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The Last Guardian |OT| In my memories, the monster always has kind eyes


Oh I'm sorry. I don't know why I was under the impression you were very late in the game seeing you post here in a while(kinda sleepy)

I better stay away from any OT until I'm fully awake and focused tomorrow.

Oh it's no problem, I'm not really a spoiler phobe, and you can't really spoil this game anyway. Well you could if you described the ending lol.


I've finished the game one hour ago and I was in tears. Fantastic game, one of the best of 2016 !

I had almost zero problem controlling Trico. It's all based on patience and observation, like with a real animal.

I hated the
cage part


I want to love this game so much but the controls for boy are driving me crazy! Trico is a gem to work with once you suss how to tell him what to do, but I spent 2 hours of frustration in the
rickety bridge & eye mirrors stage
trying to not fall to my doom.

It's not even the animation lag, as that's pretty easy to compensate for, it's things like
the drawbridge puzzle, for example - I just want to jump off Trico's head but end up around his neck & completely out of camera view

BUT amazing game, with a beautiful central relationship that's already caused me to have grit in my eye a couple of times.


Yeah I've just finished it for the second time and this was the only part that annoyed me again. I'd love to see a vid of someone nailing this part, always feels like I'm doing something wrong.

Yeah I knew exactly where I was going on that part but the controls got me stuck in a spot for literally 10 minutes with me making zero progress because trico nudged me in a bad spot.

Really cool idea though I thought I just got unlucky.


I saw a friend of mine's kids playing this, an 11 and 9 year old and it was rather adorable. They kept yelling at Trico whenever things got scary but they handled it well. They also seemed to adapt to the controls rather easily and naturally. There were no complaints except when one of them didn't pet Trico enough or let it get hurt.
Oh my god, please let these children escape the
ending without lasting trauma
So uh, how do I get Trico to
dive in the pool with me holding on?

This is the only puzzle in the game I struggled with and the one that really frustrated me as TRICO will go back up to the platform every failed attempt.. many tries at this one. The commands didnt work, how I did it
go very near TRICO's neck, do a small dive yourself. You will go down and up, TRICO will then dive and the boy will autocling to his neck and that will take you to the next area.
the instruction manual tells you, IIRC. R1+O is the context sensitive "do the thing" button, I think. R1+[] is attack. R1+X also cancels trico's current in-progress action.

Lol. This game and its endless useless and annoying prompts that look so out of place. And then didnt' have this anywhere ingame (bought this digitally)....


Lol. This game and its endless useless and annoying prompts that look so out of place. And then didnt' have this anywhere ingame (bought this digitally)....

My physical copy didn't have a physical manual, I looked at the digital manual. But yeah... all those pop ups and they don't tell you some of the most important ways to progress through the game. Honestly glad I looked up the commands before playing far. (and before i realized they were in the digital instruction manual hehe)


the piano man
without spoiling anything, can someone please tell how's the platinum trophy for this game?

is it long? hard? annoying?
without spoiling anything, can someone please tell how's the platinum trophy for this game?

is it long? hard? annoying?

3 playthrus probably. U can play once, then use a guide for a checklist trophy, and then do the speed run. Should be it

Perhaps they'll add a chapter select soon to make the checklist trophy easier
So uh, how do I get Trico to
dive in the pool with me holding on?

I noticed this section is the most frequent roadblock for players. What works is that you stay at the neck and use the R1+forward (towards the gate) command and a Trico would immediately dive.


I'll take it, considering the rest of the game has absolutely no HUD to speak of.

That's what makes it so fucking annoying.... pretty much my relationship with this game. For everything I love there is another that is just baffling annoying.


I dont think its scripted. You can jump anywhere.

That's my point. Most other games would just have a guaranteed-safe sequence where you would always get caught or sucked/magnetized into Trico's grip.

Here there's reaction time and physics dominating. It frustrates some folks, but I think it's awesome.


So I have just
escaped from evil Trico
I think I have aged about 2 years lol. I'm going to be a mess when it's over I can tell.


That's what makes it so fucking annoying.... pretty much my relationship with this game. For everything I love there is another that is just baffling annoying.

I mean, I won't deny that the decision to have constant prompts with no option to turn them off is a bad one, but if this is something that balances an aspect you love about the game, then you probably don't love it that much. Because, at least in my opinion, the things to love about this game are so overwhelmingly amazing that something minor like questionable button prompts couldn't even come close to harming the experience.

I'll still take a patch to disable it, but it's fine.

I adore that this is procedural.

THIS is what creates danger. There is no promise that a scripted sequence will save you.


I think this game has so many game design lessons for devs trying to make games about personal relationships and character development. You don't need to remove all meaningful interaction and reduce your game to a forced slow walk in order to tell a story. On the contrary, it greatly benefits the experience if the gameplay is as engaging as the combat parts.


I can't believe how shitty the controls and physics are. One of the most frustrating games I played in a long time.

WHY is there no option to turn off the prompts!? These are HORRIBLE

Seriously, what's up with that? So fucking stupid.


Finished it last night. I really enjoyed it overall and it was a marvel to look at but I'm not sure I would put it over the other two. "Plot" wise I think I preferred Sotc.

Controls wise, they were pretty bad. The lag in movement and camera rotation is a really weird decision (if by design), but really after a few minutes with the game I could tune myself to it. Controls while on Trico were another thing altogether, and a huge step back from me than Sotc. The auto-hang always tripped me up when wanting to get on/off quickly and I wish I could just hold a button down. Not having a grip gauge is fine just frustrated at this change.

Other than that, fantastic. How the world was laid out in that you could see your goal from the very beginning and where you are headed/where you have been as you progress really pushes all the right buttons for me.

Dealing with Trico wise, I didn't have any major problems or hangups. I had to restart from checkpoint once when he just wanted to sit there and I needed him to pull a chain. Otherwise outside a few jumps in wrong directions I didn't get stuck, or feel as though I couldn't control him. They could cut back on the time "trico thinks for a bit before he does the next thing". Having it there adds to him feeling like a real thing but too much and it starts to become a detriment.

Oh, almost forgot, the barrel puzzles were just not fun either.


I mean, I won't deny that the decision to have constant prompts with no option to turn them off is a bad one, but if this is something that balances an aspect you love about the game, then you probably don't love it that much. Because, at least in my opinion, the things to love about this game are so overwhelmingly amazing that something minor like questionable button prompts couldn't even come close to harming the experience.

I'll still take a patch to disable it, but it's fine.

The prompts are only one small issue I have. My main complaint is that the game is so overwhelmingly frustrating to control... Its been said a million times of course, but it really is kind of an issue. I'm a big fan of Ueda's other games so I'm not going to let it ruin things for me, but man.... I'd be lying if I said it didn't really take away from things.

I actually have no problem with Trico being choosy with how he responds to commands - I like that it feels like a real animal in that sense - but controlling the boy and the camera is frankly just awful. He gets stuck on little objects constantly, trips slips and falls all the time, and just moves in a really sloppy and laggy manner. The camera is just as bad - it constantly manages to wedge itself in these horrible angles which result it in "blinking" back into a more reasonable position with a few black frames shown while it moves - honestly never seen anything like it.

And just as a preemptive defense here - these are not artistic decisions. Trico responding to you like a real animal - OK, that is a conscious design choice - but the camera and controls are simply horrendous. Like I said, it's not game "ruining" for me - there is a beautiful game underneath and I'll put up with the other stuff - but it really does detract from the experience.


Got this yesterday and liking it so far, but what's up with the camera in this game? This thing is a constant struggle. The controls aren't the finest either but I can take it, I can even understand it and they somehow match the boy's animation, but who the hell desinged the camera. You have to be constantly tuning it or it rarely gives you a the perfect view otherwise, which is a real shame becasue some of the locations I've seen so far could have done with much better 'photography'.


The camera is indeed pretty bad but one thing I've learned is to make liberal use of L1 - it frames Trico beautifully and you get some really good angles that are also quite functional. As opposed to staring at a floor, a corner, or the sky....


And just as a preemptive defense here - these are not artistic decisions. Trico responding to you like a real animal - OK, that is a conscious design choice - but the camera and controls are simply horrendous. Like I said, it's not game "ruining" for me - there is a beautiful game underneath and I'll put up with the other stuff - but it really does detract from the experience.

I know you set up the preemptive defense against nerdlingers like me but I have a hard time considering the boy's movement as anything other than an artistic decision. The issue had to be a constant refrain during the course of development (I'm sure there was push-back) and there's no way the development staff couldn't have just made the boy move like Wander or Ico if they had wanted to. The very fact that it's a different sort of movement signifies to me that the decision was deliberate and made to evoke a sense of weight.

The camera, on the other hand...
I adore that this is procedural.

THIS is what creates danger. There is no promise that a scripted sequence will save you.


I think this game has so many game design lessons for devs trying to make games about personal relationships and character development. You don't need to remove all meaningful interaction and reduce your game to a forced slow walk in order to tell a story. On the contrary, it greatly benefits the experience if the gameplay is as engaging as the combat parts.

The team is not getting anywhere near enough credit for the physics based nature of... everything. Yeah sometimes stuff doesn't work because of forces outside your control but man... that's completely amazing they've created systems where that's the case, especially in a world this large.

The fact that it does work as frequently as it does is even more impressive.
The team is not getting anywhere near enough credit for the physics based nature of... everything. Yeah sometimes stuff doesn't work because of forces outside your control but man... that's completely amazing they've created systems where that's the case, especially in a world this large.

The fact that it does work as frequently as it does is even more impressive.

Yeah. It was almost distracting how great they depict scale, physics.. and no noticeable loading times. A technical tour de force when played on a PS4 Pro on a non 4K screen.


I know you set up the preemptive defense against nerdlingers like me but I have a hard time considering the boy's movement as anything other than an artistic decision. The issue had to be a constant refrain during the course of development (I'm sure there was push-back) and there's no way the development staff couldn't have just made the boy move like Wander or Ico if they had wanted to. The very fact that it's a different sort of movement signifies to me that the decision was deliberate and made to evoke a sense of weight.

The camera, on the other hand...

I think the weighty movement can be a decision - I really liked it in Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Inside, etc - it's just soooo sloppy here. He falls all the time, jumps in weird directions, and so on. It is indeed hard to tell how much of it is actually due to the camera, but still it just seems beyond the point of being deliberate. Maybe it was, who knows, but it's.... rough.
The boy controls just fine, I like the weight.

The camera is quite similar to SotC's. I've been playing both at the same time the last few weeks.

Peronally I always "direct" my games myself and take 100% control of manual cameras ALL THE TIME if possible. Maybe that's why overall it didn't bother me at all. SotC mostly takes place in open areas - it works slightly better that way.

Btw, ICO's camera is hundreds times worse than any of the other games. It's old though...so that's no problem.


I think the weighty movement can be a decision - I really liked it in Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Inside, etc - it's just soooo sloppy here. He falls all the time, jumps in weird directions, and so on. It is indeed hard to tell how much of it is actually due to the camera, but still it just seems beyond the point of being deliberate. Maybe it was, who knows, but it's.... rough.

It didn't affect my experience too harshly but it is rough. At one point in the game, I pulled Trico's tail over a raised cobblestone and the boy began to instead "climb" the tip of the tail from an entirely horizontal position. Upon letting go (practically lying on the ground), he recoiled from an impact as if he had fallen from several feet into a belly flop. It was bizarre. Over the majority of my time with the game, though, the boy's ambling felt very lifelike.


The prompts are only one small issue I have. My main complaint is that the game is so overwhelmingly frustrating to control... Its been said a million times of course, but it really is kind of an issue. I'm a big fan of Ueda's other games so I'm not going to let it ruin things for me, but man.... I'd be lying if I said it didn't really take away from things.

I actually have no problem with Trico being choosy with how he responds to commands - I like that it feels like a real animal in that sense - but controlling the boy and the camera is frankly just awful. He gets stuck on little objects constantly, trips slips and falls all the time, and just moves in a really sloppy and laggy manner. The camera is just as bad - it constantly manages to wedge itself in these horrible angles which result it in "blinking" back into a more reasonable position with a few black frames shown while it moves - honestly never seen anything like it.

And just as a preemptive defense here - these are not artistic decisions. Trico responding to you like a real animal - OK, that is a conscious design choice - but the camera and controls are simply horrendous. Like I said, it's not game "ruining" for me - there is a beautiful game underneath and I'll put up with the other stuff - but it really does detract from the experience.

Oh, ok. My bad. Yeah, that makes it more of a love-hate relationship.


The prompts are only one small issue I have. My main complaint is that the game is so overwhelmingly frustrating to control... Its been said a million times of course, but it really is kind of an issue. I'm a big fan of Ueda's other games so I'm not going to let it ruin things for me, but man.... I'd be lying if I said it didn't really take away from things.

I actually have no problem with Trico being choosy with how he responds to commands - I like that it feels like a real animal in that sense - but controlling the boy and the camera is frankly just awful. He gets stuck on little objects constantly, trips slips and falls all the time, and just moves in a really sloppy and laggy manner. The camera is just as bad - it constantly manages to wedge itself in these horrible angles which result it in "blinking" back into a more reasonable position with a few black frames shown while it moves - honestly never seen anything like it.

And just as a preemptive defense here - these are not artistic decisions. Trico responding to you like a real animal - OK, that is a conscious design choice - but the camera and controls are simply horrendous. Like I said, it's not game "ruining" for me - there is a beautiful game underneath and I'll put up with the other stuff - but it really does detract from the experience.

I fully agree with you. It's just awful. And Trico is another big cause of frustration for me. The parts where you have to make use of commands in order to progress are such a pain in the ass. Either he just stares at me and doesn't react at all, or he's simply randomly walking around doing whatever.
The game sure a few good moments, but for the most part, I simply did not have any fun at all.

And the frame rate is a bad joke. They should have spent another year or two polishing this game.


I fully agree with you. It's just awful. And Trico is another big cause of frustration for me. The parts where you have to make use of commands in order to progress are such a pain in the ass. Either he just stares at me and doesn't react at all, or he's simply randomly walking around doing whatever.
The game sure a few good moments, but for the most part, I simply did not have any fun at all.

And the frame rate is a bad joke. They should have spent another year or two polishing this game.

There is such beauty under all of it but there are just many parts that literally feel like no one play tested them even once. Like
the "combat" where you're told to charge into the armors
. Not even a remotely acceptable way to deal with the encounters, it is just so unreliable and difficult to execute. Mind-boggingly frustrating.


I fully agree with you. It's just awful. And Trico is another big cause of frustration for me. The parts where you have to make use of commands in order to progress are such a pain in the ass. Either he just stares at me and doesn't react at all, or he's simply randomly walking around doing whatever.
The game sure a few good moments, but for the most part, I simply did not have any fun at all.

And the frame rate is a bad joke. They should have spent another year or two polishing this game.

It's weird reading things like this, its so different to my experience. Sometimes he made a noise, and when I looked at him, he was sat looking where I needed to go. Sometimes I got on his back and he just moved to the next area without me even telling him. If I wanted him in a particular spot I ran to it and called him, he pretty much always came to me. Then I hopped on his back and away we went. Even the lake issue, he wouldn't dive, so I petted him a bit and he just went. It's always felt organic to me.

The boy is annoying though, worst throw ever. And jumping off Trico is crappy as he just won't let go. I've jumped to my death a couple of times too. It's not game breaking but it doesn't feel good either. Luckily I love the game so much that when I think back on my experience, I doubt I will remember these issues.
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