you to buff your character as your progressed between battles, a slot machine roulette mode (like MK9s) that dropped modifiers into VS matches for silly fun, and mini-games where you'd fight a metal slug, destroy an SUV, defeat moai statues, and beat back a tractor that had Ryuhaku Todoh trying to push you off a stage. Plus every character had a bonus "rigging model" item that you'd earn upon beating the game. Some were plain (Like ninja scrolls and dolls held by the characters while fighting), and others were just out there, like Giving Terry a Wolf Head, Feet, and Claws... On top of the 300 or so costumes Falcoon designed for the cast, to give them all true alternative costumes.

Last, my favorite bonus, the Neogeo World Arcade stage, which played a special theme from a past game for each character change in your battles. Hearing music from Twinkle start sprites and FF games back-to-back, as well as classic KoF themes, was so odd. (And the stage Intro was the NeoGeo System introduction jingle, to boot.)

If they could tap in to even HALF of that for XIII's console release... (O.O) Guess I had to rant about that, lol. Everyone talks about how little we had in XII's release, but it's rare now to speak on how much MI2 had.

TreIII said:
Personally, Regulation A (MI2's upgraded arcade release) is what I would consider to be worthy of being ranked alongside the likes of 98, 02, the UMs, and XI as far as being one of the "great" KOF games. A pity that version didn't get a US release.

If only they'd port MI2's features + MIRA's gameplay changes into one inexpensive downloadable game with good netcode :lol:.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Yeah MI2 is content packed.
MI2 Regulation A not so much but it has Ash !


Sketchbook Picasso
Fersis said:
Yeah MI2 is content packed.
MI2 Regulation A not so much but it has Ash !

And Blue Mary! And Mizoguchi from Fighters history! (SNKP, USE THIS LICENSE!!!) XD That's the only version of Mary I haven't been able to learn, due to never getting MIRA. it's a bit of a sore spot; the only time I ever got to play the game was on a laggy HDTV :( Think I woulda liked Duo Lon's sister Xiao Lon too, especially since she's just a character design love letter to Hsien Ko...

Edit: WTH, Mizoguchi also guess stared in Kenka Bancho?!? (AWESOME) And in Joe and Mac? Eesh.


SAB CA said:
And Blue Mary! And Mizoguchi from Fighters history! (SNKP, USE THIS LICENSE!!!)


Maybe Fighter's History isn't quite big-name enough to chug out another sequel for, but I was really hoping that Mizo's appearance in MIRA was indicative that SNK was considering throwing Karnov and his band of misfits into the KOF (or NGBC?) mix sooner or later.

Of course, I still would prefer a sequel to Fatal Fury above everything else, at this point.
Dachande said:
No, it's happened with other Type-X games before and it's never been a problem. Few people are going to perservere with a dodgy emulator and not buy a console version, especially since the home port will be online.

Isn't the Type-X just a PC? Looking at youtube videos it doesn't look like you need an emulator at all. It also seems like arcade owners will be able to put this in their arcades without the need to pay SNK anything. This could definitely hurt SNK alot :/
Do realize that the MI team and 2D team are totally different and that their budgets were different. Even though SNKP said that XII had the biggest budget yet, they seriously messed up with the unnecessary long development. BlazBlue characters have two color shades instead of 5-6 and that game never got a major backlash because of the anime aesthetics. People shouldn't play the pity card for SNKP, because that was a pretty bad business situation. Not saying that KOF should be anime-like, but they released the would-be concept sprites and the characters would look good with only 3-4 shades. They had different priorities that didn't matter to the fans and they paid a huge price for it. Things like a big character selection with fan favorites matter. Unique gameplay and moves that belong to those characters matter. A final boss matters.

Which brings me to the painfully oblivious argument of the XII defenders: "22 characters aren't enough? BLAZBLUE HAS 13 (or w/e) WHINER!"

If the characters were better developed like they are in XIII (maybe just a teeeeeeeeeensy bit more,) it wouldn't have been a huge problem. The game seriously had no gameplay variety. To prove my point, how many counter move-centric characters are there in XII? cmiiaw, Elizabeth had a counter move, that's it. 13 well equipped characters in a game filled with content for a brand new franchise is acceptable. 22 poorly developed characters (save for a few) in a long running franchise with a huge load of fans and high expectations isn't.

And to those comparing Street Fighter to KOF and say that quality > quantity, XII had neither. The arcade scene proved it and so did the sales numbers. Those people must HATE SNKP for adding more content to the cast and if they shared their horrible train of thought, Mature would still have 2 special moves. I wouldn't compare SF to KOF gameplay, anyway.

There are many things in a fighting game that matters, but some do have more priority than others. Personally, I'd sacrifice a (second) mid-boss if it would mean that the fan-favorites get some nice moves to give them some variety without going overboard like they did in 02UM. When you're bringing a game from the arcades to the consoles, standards change immediately and releasing something bareboned won't cut it, no matter how hard you think that because it is a fighting game that JUST the fighting matters and no matter how many quarters you slammed into the arcade machine. Nuh uh.

I've ranted about this long enough and plenty of times in the past and it's not like a large audience is reading this so w/e. Rainy afternoons, meh. :l


Sketchbook Picasso
I know they're 2 different teams/budgets/etc. I'm just saying SNKP has shown (as a company) that they can do awesome console content when they have the resources. Similiar to how people hold MvC3 up to SFIV series content, though they're made by 2 different sets of devs (Neither of which are internally Capcom's either...)

Regarding Art, priorities, etc, etc... I'm very glad they went with the detail they went for. So much better than BB, and most anything out there currently. I'd agree it's a look that probably should have been developed over multiple games, though, and they shoulda put something else out that wasn't so shade-intensive as a filler, to make some money while they worked on XII/XIII.

I wonder if that's what they were planning, when they announced MI3 for then "next generation" hardware...

Anywho, don't wanna open this can of worms again, lol. Seeing Fio up there, it just reminded me at how awesome MI2's home package was (And how MI1 came with a 2nd disk with character bios and a "Making of" interview with Falcoon and whatnot.) Heck, even 98 UM on PS2 came with a bonus disk with a preview for KoFXII in the US.

Just nice to think back on some of the past accomplishments, as we wonder what might be added to XIII's approaching release.


Part of the problem was KOF= expectation of 30+ characters.

I tend to consider the KOF reboots
94, 96, 99, 03, XII to be separate series.

Really- if KOFXII had been called Fatal Fury New Beginnings , or Garou 2, and had those graphics and a 20 character roster, fans would have lapped it up- calling it KOF was somewhat of a mistake.
alstein said:
Part of the problem was KOF= expectation of 30+ characters.

I tend to consider the KOF reboots
94, 96, 99, 03, XII to be separate series.

Really- if KOFXII had been called Fatal Fury New Beginnings , or Garou 2, and had those graphics and a 20 character roster, fans would have lapped it up- calling it KOF was somewhat of a mistake.
The roster shortage of XII was an even bigger deal because KOF games have you pick 3 characters at once. I agree, a one-on-one fighter with a roster that size wouldn't have been a big deal.
*quote wrapping is cool, haha*

I know they're 2 different teams/budgets/etc. I'm just saying SNKP has shown (as a company) that they can do awesome console content when they have the resources.

Oh, I know they are capable of adding lots of stuff if the budget allows it. Shouldn't be as much of a problem as XII's home release seeing as XIII did way better in the arcades.

Regarding Art, priorities, etc, etc... I'm very glad they went with the detail they went for. So much better than BB, and most anything out there currently. I'd agree it's a look that probably should have been developed over multiple games, though, and they shoulda put something else out that wasn't so shade-intensive as a filler, to make some money while they worked on XII/XIII.

Yeah, and it's not even clear how long they can keep this up before they have to redraw everything again. It seems like some of the detail gets lost now that they've made the ×1.5 thingie permanent. Characters don't light up anymore when they are near a projectile or hitspark.

Anywho, don't wanna open this can of worms again, lol. Seeing Fio up there, it just reminded me at how awesome MI2's home package was (And how MI1 came with a 2nd disk with character bios and a "Making of" interview with Falcoon and whatnot.) Heck, even 98 UM on PS2 came with a bonus disk with a preview for KoFXII in the US.

While I wasn't a fan of MI2's gameplay, I definitely appreciate all of the extras they put in the game. No one can deny that, at all.

Just nice to think back on some of the past accomplishments, as we wonder what might be added to XIII's approaching release.

For me, it's a mix of sweet nostalgia, dreamy expectations, harsh realism and bitter skepticism.
kdash7 said:
So KofXIII dumped on the internet...is this the end of KOF series then? This is really making sad :(
Dachande said:
No, it's happened with other Type-X games before and it's never been a problem.
What happens if the game is just the rom dump for consoles. Unlikely, but with all the money problems SNKP have been having do we realistically expect a 3.0 version with lots of content rich additions and characters. . . unless they've been working on all that since a certain time it's too late to start scurrying to add content to add value over the rom dump if they wanna release this year.


CadetMahoney said:
What happens if the game is just the rom dump for consoles. Unlikely, but with all the money problems SNKP have been having do we realistically expect a 3.0 version with lots of content rich additions and characters. . . unless they've been working on all that since a certain time it's too late to start scurrying to add content to add value over the rom dump if they wanna release this year.

Well, we already know that allegedly, the console port has been in the works at the same as the arcade version. So, if we're to assume that they've had the better portion of a year to work on the port, and coupled with Atlus funding, maybe we could stand to get some nice things for the upcoming release.


Sketchbook Picasso
alstein said:
I tend to consider the KOF reboots
94, 96, 99, 03, XII to be separate series.

Heh, I like this line of thinking, and can agree. I dislike 03 a huge amount myself (though I really enjoy the presentation of 99. And the Music. Was a fav on Dreamcast...)

alstein said:
Really- if KOFXII had been called Fatal Fury New Beginnings , or Garou 2, and had those graphics and a 20 character roster, fans would have lapped it up- calling it KOF was somewhat of a mistake.

Yeah. I think one thing that made KoF work in the past, was that it drew from many other active / recently active series. Instead of jumping RIGHT into KoF, if they worked on reviving some of those series, it could have been perfect.

General Shank-a-snatch said:
Yeah, and it's not even clear how long they can keep this up before they have to redraw everything again. It seems like some of the detail gets lost now that they've made the ×1.5 thingie permanent. Characters don't light up anymore when they are near a projectile or hitspark.

It's a shame too. Even scaled up, I love the spritework in this game. Yuri and Takuma have some much detail within the flowing and movement of their clothes (Or Yuri's extra ponytail), and even the little details, like watching characters seize up upon blocking moves, or how Kula closes a single eye when doing her close C double hit... it has so many of those little details that 2D gaming seemed to have lost on the initial transition between SD 2D and HD. (Though Skullgirls is doing a nice job trying to bridge that, which I'm thankful for.)

Arcana Heart 3 was able to go from full arcade to 30 buck digital DL... if SNKP maintains their style, but moves forward onto the coming consoles in such a way, I'd be happy.

General Shank-a-snatch said:
For me, it's a mix of sweet nostalgia, dreamy expectations, harsh realism and bitter skepticism.

All understandable. I wish we'd get some news to help (hopefully) solidify some of those dreamy expectations into tangible, actualized ones.

CadetMahoney said:
What happens if the game is just the rom dump for consoles. Unlikely, but with all the money problems SNKP have been having do we realistically expect a 3.0 version with lots of content rich additions and characters. . . unless they've been working on all that since a certain time it's too late to start scurrying to add content to add value over the rom dump if they wanna release this year.

Even in that case, if they just came up with a new team, stuck a voucher in the retail box that made them free for first print run buyers, and kept us updated on their development, until release a month or 3 after the game drops, I'd be more than happy.

Of course, I hope they've been workin on "in the box" content over all this time. With the amount added between XII and XIII, which is pretty similiar to XIII arcade and XIII home, it makes me somewhat hopeful.


Thanks for all the gameplay/combo video guys.
I also want him on KOF XIII, XIV or whatever

Sorry no KOF news from me.


Sketchbook Picasso
Lin is great. He is a suprise hit for me in 2K2UM (Right alongside Xiangfei), and he's fairly unique in the fact that he's 1 of, what, 3 characters in KoF history (Himself, Seth, and Chizuru) that can stick a status effect on his opponent.

I'd like to see him in a game with Duo Lon... but at the same time, he's also pretty similiar to him. Rekkas, Now they both have a projectile which main purpose is for locking you into space, teleporting limbs, quick teleports...

I do wonder who'd end up ripe for a redesign next. Chin, Ralf, Iori... they came out pretty different in XII and XIII. It makes the possibility of new characters being added even more interesting, because an old fav. could end up nicely overhauled.
Brainwashed or whatever-the-hell Lin should be the mid boss in XIV and Ron the final one, then they can finally settle that Dragon Power thingie story arc. Vice might return too like the pesky ghost that she is, because she somehow knows of the power within Kensou. And because Lin will be a boss, no need to spend much time on him when it comes to his moves.


kokujin said:
Never knew that, thanks.
No prob. Takuma's HSDM in KoF 2002 and any other games he has it, is actually an attack Doppo did in the Grappler Baki manga as well...to put down a tiger. IIRC, The name of the HSDM translates to Tiger Killer/Slayer, so it really fits.
Gai Tendo who appeared in KoF XI is designed off of Baki. Silber/Silver is more or less an expy of Hanma Yuujiro too.
Been reading the thread and just wanted to spit out a couple of thoughts.

The rom dump of XIII doesn't really hurt SNK in the least. All it really does is give people a way to lab up if they don't have the game near them. A lot of people fall in this category but I believe they too will pick the game up just to support SNK and they'll really have no choice if they want some actual comp in the game.

As far as XII goes since the 2 years that its been I grown to love to love it just like I do the rest of the series. However naming it Fatal Fury or anything like that would just be wrong. For the record Fatal Fury =/= KOF. Even though KoF's canon is heavily reliant on what FF did before the spinoff. I still think they should've called it KoF: ReBirth or something similar instead of smacking XII on the back of it. I really think the product would've been better received in the beginning if SNK would've done that and explained to the fans why this is the way it was.

As far as where they should go storywise they do have some options. They could spotlight Kensou and that Dragon Power a bit more. What I think would make a lot of fans happy and make some sense would be to spotlight Rock and Adel as the Sons of the Next Generation or something like that and randomly give Krauser a long lost son to round out an edit team of 3. And in that you get some finish of MotW's storyline and Kain and Grant in KoF which is long overdue.

MI2, what more can I say I miss my Mignon. I'm still surprised that Reg A isn't on XBLA seeing it was the last game that SNK promised to do when they announced all those projects for the service years ago. I know MI gets hated from a distance a lot but if you haven't played a game in the series I suggest to hop straight into Reg A. The characters from MI2 are balanced out a bit more. Fio and Athena got hit hard during the transition but Ash and Xiao Lon are just insane though. I really think A2 would've fixed that if SNK would've actually done it instead of shelving it.

And as far as Atlus goes I really hope KoF brings to the attention to their own fighting game franchise in Power Instinct and that fans want to play the games. I'm waiting for a chance to play Ancestor's Commemoration because it looks like a excellent sequel to Matrimelee and I need to say I main Rin in real life.

October 25th is a ways away but I believe as we all should that it's worth that wait.


ReXXXSoprano said:
Been reading the thread and just wanted to spit out a couple of thoughts.

The rom dump of XIII doesn't really hurt SNK in the least. All it really does is give people a way to lab up if they don't have the game near them. A lot of people fall in this category but I believe they too will pick the game up just to support SNK and they'll really have no choice if they want some actual comp in the game.
Yo Rexxx, glad to see you here, props for putting up matches of KoF XIII and RumbleFish 2 \m/
...and I agree with this sentiment, the ROM dump can give the player a taste of what KoF XIII will be like and this has already made me want this game out already X3

As far as XII goes since the 2 years that its been I grown to love to love it just like I do the rest of the series. However naming it Fatal Fury or anything like that would just be wrong. For the record Fatal Fury =/= KOF. Even though KoF's canon is heavily reliant on what FF did before the spinoff. I still think they should've called it KoF: ReBirth or something similar instead of smacking XII on the back of it. I really think the product would've been better received in the beginning if SNK would've done that and explained to the fans why this is the way it was.
Good points, and I really would like them to re-explore this system again, but with some fine tunes here and there (keep the comboing into CD attacks tho, I liked using it in combos, especially with Ryo)

MI2, what more can I say I miss my Mignon. I'm still surprised that Reg A isn't on XBLA seeing it was the last game that SNK promised to do when they announced all those projects for the service years ago. I know MI gets hated from a distance a lot but if you haven't played a game in the series I suggest to hop straight into Reg A. The characters from MI2 are balanced out a bit more. Fio and Athena got hit hard during the transition but Ash and Xiao Lon are just insane though. I really think A2 would've fixed that if SNK would've actually done it instead of shelving it.
IMHO if KoF XIII does well and Atlus does a good job with it, I would love for them to release MI2 Reg. A on PSN and XBL.
My friend told me that it's a pretty solid ver. of the game and that it's somewhat overlooked.


To me MI2 reg.A is kinda a prototype of what MK9 tried to do in terms of gameplay with 2d/3d hybrid, but more polished.

Definitely deserves a PSN/XBL re-release, even if it has the biggest Mary Sue in fighting game history. (Falcoon put himself in the game, as a loli)
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