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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


I might be alone with this... but i would like the option to have the zoom put back into the game for the console release. The characters look really small and having the option to zoom in on the battle would be nice.
KingJ2002 said:
I might be alone with this... but i would like the option to have the zoom put back into the game for the console release. The characters look really small and having the option to zoom in on the battle would be nice.

Yeah, I hope an "option" would work with the engine. It'd be a nice extra for those of us not allergic to pixels.


Hahahaha I forgot about Sen.

Part of me is morbidly interested in it just to see if it's as fucked up as people say it is.
KingJ2002 said:
I might be alone with this... but i would like the option to have the zoom put back into the game for the console release. The characters look really small and having the option to zoom in on the battle would be nice.

You're not alone, I like how big the characters were in XII.


Santa May Claus
patrickthehedgehog said:
Yeah, I hope an "option" would work with the engine. It'd be a nice extra for those of us not allergic to pixels.

Count me in as someone who finds the gigantic pixels on the zoomed sprites to look hideous. I still think the option would be nice to have for you folks, though.


I love the way they're handling skin tight area re-colouring on Yuri. I've always been a big fan of this technique (I've used it on some development projects), and it's cool that it's able to present some good variety in Yuri's outfit. Love the thigh-high version!


Santa May Claus
dock said:
I love the way they're handling skin tight area re-colouring on Yuri. I've always been a big fan of this technique (I've used it on some development projects), and it's cool that it's able to present some good variety in Yuri's outfit. Love the thigh-high version!

Me too. I'm glad they're really taking the time to create differences in the different costume colors more than just palette swaps. I'm a big fan of the thigh-high version too. What a difference two strips of color makes. :p


KingJ2002 said:
Look at Super Street Fighter 4

That is some sexy bromance going on there - with lots of flame effects coming from their passion even.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
bloodforge said:
You're not alone, I like how big the characters were in XII.

Graphically yes, but it hurt gameplay in my eyes. Destroyed any chance of a distance game, which is important in KOF.


Sketchbook Picasso
The only real difference in the UI for XII is that the other fighters shift their text to the side, and put some attention-taking effect to the right of it... The Orochi Saga had more unique UI than any of those. I do like SSFIV use of character art, though. I don't think the Ryu/Ken one is all that great, but I love the VS mode one with Viper and Chun meeting in X jumpkicks, Hokuto No Ken Style.

SNKP does seem stuck in a UI rut, though. SamSho Sen's looks just like all their XBLA releases, except when you shift to the character select screen, then it has a cool transition.

I'd love for XIII's to look similiar to the website, with huge pictures of character artwork, well presented options, and some type of variation that keeps it fresh.

I never mind the "Spinning globe" motif of KoF games of late, though. The fact that 98um and XII had similiar UI design actually helped make it feel a bit more familiar. I just hope that's not ALL XIII has in the end. What we've seen of XIII's UI is actually really awesome looking so far.

Mark me as one more person who loved the zoom in XII. I think the close in state emphasized the desire to use Blowback to push people away, more than any other KoF, and I really didn't find the art of "getting back in close" to be any less strategic in XII than any other KoF.


Sketchbook Picasso
Fersis said:
Terry Garcia is so sweet!

True. I knew he existed and yet... "ROBERT JUST POWER WAV- Oh!"

Dark Skin White Hair Leona VS "Orochi" Leona was also sweet. Evil Sentai badguy Raiden was creepy, I wanna see that recolor in more deatil too!

Teams of "Robert-Terry" + "Original-Robert" + "Ryu-Colored Ryo" are sure to be fun.


Man, I'm loving the color pallets, they must the most original things out there. This is are way better than those expensive SF4 outfits. :lol
zlatko said:
Did anyone ever tell you you're awesome? You have easily won the internet today. :D Thank you.

Edit: Hmm strange it keeps resizing itself to a giant proportion here on Gaf. Poopy. :( Guess it wasn't mean to be.

Yeah I forgot the forum resizes everything to 90px wide automatically so I just made sure it was under instead of extending the blank space beside her so that it went to 90...d'oh. Oh well at least someone fixed it for you in the end, enjoy.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Decided I'm going to go all in on the hype train for this now. (with a small sidebet on BBCS)

This is just looking too good. The drive meter is also going to be a good gimmick I think, peocisws rhw xomvoa son'r so roo muxh.


Someone needs to give me Shane's contact info. I need to talk to him about putting pressure on SNK to add Yamazaki to the roster.

I need the help of Mangod for this!!

Edit: Sent him a message via facebook. Miracles can happen


Sorry guys for the 2nd post, but this is worth it, here is the first part of ASH story (which is just the story of KOF13 before the tournament) provided by YasakaniHeir of Cyberfanatix.

NOTE: D= Duo Lon, B= Benimaru, I added this because GAF doesn't have colors. :lol

Part I

A sound of the engine of an airplane, scattering the gloomy clouds in the sky, interrupted for a moment, two people talking…
Benimaru Nikaido put a bag next to his feet as his gaze slowly followed the airplane to distance… Towards him, was Duolon’s solid body.
When it comes to this elusive mysterious man, strangely enough, I get to understand him. It’s a man who basically lives in a separate world, different than mine. At least that’s how Benimaru sees it.
Having been interrupted by the sound of the engine, Duolon reiterated.
D: “Kusanagi Kyo… is…??”
B: “It’s more like a medical examination! …I can’t say whether it’s serious or not for him. Shingo, however, has been seriously injured as he tried to stop Yagami. His whole body bones have been fractured; one or two months won’t be enough for him to recover!”
But then, he should be thankful to just being alive. Having faced Yagami Iori after he entered the riot of blood, and survived it, is being very fortunate indeed.

Duolon put his hands in his long coat’s pockets, walked a bit away from Benimaru, and slowly closed his eyes sighing quietly.
D: “…So, you’re heading back home?”
B: “Well yes, for now… He’s not the kind of person to abandon with just that. This means, he must be looking for a team by now. And there can’t be a better teammate [than me], right?”
D: “That’s how it is?”
B: “Yeah that’s it!”

Benimaru gave a big nod, before suddenly continuing:
B: “... You’re still after that man, aren’t you?”
D: “What do you mean?”
B: “Don’t play dumb with me! Don’t forget that I already encountered him before! ”
D: “…Indeed”

Duolon, a member of the Hizoku clan of assassins, has been continuously seeking the one that has betrayed his family and abandoned them… his own father, Ron. For someone like him, who is normally supposed to stay in the shadows, to repeatedly enter such a high mediatized competition as “the king of fighters”, it is probably for the sake of tracking Ron’s whereabouts.
The summer breeze calmly bending his blonde hair, Benimaru added…
B: “If I ever happen to meet that man somewhere, I’ll let you know!”
D: “I’m grateful to you Nikaido, for helping with my burden”
B: “I don’t need any thanks! … Instead, you could let me know if you ever encounter that little brat.”

Duolon stopped for a while then stared at Benimaru…
D: “…What kind of business do you have with Ash?”
B: “Personally I don’t, but HE probably does… After all, everyone has been "tricked" (I’m being very polite here with this word) by that Ash, some way or another, right?”
D: “Still worrying about Kyo… you really are a guardian!”
B: “Cut it ooout!”

Once more Benimaru smiled then looked at his watch, before pulling up himself from the fence.
B: “…Okay, it’s about boarding time.”
D: “Take care…”

Duolon, plainly, threw these few words at Benimaru who walked away with his bag on his shoulder. Such a cold nonchalant words despite seeing his friend off.
Benimaru turned his head over his shoulder…
B: “…After all, it might not take long before we meet again.”
D: “But this time not as teammates”
B: “…Yeah!”

Once again, a big plane lands nearby. The strong wind that she surged, throws both men’s long hair flowing. And once again, their conversation is interrupted.
Benimaru, after turning his head from the strong wind, looks back at Duolon to greet him one last time, but the long and thin dark silhouette, standing there a moment ago, had already vanished…
B: “…He’ll probably never change.”
A light rub on his small nose, then he shook his bag and walked away…


Sketchbook Picasso
They seem to be putting some decent time into Text Intros and Character Art victory screens. I really wouldn't mind if these capped off matches; I'd love more victory poses and all, but even just having them in artwork is still an improvement. (SFIV only has one "Final" winpose per character anyway, and then a bunch of between-round poses that are largely skipped... meh.)

So, has everyone seen the fake-until-proven real Maxima pic yet?

Highly suspected to be fake, April first is upon Japan!

Lastly... I find it funny at least 3 people on my XBLA list have played Samurai Shodown Sen. Stealth Release, Shifted around release dates, didn't expect many in stores... yet I've seen more friends playing it then, say, Just Cause 2 or Resonance of Fate. Very Odd.

Kadey said:
Why can't the guys with their shirts off have their chest move too? Sexist!

Benimaru Nikaido put a bag next to his feet as his gaze slowly followed the airplane to distance… Towards him, was Duolon’s solid body.

Does that almost make up for it?? :lol Sure Beni here isn't acutally Ash? XD


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
XIII has a different Egypt stage.
(And theres some kind of weird cut on the top where the time counter in XII should be)


That picture must be fake, because the Egypt stage is not red anymore, its only lights up Green.

So I doubt its real, well I do hope it is fake, because I hate Maxima. :lol


Sketchbook Picasso
I want Whip instead of Maxima (Sorry Maxima, I like you... I just like Whip more!), but I have to admit... Lookin similiar to that, I WOULD play him right alongside Clark and Leona. 2 Bulky men and a Lady... Sequel to my XII Team, 2 Blue Hair'd Chicks and a Dude!

On the comment of LOUD Yuri... I find it funny... each video that she says ANYTHING in, whether on the screen of the player, or off cam, I always here her voice! She really is trying to steal the show...

-DarKaoZ- said:
and man... it sucks that they took out the clash system, I love it, it was like Parry but with a more offensive/rush style idea.

I loved the way it just let you say "Screw you fireball! I got FIST POWER!", punching and kneeing your way through the onslaught, strategically making your way closer... I think it was a perfect marriage of fireballs being a deterent and yet an offensive too... it's like making a player punch through a mine field.


Bacon of Hope
Lyte Edge said:
In a nutshell, it feels like a bad 3D fighting game from 1995. Like a bad Soul Edge rip-off with Tekken-style juggles. The game play is stiff and clunky. Movement is slow and feels "off." Character balance is fucked up too (and I hear they made the bosses -including a cowboy with UNBLOCKABLE bullets- playable). The game has some nice artwork and music, that's about it. It bombed in Japanese arcades, it bombed on the J-360, and it will inevitably bomb over here too. Ignition dodged a bullet when they dropped it. Poor XSeed. Nobody will remember this game in a month.

Wow, I said pretty much the same thing in my review. :lol


The game really does feel super clunky, and the graphics and animation is really bad, just unacceptable for a 3D fighting game these days. I would even be able to look past that but the game play is so retarded. You can press like 2 buttons and take off like 40-50% health in one blow that comes out almost instantly. There is no reason to do combos, just throw, side step, counter with two buttons.


SAB CA said:
They seem to be putting some decent time into Text Intros and Character Art victory screens. I really wouldn't mind if these capped off matches; I'd love more victory poses and all, but even just having them in artwork is still an improvement. (SFIV only has one "Final" winpose per character anyway, and then a bunch of between-round poses that are largely skipped... meh.)

So, has everyone seen the fake-until-proven real Maxima pic yet?

Highly suspected to be fake, April first is upon Japan!

Lastly... I find it funny at least 3 people on my XBLA list have played Samurai Shodown Sen. Stealth Release, Shifted around release dates, didn't expect many in stores... yet I've seen more friends playing it then, say, Just Cause 2 or Resonance of Fate. Very Odd.

Benimaru Nikaido put a bag next to his feet as his gaze slowly followed the airplane to distance… Towards him, was Duolon’s solid body.

Does that almost make up for it?? :lol Sure Beni here isn't acutally Ash? XD

It's easy to know it's fake only because of the shadow. If you look at Raiden his shadow is done correctly from his feet, but Maximas is effed up and the noticeable spot is on his right foot(so our left of the screen).


Whine Whine FADC Troll
haunts said:
Wow, I said pretty much the same thing in my review. :lol


The game really does feel super clunky, and the graphics and animation is really bad, just unacceptable for a 3D fighting game these days. I would even be able to look past that but the game play is so retarded. You can press like 2 buttons and take off like 40-50% health in one blow that comes out almost instantly. There is no reason to do combos, just throw, side step, counter with two buttons.

Well, Samsho isn't supposed to be a combo game. I wonder how the game would do Bushido-Blade style, seriously.

Then again, I think the best thing SNK could do with Samsho is to make another RPG, or a non-fighter. As for Clash, it caused some unusual things and often rewarded bad decisions, I wouldn't have minded keeping it for special on fireball, but I don't miss it.

Normals should never clash with projectiles.


Sketchbook Picasso
zlatko said:
It's easy to know it's fake only because of the shadow. If you look at Raiden his shadow is done correctly from his feet, but Maximas is effed up and the noticeable spot is on his right foot(so our left of the screen).

It's fun dissecting this pic, heh. The odd shimmer under the health/guard bars, mismatch shadows and sprite, different shade style on Maxima (but not by much), the inappropiate BG, Odd zoom... I also wonder if Maxima would get any changed details. Would he get a bit of fashion from the Robo Army character that inspires him?

It is pretty fun to think about.

"Homori" is pretty funny BTW. Looks like a Frankensprite between CVS 2 Iori and Homer from the Simpsons Arcade game..


Whine Whine FADC Troll
InfiniteNine said:
Are these beginner to KOF video guides applicable to KOFXIII? Haven't played a KOF game before and wanted to gain a little knowledge on it.


They should be to some degree. The movement options and air defense definitely will bem judging from the vids so far. Learning how to play KOF's neutral state game is probably as hard as learning the ground game in ST.

They wouldn't be that applicable to XII though.


I'm fully on board with this game, I "lost" track of the franchise after KOF2003 and XII didn't help me to recover my interest for KOF again, but now is a different story.

Question for the KOF experts here, Orochinagi and cyberfanatix are the best community sites for KOF?.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
rockman zx said:
I'm fully on board with this game, I "lost" track of the franchise after KOF2003 and XII didn't help me to recover my interest for KOF again, but now is a different story.

Question for the KOF experts here, Orochinagi and cyberfanatix are the best community sites for KOF?.
Yup, kof union is another well known community if you know chinese. (Well at least i think its chinese ;) )


Whine Whine FADC Troll
rockman zx said:
I'm fully on board with this game, I "lost" track of the franchise after KOF2003 and XII didn't help me to recover my interest for KOF again, but now is a different story.

Question for the KOF experts here, Orochinagi and cyberfanatix are the best community sites for KOF?.

SRK and GAF are genuinely better sources of info.

If you're interested in Gameplay, avoid CX altogether, anyone who's any good on there posts other places- they're scrubs.


SAB CA said:
I want Whip instead of Maxima (Sorry Maxima, I like you... I just like Whip more!), but I have to admit... Lookin similiar to that, I WOULD play him right alongside Clark and Leona. 2 Bulky men and a Lady... Sequel to my XII Team, 2 Blue Hair'd Chicks and a Dude!

On the comment of LOUD Yuri... I find it funny... each video that she says ANYTHING in, whether on the screen of the player, or off cam, I always here her voice! She really is trying to steal the show...

I loved the way it just let you say "Screw you fireball! I got FIST POWER!", punching and kneeing your way through the onslaught, strategically making your way closer... I think it was a perfect marriage of fireballs being a deterent and yet an offensive too... it's like making a player punch through a mine field.

Yeah I love the clash system and others in 12. At least they could left that in in XIII.
Zoom too. I also didn't have problem with distances in XII, superjumped and run jumped like always, fireballed with Ash like an asshole too. I don't know what arstal really means.
The only true core thing that I didn't like is those single range normals. Fucking annoying.
Anyway lack of those features is what I mean when I say that XIII looks little archaic.

haunts said:
Wow, I said pretty much the same thing in my review. :lol


The game really does feel super clunky, and the graphics and animation is really bad, just unacceptable for a 3D fighting game these days. I would even be able to look past that but the game play is so retarded. You can press like 2 buttons and take off like 40-50% health in one blow that comes out almost instantly. There is no reason to do combos, just throw, side step, counter with two buttons.

I knew how the game looked and moved like from arcade vids long time ago. Still I'd like to play it. In old Samurai Shodowns also strong attack took shitload of health in one hit. It had slow startup.
Is the western 360 version censored? Cutting of limbs and all that?

Any news of it coming to PS3?


Sketchbook Picasso
GrayFoxPL said:
Yeah I love the clash system and others in 12. At least they could left that in in XIII.
Zoom too. I also didn't have problem with distances in XII, superjumped and run jumped like always, fireballed with Ash like an asshole too. I don't know what arstal really means.
The only true core thing that I didn't like is those single range normals. Fucking annoying.
Anyway lack of those features is what I mean when I say that XIII looks little archaic.

Getting around Ash's fireball / flame kiss explosions was a more more interesting thing than, say, the "Fireball jumped, oops, landed on a Shinkuu!" stuff of SFIV. When Ash started rapid-fire throwing those things, and with the proper kisses, clashing, rolling, hyper jumping... you had to make pretty good, quick decisions to avoid not getting hit by something. I think it was a pretty well- thought out game of proper spacing and speeds on the developers part.

I knew how the game looked and moved like from arcade vids long time ago. Still I'd like to play it. In old Samurai Shodowns also strong attack took shitload of health in one hit. It had slow startup.
Is the western 360 version censored? Cutting of limbs and all that?

Any news of it coming to PS3?

Western 360 is totally uncensored. Severing heads, chopping hands off, slashing bodies in messy halves... all that messy stuff. Samsho has always been a series that I think worked best when it was slightly "clunky", to be honest. Dedicating to a STRONG SLASH in Samsho was always more risky, and kept you planted for much longer, than more modern fighters. Quick techniques didn't do much damage, but made it much harder to those slow, mega-damaging techniques to land. You really had ot lure your opponent into putting their life on the line, to land the best blows.

And yet another person on my friends list gets this game. SO ODD. Why is this appearing better known than Battle Fantasia upon it's release? I guess it's the "Post SFIV" world of fighters...

Anyway, game has an "Only On 360!" stamp on it I believe, and was even shown at a Microsoft press event last year... SNKP also talked about how it was only coming to 360. I get the feeling Sony decided to pass on the game...


Yeah I'm interested in sen, but my 360 is covered in dust, I'm afraid it might explode after initial shock of booting up the game.

I played some XII(Fersis noticed and took me for a ride in his hype train - no bromance!) and I must say I don't know how I'll get around without zoom. It's just too much charm lost. They need to include it as an option.

I also must reconfirm it's the only game in the series when I like Athena. That old 70 anime style she's drawn is awesome. She always annoyed me out of my mind, pre-XII she acted, sounded and looked like a typical elitist high school whore who fucks only dumb guys that are into sports. Now she seems to be willing give head to anyone for a doughnut and a bag of chips. I like that.
GrayFoxPL said:
I also must reconfirm it's the only game in the series when I like Athena. That old 70 anime style she's drawn is awesome. She always annoyed me out of my mind, pre-XII she acted, sounded and looked like a typical elitist high school whore who fucks only dumb guys that are into sports. Now she seems to be willing give head to anyone for a doughnut and a bag of chips. I like that.

UMMM....yeah... :lol
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