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The Last of Us Pt II |OT| Oh Ellie...I think they should be terrified of you


It is an issue because it makes the interactions less believable, it's one of a number of aspects of the game betraying the agenda that sticks out like a broken bone and ideological art is always shit. And the dialogue is ham fisted self-serious shit a lot of the time.

The interactions are still believable in terms of how characters feel and what decisions they make. If you're going to argue that the interactions are less believable because of the science fiction of the games, then you might as well do so for any story in which a science-fiction element is a challenge that the protagonists must overcome.


Ellie does not kill the enemies with brute force though. She very much has to use Guerilla tactics against them which a small person can do. As far as shooting goes she has been learning that since she first met Joel so I imagine she is a pro at that. She uses her size and speed to her advantage.


The nicest person on this forum
Ellie does not kill the enemies with brute force though. She very much has to use Guerilla tactics against them which a small person can do.
that little detail was very impressive, especially when you fight Ellie as Abby, that part I really liked. in that fight you see Ellie crafting items and setting traps.
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Loving it so far. Just cleared out downtown Seattle. Love how you often get a meaningful item from exploring. For example the completely optional bank where you find a shotty in the vault.

The gfx are mind blowing. I’m often in awe feeling I’m finally controlling CG in real-time.

I still trying to work out what the big story controversy is. .

I also appreciate the story subversion of our expectations, for example what happens to Joel.

There is no peer in gaming as far as character development & acting. Masterclass so far......Long way to go.

EDIT : how the fuck do I holster a weapon?
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Gold Member
Starting Day 3 with Abby.

The whole Lev plot twist felt so unnecessary and forced down your throat. Yikes.

I like Lev as a character, the connection the kid establishes with Abby is neat and well made, but that whole conversation with her sister setting up her rogue reasons because "I'm transgender and to signal I'm a man I'll shave my head" it's just...


I even like Abby as a character, she's a little way too buffed yeah, but her personality as a character so far is cool, but I feel like the second part of the game just drags too much. I'm basically advancing in the game so I can reach that specific part and see what happens.
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REE Machine

Ok so I'm at the second half of the game where I get to play another character. So I'm supposed to suddenly hate the game?

In fact I'm enjoying it more being able to play as and see things from another perspective.

Educate me again once more. What exactly am I supposed to hate?
Muscular woman=gender confusion and or trans from what I gathered from some neogaf posters.....

REE Machine

Starting Day 3 with Abby.

The whole Lev plot twist felt so unnecessary and forced down your throat. Yikes.

I like Lev as a character, the connection the kid establishes with Abby is neat and well made, but that whole conversation with her sister setting up her rogue reasons because "I'm transgender and to signal I'm a man I'll shave my head" it's just...


I even like Abby as a character, she's a little way too buffed yeah, but her personality as a character so far is cool, but I feel like the second part of the game just drags too much. I'm basically advancing in the game so I can reach that specific part and see what happens.
thats how their cult signifies gender though. Notice no woman in the cult is bald and they signify gender with whether you have hair or not. So it makes sense that Lev would shave his head because he feels masuline and wants to be a man instead of being identified as a woman and as his sister said being forced to marry a man.


Gold Member
thats how their cult signifies gender though. Notice no woman in the cult is bald and they signify gender with whether you have hair or not. So it makes sense that Lev would shave his head because he feels masuline and wants to be a man instead of being identified as a woman and as his sister said being forced to marry a man.

Still, I honestly thought Lev was a boy from the very beginning. That whole dialogue felt like a statement from the developers point of view: the game has transgender character's support, and we need to have a dialogue that states that Lev is indeed a transgender character, because we're so diverse as a company.

It felt an unnecessary dialogue if you ask me.

For example, the whole Dina/Ellie relationship, at least it feel's kind of natural from the very beginning, no need to say in some kind of way through their dialogue "Oh my god they're so gay and we're so LGBT supportive".
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The more interviews I read with Druckman the more it seems that they had something at least somewhat good in production and couldn't leave well enough alone. All to chase the early SHOCK! They cut the introduction to two of the main characters in the game and moved it to the end, how the hell did he think that would work? It's pretty clear that this game was more or less linear at one point in development, and the decision to go all flashback happy was done later. It really feels like every time someone had a complaint about the story structure or how to make the game flow better or make more sense, there is an interview with Druckman out there saying that he originally had it that way, but cut it for some asinine reason or another.

I think the part that he doesn't mention is how much was cut to ship this before the PS5. It is obvious that Jackson and SB were supposed to be much bigger parts of the game.
My goodness, it's so nice to find a thread with lots of people who actually appreciate and love this game.

Finished it on Friday and I too found it very depressing.

10/10 experience for me. I intend to one day play it again, but not any time soon*.

(* - I have this weird thing where I like to not read books, watch movies, play games, etc. again for many, many years, so I that I can forget as many of the little details as possible, so they can surprise me again..!)


Gold Member
Man, for a moment there...

I thought they were going to end the game with Ellie in the farm with Dina, living happily ever after, which would totally suck to be honest. They made her look so weak and fragile in that part.

Please note, I still haven't finish the game, so, I don't know how this will end.

REE Machine

I think im nearing the end of the game slowly
Ellie is at the farm, and has a major ptsd falsshback of Joel being beaten, thats as far as I got but damn she is damaged

my only ONE complaint I have with the game is the order of a certain event that should have happened sooner

people will hate this but this game needed more Abby, now I know what you're thinking but hear me out. I dont mean grown up Abby I mean child Abby with her dad and it SHOULD have happened right at the beginning of the game, the first thing actually. The reason I care about Ellie and Joel so much is because of the dynamic they had and how close they were in the first game. Sure we got snippets of that with Abby and her dad but not enough for me to care as much. The game at the start should have had 3.5 hours of Abby as a kid and her and her dad surviving, much like Joel and Ellie. Defeating clickers together, seeing the dad make sacrifices for her which then makes their relationship not paper thin. Have them struggler and even fight off smugglers and give them hard moments where they have to come together. At some point have them be saved by the fireflies from a pack of hunters and just before they are killed by said fireflies have the doctor explain who he is, the help he can provide, his background etc and knowledge in the field. Then in comes Marlene and thus we see them initiated in the fireflies. Then it picks up months/year later where you see Abby trying to find her dad, save the Zebra together, get word that Ellie and Joel have arrived etc. To then end with her dads death, her crying then the title card finally appears "the last of us part 2" and cut to joel explaining to Tommy what happened while cleaning the guitar. As much as I like Joel this would have given me more time with Abby to understand her, grow a relationship with her and her dad and then watch Joel explain the situation to Tommy and be like "well....you fucked up bro" then we also have established motivation for her character and revenge early on. I feel this one change would have made the story flow just a little more better and overall set the pacing and tone very early.
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Gold Member
Finished the game and the story turned out to be a huge letdown by the end, seriously.

Not the way I was thinking it would end.

Going into spoiler territory here.

Killing Joel should have happened later in the game, not in the beginning.

How they decided to kill the best character right at the beginning of the game was such a bad bad decision. I know it was an attempt to serve as a catalyst for the unfolding events, but shit, when you do this and finish the story the way they did, there's some serious bad writing happening there.

Seriously, this is not nothing against Ellie, playing with her, the whole SJW / LGBT flag, nothing like that, it's simply because those two together shine when they're on the same segments. Their interactions are beautiful and each Joel's appearance along with Ellie it's a bless in this fucking messed up story that completely derailed comparing with the first part.

Call me a madman or a person with a dark perspective, but this game would have ended with a bang if Ellie, unable to kill Abby, because she stills has some humanity left on her (after all her revenge quest), suicides herself because she's tired of living in a shitty world. She misses her most beloved person and the one that truly cared for her - Joel. And to find some peace, she decides that's what she needs to do. Because let's face it, after his death, all she thinks about it's revenge, she doesn't even think for a single time "Hey I'm still immune, maybe there's someone out there that can developed a cure?". She doesn't give a damn about the fucking world she lives in. That's even more evident after the farm sequence when she decides to leave Dina, because she feels she needs to avenge Joel.

That end sequence, with the zooming-in on the guitar, if you saw her hanging by the tree I swear to god I would applaud the courage to do an ending like that and possibly cry like a baby.

Since none of that happened (Abby and Lev live, and she doesn't get her revenge) you're left with an empty ending basically. It doesn't offer any closure. What happened to Ellie? Well, she's all alone as far as we know and that's it.

The only idea that they try to pass on is that her punishment is exactly that, being left alone, which is kind of curious considering the DLC for the first game was called Left Behind.

Another thing that bothered me was all these new factions that the story decided to introduce. Wolves, Scars, Rattlers, specially the last two they just seemed to appear out of thin air, and honestly, they were not necessary to the story. The only reason they added them was because they decided to extend the game too much if you ask me.

Which is weird, because they decided to have two character's that play exactly the same. When you want to do narratives with two characters you should have gameplay variety at some level and it simply does not exist here.

One tool here, one tool there, the gameplay is exactly the same with Ellie or Abby, and even thought the gameplay is super tight and works well, it is not innovative at all.

The survival aspect can be phenomenal at times, but most of the times you always use the same strategies.

Leaving the non-spoiler territory: this is cleary one of the most brutal games I have ever played, graphically it's amazing, I'll give them that.

But the story, specially the story, and the lack of gameplay variety, make this a 7/10 for me. And I'm being nice here.

GOTY? Sorry, but no, not even in top 5 for me. They fucked up the story pretty bad.

PS: I find it extremely awkward that in a game that tries to depict a post-apocalyptic world (in the most possible realistic way), where you have zombie like creatures, a ton of letters of parents talking about their children...you don't even see an infected children.

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PS: I find it extremely awkward that in a game that tries to depict a post-apocalyptic world (in the most possible realistic way), where you have zombie like creatures, you don't even see an infected children.
Going by the lore in the game, such as it were (I'm not saying it makes sense, but these are well-established rules of how things work within the game world), it takes just a little while for someone to turn into a runner. Some two years to turn into a clicker. If you're particularly large and healthy, you may end up as a bloater. In the end though, you'll be pushing spores somewhere, these are not like typical zombies who are basically immortal.

If we are to believe that logic, it seems quite obvious a child would be overtaken by the fungus quite quickly. Thus the reason why you never see them is that they're so short-lived.
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Gold Member
Going by the lore in the game, such as it were (I'm not saying it makes sense, but these are well-established rules of how things work within the game world), it takes just a little while for someone to turn into a runner. Some two years to turn into a clicker. If you're particularly large and healthy, you may end up as a bloater. In the end though, you'll be pushing spores somewhere, these are not like typical zombies who are basically immortal.

If we are to believe that logic, it seems quite obvious a child would be overtaken by the fungus quite quickly. Thus the reason why you never see them is that they're so short-lived.

That's what I like to call convenient logic in terms of narrative. It avoids trouble on your end.
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That's what I like to call convenient logic in terms of narrative. It avoids trouble for your end.
Maybe so, but it's not like this is something new, it was established way back in the first game. And it fits with the narrative of a cordyceps infection (it doesn't make ants or other insects permanent zombies, just long enough for the fungus to spread - seems quite logical that for larger creatures they'd also remain "alive" a bit longer).
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Gold Member
Maybe so, but it's not like this is something new, it was established way back in the first game. And it fits with the narrative of a cordyceps infection (it doesn't make ants or other insects permanent zombies, just long enough for the fungus to spread - seems quite logical that for larger creatures they'd also remain "alive" a bit longer).

Don't forget about Sam. He was a kid, got bitten in the first game and he turned.

They seem totally fine with showing a turning / infected child during the course of a scene of the game and then allowing us to watch his existential crisis, resulting in the deaths of two characters who both Ellie and Joel got attached. Like I said, it's convenient to them as a developer to only allow this at this level.

Because of that, it's just really awkward that you don't see other infected children within the game, considering they're going for the whole "realistic world".
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Don't forget about Sam. He was a kid, got bitten in the first game and he turned.

They seem totally fine with showing a turning / infected child during the course of a scene of the game and then allowing us to watch his existential crisis, resulting in the deaths of two characters who both Ellie and Joel got attached. Like I said, it's convenient to them as a developer to only allow this at this level.

Because of that, it's just really awkward that you don't see other infected children within the game, considering they're going for the whole "realistic world".
Again, we're still talking about a fantasy world, but at any rate - yes, you do see Sam turning. But would he, as a kid, remain alive for long given the progression of the infection? And smaller children still, wouldn't they probably end up dead really quickly?

It's not like you see everyone ever infected in the game, just a small portion of them still "alive". And if they are all adults - that's just statistics for you.

(having said that, I totally laughed my ass of at the zombie baby in the opening episode of Z Nation and would have loved to shoot a zombie baby to pieces in either TLoU)
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Maybe your system and the PS4 are not properly synced up. I use PS4 platinum headphones and it detects 3D audio just fine.
Nah mine is also like that and all my surround settings on my Pro and system are set correctly. There is definitely something wrong with those sound settings in the menu when using proper 5.1 surround sound.


The interactions are still believable in terms of how characters feel and what decisions they make. If you're going to argue that the interactions are less believable because of the science fiction of the games, then you might as well do so for any story in which a science-fiction element is a challenge that the protagonists must overcome.
I disagree. In a world where everyone would have lost relatives and friends, the revenge aspect seems contrived, especially in terms of both characters travelling such large distances and managing to convince others to come along with them. This would have made more sense if the game wasn’t so serious in tone, and made more mythic — which is something that’s would have helped with all the blatant imagery, cruxifixctions, thorn in sides etc—As well.
It would have also been nice to see some actual arguments between characters given the tension in the story, rather than just moody sulking and shrugging. You know, like someone actually cared.


Finished the game and the story turned out to be a huge letdown by the end, seriously.

Not the way I was thinking it would end.

Going into spoiler territory here.

Killing Joel should have happened later in the game, not in the beginning.

How they decided to kill the best character right at the beginning of the game was such a bad bad decision. I know it was an attempt to serve as a catalyst for the unfolding events, but shit, when you do this and finish the story the way they did, there's some serious bad writing happening there.

Seriously, this is not nothing against Ellie, playing with her, the whole SJW / LGBT flag, nothing like that, it's simply because those two together shine when they're on the same segments. Their interactions are beautiful and each Joel's appearance along with Ellie it's a bless in this fucking messed up story that completely derailed comparing with the first part.

Call me a madman or a person with a dark perspective, but this game would have ended with a bang if Ellie, unable to kill Abby, because she stills has some humanity left on her (after all her revenge quest), suicides herself because she's tired of living in a shitty world. She misses her most beloved person and the one that truly cared for her - Joel. And to find some peace, she decides that's what she needs to do. Because let's face it, after his death, all she thinks about it's revenge, she doesn't even think for a single time "Hey I'm still immune, maybe there's someone out there that can developed a cure?". She doesn't give a damn about the fucking world she lives in. That's even more evident after the farm sequence when she decides to leave Dina, because she feels she needs to avenge Joel.

That end sequence, with the zooming-in on the guitar, if you saw her hanging by the tree I swear to god I would applaud the courage to do an ending like that and possibly cry like a baby.

Since none of that happened (Abby and Lev live, and she doesn't get her revenge) you're left with an empty ending basically. It doesn't offer any closure. What happened to Ellie? Well, she's all alone as far as we know and that's it.

The only idea that they try to pass on is that her punishment is exactly that, being left alone, which is kind of curious considering the DLC for the first game was called Left Behind.

Another thing that bothered me was all these new factions that the story decided to introduce. Wolves, Scars, Rattlers, specially the last two they just seemed to appear out of thin air, and honestly, they were not necessary to the story. The only reason they added them was because they decided to extend the game too much if you ask me.

Which is weird, because they decided to have two character's that play exactly the same. When you want to do narratives with two characters you should have gameplay variety at some level and it simply does not exist here.

One tool here, one tool there, the gameplay is exactly the same with Ellie or Abby, and even thought the gameplay is super tight and works well, it is not innovative at all.

The survival aspect can be phenomenal at times, but most of the times you always use the same strategies.

Leaving the non-spoiler territory: this is cleary one of the most brutal games I have ever played, graphically it's amazing, I'll give them that.

But the story, specially the story, and the lack of gameplay variety, make this a 7/10 for me. And I'm being nice here.

GOTY? Sorry, but no, not even in top 5 for me. They fucked up the story pretty bad.

PS: I find it extremely awkward that in a game that tries to depict a post-apocalyptic world (in the most possible realistic way), where you have zombie like creatures, a ton of letters of parents talking about their children...you don't even see an infected children.

The problem with the story was bringing on Haley Gross, it was her that ruined the story. She filled Neil's head with so much bullshit. I feel like she didn't even play the first game and he took on all her ideas.

It doesn't take a genius to work out, we had a good story the first game, they bring on a new screenwriter and the story goes to shit. I don't even know why this is not even being talked about. People think it was all Neil but you watch and listen to interviews, podcasts etc. He pretty much took on all her input and ran with it.


Say what you want about the game. You love it. You hate it...etc
You’re entitled to your opinion

But there’s something different about TLOU2

There are bad games, good games, and great games. But they’re all just games. TLOU2 feels like it’s in a place all by itself. Like it’s more than just a game. It’s more of an event. An epic “THING” no matter if you love it or hate it
Yeah, and they tried the hardest for that, to make it an event. They threw everything at it, including the kitchen sink, which is why it feels so hollow by the end. They should have spent more time on the characters and story, less on the bombast.


It's an amazing game and better than the original but I have a few gripes.

1. Disappointed they didn't bring back the M4 from the original, it would've been so cool to mod it. I'm just not a big fan of that new assault rifle they replaced it with.
2. It's dumb that they don't let you mod the silenced MP5, it needed a scope.
3. I believe they could've fleshed out Abby's father a bit more, maybe another flashback.
4. I expected another new infected or two.
5. Slight spoiler about the faction in the last level.
I know they're supposed to be slavers
but I would've made them legit Neo-Nazis too just for the lulz. But the game already made enough lunatics foam at the mouth I suppose...


Obviously there will be spoilers in here since it's a "spoilerific" chit-chat with Neil Druckmann

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Haven't really had time to start playing the game properly but I can thank Google for spoiling the game for me.

Couple of days ago I googled "whats the concensus on tlou2" and there was a huge open spoiler in the automatically generated "users are also asking" section on top..


Haven't really had time to start playing the game properly but I can thank Google for spoiling the game for me.

Couple of days ago I googled "whats the concensus on tlou2" and there was a huge open spoiler in the automatically generated "users are also asking" section on top..

If you have the game, why would you even Google that?


I just need to add, thank you Naughty Dog for making the hud disapear when not in use, us OLED owners thank you. Makes me less paranoid when I play for hours.


Gold Member
Haven't really had time to start playing the game properly but I can thank Google for spoiling the game for me.

Couple of days ago I googled "whats the concensus on tlou2" and there was a huge open spoiler in the automatically generated "users are also asking" section on top..

Well I read a spoiler before playing the game that actually turned out to be a non-spoiler. And if I'm being honest, I would have preferred that specific spoiler to have happened.
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Neil Druckmann mentions NeoGAF at the 17 minute mark

Yup, it's neoGAF or ResetEra he's been visiting... To vent out his masochism and see people getting angry, indignant, meticulous, fastidious, knifelike, picky, fussy, finicky, grouchy, getting woke, getting all sensitive...
becoming caviling pettifoggers and quibbling pleaders, to see people caviling and quibbling at virtually whatever, launching their tirade and rant against his game, lauching their carping attacks one after the other.
.... and whatnot...
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Yeah the game's definitely lacking with new infected types. Even dogs are a much bigger deal in terms of combat encounters than shamblers.
And the shamblers are basically pimped out bloaters. I feel like they were hesitant to add a bunch of new types since it might mess with the more grounded lore but I mean they added that Rat King thing which was straight out of Resident Evil, they should've just said "Fuck it" and went nuts with the monsters. But maybe next time. I can actually see the infected encounters becoming a bit stale in Part III if they don't add several more types.
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Gold Member
In all honestly, they should just simply remove listen mode from the get-go.

Glad there's an option for disabling it, but it kind spoils the game being enabled from the beginning. When the listen mode simply does not work, for example, most of the time with the stalkers, it's pretty cool.

But then again, they really fucked up the story. Every time I think about this game after finishing it I'm just astonished at how they really managed to fuck this up.

Hell, this reminds me of MGSV but with the additional problem of not having phenomenal gameplay. I clocked 100+ hours into that game, because gameplay is just that good. Not saying TLOU2 gameplay it's bad, but it is not innovative and groundbreaking as some folks make it be.

At least, MGSV exceed in that, and it is, to this date, the game with the best stealth gameplay of this generation.

They should have the balls to do some justice to Joel and make a DLC with him, just to maybe, and that's a huge maybe, save the series a little bit.. But then again, if we get a DLC it would end up probably be with Dina.
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Do they give Abby full 3 days like Ellie? The game is starting to really drag now.

Too many flashbacks, I liked Ellie/Joel for nostalgic purposes and because I was invested in the two characters but what the fuck am I supposed to do with fuckin Owen and Abby? Their story is very simple and didnt need all that padding and extra layers of explanations.

But atleast its part of the main plot.. Now I am at the point where I got to save the asian Scar girls. They saved me I saved them, we were even until sex with Owens made Abby extra nice.

TBH I dont even understand the involvement of the cult. It just feels convoluted just for the sake of making the game longer but I am not interested in this sub-story because its keeping me from playing as Ellie and what happens to her.
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To all those who didn't play it and are hatting on the game I have a few things to say:
- 10/10
- GotY
- One of the best games of this generation
- Laura Bailey with one of the best performance/motion captures of all time.
- Druckmann is no Kojima but he is taking steps in that direction. Dude isn't afraid to take risks.
- Great gameplay.
- ND are legit masters of their craft.
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Gold Member
To all those who didn't play it and are hatting on the game I have a few things to say:
- 10/10
- GotY
- One of the best games of this generation
- Laura Bailey with one of the best performance/motion captures of all time.
- Druckmann is no Kojima but he is taking steps in that direction. Dude isn't afraid to take risks.
- Great gameplay.
- ND are legit masters of their craft.


What risks did Druckmann took with the narrative? The only one that comes to mind is how he and his team butchered the narrative of the game.

And we all know that's not a risk that you should be willing to take.

Risking would be either having Ellie kill Abby or having Ellie suicide herself by the end. You spend an entire journey for revenge just to have a split second "Oh my god I'm so innocent now, everything is beautiful" moment to forget everything that happened. You kill Joel early in the game for this shit? Fucking ridiculous.
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Revenge gets you no where. That's the point of the game, Abby realized it sooner than Ellie did. Unfortunately I don't think the final scene for that revelation is good and spoils what generally is a great game.

I still think about this game regularly even a month onward, I was gifted what I wanted from The Last of Us. The scope of world increases, you're not just fighting random thug survivor #467, you're fighting armed, organized people with identities. Ellie driven by rage walking into an unknown and being a third party in a literal warzone. Abby living out her three days on a different perspective, revenge having fractured her friend group and her drive to even care about The WLF slowly dies.

The three day system was such a nice spin and change on what's happening. These people didn't know it was to be their last, and seeing it after witnessing their end is far more interesting than the other way around. They are just doing their daily routines and never once thought this was their final day on Earth. To take life for granted in this post-apocalyptic hell hole.

Also the composer for the first game is high key boring and lacks emotional impact or intensity so getting Mac Quayle on board was the best thing they could have ever done. An eye for an eye goes in hard.
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Dr Kaneda

What risks did Druckmann took with the narrative? The only one that comes to mind is how he and his team butchered the narrative of the game.
Have you got a source that says the changed the narrative of the game? Only thing I've read is that they changed the ending.



What risks did Druckmann took with the narrative? The only one that comes to mind is how he and his team butchered the narrative of the game.

And we all know that's not a risk that you should be willing to take.

Risking would be either having Ellie kill Abby or having Ellie suicide herself by the end. You spend an entire journey for revenge just to have a split second "Oh my god I'm so innocent now, everything is beautiful" moment to forget everything that happened. You kill Joel early in the game for this shit? Fucking ridiculous.
You know the risks, your existence and your hate is proof of Drukmann genius.
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Gold Member
Have you got a source that says the changed the narrative of the game? Only thing I've read is that they changed the ending.

For me they took a huge risk with the narrative as a whole and the way they approached it.

It's clear that from the shitshow the narrative turned out to be, this was their plan all along.

And it turned out to be an even bigger shitshow because Druckmann decided to change the ending like you said. Apparently it was not his idea yeah, I read that too, but the final call was his, so, it's basically the same thing.

TLOU - Part 1 was special. Everything that was special about that game got ripped apart right at the very beginning of Part 2.

I'd be totally fine if Joel's death would be later in the game and had a more complex and logical conclusion. For a world that is depicted as insanely brutal - Joel's death depicts that extremely well - Ellie became a really softy at the end. Sorry, but that's so unsatisfying. And don't come at me with the crap of "revenge is not worth". Next time remember that before doing a full a game where the main character goes full berserk precisely because of that.

You know the risks, your existence and you hate is proof of Drukmann genius.

Hate for Drukmann? You're wrong. I'm not one of those idiots that sent messages to the man just because his team did what they did to the narrative.

I simply didn't like his work in the game, that's all, and like you I'm entitled to have my own opinion about the game.
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People can say whatever about the story, it’s all opinion, for me this game is all about the tight combat and there’s no denying it’s fantastic.

Beat it on Hard and I’m now in New Game+ on Normal just to mess around. I just love the hand to hand in this game. There are so many seamless animations and surprise ones that come out of no where like breaking enemies arms and awesomeness when using melee weapons. Attacking from sides and behind with momentum gives some great animations I hadn’t seen in my first play through...

...I jumped off a roof onto an enemy with Ellie—without a button prompt to kill from above—I just snuck up from above and jumped onto him with a knife out, Ellie lands and stabs him with one perfect animation as he screams and gurgles on blood. This was the best feeling in gaming I’ve had in a long time. It felt organic and not scripted in any way. This is why this game is so great and whenever possible I go hand to hand or use knives/melee weapons instead of the guns. I only wish there were less guns in this game and more hand to hand, that’s my only gripe.
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