Nothing's more satisfying than distracting clickers with a brick or bottle-then when they run to investigate the noise you toss a Molotov on them.
melee is the best thing about the game when you really mix it with gun and run and strealth.
It sucks when you do a normal melee when everyone becomes alert and the guys need to be hit with 5/7 punches.
Anyone else notice how well friendly AI when getting involved mixes with the melee.
I pressed triangle when i pushed the guy towards bill and he slashed his head off/
I have played the game 60 % run and gun and its damn good.
People who have been playing the game completely strelth , should try run and gun style in the next playthrough
The enemies aren't exactly bullet sponges, even on Hard. And melee is still so damn effective.
Game is ok so far. Great story, and voice acting is top notch.
Gameplay on the other hand... Sorry but clickers are fucking bullshit - why can I not melee them?
The aiming is by far the worst Ive ever dealt with in a videogame. I had the same issue with uncharted also. Sure, maybe Im used to PC and could use some aim assist, but seriously? I cant hit the fucking broad side of a god damn barn in this game let alone a "must headshot" on a clicker or Im dead.
Everything else is fine so far, but the aiming in this game is killing it for me. Never had an aiming issue in any other first or third person game other than uncharted and last of us..![]()
By the way, how do i charge the lantern?. When it starts switching on and off a DS3 moving icon appears but wagging it doesn´t do shit.
I just tilt the controller to the right once or twice.
About halfway through. This game is just amazing. I think it offers a little for all different kinds of gaming fans. The story and characters are great for those who prefer to play for that sort of thing. There is action, horror, survival, stealth and all done fairly well.
Ellie is great
Amazing character
Has the voice actress done any other games?
Does any body think the sound track is absolutely terrific?
Terrifically good yes. Sublime indeed.
im about 20% through.... great game, but Farcry 3 is soooo much better..
their is a rubber band effect in the game... sorta like COD games... just get to a certain point and your friends just instantly catch up to you...
That's kind of a screwed up comparison. I may as well go on about how I think Dark Souls is one of the best games in recent history and this doesn't stand up to it at all: even if I feel that way it's not really a relevant comparison, more a statement of what kinds of games I like more.Christ, I hope not.
I think they should have put more stuff to pick up in the areas, not because we needed to make crafting easier or to craft more often but because most of the areas have huge, open spaces that you'd think would have something but don't, so its kind of a waste of time really going out of your way to explore places for nothing(not even enemies at times to fight) and most everything you do come across is on your path anyways except for the occasionalshiv doors
I did like the area in the subway where you could dive down and into to pick up stuff, that was cool, though had that been an empty area I would have laughed.
im about 20% through.... great game, but Farcry 3 is soooo much better..
their is a rubber band effect in the game... sorta like COD games... just get to a certain point and your friends just instantly catch up to you...
That's what Troy Baker looks like?
9 and half doritosSo what kind of score out of 10 do you guys think this game deserves if you totally ignore story and acting and *only* consider gameplay? (I haven't played it, and I'm wondering if I should).
So what kind of score out of 10 do you guys think this game deserves if you totally ignore story and acting and *only* consider gameplay? (I haven't played it, and I'm wondering if I should).
Too bad he's recently married.![]()
He kinda looks like Delsin from Infamous: Second Son
I'll ask again since nobody answered, has the server fix definitely remedied the autosave glitch, allowing me to remain signed in while I play?
His wife clearly agrees then
Congrats Troy, on the off-chance you're reading this
He kinda looks like Delsin from Infamous: Second Son
I'll ask again since nobody answered, has the server fix definitely remedied the autosave glitch, allowing me to remain signed in while I play?
Well, my playthrough was for nothing. For finishing the game on hard I didn't get ANY trophies, except some little achievement for crafting all items. Not that I really care about trophies but still...
Guess who's voicing him . . .
And yes to the latter.
He IS Delsin lol. They used his face for mocap.
Well, my playthrough was for nothing. For finishing the game on hard I didn't get ANY trophies, except some little achievement for crafting all items. Not that I really care about trophies but still...
What's up with the trophy situation? I haven't unlocked anything in 9hrs of gameplay. Weird.