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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


So far the game's been great, I like everything about it, except, it's starting to become a little bit too trial and errory for my taste. Maybe I just suck or cause I'm playing on hard with listen mode off, but whenever there's an encounter with multiple infected and clickers, I have to restart several times to figure out the path I need to sneak therough or the order I need to kill all the enemies in. Atleast human encounters haven't been as bad. Should I be using my guns more? If I shoot, I'm usually instantly surrounded and getting my neck chomped on by a clicker.


Third clicker encounter:
So I'm at the part in the Capitol where you have to get through that building and the last section is littered by a good 5 or so of those buggers. I patiently make my way 90% to the end while avoiding encounters and crouching as slowly as possible. I literally get to the last section and despite not moving a muscle, the last clicker turned and faced me and BAM! The whole hoard was after me. Thought I was a goner until I remembered the molotov which was a savior because not only did they then walk in that direction but they totally walked into the fire and killed each other. Phew. I don't know what was worse: thinking I had to do that all over again or the fact that it's definitely going to get more nerve wrecking with those clickers.


The shiv upgrades are only clicker specific. First one lets you use it to get one off you, the second upgrade makes it so the shiv doesn't break during the clicker defense.

That's only for Joel's upgrades with the pills. You can upgrade your crafting abilities so that Joel can create shivs that can last 2 hits (or more with future upgrades I'm guessing).
oh thought you mean you had just 7 hours of progress. Sorry to hear about your loss of progress btw

Yeah I'm sad. On one hand I don't feel like playing through so much again and I should just watch the ending on Youtube or whatever. On the other hand I guess I want to experience it myself.

To be honest, either way the impact of the ending will be less because I feel so negative towards the game and I'll just want to rush through to get back to where I was.

The Lamp

Okay so as much as I read and kept up with a lot of the news about this game since its announcement, I only saw the E3 demo last year and a few seconds of footage from trailers.

This game lives up to every bit of hype I think it was given. I had to force myself to stop playing. The combat is sublime. I love the new melee system they've used, it's very fun to pull off and yet challenging and not "easy mode" like Uncharted's melee system which just let you run up and snap people's necks. If you try that here, you will get taken the fuck out.

Also worth noting is the weapon and crafting system. Just wow. It was overwhelming at first but now that it clicks and makes sense it is SO seamless and intuitive. Very fun element and adds a lot to the tension.

By the way, the enemy AI is really really good. Sometimes it messes up (enemies forget where to look for you or whatever) but the way they team up and try to flank you and cooperate is something I've never seen in a game like this. It really makes each encounter completely new and different. It's an exponential improvement to the Uncharted series.

Also, the intro was really something special. I don't think I've ever been emotionally drawn in like that in a video game before in just its intro. My jaw dropped.

The pacing, although more deliberate and tense than Uncharted, is paced just as rapidly. Just because the gameplay is more tactical and careful and strategic doesn't make it any slower, you're still constantly moving from point A to B to C but in such a swift and fluid fashion that I ended up playing over 8 hours and having to force myself to stop to write about this.

Unlike Uncharted, however, the environments here are much more open and welcome to exploration and I love how this game actually rewards you for looking around and being cautious and taking out enemies to reach new places. Then again, I also love how so far it seems like I could pass any area I wanted just by using stealth. The stealth in this game is so fun and well done (unlike Uncharted 3). I love knowing logically where the enemies are and where they are coming from when they're alerted, too, unlike in U3 where they just spawn from the heavens and pour in to murder your ass.

The one thing I did run into trouble with sometimes is the cover system. I really like the improvements it has over Uncharted's cover system, but sometimes I think I'm in cover but the enemy was still able to see me or sometimes the AI partner will push me out of cover haha. But that was rare and didn't hurt the experience too much.

Also, the graphics are beyond what I was expecting. So far, no huge setpieces like Uncharted, but it's the small details in the environment that made me gawk at the attention Naughty Dog put in here.

I've never seen or played a "zombie apocalypse" game like this and I'm just so glad I bought this game. It's really fun for me.

Way to go, Naughty Dog. I'm about halfway through or more I suppose so I'll chime back in after I beat the game and try multiplayer.

Man, is this train/subway type area supposed to be literally impossible to see fucking anything or where the hell to go?

Yeah, then I used my flashlight.


I'm glad I caught that thread about the autosave glitching. I only managed to lose about 30 minutes before knowing you just had to sign out. Worst is when it glitches the game doesn't let you manual save either. It's really too bad it had to ship like this. Has this been patched yet?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
That's only for Joel's upgrades with the pills. You can upgrade your crafting abilities so that Joel can create shivs that can last 2 hits (or more with future upgrades I'm guessing).

Yeah, jumped the gun on that answer I guess. I haven't seen anything like that in the game yet.

I'm glad I caught that thread about the autosave glitching. I only managed to lose about 30 minutes before knowing you just had to sign out. Worst is when it glitches the game doesn't let you manual save either. It's really too bad it had to ship like this. Has this been patched yet?

It was server side so it didn't need patched(still find that weird as hell). But anyone who was playing even a minute before that would have lost everything since then, so people who have been marathoning it all day is why so many are losing hours of time. Really sucks to see that happen.


well not really...yet
Just got to the
. Had to stop

What a fucking amazing game. The tension and atmosphere is unfreakingbelieveable. Navigating a room full of clickers is so nerve wracking, jesus.


Was only able to get to the demo part today, but man... That intro. I'm liking the game so far. The pace is just right for a game.
No, it was on. That spot was still way way way too dark and garbled, partially because of the water.

Turns out I was missing the triangle button on a floating thing in the water.

To be fair, finding that "thing" you were referring to wasn't super obvious. I just happened upon it when I thought you had to go into that other room and then just started wandering around. I spent a good deal of time just
hitting triangle on that ladder, and then felt like an idiot when I didn't realize you had to bring the platform over to Ellie.


My save says 8 hours and 50% complete. So far its been an amazing ride and I cant believe i'm ONLY halfway through the game when this is about the time most campaigns come to an end. Gonna continue on tomorrow so I can savor the flavor.


It's weird to say this...but I think 120 Hz has ruined 30 fps gaming for me. 60 fps feels a bit sluggish compared to 120 fps, but 30 fps feels atrociously slow now. I didn't used to have a problem with Uncharted 2, but the framerate is really offputting to me here, even when it's smooth.
About 10 hours in and i'm having a real good time. Won't get to play again till Monday night though.

Starting to get the feeling its not going to open up the way I was hoping it would though
Nothing's more satisfying than distracting clickers with a brick or bottle-then when they run to investigate the noise you toss a Molotov on them.

The gunplay is so satisfying in this game. You have very little ammo, but when you get a headshot its the greatest thing ever. And because the gore and blood splatter effects are ridic for a 7 year old console.


It's weird to say this...but I think 120 Hz has ruined 30 fps gaming for me. 60 fps feels a bit sluggish compared to 120 fps, but 30 fps feels atrociously slow now. I didn't used to have a problem with Uncharted 2, but the framerate is really offputting to me here, even when it's smooth.

i thought it was the sensitivity at first, but this is so true.


Playing on hard with no listen mode really makes things tense. I also feel like I have to scrounge around for supplies constantly, it doesn't help that I haven't been using stealth as often as I should.

I'm 9 hours in and just reached Fall, figured that would be a good spot to quit for the night.

Love this game, and if you're playing hard on your first play through it gets easier once you level up certain weapons and find upgrades.
Does Joel have parkinsons? It feels like it when I try to shoot things. Weird.

You can upgrade weapon sway.


I'm at 5 or 6 hours and my opinion hasn't changed much.

I think the last of us is a cool experience, but I don't find it to be a fun game.
Played for 6 hour straight... I can't stop playing, god damn it's soooo good, thank the heavens they release the game on a Friday so I can have the weekend to play :)


Played all day, finished Winter, thought I was safe since I was logged out of PSN, but apparently not. Save data is for the beginning of the game.



Game is ok so far. Great story, and voice acting is top notch.

Gameplay on the other hand... Sorry but clickers are fucking bullshit - why can I not melee them?

The aiming is by far the worst Ive ever dealt with in a videogame. I had the same issue with uncharted also. Sure, maybe Im used to PC and could use some aim assist, but seriously? I cant hit the fucking broad side of a god damn barn in this game let alone a "must headshot" on a clicker or Im dead.

Everything else is fine so far, but the aiming in this game is killing it for me. Never had an aiming issue in any other first or third person game other than uncharted and last of us.. :(


Game is ok so far. Great story, and voice acting is top notch.

Gameplay on the other hand... Sorry but clickers are fucking bullshit - why can I not melee them?

The aiming is by far the worst Ive ever dealt with in a videogame. I had the same issue with uncharted also. Sure, maybe Im used to PC and could use some aim assist, but seriously? I cant hit the fucking broad side of a god damn barn in this game let alone a "must headshot" on a clicker or Im dead.

Everything else is fine so far, but the aiming in this game is killing it for me. Never had an aiming issue in any other first or third person game other than uncharted and last of us.. :(
Upgrade your weapon sway, upgrade your shivs. I find the game a lot more enjoyable once you have more tools to your disposal.


Game is ok so far. Great story, and voice acting is top notch.

Gameplay on the other hand... Sorry but clickers are fucking bullshit - why can I not melee them?

The aiming is by far the worst Ive ever dealt with in a videogame. I had the same issue with uncharted also. Sure, maybe Im used to PC and could use some aim assist, but seriously? I cant hit the fucking broad side of a god damn barn in this game let alone a "must headshot" on a clicker or Im dead.

Everything else is fine so far, but the aiming in this game is killing it for me. Never had an aiming issue in any other first or third person game other than uncharted and last of us.. :(

upgrade aiming skills and make shivs


You know... The multiplayer could have actually been really good in this with just a few more changes. A couple of more objective based modes (preferably without respawns). More supplies to gather around the maps that have some permanent impact to your camp. An interactive camp that you can walk through to see the "survivors" that you are helping (which you can then upgrade to change the apperance of as you continue to do well over the weeks). And more cooperation on the part of players (I know this isn't the fault of the developers, but jesus christ people... This isn't Uncharted multiplayer. Don't run around the damn map. Hang out with your teammates. And support each other).
This game is hard. Really hard. I just finished the subway station sequence
with six clickers in it.

Surprisingly only died there twice, unlike that first major clicker encounter from the demo. Died there probably closer to nine times while trying to stealth before I just got frustrated and brute forced my way through.

Boy, I sure am glad this game doesn't have a trophy for a no-alerts run.
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