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The Last of Us Pt II |OT| Oh Ellie...I think they should be terrified of you


I just killed what feels like my hundredth brainless AI enemy, and I'm about 4 hours into the game.

Each kill they force me to watch a 6 second animation.

6 x 100 = 600.

That's 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back. When does this game become a 10/10?
You could literally take every single game ever made and come up with such an argument. Entire genres like turn-based combat games would be stealing your life away... It´s ok to not like the game. But coming up with weird math examples to make it bad is just strange...


I don’t think I’ve seen one black infected (or human enemy) in all my hours of playtime.

If this is true of course, that's fucking racist. You can shoot zombies of all skin colors and genders in RE2 and RE3 Remake, because it makes perfect sense in the context of a zombie outbreak happening in the US. At least Japanese devs know what "equality" actually means.

This game man, smh...


I'll say it clearly, nobody's ever going to change my mind about this. We can go round in circles all day long if you want.
I mean, you can cling religiously to your headcanon, I'm afraid you're still very wrong. The fact that you're convinced Joel was under the impression the cure was pretty much a lie, but at no point ever expressed it to Marlene, like for instance in the carpark of the hospital as a pretty fucking good reason for them not to kill Ellie when Marlene is bargaining with him really shows how your logic falls apart. At no point in the game does Joel hesitate to argue a point, he does it was Tess, he does it with Ellie. Guy is pretty fucking shouty when he's pissed and he's pretty pissed at the Fireflies. The idea that Joel thinks the cure is a fantasy and whe he's got Marlene in front of him saying that he needs to hand over Ellie to die for this cure he doesn't throw that in her face is just dumb.

You're also just ignoring the biggest part of this, and I know you're well aboard the "HUH DUH CUCKMANN BAD" train, but the guy wrote both games. The fact the author sees it as being the same as many others in this thread saying you're wrong really puts you on shaky ground.


Gold Member
3+ hours in, some sparse opinions:

Really not a fan of the film grain, it actively make the game looks worse, i hope for a patch that let me disable this shit.

Great fan of the motion blur setting and especially the fov setting very rare on console, pur on the max distance guys, it's noticeably better.

Personalized Difficulty and accessibility options are absolute ace, a lot of neat shit to play around.

New joel face is super detailed but it looks off to me, i think i prefer his face in the remastered, ellie's face is fine, maybe because i wasn't charmed by her face in the first game like a lot of people so i don't feel this huge difference.

This time the villains have the same detailed face compared to the protagonist, in unchy4 both nadine and rafe where less detailed and realistic than elena, drake and sam, here the blonde guy and you know who are as detailed as joel and ellie, maybe because i was pretty stoned but the blonde guy looks even better than joel to me...maybe something in his eyes, i don't know....

I'm absolutely loving playing as you know who, she is a fucking tank, i prefer her playstile compared to ellie.
She also seems less annoying than ellie, so...

Even on survivor, the enemy (runners at least) fov during stealth is still pretty restricted, they barely see you if you are not in front of them, i did some stealth takedown where i was sure to get caught but nothing happened, at least they see more far away in a straight line compared to the first one.
Maybe humans have better sight, i still have to fight them.

The dodge is pretty neat, i thought it would make the melee too easy but on survivor enemy attack during your turn and without much wind up so you can't just play in a sloppy way.

Graphics and animations are top tier of course, rdr2 still has an edge overall but this is easily top3 (best in class in some aspects).

Digital acting is best in class, some chara looks more expressive than others but overall it is top tier, better than death stranding for me, but i didn't played detroit tho.

I love that some piece of brain attaches to walls when you do a melee finisher on enemies, the gore is great.

The plot\writing is so-so but i was never a fan of ND storytelling style to begin with, some good moments and some hilarious stuff like the bigot sandwitch, you don't give away 2 good steak sandwitches... i hope she starve to death after this

Eugene was an interesting character, why can't i travel with him instead of dina?

The snow is similar to the snow on gow, i personally prefer the snow in the frozen wild dlc and rdr2, water is outstanding tho, curious to see the mud deformation (if there is any)


Difference with vault is it’s used contextually, just like squeezing through tight spaces. Jump is always there, contextual or not.

I’m just finding a need for quick brick/bottle button (or being able to assign Molotovs/grenades/traps to it) far more than I am needing to jump whenever I want. Engagements are always under pressure and wasted time is punished severely. It may seem like throwables are quick to select and use, and they are, but when turning a corner and coming face to face with an unexpected enemy, the extra one to two seconds it takes to select and toss them is enough to take a shot, if not two.

These are fair points.
I do enjoy the extra verticality in the game but agree that jump isn't used that much (in the early part of the game anyway, no idea about later on).

Luckily I haven't had any issues quickly selecting throwables yet but the weapon and item selection menu can be s bit cumbersome when in a tense situation. I do like that they added quick swap for weapons with R1 now though.


I just had the most awesome interaction. I'm looking inside an abandoned storefront - oh lookie, there's a clicker right behind the window. So I'm scouting the premises to find a best place for entry, when I hear glass break behind me.

So apparently I had made enough noise, within the hearing range of the clicker, and it came after me (with friends, of course). That you can break windows works great as a mechanic for the player, and human enemies too, but that surprised me in a very positive way (and it makes sense clickers would hear things outside too, didn't just think about it with the windows in place).


Unconfirmed Member
I mean, you can cling religiously to your headcanon, I'm afraid you're still very wrong. The fact that you're convinced Joel was under the impression the cure was pretty much a lie, but at no point ever expressed it to Marlene, like for instance in the carpark of the hospital as a pretty fucking good reason for them not to kill Ellie when Marlene is bargaining with him really shows how your logic falls apart. At no point in the game does Joel hesitate to argue a point, he does it was Tess, he does it with Ellie. Guy is pretty fucking shouty when he's pissed and he's pretty pissed at the Fireflies. The idea that Joel thinks the cure is a fantasy and whe he's got Marlene in front of him saying that he needs to hand over Ellie to die for this cure he doesn't throw that in her face is just dumb.

You're also just ignoring the biggest part of this, and I know you're well aboard the "HUH DUH CUCKMANN BAD" train, but the guy wrote both games. The fact the author sees it as being the same as many others in this thread saying you're wrong really puts you on shaky ground.

Well firstly, you can take that "HUH DUH CUCKMAN BAD" bullshit & stick it where the sun don't shine. I'm not even a little bit interested in that garbage.

But anyway, I said that the cure was a hope & a dream. Not a lie. If you're going to argue with me, argue with what I actually say.


Gold Member
Okay, I'm about 7 hours into this game and aside from some odd writing and the plot being a mixed bag I am loving this game and think aside from it's narrative aspects it's miles better than the first in every way.

This game isn't perfect as a whole, but the visuals, atmosphere, tension, music, level design and combat are top tier imo.

It's not your super in-depth Platinum Games kinda combat but for AAA it's amazing, the level design is the best I've seen from ND and the AI for me is a massive step up.

I'm playing on custom difficulty as I'm a little bitch who likes resources to be plentiful, aside from that I've got it all on Moderate and above.

We can moan all day about the story, but the actual gameplay and design? It's such a step up imo, environments feel real and not just like your corridor fest's in TLOU 1.

The tension and horror has been better than the first already and seeing what lies ahead (Rat King) I am shitting myself with fear to face the monstrosities that lie ahead.

So far I'd give this an 8.5/10, cried 3 times too so far throughout, so the mental breakdown is going well!
Put at least the enemy ia on max difficulty you pussy :lollipop_grinning_sweat:


If this is true of course, that's fucking racist. You can shoot zombies of all skin colors and genders in RE2 and RE3 Remake, because it makes perfect sense in the context of a zombie outbreak happening in the US. At least Japanese devs know what "equality" actually means.

This game man, smh...
Seriously, WTF is actually wrong with people? Literally one hour into the game:


Can we calm it with the moral panics now?

But anyway, I said that the cure was a hope & a dream. Not a lie. If you're going to argue with me, argue with what I actually say.
Change "lie" to "hope & a dream", then. Come on, that doesn't change anything to what I said and you know it.
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Gold Member
I hear it has a ton of accessibility options which make getting the platinum piss easy so I was thinking of picking this up one day. Don't care about the story or anything.
Wait a fucking moment, are you one of those guys obsessed with fucking platinum trophies in games??

Do you really buy games just because they have an easy platinum?

I'm loosing respect here man...


Unconfirmed Member
Change "lie" to "hope & a dream", then. Come on, that doesn't change anything to what I said and you know it.

Yes it does change things. If you argue against something I never said, it shows me you're not on the level. Just like when you accuse me of having an agenda against "Cuckman" which is nonsense. I've loved the guy's work & openly praised him.

When Joel shoots Marlene she basically told him Ellie was probably going to die anyway, so why try & save her. What kind of outlook is that. Why would Joel even need to talk about the cure being a hope in that conversation. All he had to say was what he did say, "It's not up to you to decide". Which is true. Good on him.

Edit: I don't want to be the guy who just bangs on about a subject when everyone is sick & tired listening to it, so I'm actually content to drop this argument about part 1. I stand by everything I've said, but will drop it if people are fed up with it.

tassletine tassletine has already shown me that I may have jumped the gun with my thoughts about the opening to part 2. I'll continue my playthrough & see if there's going to be more revelations that'll change things. Hopefully there are.
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Wait a fucking moment, are you one of those guys obsessed with fucking platinum trophies in games??

Do you really buy games just because they have an easy platinum?

I'm loosing respect here man...
Nah it just seems like the type of game that would be fun to breeze through especially with the wire frame graphics and shit.


Seriously, WTF is actually wrong with people? Literally one hour into the game:


Can we calm it with the moral panics now?
Is that a cutscene or gameplay?

I don’t recall that. Perhaps I’ve seen some and’ve forgotten, and if so I withdraw my offensive question. Just I remember a lot of the Hunters in the original game were very diverse in their numbers, but here they feel predominantly white. But again I’ve only been playing against the WLF and not the other faction. I’ll be paying closer attention to see if I’ve been mistaken.


Game’s brilliant but the film grain is absolutely doing my fking head in. Has anyone found a way to get rid of it yet? If you go on picture mode you can see the damn film grain is set to 37! Set it down to 0 and the game looks how it should but there’s seemingly no way to do it for the actual game. It’s spoiling my enjoyment.


When Joel shoots Marlene she basically told him Ellie was probably going to die anyway, so why try & save her. What kind of outlook is that. Why would Joel even need to talk about the cure being a hope in that conversation. All he had to say was what he did say, "It's not up to you to decide". Which is true. Good on him.

She says "It's what she'd want, and you know it. You can still do the right thing, she won't feel a thing"
What she'd want would be to be the cause of the cure. The "right thing" is making the cure. Upon hearing this, this would be a REALLY good time to call her out on the fact the cure isn't a sure thing. The game cuts to Joel driving, not showing us if Ellie is there right away to make us wonder if Joel actually did hand her over for the cure. We then learn that Joel didn't, ending with him lying about what happened. The lie being so impactful because we're led to believe that Joel gave up on the hope of a cure because he wanted a daughter substitute.

Now imagine that scene through your view. We cut to Joel driving. Well shit? He actually gave up Ellie for some vague chance at a cure? Why the fuck would he do that? The chance of a cure was near to none! Oh wait, Ellie is there? Oh, okay. No problem then. Oh, he lied to her? Well, whatever, probably for the best seeing as there's no real moral ambiguity here.

The scene doesn't work, it's clearly set up on the premise that a cure was possible. You're letting 7 years of fan theories obscure your view, you're not being objective.

Is that a cutscene or gameplay?
Gameplay, it's the very first part you have clickers & runners together in the mall.
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Won’t say anything or spoil anything but think I’ve just worked out the big shocking plot twist in the story. I’m in Seattle a few hours in. Haven’t seen any spoilers whatsoever but let’s be honest it’s not a difficult game to predict the story they give you all the clues you need from minute 1. I lowered the difficulty to Hard even though I’m normally a Grounded player simply because I want to have fun on the first play through then I’ll move onto Survivor in future playthroughs. It was getting annoying dying and having no supplies and materials just want to see the story and Hard is very easy to do that while maintaining some decent tension in battles. Hard is extremely easy compared to Survivor.
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Unconfirmed Member

She says "It's what she'd want, and you know it. You can still do the right thing, she won't feel a thing"
What she'd want would be to be the cause of the cure. The "right thing" is making the cure. The game cuts to Joel driving, not showing us if Ellie is there right away to make us wonder if Joel actually did hand her over for the cure. We then learn that Joel didn't, ending with him lying about what happened. The lie being so impactful because we're led to believe that Joel gave up on the hope of a cure because he wanted a daughter substitute.

Now imagine that scene through your view. We cut to Joel driving. Well shit? He actually gave up Ellie for some vague chance at a cure? Why the fuck would he do that? The chance of a cure was near to none! Oh wait, Ellie is there? Oh, okay. No problem then. Oh, he lied to her? Well, whatever, probably for the best seeing as there's no real moral ambiguity here.

The scene doesn't work, it's clearly set up on the premise that a cure was possible. You're letting 7 years of fan theories obscure your view, you're not being objective.

Yes, Ellie would want to be the cause of the cure. She feels guilty because other people have died around her & for her. She's depressed & struggles with that guilt. She wants it to mean something. But she's a child & Joel is right to take that decision away from her. That's the responsible thing for an adult, a father figure, to do for a child. The problem is that he then lies to her about it. Both to try & protect her from any more depression or guilt & let her move on with her life, & to fully justify his own actions to himself.

& yes, in Marlene's eyes the right thing is to try & make a cure. But she's wrong.

The scene works fine as I'm looking at it. & none of this changes the essence of what I've been arguing anyway. The cure was never a guarantee. It was hopes & dreams.
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Please oh please can we fucking remove the Film Grain! That shit looks ass and whenever I go on Photomode and turn it off I think it looks so much better.

Seems like a pretentious thing to make it more filmic but I don't like it personally.


i love the set pieces with the clickers and the npcs...you just throw a bottle at their feet and watch the chaos
but i found just one place for that, that ungderground metro place with red lights. what i do with cilckers and runners is throw bottle to brake then wait until they all come see whats going on then trow molotov in same place and watch them burn... clickers most times still staying alive after little burn though... but thats still worth to watch how they all running in fire.
hated are with dogs, no point to deal with them, but i had no problem to kill them all if needed, but i dont want those dogs anymore...
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hated are with dogs, no point to deal with them, but i had no problem to kill them all if needed, but i dont want those dogs anymore...
You know how a dog is a man's best friend?

Well, I've found a trap mine is a dog's best friend.
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Is that a cutscene or gameplay?

I don’t recall that. Perhaps I’ve seen some and’ve forgotten, and if so I withdraw my offensive question. Just I remember a lot of the Hunters in the original game were very diverse in their numbers, but here they feel predominantly white. But again I’ve only been playing against the WLF and not the other faction. I’ll be paying closer attention to see if I’ve been mistaken.

Alright, that would have been shocking otherwise. That's why I said "If this is true, of course" when talking about it. :pie_ssmiling:

This game still makes me smh, but less.
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Please oh please can we fucking remove the Film Grain! That shit looks ass and whenever I go on Photomode and turn it off I think it looks so much better.

Seems like a pretentious thing to make it more filmic but I don't like it personally.
I'd suggest asking them on Twitter to add the option seeing as it's technically already there in photo mode. Normally there's a good chance they'd actually listen if a good number of people asked... Unfortunately right now every Tweet they put out is being brigaded with hate, so they probably aren't paying too much attention to what people say there.


Gold Member
I feel like people that are really enjoying the game are getting really offended that some people aren't enjoying the game. I feel like both sides are allowed to express their opinions. At least they are giving it a try.


Simple question folks from a PC nerd, I'm absolutely SHIT at manual aiming with a controller. Does this game (and the remastered prequel) have a a full auto aim (not assist) mode?


Gold Member
Simple question folks from a PC nerd, I'm absolutely SHIT at manual aiming with a controller. Does this game (and the remastered prequel) have a a full auto aim (not assist) mode?
not sure about the remaster but i remember seeing an option for auto aim in the second one.


Dreams in Digital
Help required, please:

Kill the amalgamated infected in the lower section of the hospital in Abby's story? I've put everything down to the lowest level and I just keep getting frustrated with it. Don't let me know if I'm near the end. I kind of hope I am but I'd sooner not know. Cheers.
but i found just one place for that, that ungderground metro place with red lights. what i do with cilckers and runners is throw bottle to brake then wait until they all come see whats going on then trow molotov in same place and watch them burn... clickers most times still staying alive after little burn though... but thats still worth to watch how they all running in fire.
hated are with dogs, no point to deal with them, but i had no problem to kill them all if needed, but i dont want those dogs anymore...
i loved that bit...or the hospital basement when you chased that girl (without spoilers)
the other part with the chained up infected was also fun to see what chaos you could unleash

The design choices there were superb
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So, important question: does the Pro jet engine kicks in while playing this?
Actually no..i have not noticed it
there is a level late in the game thats very dark and has lots of fire which the fan went a little high but it was still quieter than the title screen of LOU2 remastered

The loading times are also pretty good on a pro console


Gold Member
Actually no..i have not noticed it
there is a level late in the game thats very dark and has lots of fire which the fan went a little high but it was still quieter than the title screen of LOU2 remastered

The loading times are also pretty good on a pro console

Well, that's great to hear!


Props to Naughty Dog. I'm seriously impressed by this game and how it looks. They show how much talented they really are. Everything looks just about right and almost breaks my dislike for realistic games. This is what I love about games the most.


So, there are no difficulty trophies?

I love the stealth in this game.... I love the pistol silencers and the bow, taking out everyone and then hunting down the last one or two with a shotgun.

Did anyone have an enemy beg for their life?

Taking out the dog handler and seeing the dog go over to the body and react is a cool detail

The flashbacks for Ellie are very nice, probably my favorite part of the story so far but I am taking my time.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Saw it in the shop yesterday and just grabbed it, don't give a fuck about the leaks and sjw bullshit at this moment. Just want to enjoy the game and make some pretty photo's.



I feel like this game is magically from next gen. It does not feel like it should be possible on PS4.

Yes, the gameplay is next level... if you have a good plan or improvise really well, you can just cut through people like butter.
I really want them to make an MGS / Splinter Cell type game with this engine..... just add more stealth possibilities etc..... like being more hidden in shadows etc. It could really use ray tracing well in that instance.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Saw it in the shop yesterday and just grabbed it, don't give a fuck about the leaks and sjw bullshit at this moment. Just want to enjoy the game and make some pretty photo's.

Good. Even if you end up hating the lesbian story its worth playin for the refined gameplay and amazing visuals alone. This is a real nigga game, best played at real nigga hours.


Made it up to the elementary school and stopped at the combat encounter there. Chapter 10ish?

Gotten every collectible so far except for two.


I played this game for about 9 hours yesterday but I gotta work all weekend so I'll probably just pick it back up on Monday when I'm off again so I don't get burned out so quickly.


I feel like people that are really enjoying the game are getting really offended that some people aren't enjoying the game. I feel like both sides are allowed to express their opinions. At least they are giving it a try.

Come on man. Some of the posts here are by people who I suspect don’t have the game and have maybe watched some play time or YouTube in order to find ammo for posting here.

Others maybe have it but enjoy trying to shit on it here just to start an argument.

Just check some post histories - I’ve seen some fairly outspoken console warriors popping up in this thread claiming they’re annoyed about the story and how awful it is halfway through or how long it takes to do a stealth kill ... lol.

Just because someone bought the game doesn’t give them the right to come and take a shit on it for their own reasons and not be called out for it.
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