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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Ok, i pasted the real-size sprites... Yeah, too small. Wouldn't fly. They look fine on the select screen, but on the actual background, it's like they're ants.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Guess they somehow thought back in 2005-2006 that 480p would be fine... Which makes me wonder about their management.


I'd rather just have the sprites at double their size, unfiltered, like so:



panda21 said:
didnt XII give you the option whether or not to filter them? presumably this will too

The thing is unfiltered those sprites are gonna look pretty messy at anything other than original or double size. They'd have to bring back the zoom in/zoom out as well...which i I guess could be doable.
jett said:
That character select screen is seriously ugly, get some decent graphic designers SNK...

I dunno.

I like it in that it's very straight forward and easy to navigate.

The one character select fad I want to die is that retarded Guilty Gear / BlazBlue
/ Smash Bros. (lol)
sliiiiiiiiiiiiiide this stupid cursor over the character you want bullshit. NO! One press of the stick = one move closer to picking the character I want.

The most annoying character select screen design decision - EVER!!


jett said:
The thing is unfiltered those sprites are gonna look pretty messy at anything other than original or double size. They'd have to bring back the zoom in/zoom out as well...which i I guess could be doable.

oh god yeah i forgot about that whole thing

personally i dont mind so much if they are messy because i like a bit of nasty pixel aliasing but it probably wont look as good as the zoomed ones.
Raging Spaniard said:
I love those huge sprites, the smaller ones are a downgrade :\

Yeah, but folks seem to have forgotten what sprites are / look like. So there was a ton of bitching about the KoF12 visuals.

Never mind the fact it was the best looking KoF game ever.

At the very least, it was a welcome change of pace from the massive sprite recycling SNK did year in, year out.


Frankfurt said:
Guess they somehow thought back in 2005-2006 that 480p would be fine... Which makes me wonder about their management.

You know they propably just figured it would be to much work to go full 720p, seeing as how bare bones XII was. The new sprites is still a big step compared to the older ones, and as far I'm concerned the best spritework in any game atm. I'm not completely satisfied with everything seen in XII/XIII, but sprite resolution is propably one of the smaller problems imho.
all the impressions are that the game looks gorgeous in person.....so I will take all those impressions to heart and say that the game looks great.

im thinking they might even have some sort of better filter, because I will admit, the game impress screens do look a bit blurry.


jett said:
Is KOFXII worth getting? I know it's barebones and has a broken online mode supposedly, but how about getting on the cheap, for like $20? I find myself playing the demo just looking at the pretty graphics. I also really like how it "feels". Is XIII similar to XII in this aspect?

BTW fuck all of the people that hated on XII's spritework. Now we're stuck with these zoomed-out, blurred-out sprites for XIII. :/
I'll get it after XIII comes out. It'll be dirt cheap by then. Just wanna add it to my collection.


jett said:
Nah they aren't fooling anyone, they don't look HD anyway, and they're just too small now, even smaller than pre-XII KOFs. And the widescreen aspect makes them appear even smaller. So much empty space now.

I don't care about the sprites' resolution, they pack a lot of detail, have excellent color shading and shadowing, and are awesomely animated. Other than resolution the spritework in KOFXII is so much better than BlazBlue it's not even funny to me. I want to see the pixels in all their glory!

Damn you haters, damn you to hell!

...anyway, I guess I should wait for XIII.

If you like pixels and skip XII you will always regret not enjoying its fucking awesome zoom for close combat and CC. I really hope they add the zoom option for XIII's console version.

Goro's Neomax is kind of meh :D

Some NM are great some just seem to be a bit 'forced'
Frankfurt said:
Ok, i pasted the real-size sprites... Yeah, too small. Wouldn't fly. They look fine on the select screen, but on the actual background, it's like they're ants.

Guess they somehow thought back in 2005-2006 that 480p would be fine... Which makes me wonder about their management.

We went over this a while back in the thread. Doing the sprites in 720p would mean they'd bankrupt themselves because it'd take twice as long to draw all the characters.


Sketchbook Picasso
Y'know, I've always thought of "HD" as meaning different things, since many games this gen don't even run in True Native High Def resolutions, thanks to upscaling.

All I want, is for the games to look like an evolution that I couldn't have played on older consoles. I want more attention to detail, to a level I couldn't have seen a generation back. I want more fluid animations, I want my attacks to be more defined, more detailed, I wanna see the next step.

XII and XIII achieve that. If they did go for a higher resolution, we'd have less detailed animation, less detailed lighting, crappier self shadow work... Is it really so hard to understand" No one else out there has taken on this graphic style, for these very reasons.

The closest thing out there to matching KoF's pixel style is, what, Vanguard Princess? And that's not even a commericial game.

Really makes me woner what happened to gaming in these past few years. Does resolution really dictate the public eyes ability to see artist at work? Seeing Shantae on a DS gets praises, seeing KoF XIII in HD gets complaints? Oboro Muramasa, with it's lower res, repeated-element backgrounds gets drooled over on Wii, but seeing XIII with backgrounds with loads and loads of unique characters and animations, with effects that are usually reserved for 3d, gets met with "Oh, I wish they did better..." style indifference?

Meh, I guess I'd just love to see these recent KoF's graphics be appreciated for how advanced they are, for their field. Imagine new Castlevania games with this level of animation, or a new Sonic game with such detailed spritework. Imagine a Megaman X game with characters this defined. Or Guardian Heroes, or Astal?

Ahhh, the possibilities...


Dark Machine said:
We went over this a while back in the thread. Doing the sprites in 720p would mean they'd bankrupt themselves because it'd take twice as long to draw all the characters.

What? That doesn't make sense, making a bigger sprite doesn't take "double the time", specially when they started from scratch.

What I think SNKP did think, was that why make the sprites 720 pixels high when we will shrink them to fit in a 720 pixels high image? Might as well do it smaller to make it fit properly in a 720p image without scaling.


I expected Iori's NM to be either a big-ass slash or a ranbu, as he has no powers to make a big explosion like most character's.

It looks pretty, but yeah, compared to most, it's a whimper.

I still think Mai's is far worse, though.

krakov said:
You know they propably just figured it would be to much work to go full 720p, seeing as how bare bones XII was. The new sprites is still a big step compared to the older ones, and as far I'm concerned the best spritework in any game atm. I'm not completely satisfied with everything seen in XII/XIII, but sprite resolution is propably one of the smaller problems imho.

Oh, i agree. I am fine with huge-ass pixelated sprites like XII. I'm saying it more on the perspective of making the game sell. If they tried to make 720p sprites at this level of detail, KOF XII would be still half-way into production.

They went with the alternative that allowed then more detailed, shaded sprites. But i wonder if they expected it to be such a massive turn off to audiences. There was a LOT of complaining about pixelation everywhere when XII came out. XBoxyde, Gametrailers, TeamXbox... basically every site that wasn't fighting game based. People saying they were "SNES graphics" and so on.

Truth is, they would probably would've turned a better profit with cheap BB-style sprites.

Dark Machine said:
We went over this a while back in the thread. Doing the sprites in 720p would mean they'd bankrupt themselves because it'd take twice as long to draw all the characters.

That's my point. Making them 720p with this level of detail = never finish the game, lose money. Making them at 480p = outdated, lose money. Make them 720p with little detail = dissapoint all the fans, make some money.

Either way, they lose (lost).

XIII seems to have a soft enough filter that people in the arcade aren't noticing it on-screen, only on screenshots. I just hope console players are as kind (they're usually not).

I'm really curious about how americans (both critics and consumers) will respond to KOF XIII.

-DarKaoZ- said:
What? That doesn't make sense, making a bigger sprite doesn't take "double the time", specially when they started from scratch.

I may be remembering wrong, but IIRC, it doesn't take twice. It takes four times.

Sprites are not made on Photoshop or Flash at high-res then shrinked. They're not drawn by hand. They're dotted. Pixel by pixel. More pixels = more dotting. SAB knows a lot more about this, so hopefully he'll show up.

But the short version = the bigger the resolution, the more time it takes.

And on something unrelated... I was thinking about how information passed about games, fighting games in particular, back in the arcade days. You would either read a note (or if you're lucky, feature) in a magazine then see the game later in your local arcade, or wait even further until the home version. I remember getting a call from a friend screaming about a "Fatal Fury versus Art of Fighting" game back in 1994, and all the characters and moves were discovered as we played.

Nowadays, the Neomaxes, Mai's boobs, secret characters, endings... They're all discovered months before the game is released, on youtube. I bet sales would be higher if things were like back then.


Am I the only one that thinks that they went 480p instead of 720p because of load times? I mean, this is KOF, you change character very often (not like classical 2/3 round games with the same character) so it would really hurt the experience if you had to wait + 10 seconds between rounds


tzare said:
Am I the only one that thinks that they went 480p instead of 720p because of load times? I mean, this is KOF, you change character very often (not like clasical 2 round games) so it would really hurt the experience if you had to wait + 10 seconds between rounds

I think the loading times of KOFXII and XIII are embarrassing frankly.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
jett said:
I think the loading times of KOFXII and XIII are embarrassing frankly.

My guess is that they arent using Scaleform just for the HUD and cutscenes.
I mean palette colored sprites dont take too much memory but the 5 seconds load times makes me think that the characters are actually flash movies played through Scaleform.
Or maybe they just have a messy asset manager.
Crazy theory i know.

EDIT: By the way, i would do some crazy stuff to see KOF13 tool chain and asset pipeline.

EDIT: If someone from SNKP is reading this ,please PM me.


Oh, and in those new vids from sugarboy, you can tell the pre-fight cutscenes are by the same artist that did the 2003 and XI select screen art. I love that guy. I think most people don't like his noses, though. :lol

Some facial expressions look almost like Nona, though. I wonder if Nona doodled them before or if it was just a conscious decision to follow his art direction.

Also, Athena's Neomax is the exact same idea as Mai's, but it looks so much better. Kukino said they're working on it still, so it'll probably look good in the final build, too.


Frankfurt said:
They went with the alternative that allowed then more detailed, shaded sprites. But i wonder if they expected it to be such a massive turn off to audiences. There was a LOT of complaining about pixelation everywhere when XII came out. XBoxyde, Gametrailers, TeamXbox... basically every site that wasn't fighting game based. People saying they were "SNES graphics" and so on.

Truth is, they would probably would've turned a better profit with cheap BB-style sprites.

Yeah, maybe. But still, is KOF really that big of a franchise? for the western console audience I mean? I still think XIII can do ok if it has a better set of features and a decent netcode, but it'll surely remain a niche title. Not sure 720p sprites would have helped XII a lot even if they managed to pull it off.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
krakov said:
Yeah, maybe. But still, is KOF really that big of a franchise? for the western console audience I mean? I still think XIII can do ok if it has a better set of features and a decent netcode, but it'll surely remain a niche title. Not sure 720p sprites would have helped XII a lot even if they managed to pull it off.

The anime fan crowd was the largest driver of Blazblue sales. They like KOF also. They just need a good KOF game to draw it out. Plus 2011 will be a year after Super, so people will hopefully be ready for something new. My big fear with XIII is a potential conflict with VF5FS- as real FG fans love both those franchises heavily.


Frankfurt said:
I may be remembering wrong, but IIRC, it doesn't take twice. It takes four times.

Sprites are not made on Photoshop or Flash at high-res then shrinked. They're not drawn by hand. They're dotted. Pixel by pixel. More pixels = more dotting. SAB knows a lot more about this, so hopefully he'll show up.

But the short version = the bigger the resolution, the more time it takes.

And on something unrelated... I was thinking about how information passed about games, fighting games in particular, back in the arcade days. You would either read a note (or if you're lucky, feature) in a magazine then see the game later in your local arcade, or wait even further until the home version. I remember getting a call from a friend screaming about a "Fatal Fury versus Art of Fighting" game back in 1994, and all the characters and moves were discovered as we played.

Nowadays, the Neomaxes, Mai's boobs, secret characters, endings... They're all discovered months before the game is released, on youtube. I bet sales would be higher if things were like back then.

I also do pixel artwork, I highly doubt they went pixel by pixel. You go Pixel by Pixel for details, but the bigger the resolution the more range for "errors" is given.
And by drawing the body, I doubt they actually did pixel by pixel, they just drew on top of the 3D model. Unless they are using a program that don't allow them to draw a line using a mouse or pen like you can in MS Paint, then I would understand the statement of doing a drawing pixel by pixel.

I can understand that Shading could take a bit more time, but we aren't talking about weeks, maybe 1 to 5 days more. And BlazBlue doesn't count as a example of "less characters because its 720p sprites", because Arcsys made this little amount of character not due to the sprites resolutions (which are 720p), but because it was a new franchise and they were doing a new cast. I bet if they did GGHD they could had pull all if not 80% of the GG cast in HD due to their lacky animations and shading.

My point is that higher resolution doesn't really take that long, specially if they did the sprites from scratch. But as I said, I think they opted for the options to not scale them, taking less ram to put that many animations in the screen. IIRC sprites take lots of ram, so that could be a reason they opted for a lower resolution in the sprites.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
arstal said:
The anime fan crowd was the largest driver of Blazblue sales. They like KOF also. They just need a good KOF game to draw it out. Plus 2011 will be a year after Super, so people will hopefully be ready for something new. My big fear with XIII is a potential conflict with VF5FS- as real FG fans love both those franchises heavily.
There are fake ones?! ;)

My point is that higher resolution doesn't really take that long, specially if they did the sprites from scratch. But as I said, I think they opted for the options to not scale them, taking less ram to put that many animations in the screen. IIRC sprites take lots of ram, so that could be a reason they opted for a lower resolution in the sprites.

If you store sprites as bitmaps it does take a lot of RAM.
Not so much if you store them as palette based sprites. (Besides you can compress them with RLE or somethin' like that.)


Fersis said:
There are fake ones?! ;)

Yeah, the ones that only play one franchise. Those are fake FG fans. :lol

FG Fans = play every fighting game they possibly can and try to learn it and get good at them if there is competition locally. Well IMO. :D


SSFIV arcade = ??? [ 2010 ]
VF5FS arcade = ??? [ 2010 ]
KOF XIII arcade = July & August 2010

BBCS console = Fall 2010
KOF XIII console = ???

Which other fighting games are there (and when) to clash with?


jett said:
I think the loading times of KOFXII and XIII are embarrassing frankly.

from the vids, i'd say that XIII has longer loading times than XII. XII loading times are just okay, well, i have a neogeocd so i guess i've had some awful experiences and abything is better than that :D

They should improve the loading black screen , dunno, it just feels boring. Some kind of transition would be welcome.


-DarKaoZ- said:
I also do pixel artwork, I highly doubt they went pixel by pixel. You go Pixel by Pixel for details, but the bigger the resolution the more range for "errors" is given.

I can understand that Shading could take a bit more time, but we aren't talking about weeks, maybe 1 to 5 days more.

One person making one KOF XII sprite: 16 months to complete.

Overall, it's a very hard process that could take 16 months for even an experienced designer to do alone. In terms of data, the character size is about four times larger [than in previous installments]. But when considering the extra errors that come about in doing the [bigger] pixel art, the trouble is more than four times what it used to be.


Both Nona and Kukino have said this over and over. Obviously, they had more than one guy working per character to save time, but it's a lot more work and time.

The Anniversary site even breaks each step down in days, weeks and months per step.


Sketchbook Picasso
Frankfurt said:
I may be remembering wrong, but IIRC, it doesn't take twice. It takes four times.

Sprites are not made on Photoshop or Flash at high-res then shrinked. They're not drawn by hand. They're dotted. Pixel by pixel. More pixels = more dotting. SAB knows a lot more about this, so hopefully he'll show up.

But the short version = the bigger the resolution, the more time it takes.

Pretty much said what I'd say, lol. You screenshot from earlier (http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4528/kofxiiicomparison.jpg) Illustrates it perfectly too. Look at how sharp that tiny Kim and Andy look. Then imagine blowing that up. It'd have to have even MORE detail, image by image. Dot By Dot.

It's different with something like Blazblue, -DarKaoZ-, all they have to do at higher res is use the same thing, saved at sharper resolution. They already draw them much bigger than seen in game, since that's how vector art works. It scales up and down with no loss of clarity. So it's not THAT much more work, unless they want it to be. Higher res consoles = catching up to the resolution they're already drawing in.

But for pixel art, you have to draw the clarity you want. As it gets bigger, you have to put more time into the same elements. Old pixel art was so well animated because the artist where making something fairly small; moving piece, dot by dot, across, say, 20 dots, looked very smooth. But to do the same thing at high res now, at 720p... imagine moving the same dot a few hundred spaces, to get the same smoothness that 20 used to give. An eye that was four dots before would be like 60 or so now.

And on something unrelated... I was thinking about how information passed about games, fighting games in particular, back in the arcade days. You would either read a note (or if you're lucky, feature) in a magazine then see the game later in your local arcade, or wait even further until the home version. I remember getting a call from a friend screaming about a "Fatal Fury versus Art of Fighting" game back in 1994, and all the characters and moves were discovered as we played.

Nowadays, the Neomaxes, Mai's boobs, secret characters, endings... They're all discovered months before the game is released, on youtube. I bet sales would be higher if things were like back then.

A shame, I know. There where lots of things we didn't even get to SEE back then, until we got the game at home, and got to tear into it ourselves. Now hundreds of people repost videos all over the internet of almost everything the game has... kills a lot of the "Look what I found out!" fun out of it all. I remember being the only guy in my arcade who knew of the SD transformations in Samurai Shodown II... Or wondering if I SHOULD use the suicide moves and just give up my quaters on a losing match... or actually being suprised at the twist in RPGs... it's all so different now.

tzare said:
Am I the only one that thinks that they went 480p instead of 720p because of load times? I mean, this is KOF, you change character very often (not like classical 2/3 round games with the same character) so it would really hurt the experience if you had to wait + 10 seconds between rounds

I could believe it being partially right. 2D games are resource hogs. Modern day systems aren't made for this. If they used 3D backgrounds, load times could have been cut considerably. They could have made lots of artistic / style compromises if they really wanted to optimize loading.

But they used 2D, loads of unique spectator sprites, and now, even changing backgrounds! I really don't care that it has load times, especially with the ability to install, because what I'm waiting for it worth it. Installed, it ALMOST loads as fast as cartridge based games.

But yes, their decisions aren't themed to making the fastest loading game, the most cost effective 2D game, or anything that abides by the status quo. They're making the sharpest sprite-based 2D fighter they can, the evolution of what we played in the 90's on arcade cabinets, and pared-down on Cart-based systems (unless it was a Neo Geo!)

They're spending more time per element, selling them at less cost per unit (when it comes to home consoles VS arcade hardware) and selling to a much smaller potential audience (since they're making something that is mostly targeting hardcore players, rather than any average joe with 25/50 cents.)

If SNKP ever made a new Cart system that allowed, say, 2gig Cartridges at Max, I wonder what kinda Sprite games we'd be able to have then... (You know, after they spent 14 years making one! :lol) They'd probably cost as much as arcade boards...


tzare said:
from the vids, i'd say that XIII has longer loading times than XII. XII loading times are just okay, well, i have a neogeocd so i guess i've had some awful experiences and abything is better than that :D

They should improve the loading black screen , dunno, it just feels boring. Some kind of transition would be welcome.

If they were smart they would stream/pre-load the next two characters during rounds. It's fucking obvious to me!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
jett said:
If they were smart they would stream/pre-load the next two characters during rounds. It's fucking obvious to me!
Maybe they cant fit four characters at the time? Add the background and their gazillion little animations and some of the FXs.

Dunno really.... maybe they just dont have a streaming solution? You know, old school. :lol


Frankfurt said:
One person making one KOF XII sprite: 16 months to complete.


Both Nona and Kukino have said this over and over. Obviously, they had more than one guy working per character to save time, but it's a lot more work and time.

The Anniversary site even breaks each step down in days, weeks and months per step.

That is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about RESOLUTION, the only thing that those pages are talking about is how they opted to do Pixel by Pixel over Vectors and 3D Poligons. They in no where talk about why they pick the resolution they pick for the sprites, they don't even mention how long it would take if they had made the sprites bigger aka 720pixels high.

What we only know is that it takes "4 times more" to be done, well that is obvious by the amount of detail and animation frames they want to pull out of the sprites. But I doubt it has to do with the 480p resolution they pick, it would take about the same time to finish if they had started doing the sprites at 720p. The 480p resolution on the sprites must have been a bad decision or a mistake, or a miss understanding of the hardware, I don't know, but I hardly doubt it would be a HUGE difference if they had started doing the sprites at 720p instead of 480p.

SAB CA said:
It's different with something like Blazblue, -DarKaoZ-, all they have to do at higher res is use the same thing, saved at sharper resolution. They already draw them much bigger than seen in game, since that's how vector art works. It scales up and down with no loss of clarity. So it's not THAT much more work, unless they want it to be. Higher res consoles = catching up to the resolution they're already drawing in.

Wait... what? People still believe BlazBlue is Vector Art!? :lol

Blazblue is done with 720 pixel high sprites, you can't see the sprite pixelation that much because the sprites are been resized lower than 720p. They do that because the image the game produces is 720 pixels high, you don't want a sprite to cover all the screen right?

I still don't get where people get the idea that BlazBlue uses Vector arts, but they are sprites, I remember Arksys even posted how they did the sprites, which is basically the same way that SNKP is doing the KOF12/13 sprites. The only difference is that ArkSys opted to shade in an anime style, in other words, not using the shading from the 3Dmodel, and just do it where they believe it should go. Using only 3 or 4 different color shades from 1 color max, KOF sprites are using up to 7 shades of colors sometimes.


Fersis said:
Maybe they cant fit four characters at the time? Add the background and their gazillion little animations and some of the FXs.

Dunno really.... maybe they just dont have a streaming solution? You know, old school. :lol

Isn't KOFXII just 700MB? These consoles can store a third of the entire game on memory. :p Hell the demo is just 80MB and it takes forever for the fight to load. It's just broken ass programming.


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:
Wait... what? People still believe BlazBlue is Vector Art!? :lol

Blazblue is done with 720 pixel high sprites, you can't see the sprite pixelation that much because the sprites are been resized lower than 720p. They do that because the image the game produces is 720 pixels high, you don't want a sprite to cover all the screen right?

I still don't get where people get the idea that BlazBlue uses Vector arts, but they are sprites, I remember Arksys even posted how they did the sprites, which is basically the same way that SNKP is doing the KOF12/13 sprites. The only difference is that ArkSys opted to shade in an anime style, in other words, not using the shading from the 3Dmodel, and just do it where they believe it should go. Using only 3 or 4 different color shades from 1 color max, KOF sprites are using up to 7 shades of colors sometimes.

Blazblue looks the same as HD remix style of art, just much better animated, and with nicer linework. I have seen rasterized looking captures of the sprites, but I also remember seeing images of GGXX drawn in Photoshop (or something of the sort) years back. See no reason why they'd suddenly do it a different way.

Frankfurt is good at finding refs for these kind of things, so if there is anything out there that shows BB's sprite creation, I'll leave that to him. :D

No need discussing anything at this level without confirmation of one way or the other ^_^ But I'd doubt SNKP would make as big a deal over their pixelwork, if BB was ALSO doing it the same way. But no proof to prove either point! So I won't say any more on that yet...


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
I played a bunch of KOF13 on Sunday while it was on location test, and I really enjoyed it. KOF12 I thought was boring from the beginning and I felt that the CC engine was not all that interesting, but KOF13's new system is fun to use and makes a hell of a lot more sense than the CC system. Having said that the only two things that irked me were the size of the characters -- they're too small on screen -- and the game is a tad slow. If they made the characters slightly bigger and sped up the game, it's gonna be really fun to play this.


Oichi said:
I played a bunch of KOF13 on Sunday while it was on location test, and I really enjoyed it. KOF12 I thought was boring from the beginning and I felt that the CC engine was not all that interesting, but KOF13's new system is fun to use and makes a hell of a lot more sense than the CC system. Having said that the only two things that irked me were the size of the characters -- they're too small on screen -- and the game is a tad slow. If they made the characters slightly bigger and sped up the game, it's gonna be really fun to play this.

Thats good impressions, hopefully its fun and not "broken". For some reason it looks broken, unless there is something I don't know. I'm hype about this game, but I also want it to be competitive.
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