Guess what? MORE BOOM!
The terror comes from the ants!
There are only two days to the Video Game Awards 2011, the event that, in addition to rewarding games of 2011, will remove the veil of new titles including this new The Last of Us, PlayStation 3 exclusive.
As promised in the podcast, we reveal today the first information about the title being developed by a study in the famous and popular gaming scene.
According come to the office, we will set in the near future, in which, due to a contamination of ants, people will gradually become infected and lead to death while in some other real zombies. They will fall, hit by the infection, the first metropolitan cities of Central America such as Texas and New Mexico, so close the whole quarantine, and then, after an outbreak in the UK, although the United States of America, voice of its President, declare a state of alert.
Which scenario is then for the main character? Imagine being trapped in a world where you are left to themselves, only survivors, a kind of "I Am Legend," for those who have read the book or seen the movie with actor Will Smith. In contrast, however, already known to most of the script, the protagonist tries to save his family, and at the same time try to understand where it comes from this infection.
You will find that in the forests of South America where there are secret installations were performed unauthorized experiments that have plagued the adjacent vegetation, including ants. These little insects assume a particularly aggressive stance much to see in man a form of threat. A similar pattern is present in the book "The Hephaestus plague" which later was made ​​into the movie "Bug, insect of fire", where a colony of insects sticking out of the ground and began to kill the man.
The view should be in first person, just to bring more intensity and emotion to the gameplay.