awesome. watching.
Anybody else on PS3 get slowdowns during the order select screen after the patch?
What the heck is wrong with Bala.
This really might be my favorite fighter since the alpha days, and i dont say that lightly. I literally love everything about this game.
Any streams goin on today for those of us who dont care about footabll?
finally got this:
was tough, but doable. rest of the trophies will be cake!
when will the archives go up for these?
Any tips on getting good, lagless matches?
Bonus question: How would one buffer two half circles from 3 cr.b's? I've done all of Vice's trials but her 3rd one which is kind of annoying...
Any tips on getting good, lagless matches?
Bonus question: How would one buffer two half circles from 3 cr.b's? I've done all of Vice's trials but her 3rd one which is kind of annoying...
Haha, thanks, this worked.You can throw in an ex arm after the shorts to make that challenge easier.
I wonder if it'll just be the console characters.
I‘m sure it‘s just the console stuff and I am more than ok with that.
Bala just destroyed Mr. KoF, it wasn't even remotely fair...
Also what's with allowing them to switch character order despite winning? Bala really took advantage of that a lot, so it seems a bit harsh.
They're updating the arcade version with console characters and balancing apparently.
They're updating the arcade version with console characters and balancing apparently.