It seems like you need this, it's how the game interprets commands.Holy shit the execution is this game is intense...
time to finally level up my execution big time.
I can't do shit outside of Quarter Circles.
Nice Looking game...
sucks that most of the characters I wanted to play happen to be charge characters...I suck at that.
This will be the game that helps me get better...I hope.
Kyo's trial 9 is owning me. I can't get the tiger knee super part.
For practice, I just run through the trials and get these motions down to muscle memory. I've got a couple HD combos memorized.
Leona trials are ridiculous, lol.
I have this pad, I like it a lot, though recently I started getting phantom "down" inputs on occasion, probably just my particular controller. I've never had a problem with Hori products in the past.
You mean RDP, HCF+P? I can get that to come out 90% of the time =p
reverse dragon punch? I do qcb? Is that some sort of shortcut to get it to come out immediately in the air?
I can do it off of a move, but I can't do it naked in the combo.
Well that's how I do it, I'd need to be with u to show it properly though ^_^; ...but yeah I do that to have it come out instantly, much easier then re-inputting QCB for the super.
How is RDP, HCF+P going to result in an instant air orochinagi when there is no up input in there?
Well that's how I do it, I'd need to be with u to show it properly though ^_^; ...but yeah I do that to have it come out instantly, much easier then re-inputting QCB for the super.
Oh sorry I meant RDP+B, HCF+P >_<
He wants just the super, not to supercancel it off of rdp+B.
Oh I see, sorry I misread that ^_^;
I'll check out His 9th trial and see if RDP+B, HCF+P can be used in it
@Skilletor- Sorry man, I'll see if I can help with that trial.
This combo. I can do everything but the stupid super. None of the tricks I know are working to get it to come out.
Leona trials are ridiculous, lol.
Haha, hers are the only ones I've both started and completed
Who's considered the strongest KoF player atm, and how consistent is he?
Haha, hers are the only ones I've both started and completed, as in, I have yet to even touch any of the other characters yet *_*
Who's considered the strongest KoF player atm, and how consistent is he?
Then there's also Poongko.
Would love to see some matches between him and Bala.
That's awesome. /jealous
I'm up to 6 o 7. I spent about an hour in training mode getting the DC stuff down from her charge moves.
Just make sure when you're doing up slash ->side slash you're holding forward when you press k on the side slash, at least that was giving me the most trouble. I'm used to all the capcom buffer tricks, and doing her trials made me realize that I actually have a harder time just doing b,f than b,f,db LOL. The 2nd input series doesn't get read which is what took me a while. I felt like an idiot at first cuz I can do urien shoulder shoulder tackle combos without a hinch, but once I adjusted leona's combos were super easy.
Speaking of Leona, if you play her, one of my fav things to do is when I have someone cornered and I have at least 1 bar, is to just crouch in front of them and activate HD mode. If they twitch in the SLIGHTEST, be it stickin out a poke, hop, or roll, you can just ex up slash -> side slash and then go into up/side slash loop. Tack on super/neomax at the end bar permitting. Also you get more damage if you just do a raw neomax as opposed to doing super -> neomax.
Who's considered the strongest KoF player atm, and how consistent is he?
tried some trials today. looks like they copied the ugly 1 frame links from SF for the trials? ugh.
i can see myself doing them up to 90% again before giving up, lol.
tried some trials today. looks like they copied the ugly 1 frame links from SF for the trials? ugh.
i can see myself doing them up to 90% again before giving up, lol.
linking normals???
yes. mashing works somewhat, but i haven't been too good with it.
Which one specifically? I can't think of any 1 frames in this game that are strictly normals. There's a lot of linking specials, but that's not a big deal due to hold button buffers. Also there isn't even frame data out, so how do you know they're 1-framers?
Good Bye Esaka as EX Kyo's Song? DLC OF THE FOREVER!New SNKP Blog Post today! - The Official unveiling of NESTS Style Kyo + Another Maniac Combo Vid.
NESTS Kyo Intro Video: ネスツ京技紹介
Shows NESTle Kyo's winpose in game, and his victory screen art, which is all pretty cool. (Makes me think of NGBC victory art when presented like this...)
Maniacs and Drinking: マニアックコンボ(落選)動画
Continuation of the Maniac combo series, I believe they wanted to give more characters 100% combos? Lookit Terry kill an opponent in only 18 hits, haha. Hwa's combos make my execution cry.
They mention that they'll get into (Classic "combo" Basic "combo gauge," "fire combo HD" "Maniac combo") for NESTS Kyo next week, going by the wonders of Google Translate.
ATlusUSA said:#KOFXIII demo w/ 6 characters, 2 stages, and online OUT NOW on #XboxLIVE, coming 12/13 to #PSN; Developer already at work on netcode patch!
i didn't over-analyze anything. i went through the takuma trials and some of them brought back nightmares with normals.
Ahh ok, Imma go run through some of them right now out of curiosity *_*
Just be real quick in inputting it.
BTW Iori's follow-up to his Lvl. 1 super does 90 points of damage so for 2 stocks that 290 damage. I'm pertyt sure his Lvl. 2 super does more damage, so...any good reason to use the follow-up?
I'm doing it right now...I cant do c.lkx3->c.lp at all >__<
I'm doing it right now...I cant do c.lkx3->c.lp at all >__<
Its supposedly out for XBL right now. They're also working on netcode. This is pretty damn big stuff.
Its supposedly out for XBL right now. They're also working on netcode. This is pretty damn big stuff.
Pretty much.Thank you SNK/Atlus.