In the midst of SC (most of the way through the 4th chapter) and am loving it, definitely more than FC. The battles are quite challenging and rely heavily on resource management (my favorite type of battles) along with knowing which enemies to attack first, lots of risks and rewards... At first the game seemed almost too punishing, but after getting some characters, things have been going a lot smoother. Though the bosses and monster hunts are still nicely challenging, I'll usually die once or twice before I figure out what to do.
The story seems a lot more active than FC, which is expected. But it's nice since it's constantly making me want to play more. The 3rd chapter was pretty slow (especially since
is such a big town and you had to do a lot of wandering around town/talking to people) but ended with a total bang. Nice pacing, there.
My only complaints are that a lot of the areas are repeated from the first game (though some of the new dungeons are pretty cool) and the music is mostly taken from it too. Didn't particularly care for the music in the first game (I'd take the typical Falcom buttrock over smooth jazz any day of the week, not particularly a jazz guy). But the repeated areas aren't too bad since I played through FC 5 years ago (whenever the PSP game came out in America) and a lot of the summaries helped me to remember a lot of what went on in that game.
Gonna try to play Cold Steel later this year, too. Looking forward to that, and of course TITS the 3rd.
The story seems a lot more active than FC, which is expected. But it's nice since it's constantly making me want to play more. The 3rd chapter was pretty slow (especially since
My only complaints are that a lot of the areas are repeated from the first game (though some of the new dungeons are pretty cool) and the music is mostly taken from it too. Didn't particularly care for the music in the first game (I'd take the typical Falcom buttrock over smooth jazz any day of the week, not particularly a jazz guy). But the repeated areas aren't too bad since I played through FC 5 years ago (whenever the PSP game came out in America) and a lot of the summaries helped me to remember a lot of what went on in that game.
Gonna try to play Cold Steel later this year, too. Looking forward to that, and of course TITS the 3rd.