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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Same old song and dance.

I will (continue) to wait for official confirmation that a home version of XIII is coming. I have lost all faith in SNK at this point.
General Shank-a-snatch said:
I was also wondering how SNKP kept their heads above water, they really had some shoddy business with SNKP USA and Ignition EU. You'd think Japanese text heavy niche RPGs on the PSP (the kind that makes you wonder who the Christ would buy it) are way more difficult to release in the Western world than fighting games, it seems that anything can be done if the companies involved are dedicated enough.
They kept their heads above water by making much more profitable pachislot games.


They should just go the Arcana Heart 3 method. Put it up for download on PSN, PC, and Xbox live for $30.00-$40.00, and call it a day.
Lyte Edge said:
Same old song and dance.

I will (continue) to wait for official confirmation that a home version of XIII is coming. I have lost all faith in SNK at this point.

i haven't lost faith, but i'm not hyped either. i fear my reflexes will be dying down by the time this gets released ;)


Viewlix cabinets have HDTV input lag, and XIII has two different input lag settings to try and make the lag bearable. It's not that the game has friendly buffer windows like BB (where they built the game around those).


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Frankfurt said:
Viewlix cabinets have HDTV input lag, and XIII has two different input lag settings to try and make the lag bearable. It's not that the game has friendly buffer windows like BB (where they built the game around those).
Thanks for the info buddy.

* Crosses fingers for good netcode *


why does it feel like this game is taking forever to come out? Street Fighter IV already had two more iterations and MvC3 came out before it.


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LiK said:
why does it feel like this game is taking forever to come out? Street Fighter IV already had two more iterations and MvC3 came out before it.
Smaller team? KOFXII ?

But yeah... patience my good man.
LiK said:
why does it feel like this game is taking forever to come out? Street Fighter IV already had two more iterations and MvC3 came out before it.
Well to be fair, the game has been out in arcades for quite a while now. It's just the console port that's in question, and it could just be a scenario where they want ample time for Arcade operators to recuperate their funds like the case with Tekken 6 BR


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_dementia said:
Well to be fair, the game has been out in arcades for quite a while now. It's just the console port that's in question, and it could just be a scenario where they want ample time for Arcade operators to recuperate their funds like the case with Tekken 6 BR
Yup specially after KOFXII.
SAB CA said:
Edit: I do wonder if his grasp on the "Input lag" thing makes sense, though. I wanna interpet it as ultimately meaning "This game has input buffers that are online friendly!", similiar to BB, which will help the online anyway... reguardless of netcode. But it's not really saying "we're using rollback tech!" or anything of that sort...

I remember seeing the service menu when they were setting up the cabinets for the Stunfest finals. There's an option that reads something like "Reduce Input Delay". I'm assuming this is what he's talking about: online play on the console version would use that option or a variation of it and let the latency from the connection make up for what you usually have offline, making the difference between online and offline play less noticeable.

In any case, it should help with laggy monitors too.


I really wanted to play this game before Chinatown Fair closed down. I think Henry Cen has one at Next Level, but apparently it's under construction/not opened to normal people or something like that. I'm not even sure anymore.


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So im checking the E3 floor plan, no SNKPlaymore but some of the possible publishers will be there:

- Konami: Booth 2423 (South Hall)
- Atlus: Booth OFMR8301
- Ignition: Booth 5500

E3 website

Fersis said:
So im checking the E3 floor plan, no SNKPlaymore but some of the possible publishers will be there:

- Konami: Booth 2423 (South Hall)
- Atlus: Booth OFMR8301
- Ignition: Booth 5500

E3 website

It would be surprising to see Ignition publish it after XII


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KOFXIII will be released thats all it matters.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
rvy said:
I still don't get if you're in a state of denial or if you know something we don't...
Im a SNK fanboy... does that tell you anything? ;)
I know they got to kept arcade owners happy but man it's been so long and to make matters worst they going to bring out the game with no patches.
Which is a load of trash but i really want to play KOF again so day 1.
Rahxephon91 said:
Shane mentioned they have some Japanese games to announce at E3 on the last 8-4 podcast. So anythings possible.
Yeah, I just thought about that. I had listened to the podcast this morning.
We'll see!


XII was renowned for being bad... XIII definitely doesn't seem that way, so I'm sure the situation would be a lot better for a release here.
Still baffling that EVO contacted SNKP several times leading up to the announcement of the games showing on the main stage, and SNK never bothered to call back.

It's one of the best ways to showcase your fighter on a pretty grand scale, and they completely let it pass.

Criminal Upper said:
Still baffling that EVO contacted SNKP several times leading up to the announcement of the games showing on the main stage, and SNK never bothered to call back.

It's one of the best ways to showcase your fighter on a pretty grand scale, and they completely let it pass.


Oh yes that's right I remember an EVO organizer mentioned this. I don't understand as well, best way to hype it is in front of the very people salivating for it. I certainly hope it isn't a lack of confidence on their product. I mean KOF 13 blows 12 out of the water.


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fates said:
But the past page is mostly doubt of a release D:
Why do people keep doubting about the release?
Criminal Upper said:
Still baffling that EVO contacted SNKP several times leading up to the announcement of the games showing on the main stage, and SNK never bothered to call back.

It's one of the best ways to showcase your fighter on a pretty grand scale, and they completely let it pass.


SNK just don't seem to give a fuck .


gundamkyoukai said:
SNK just don't seem to give a fuck .

As was mentioned above, it was basically a Catch-22.

If SNKP lifted the lid on console plans to any significant degree, then that would do more to piss off the arcade operators who they JUST got back into good standing with. And that was not something that they could likely afford to have happen, especially if the company wants to continue making arcade games, and not bow down to the new head honcho's desire to just make Pachislot games.
Criminal Upper said:
Still baffling that EVO contacted SNKP several times leading up to the announcement of the games showing on the main stage, and SNK never bothered to call back.

It's one of the best ways to showcase your fighter on a pretty grand scale, and they completely let it pass.


i wish somebody could find out why snkp act like they do. there must be a reason, nobody can be this dense.
TreIII said:
As was mentioned above, it was basically a Catch-22.

If SNKP lifted the lid on console plans to any significant degree, then that would do more to piss off the arcade operators who they JUST got back into good standing with. And that was not something that they could likely afford to have happen, especially if the company wants to continue making arcade games, and not bow down to the new head honcho's desire to just make Pachislot games.
Nailed it.


Augemitbutter said:
i wish somebody could find out why snkp act like they do. there must be a reason, nobody can be this dense.

Maybe they are so poor they can't buy a ticket. Who knows if they still have electricity and hot water.

It pains me to say it, but I think SNK is going to be dead ...again, but this time for good. Unless Capcom buys them for a pair of damp schoolgirl panties and a kiss from a hooker.(Could be the same person)

To be honest I don't like the idea of Capcomized SNK titles, but hey if you must, then you must, right?


Sketchbook Picasso
Let us watch a vid of some quality gameplay:

Robert's creative combo was pretty awesome!


I think it's pretty easy to trust that XIII is coming, by this point. Just sucks having to wait.

Everytime I see Raiden now-a-days, in current gameplay... sure, he's still insanely strong, but it's not really that bad. He very rarely ever decides the whole match. K' is crazy strong, but most of the time, he only REALLY is a huge problem, when the players are uneven in skill.

And then you see things like Ash's crazy Buff -> HD Mode -> Buff combos, Takuma's HD Mode-less corner beatdowns, Athena's Psycho sword Mid-screen combos fest, and the crazy mixum pressure Yuri can deliver with high-speed resets, and the ability to combo after her Neomax...

I'm pretty good with the console release starting at 1.1, given all that. Games change when open to the masses, what Japanese players pick up doesn't dictate was online masses pick up, and new issues could be revealed under new players.

I'm kinda happy that they actually seemed to LEARN something from XII's quick-as-can-be Arcade-to-Console release. It's a sign of insanity to do the same thing over and over... and they release of XIII, from quality, to content, to release, is as far different from XII as can be.

It's kinda hard worrying about the date of release for one game, when you know 1 more mess-up could end games coming from the company at all (X_X)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
SAB CA said:
I'm kinda happy that they actually seemed to LEARN something from XII's quick-as-can-be Arcade-to-Console release. It's a sign of insanity to do the same thing over and over... and they release of XIII, from quality, to content, to release, is as far different from XII as can be.

The thing is, it isn't just XII. There was also that piece of shit Samurai Spirits Sen before it. And then they screwed up on KOF '98 UM on XBLA. And they released two versions of 2002 UM -on PS2- the latter of which did not remove some of the bugs/update the changes to fully match the Tougeki version.

I've said this before...go back a few years, and you will not have found a bigger SNK fan here than me. They are past having gone downhill and it's going to take a lot for me to have a lot of faith in them again.

Still waiting for official confirmation of a XIII home release. It's vaporware until then. Some guy on a podcast is not enough, sorry.

And MAN I wish they'd make some new titles/sequels instead of just KOF. More Garou/Fatal Fury, please.
Lyte Edge said:
And MAN I wish they'd make some new titles/sequels instead of just KOF. More Garou/Fatal Fury, please.

The fact its taking KOF13 console forever is indicative that they can't even fund those thoughts. Perhaps its also a matter of generating interest.
From a gameplay perspective, someone tell me what was wrong with XII.

Every game has its quirks but I don't understand how XII is a bad game.


^IMO, XII's system needs some refining; pressing HP or HK to activate a custom combo system on counter hit reduces it's usefulness. Furthermore, damage output in the game seemed pretty low.
If the custom combo system were say QCF+(HP+HK) but with some handicap to landing it (like say a slow non-invincible start-up) it would've been better.
Combo-wise I like that you can combo into the HP+HK, with Ryo, you could do say-
Jump HP/HK-->St. HP, HP+HK-->Flying Kick-->Ranbu
There are other examples, but I wish they'd taken the game's system and refinded it, rather than go back to using a combination of KoF 2001 and 02's system in XIII.

GrayFoxPL said:
Maybe they are so poor they can't buy a ticket. Who knows if they still have electricity and hot water.

It pains me to say it, but I think SNK is going to be dead ...again, but this time for good. Unless Capcom buys them for a pair of damp schoolgirl panties and a kiss from a hooker.(Could be the same person)

To be honest I don't like the idea of Capcomized SNK titles, but hey if you must, then you must, right?
What about Arc Systems? Why does everyone think Capcom when it comes to SNK's future?
Also Capcomized SNK> SNKized Capcom, and just for reference, CvSNK 2>SvC Chaos (aka KoF: Capcom edition)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Rahxephon91 said:
No one needs to buy SNK.

Fixed. Let SNK die. They've been dead for years. SNK's shambling corpse known as SNK/Suckmore should finally die, damn it.
_dementia said:
While it didn't go as poorly for Taito as I would have thought, LOL WAT
They seem to let each company they buy do their own thing, plus they have Taito so that should help on the arcade front. Seems like a perfect choice to me.

TheSeks said:
Fixed. Let SNK die. They've been dead for years. SNK's shambling corpse known as SNK/Suckmore should finally die, damn it.
I likeed KoF XII, so I'm fine with them staying around even if they release 1 new game every so often.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lyte Edge said:
Still waiting for official confirmation of a XIII home release. It's vaporware until then. Some guy on a podcast is not enough, sorry.

And MAN I wish they'd make some new titles/sequels instead of just KOF. More Garou/Fatal Fury, please.
There was an official confirmation by SNKPlaymore USA during a fighting game tourney to an iPlaywinner folk.

Agreed GAROU 2 please!

TheSeks said:
Fixed. Let SNK die. They've been dead for years. SNK's shambling corpse known as SNK/Suckmore should finally die, damn it.
They make money with pachislots.. so yeah theres the chance of SNKPlaymore closes the gaming studio.
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