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The King Of Fighters XIII + Steam Edition |OT| Now on Steam with Improved Netcode!

I mean, I got the game Day 1, because I've been DYING for this game, but I never paid attention to the feedback, except taking one small glimpse at Arturo Sanchez ranting about the netcode.

After finally playing online, dear God... I want to cry.

Why do awful things have to happen to good things?!
This game does not deserve shitfuck netcode. I really, really hope SNK fix it, man. I really do.
first hour with this game in trials

The toughest part of all my trials so far is landing a combo after Jumping attacks...Jesus u gotta land that jumping attack an inch to the floor or something.

and oh 2xHC motion, u haunt me in every game :(

Ok, usually in other games after landing a jump in, you kind of wait as you "fall" to the ground to input your next attack. In this game, yeah you have to be low, but as low as you think. The second your jump attack connects, press your next button and it'll more than likely combo. Don't wait or anything, just press your next button the second you hear/see your jump attack hitting.
I mean, I got the game Day 1, because I've been DYING for this game, but I never paid attention to the feedback, except taking one small glimpse at Arturo Sanchez ranting about the netcode.

After finally playing online, dear God... I want to cry.

Why do awful things have to happen to good things?!
This game does not deserve shitfuck netcode. I really, really hope SNK fix it, man. I really do.

I was going to buy this game, until I heard about the netcode.
I think alot more casuals (like myself) would have done the same.


Dune mentioning that Hwa could be Top Tier made me smile as he is one of my mains since I played the ROM X3

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Ok, I'm seeing on the SNK Wiki that Geese is listed along with the other DLC charcters.
Is there any truth to this?

Doubtful, although his music IS in the game. I think it's Billy's theme for the alternate soundtrack.


Sketchbook Picasso

Lets see... First off, I like the thought he put into his opinions. I can always feel how deeply he thinks about these things in his commentary. Doesn't mean I agree with everything though, but I never feel that his answers are poorly formed.

Ash: Exactly. As much as Ash annoys me to fight, I think that's his most effective tool. I've never fought a one that made me feel like "Man, I just got owned!", just... ones that make me feel that I swatted a bug, after I defeated him.

Billy: Yeah. I think Billy is well designed once you get hands on him, and he feels unique. He has situational stuff, but also has the power to put you into those situations himself, so it works out.

Saiki: He annoys me sometimes more than Ash, I find him slightly more effective, but also easier to bait, as players play him in more of a "rush" style. I've yet to fight an EXCELLENT Saiki, but a good one can be quite unique to fight aganist, and I think that gives him a good reason to exist.

Duo Lon: Low, eh? So, not just my execution that makes his crossups and stuff not work as right! I find him to be awkward and a lot of work, but I think a person could master him, and make him a strong (yet Risky) anchor, with his buffs. But why take the risk with him, when you could, say, just play some form of Iori?

Shen: The best Shen I met was quite nice. Mediocre Shen's are a joke, however. He really seems to change level with the player, more-so than almost any other character.

Kyo: KoF knows how to get their "Hero" characters right, it seems. I like how he's turned out. I think he's very solid, but leaves plenty of room for NESTS Kyo to exist, at the same time. I enjoyed Dune's Kyo from yesterday's vids.

Beni: He can be such an annoying turtle, though I don't like this style of him, haha. His XIII Air CD is pretty disappointing VS his older style. If his Air CD had the speed and hitbox of Mature's in this one, he'd probably end up a guard break monster. I agree with the idea that he has mostly everything he needs, but he has some weaknesses that show though more, than with higher-up characters.

Goro: My natural KoF Nemesis! XD I look forward to seeing him use him. He seems to fit in with the game much more on consoles, and I think he's underrated by many players, personally.

C. Iori: Love the comparision to Nameless, haha. It's a good one, too; Iori seems perfectly made for this games systems, just like Nameless seemed in 2K2UM. Just like him, I see a few players mastering him highly, but the casual players ignoring him for easier-to-use people.

Mature: Easy to win with is right! A mixup or 2, and she has an opponent at deaths door. I feel like she's the Dynamic version of Claw Iori in many ways.

Vice: Suprised he sees her as so high. Even watching him play her, I felt as if she's more restrained than other characters. She waits too much for an opponent to slip up, rather than being able to proactively create openings and such herself, thanks to so many unsafe supers + no reliable chip. I feel like she's the worse grappler, but the best one at using HD mode, in a way.

Terry: So he lacks because he's straightforward. I think people sleep on Terry's Super Cancel combos too much, be can kill you pretty swiftly if you use them. I can only see him as "worst", because being lowest in this game isn't really saying much. In some ways, though, I'd much rather fight a Vice, than a Terry....

Kim: I can see him being less awesome at higher level play, but outside of that, I think he's great. He's like a heavier version of Hwa in the pressure department, and I think he does great for the tools he has. I really like him in this game, and think he's a better variety of the Terry-level of "straight foward and solid", but with a bit more flair to edge him a nice bit above.

Hwa: Quickly becoming one of my personal favorites. Far D is such a great poke, too. If he could combo off it, he'd be insane, lol. (Can combo off everything else, lol.) I can see him being top tier, like he mentions, and my brother and I have been saying such for the past week or more.

Athena: Hehe, yeah... I think she's suppose to make up damage with shining Crystal Bit reversals! But since this is way too situational, and most people don't like to combo with her in this way, I think it holds her back. I like her normals personally, though. I think they're like a Jr. Version of Mai's.

Kensou: Eh... I think he's a bit stronger than he gives him credit for. In a way, like a mini-Shen. I think he can be devistating with meter, and I DO think he's one of the best zoners in the game, but with a strong buff in close-up fighting VS Mai or Athena, and maybe tie'n with King?

Chin: Yeah... he pegged him well. Since I know Chin well, I don't mind fighitng him as much as I mind fighting Kensou, personally. But I think once you know his gimmicks, he's harder to win with. His weaknesses balance him well, but if you let him exploit his strengths, he looks like the best in the game, lol.

Ryo: Heh. I dunno. I agree with the idea, But... hmm. I dunno. I don't know what I'd give Ryo to improve him, maybe just less damage scaling out of Zanretsuken, lol.

Robert: He considers Robert's Neomax more than he does for Mai? Eh?

Takuma: The double-edged sword! Yeah. I like this method of balance. It's more interesting that the usual "glass cannon" approach. I'm really interested in seeing how he compares to EX Mr. Karate...

Ralf: Eh... I like to think that Ralf's constant pressure IS his way of breaking down guards. But I guess he's a less-interesting, less relatable Shen to many players. I can see where his lack of "derpy" stuff holds him back, though. I love watching a good Ralf in action, though...

Clark: EX Gattling is a nice Momentum-shifter, but only aganist certain players. The new player, easy to use stuff I easily agree with. Maxima is my new Clark personally, but I still enjoy Clark a lot in thia game.

Leona: Hehe, this is very much how my own Leona works out. She's my ancor of choice most of the time, but that's because I prefer to have more decisive characters in the middle (Maxima lands a hit, and the opponent is dead.) I think the buffed V-Slasher is worth mentioning, however; It raises her effective range a bit, and gives her Neomax-like punishing speed for 1 meter, rather than the 3 many others would need to compare.

Mai: Yeah... Mai can basically convert anything into almost 50% damage as long as she has Neomax. Her specials have crappy properties in comparision, , but I find her normal properties to be a great exchange. I feel this puts her in the "mid" category, and WOULD be high if she had 1 insane special (like Ryuenbu doing DM level damage, 100% guarenteed reversal, with an SRK-Like antt-air box, that leaves the opponent jugglable by anything at midscreen, lol.)

Yuri: Agreed. I think she's a BIT like Mrs. Hwa though, if she had safer pressure and a better air / ground CD, she'd probably surpass him.

King: Mai with a worse neomax, but a better ground command normal! I fear King more at midscreen though, and I find her much less punishable and open than I thought she'd feel. I think she's less intuitive though.

K': A solid K' is still a solid K'. Is he only not quite top because he's more punishable? He still seems to have a majority of the needed properties and strengths to rule.

Kula: If her damage was heigher, she'd really annoy me, haha. I guess she's kinda like Takuma, but less rewarding once she lands that 1 strike. I think she counters fireballers and turtlers well though, but on the flip side, all her poking Bs and such give the opponent a lot of Ammo to attack her with...

Maxima: Hehe, I'm a true Maxima user, then! He DOES have to endure a lot, but at least he has the guard gauge to do it. LASER gives him the tool he needs to shut-up distanced pressure/turtling, which is more than many grapplers can say in this game. I still think he's like... in the top 3 grapplers, though.

I think Flame Iori's increased vulnerability makes him weaker than he was in the past, personally. But I agree he's still very strong. But is he Top? Hmmm...

so are there any recent console hwa jai videos I can steal flowcharts and tactics from?

I could tell you what I do! There was some play of him in Dune's vids from yesterday, but they didn't use EVERYTHING in there, but a lot of good "I'm now interested in this character!" stuff, mixed with some pro-level solidarity.

Dune playing online.


Think Hwa is in Vid 2 and maybe 3?
so are there any recent console hwa jai videos I can steal flowcharts and tactics from?

Ghetto tactics, after a string end w/ qcb b. On hit your plus, on block you're -1 or 2 from what I can tell. NOw, if it's blocked, you have two options A) continue your pressure in thinking they'll keep on blocking or B)Fucking dp (with A) if you think they're gonna try to punish.

Also slide is really good, as well as j. C's cancelled to qcb b as a jumpin. For footsies, run up st. D is mad nice. it'll stuff almost anything and keeps people grounded. If you think you'll catch limbs, run up st.C while buffering qcb + b/d is good.

For hit confirms I usually just do cr. b, cr. a, df + b. If it connects you can end in either dp + D or qcb + B. If you have HD bar then you can just activate from there. Easiest combo after activate is just st. C, df + B, (dp+D hd cancel qcb + B) Repeat the paranthesis part 5 times and then end with qcf X 2 + B or BD super bar permitting.


Sketchbook Picasso
Ghetto tactics

To add on a few more to those:
You can add a standing B to his weak attack string, so, "dwn B, Dwn A, Stand B, df B" works anywhere into Dragon Kick (for exactly 222 damage if I remember right.)

His slide can be cancelled even when used naked. Also, you can cancel his dwn D sweep into the slide, either to move forward after the sweep, or just as a blockstrong.

Slide goes under high fireballs like Roberts, and can also be empty-cancelled, so you can slide under a fireball, and then go right into D Dragon kick.

You can also combo into Dragon Breaker (A or C) off a slide. A is instant grab, C has a leap.

The C Dragon Breaker is fully invincible during the leap, and is very fast. If you think someone will sweep you after your slide strings, this totally jump the sweep / fireball they do to counter, and grab them for a nice chunk of pain.

Favorite DC Corner combo of mine: B Dragon Kick (cancel on hit) to qcb + D Dragon tail. Wait a sec, then QCB+D dragon tail again. You want to time it so you land 3 hits from the return D.Tail. Then repeat again, and either end with a Dragon Dance (EX) DM, or toss in a TNT punch before the Dragon dance, for extra fun.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Hmm, for some strange reason my Saturn USB pad doesn't work with the demo despite it works with all the rest of the PS games & OS. Anyone got a similar problem?


I hope they archived this because it was hilarious to watch. Hell I was power hyping Chin in the stream since I learned some Drunken Boxing in Kung Fu, and it got pretty hilarious when I broke one of the announcers reading my posts.
"Go you glorious Drunken Bastard!" , I think is the one that did him in. :D


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Wait what?
Geese in KoF 13? His theme is in the game?
Someone put on some Wiki that Geese is in the game ... and Billy alternate theme is Geese's Theme


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Man SNKP needs a Community Manager, maybe the Atlus folks reading this thread can tell them?


Geese in 13 would be super-awesome. I don't think it will happen- they'd have to draw some new animation for much of the cast due to Geese's counters.

I'd pay for Geese no matter what though. (I ain't paying for the other DLC until I see the netcode patch)


Sketchbook Picasso
Dandy's Training mode Tutorial Vid (1) is pretty nice. Great pointers.

The Geese rumors all seem to come from Billy having his theme. However, I think the fact Billy DOES have his theme is a very good reason for WHY he won't be there. Kinda like a consolation prize.

Oh, and glad to have been some help to you as well, FMFarms :) I enjoy Hwa so much in this game; he gives me a lot of the flavor that Seth had in 2K2UM, but in a more classically "crazy" SNK way, and with some of the awkward taken out, replaced with rushdown awesome. Really am glad he's a part of this game!


Blue Mary or bust!

Blue Mary's bust!

It all makes sense now! This game has the largest freakin buffer window in any fg i've ever played. That's why I'm gettin all these random ass supers/dp's that I'm NOT doing. This is not honest :/


It all makes sense now! This game has the largest freakin buffer window in any fg i've ever played. That's why I'm gettin all these random ass supers/dp's that I'm NOT doing. This is not honest :/

Played the demo today. I did dp+p,k with Kyo and it canceled dp into qcf+k. I almost asked myself out loud: "Why?".
Oh, and glad to have been some help to you as well, FMFarms :) I enjoy Hwa so much in this game; he gives me a lot of the flavor that Seth had in 2K2UM, but in a more classically "crazy" SNK way, and with some of the awkward taken out, replaced with rushdown awesome. Really am glad he's a part of this game!

If someone has a 1 frame grab like Yuri can she shut him down after the slide that's the bnb for flowcharts and combos. . . I know he can always dp but that's also a risk. Maybe the slide pushes him too far from a string to avoid 1 frame grabs but then theres always the ex grabs with silly range like Clark.


Sketchbook Picasso
If someone has a 1 frame grab like Yuri can she shut him down after the slide that's the bnb for flowcharts and combos. . . I know he can always dp but that's also a risk. Maybe the slide pushes him too far from a string to avoid 1 frame grabs but then theres always the ex grabs with silly range like Clark.

Sure, but that's the same for nearly everything in the game. It's not a braindead tool, but it's very effective most of the time, especially since it can be canceled into a variety of specials, which gives it strong mixup potential. Love that quick backdash too; if a grappler is even one bit off of that reversal, it's time for a backhop .< Air Dragon Kick punish!

If I feel things are too risky though, I stop at the "stand B" portion of his blockstring. The leg-length distance is nice, and if you wait a bit after stopping there, you could even suprise them with a late slide. Or B Dragon Kick. Or Dragon Breaker.

I love baiting those GCCDs too, a nice way to drain opponents of meter that could very well have saved them later on down the line...


Guess what I just went out and bought? I'll give you a hint.


Mine still has the 4-cd soundtrack too! Last nights stream with Chin, Clark and Steve's announcing sold me.
If someone has a 1 frame grab like Yuri can she shut him down after the slide that's the bnb for flowcharts and combos. . . I know he can always dp but that's also a risk. Maybe the slide pushes him too far from a string to avoid 1 frame grabs but then theres always the ex grabs with silly range like Clark.

That's why you hit confirm the slide lol! Any 2 hit string is more than enough to confirm it.

@Sab Ca - How often do you use hwa's A grab super? I've been using a lot of ticks into it and they've been really successful. Usually I'll do a run up st. B, and during the B buffer the qcf, then dash up hcb +A to land the super. I'll do the same buffer technique, but tacked on to the end of blocked hit confirm strings as well (like cr. b, cr. a, cr. b) I don't do it often, but people get really scared about run up grab supers and it helps me open them up.
why can i set latency as requirement for joining when sometimes a red guy joins anyway? this is weird. it works most of the time, but still.....

i rather stay in practice than kicking useless connections out.
why can i set latency as requirement for joining when sometimes a red guy joins anyway? this is weird. it works most of the time, but still.....

i rather stay in practice than kicking useless connections out.

Because it doesn't make it a requirement, it makes it a suggestion, which means that you're not safe from 1bar people using quick match or that have no idea what 1 bar actually means :|
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