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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


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Frankfurt said:
Delicious 720 and 1080p videos:


Is there any good, fully working online Youtube downloader out there? I used to use Keepvid, but it isn't working anymore.

Beaten. ^___^

Both yeah, good looking stuff.

EDIT: Nope, dunno about Youtube downloaders sorry.


Frankfurt said:
Delicious 720 and 1080p videos:


Is there any good, fully working online Youtube downloader out there? I used to use Keepvid, but it isn't working anymore.


I use Orbit to grab vids, works really well.

Man the gameplay looks tight as hell. Love the vibrant backgrounds and hopefully I'll be able to get a team I like going so I can get back into KOF.


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Blog Updated with Ash gameplay information

Also there are new screenshots and the Garou team story.

Translation by Toxico from Mad Man Cafe:

Toxico said:
About Ash : (big resume here, I won't go into details).

They speak of how the effects of the Sans Culottes change the "focus" of the character, that it changes the 'balance' between his offensive and defensive, since you don't need to charge while you are under his effect. (Their are basically, saying in the most beautifully way possible that the moves does, what it did in 03' or XI).

Germinal effect is still there, but not it works differently: The victim won't be able to use neither power bar nor hyper drive gauge for a while. (the site includes a pic of Germinal).

His Neo Max is called フリュティドール (Fructidor?) And was designed with the idea of "destroying an enemy". I think it reads that they are considering modifying this move a little from the loke test version (演出面では、ロケテストバージョンからもう少し調整を加えようかと思っています).

They are also speaking of how they have worked for you to work on traps with his EX moves & his slow moving but easy to use Thermidor


Good quality footage here


Translation of an earlier Loketest blog post by Cyberfanatix member YasakanHeir
Mr. Kukino said:
Hello, it's Kukino.

I would like to thank all of you who came, last weekend, to the location tests in Tokyo's Shinjuku and Osaka's Nanba!

What did you think of the refined Takuma, the cool beauty Vice and the mad Hwa-Jai?
And of course, the NeoMAX SDMs!
Did you enjoy them?

Personally, while I was working on the development of these moves, I can't tell how many times I went like "Woooooohooo, Badass!".
The way these supers are unleashed and the way you get hit, have a considerable "mental damage" on your opponent... especially when a crowd is watching.
As soon as you enter in Hyper Drive Mode, you can feel he's wondering "Will it come out? Will it? Damn it, he got me!!"

During the loketests, it was a relief and so much delight for everyone in the development team to see the look on people's faces whether the ones playing or the others waiting in the lines, when NeoMAXs were used. I couldn't help but feel happy.
Some of my favorites are Kim's and Athena's. Well, There's still more to come to Athena's NM's enjoyment...
Anyway, be sure to try it fully!

Like always, based on your valuable opinions expressed in each time's questionnaires, we will be sure to relentlessly keep working on the game until the end.
Please look forward to it!

I'm really sorry for troubling you with yet another update about players with no new info.

Also, loketests are being organized across the country!
Everyone in Tokyo, -with the exception of Osaka-, be sure to take a taste of the hot KOF XIII at your nearest loketest store!
I too will be heading to the one near home!!!

Vice NeoMAX,same as Mature just that she shows her hawt back


Fersis said:
Ill send a PSN friend request tonight.
I need some crazy SNK fans on my friend list. ;)

Great :), i had to send you one too some time ago but when i get home from work my mind goes blank and forget everything i had to do :D

I have some friends that still wait for they GAF account to be validated that will join the KOF hype train as soon as they can post :D


I may be alone in this, but could we please stop with this "Don't think. Feeeeeeeeeeeel."?
I can't stand it anymore.

Dev quoted Bruce Lee, ok it's cool, but do we have to turn it into koff meme?

It just doesn't feel right. It's like putting "I'll be back." or "Hasta la vista" as a meme to some random sf FPS. Eesh. It's old shit and it already has it's place.

If we have to have a meme, couldn't it be something original?

Sorry about bitching but every time I see "FEEEEEEEEEELLL" I just can't help not to clench my fists.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
-DarKaoZ- said:
I think I have Fersis in my friend list, but I haven't seen him online. :lol
Oh i forgot i changed PSN ID when my PS3 died.
Ill add you tonight. (I have to add tzare too)

GrayFoxPL said:
I may be alone in this, but could we please stop with this "Don't think. Feeeeeeeeeeeel."?
I can't stand it anymore.

Dev quoted Bruce Lee, ok it's cool, but do we have to turn it into koff meme?

It just doesn't feel right. It's like putting "I'll be back." or "Hasta la vista" as a meme to some random sf FPS. Eesh. It's old shit and it already has it's place.

If we have to have a meme, couldn't it be something original?

Sorry about bitching but every time I see "FEEEEEEEEEELLL" I just can't help not to clench my fists.

Ha you tought i was going to write 'feel it' here huh?



Sketchbook Picasso
So... a mobile phone battleship game with pervy tendecies? That... probably is really a great way to get KoF into the japanese markets minds, heh.

Find it funny to see Leona on the title (makese sense, it is a battleship game...) Yet nowhere in those screens.

Wonder if this has anything to do with the sinking shops at the end of KoF XI? That'd be... very... I dunno!

Oh Japan... (;-_-) I'd be perfeclty happy to play a semi-serious game like this without Momoko stripping ( o_O)


Hey, did the Iori team story translation ever get posted here?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
You wanted K'?


Speaking of awesome: His Team Song!!!


Check out those glasses.
We're going to see lots of K' awesomeness in tomorrow's loketest.

EDIT: I dont have a flash decompiler right now, so if anyone is kind enough to get the K' Team MP3 it would rock.


Sketchbook Picasso
Geeze. He looks so cool! It's like the first time of seeing K' all over again. His theme reminds me of his original team theme, mixed with a bit of the "ghostly" sound of certain Esaka-related remixes.

Good to see he has his fireball + attack branches, as well as already having 2 DMs. Showin' the hero of the NEST saga some RESPECT!

Did I mention he looks freakin' cool? Basic stance and SHADES deliver. Can't wait to see him fight!

And you know, the more I see of Vice in good quality play vids, the more well rounded she looks. I thought I saw her do her goofy arm shuffle while walking backwards in one battle, but couldn't tell much since most motions where just jumping. Most of the "shared" normals Vice has, are actually unique to her now, as Mature got back many of her own. And then things like jumping C & Jump and ground CD are uniquely Vice's old attacks as well.

Do hope we get to see an improved Hwa though! Loketest hype! SSFIV is fun, but I still don't agree with all of Capcoms game decisions, so if anything, it's just making me wish I could get my hands on this sooner... I would love for XIII's lobby, matchmaking, and spectator systems to work as great as SuperIV's! XII already has the basic framework...


Fersis said:
You wanted K'?


Speaking of awesome: His Team Song!!!


Check out those glasses.
We're going to see lots of K' awesomeness in tomorrow's loketest.

EDIT: I dont have a flash decompiler right now, so if anyone is kind enough to get the K' Team MP3 it would rock.

That's perfect. Fuck!

I was afraid they'd fuck him up somehow, but they menaged to do the impossible - make him even cooler.

That's the shit we needed SNKP!


This thread needs more K art!



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* Waits for Kula to be a K' headswap * ;)

Yah, K' looks so boss.
GrayFoxPL said:
That's perfect. Fuck!

I was afraid they'd fuck him up somehow, but they menaged to do the impossible - make him even cooler.

That's the shit we needed SNKP!

Indeed my favorite KOF character is looking good. Now we just need to see some solid loketest footage of him. Also please note he will take those shades off. To bad it'll likely be the last thing his opponent sees. I wonder if they can top his LDM from KOF XI


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Someone with a Flash decompiler could get the K' Team Song?
Its so badass.


Sketchbook Picasso
Am I the only one hoping for 2002UM style Crimson Star Road? There's something so incredibly awesome about destroying your opponent with your thumbs-down of disapproval.

And I really wonder what he's gonna say when KO'd, since Shen has been saying his classic line JUST LIKE HIM since XII...


Whine Whine FADC Troll
SAB CA said:
And you know, the more I see of Vice in good quality play vids, the more well rounded she looks. I thought I saw her do her goofy arm shuffle while walking backwards in one battle, but couldn't tell much since most motions where just jumping. Most of the "shared" normals Vice has, are actually unique to her now, as Mature got back many of her own. And then things like jumping C & Jump and ground CD are uniquely Vice's old attacks as well.

So Vice got new normals? She needs her classic stand D in the game at least. To me that's Vice. qcb+K should be in as well, no idea why they took that out.

Hwa Jai could be a neat character if he got more stuff to make him different.

I just hope SNK actually finishes this game and reworks those chars a bit more. If this is potentially their last effort, it needs to be the best KOF ever. It has the potential right now, seriouslly.

That K' theme, it's just right except that it's missing the traditional riff. The old K' theme to me is modern KOF more then any other tune in the series.

Plus Maxima's usually one of my mains, so that doesn't hurt. I like K' and Maxima, not so much Kula (but a tweaked Kula gameplaywise I'd like)
arstal said:
I just hope SNK actually finishes this game and reworks those chars a bit more. If this is potentially their last effort, it needs to be the best KOF ever. It has the potential right now, seriouslly.

What's the general consensus of the game's release? Isn't the arcade release due by the end of summer unless I read that wrong somewhere?


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Urban Scholar said:
What's the general consensus of the game's release? Isn't the arcade release due by the end of summer unless I read that wrong somewhere?

It's in SBO, SBO is Sept 10. They gotta have qualifiers

July or early August at latest. Hopefully SNK gets the bugs worked out and chars fleshed out by then.


Urban Scholar said:
Indeed my favorite KOF character is looking good. Now we just need to see some solid loketest footage of him. Also please note he will take those shades off. To bad it'll likely be the last thing his opponent sees. I wonder if they can top his LDM from KOF XI

I don't think he'll take them of other then for chain drive... Unless you ment just that, lol.

I was looking at hongkong kof manhwa KOF XENON where K' fighting Mukai transformed in some super duper form. The design was pretty good. I even thought snkp could take it into consideration, but it's good we got this version.

Btw. My favorite K' moves:

Blackout, Chain Drive and Air Trigger.

I hope he doesn't have his shoryu reppa from XI.


Fersis said:
You wanted K'?


Speaking of awesome: His Team Song!!!

Check out those glasses.
We're going to see lots of K' awesomeness in tomorrow's loketest.

EDIT: I dont have a flash decompiler right now, so if anyone is kind enough to get the K' Team MP3 it would rock.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
rvy said:
I was having a rough morning (Family issues), thanks for giving me a chuckle. :D


Sketchbook Picasso
arstal said:
So Vice got new normals? She needs her classic stand D in the game at least. To me that's Vice. qcb+K should be in as well, no idea why they took that out.

Hwa Jai could be a neat character if he got more stuff to make him different.

I just hope SNK actually finishes this game and reworks those chars a bit more. If this is potentially their last effort, it needs to be the best KOF ever. It has the potential right now, seriouslly.

That K' theme, it's just right except that it's missing the traditional riff. The old K' theme to me is modern KOF more then any other tune in the series.

Plus Maxima's usually one of my mains, so that doesn't hurt. I like K' and Maxima, not so much Kula (but a tweaked Kula gameplaywise I'd like)

Last I heard her close D was just a single hit so far, but otherwise Vice and Mature are fairly unique normal wise in XIII. I'd love to see it grow. Oddly enough, Mature seems to have Vice's 98 kick normals... and Vice has Mature's XII kick normals. I think I saw her 98 forward walk as her XIII back walk, that's... odd. And her Splash throw wiff takes her into her old "Lay along the ground" pose, which is strange but cool.

I'm ok with losing Outrage or Rave Fest, since Da Cide looks so nice now. I never felt those kicks "worked" the way I wanted them too (Maybe they do in 2002UM?), but I would love to see how nicely they'd work with EX. I'd prefer a modified Blackener in the end though, I just enjoy her throw-based specials + followups more.

Give Hwa Jai drunken Normals/Command normals, and I'd fully be on his hype train. I don't think Joe can cancel his f+b anymore, but Hwa obviously can, so I hope they increase the differences.

Polish, SNKP(olish)! Once the rest of the K' team gets here, I'd actually be happy just to see refinements of what's there, over additional characters. While I know they're looking at character request in loketest, I hope they're also looking at move useage, character reception, and emergent gameplay styles.


WoW, K' looooks fucking awesome, and i never liked him very much.

Now it is time to show the rest of the team SNK. I never followed KOF after 98 so i don't know too much about Kula/Whip/Maxima. I wish that Yashiro or/and Yamazaki joined K's team but that may be impossible due to storylines (which i never followed to be fair)

Oh, i got fersis on PSN :D he will taste my Guile while we wait for the return of the King :D
GrayFoxPL said:
I may be alone in this, but could we please stop with this "Don't think. Feeeeeeeeeeeel."?
I can't stand it anymore.

Dev quoted Bruce Lee, ok it's cool, but do we have to turn it into koff meme?

It just doesn't feel right. It's like putting "I'll be back." or "Hasta la vista" as a meme to some random sf FPS. Eesh. It's old shit and it already has it's place.

If we have to have a meme, couldn't it be something original?

Sorry about bitching but every time I see "FEEEEEEEEEELLL" I just can't help not to clench my fists.

Bruce Lee?

Fuck that guy!

SNK invented the remix.


Sketchbook Picasso
The Take Out Bandit said:
<2001 looking out into space gif here>

Are they adding elements to the backgrounds? I don't recall the banner in the England stage or the police officers previously.

I think some things are just easier to see now, too... since these vids are from a few days back, and not even from the Loketest from Taiwan that's on today.

I do remember seeing the cops before though. I love how that stage starts off subdued and misty, then gets brighter in the 2nd round, only to get even brighter in the 3rd. The background buildings are barely visable in the first round, even... so subtle, but so nice when you can really sit and compare.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Take Out Bandit said:
<2001 looking out into space gif here>

Are they adding elements to the backgrounds? I don't recall the banner in the England stage or the police officers previously.
They've been adding stuff to each loketest.
Like the small interactions on stage when a fighter is knocked down or the stagechanges between rounds.

Also in one of the latest blog posts they said they're going to change some NeoMAX FXs.
SNKP being awesome.
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