Clickers are terrifying. Really well designed.
Spoiler for about 3 hours inRIP Tess
4:30 hours played, only 31%. Feels good. Love the systems. The last part I just did was awesome, super fast paced and tense too.The part when you meet Bill.
Until you realizethat letting the runners come up to you and initiate QTE is a guaranteed headshot every time you push them off and far more efficient.
I want to say it needs more modes, but I don't know what kind or how. But I do like the deathmatch more than TDM.
No one ever called this the best looking game of this gen. The clickers aren't that bad haha, just sneak past them.Welp, it looks like I'm TOTALLY not the target for survival-horror games. I don't think I can do one more clicker battle, I'm out.
Game looks good, apart from the horrible tearing, and texture shimmering, but it's an old platform, whadaayagonnado? I don't think it's the best looking game of this gen, but that's because I play a lot of games on PC which is essentially cheating. Definitely not better (for me) than the Uncharted series. I can think of many other games that I liked better than this, and that makes it impossible for it to be a 100/100 game (again, for me -- don't come at me bro).
No one ever called this the best looking game of this gen. The clickers aren't that bad haha, just sneak past them.
What is your guys opinion on the game? I'm thinking of getting it but the critics seem like they are overhyping it. I mostly play games for story and characters. So I'm mostly wondering how good that stuff is. I want to hear real gamers opinions not critics.
You still get this experience with listen mode on. You don't see every enemy, they have to be moving or making noise, and the distance is limited. It's more useful as a tool to predict movements, but even that seems to be super random for most enemies so it doesn't make a difference.
For the last couple of months I've attempted to be on complete media blackout for The Last Of Us, and I have mostly achieved my goal, thank God. I've had it since Tuesday, just finished it. Took my time with it, played it mostly at nighttime. I explored, scavenged and absorbed the world Druckmann and Stapley have created as much as I could. This game is really something special. You know, I could write about how marvelous the level design, or how the combat mechanics and gunplay feel are pitch point perfect, or how every corner of the game is jam-packed with unique detailing. Or the emotionally affecting and draining story, how the characters will stick with you, how you'll actually feel for these people. But there's not much point in describing any of this, really. Fact of the matter is TLoU is simply one of the best games of this generation, and it's everything I could've hoped for from the Straley/Druckmann duo. ND should be proud of what they have accomplished, and Sony should give these two free reign. Neil Druckmann has got to be the best writer currently working in this industry.
How do I use the shiv when I grab somebody? R1 shoots the dude and square strangles.
How do I use the shiv when I grab somebody? R1 shoots the dude and square strangles.
There are better looking third-party games. Personally I feel the visuals are inconsistent, some areas look amazing while others not so much. The game has great art design and that's one of the reasons why technical issues like aliasing aren't a big issue for me.Really? I've seen it thrown around a bit. Idk if its best looking of the gen straight up, but certainly one of the best console exclusives, if not the best.
It ain't perfect though, that's for sure.
For the last couple of months I've attempted to be on complete media blackout for The Last Of Us, and I have mostly achieved my goal, thank God. I've had it since Tuesday, just finished it. Took my time with it, played it mostly at nighttime. I explored, scavenged and absorbed the world Druckmann and Stapley have created as much as I could. This game is really something special. You know, I could write about how marvelous the level design, or how the combat mechanics and gunplay feel are pitch point perfect, or how every corner of the game is jam-packed with unique detailing. Or the emotionally affecting and draining story, how the characters will stick with you, how you'll actually feel for these people. But there's not much point in describing any of this, really. Fact of the matter is TLoU is simply one of the best games of this generation, and it's everything I could've hoped for from the Straley/Druckmann duo. ND should be proud of what they have accomplished, and Sony should give these two free reign. Neil Druckmann has got to be the best writer currently working in this industry.
It's not RE4. The slow first few hours alone stop it from being RE4. The speed at which RE4 happens is entirely up to the player, the speed at which The Last of Us happens, at least from what I've seen so far, is much, much more directed. It won't hold up to multiple playthroughs in the same way, nor does it feel as "crisp."
But hey, not everything can be RE4. At least they're trying. They're really really trying.
For the last couple of months I've attempted to be on complete media blackout for The Last Of Us, and I have mostly achieved my goal, thank God.
What is your guys opinion on the game? I'm thinking of getting it but the critics seem like they are overhyping it. I mostly play games for story and characters. So I'm mostly wondering how good that stuff is. I want to hear real gamers opinions not critics.
I've done the exact same thing. Haven't a clue what the zombie type enemies look like. Planning on doing the same for the majority of games I purchase now. Dark Souls 2, GTA5, ect ect will all be experienced like they should be.
What difficulty did you do your first play through on? Thinking about going with Hard from the off and not using the listen feature at all.
It's not difficult at all. I'm playing on hard with Listen mode disabled and have yet to come across difficult sections. I think I've completed 50% of the game.I would say hard for sure. I don't find the game difficult yet(4 hours in) and I am finding a lot of supplies, and it's actually more restricted on this mode. Can't even imagine how easy Normal is.
I've done the exact same thing. Haven't a clue what the zombie type enemies look like. Planning on doing the same for the majority of games I purchase now. Dark Souls 2, GTA5, ect ect will all be experienced like they should be.
What difficulty did you do your first play through on? Thinking about going with Hard from the off and not using the listen feature at all.
For the last couple of months I've attempted to be on complete media blackout for The Last Of Us, and I have mostly achieved my goal, thank God. I've had it since Tuesday, just finished it. Took my time with it, played it mostly at nighttime. I explored, scavenged and absorbed the world Druckmann and Stapley have created as much as I could. This game is really something special. You know, I could write about how marvelous the level design, or how the combat mechanics and gunplay feel are pitch point perfect, or how every corner of the game is jam-packed with unique detailing. Or the emotionally affecting and draining story, how the characters will stick with you, how you'll actually feel for these people. But there's not much point in describing any of this, really. Fact of the matter is TLoU is simply one of the best games of this generation, and it's everything I could've hoped for from the Straley/Druckmann duo. ND should be proud of what they have accomplished, and Sony should give these two free reign. Neil Druckmann has got to be the best writer currently working in this industry.
I hate the fact that enemies completely ignore your AI companions even if they're standing right next to them haha.
I hate the fact that enemies completely ignore your AI companions even if they're standing right next to them haha.
fuck this game is too hard for me, i jsut dont have the patience to play this gamemight make it down to easy so i can enjoy just the story
Boy have there been some heart pounding sections so far :O
Do you guys find yourself trying to avoid combat altogether or are you stealthily taking people down? There's just not enough ammo in this game to go for a run and gun approach, not that you'd want to anyways, this game wasn't built to be like that.
Earlier I was taking people down by sneaking up on them, but I just got to a particular section where I avoided the masses and just tried to slither through them all. I'm trying to put myself in their shoes, and what would make sense in that moment. Not that I hope to ever be in a post-apocalyptic setting.
fuck this game is too hard for me, i jsut dont have the patience to play this gamemight make it down to easy so i can enjoy just the story
I think I'm in the same boat.fuck this game is too hard for me, i jsut dont have the patience to play this gamemight make it down to easy so i can enjoy just the story